
Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

author:Hibiscus reads

The white dew is frost, and the frost is a white crystal formed by the cold of water vapor, and it is written in the text that "frost falls and shrinks all things".

Intoxicating late autumn, with the arrival of frost, slowly drew an end, the world to this autumn color, this is the last touch of affection in late autumn, since the autumn retreated, winter came. Since ancient times, the sentimental literati inkers have left a lot of popular poems in this season, either cold or warm, and we enjoy Su Shi's "Nanxiangzi Chongjiu Hanhui Lou Presents Xu Junyou" together.

Frost precipitation marks. Light green scales expose the distant continent. The wine gradually faded and the wind was soft and fluttering. Broken hat amorous but in love.

If the festival is rewarded. But cut off Qingzun to Qiu. Everything is a dream, hugh. Tomorrow's yellow flower butterflies are also worried.

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

The poem was written during Su Shi's demotion to Huangzhou. This was a big setback in Su Shi's life, because of the Wutaishi case, he was arrested and imprisoned, and after he came out, he was demoted to Huangzhou as a deputy envoy to the regiment, which was an idle post, equivalent to the deputy captain of the civil self-defense force. After being degraded, Su Shi experienced a complicated mental process.

At first, he was depressed, and then he actively sought and thought about his life, and then he was optimistic and willful, and this song was the second stage of his mental journey, at this time Su Shi was unaccompanied in Huangzhou, and Xu Junyou was in Huangzhou Zhizhou at that time, this person revered Confucianism, the corporal loved the people, and would not despise him at all because Su Shi was degraded. As soon as two people meet, it is like a flesh and blood reunion. Therefore, the words that Su Shi wrote to him can be presented from the words, both melancholy and broad.

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

Appreciation: When the frost falls, everything shrinks, and even the water level begins to drop. The opening chapter of "Frost and Precipitation Traces" reveals this natural phenomenon, because the water level has dropped, and the land in the distant river center has been exposed. "Light green scales expose the distant continent", the continent here and the sandbar of "lonely sandbar in the cold" are one meaning. Because it was late autumn, the river was not as turbulent as in the past, like a warrior with a dead flag, lurking there. These two sentences are written in the autumn high and refreshing, there is a faint melancholy, like smoke.

"The wine is fading and the wind is soft and fluttering. Broken hat amorous but in love with the head" These three sentences write about the feelings after drinking, after drinking, people's emotions and feelings are very sharp, he is aware of the wind, because the weather is sunny, the wind is very small, feel that the wind is soft. The cool little wind blew, and the broken hat on his head refused to fall with the wind.

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

The "broken hat love head" here should be derived from an allusion "Meng Jia dropped the hat" Meng Jia was a member of the army of the great general Huan Wen during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Once the two played, the wind blew Off Meng Jia's hat, Meng Jia still talked and laughed, did not notice, and later described as a talented person who thought quickly and elegantly. Obviously, it is used in reverse, metaphorically ignoring the disputes that disturb the official arena. Let your storm rise, I will not move. There is a kind of self-deprecation, there is a kind of insight, there is a kind of helplessness.

This is the upper part of the word, writing about the observation and feeling of ascending to the horizon. From the metaphor of the last sentence of the previous film, the next film directly expresses his attitude towards life.

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

"If the festival is rewarded. But cut off the Qingzun to autumn", it is the Ninth Festival, why not drink in time to get drunk and relieve a thousand sorrows. Here is a use of the sentence in Du Fu's poem "But the tincture will be rewarded for the festival, and there is no need to climb the sunset of resentment" to show his attitude, isn't autumn going to go? We drink and walk towards autumn, there is no sadness in autumn, there is freedom and happiness. At the same time, we also saw that although Su Shi was politically frustrated, his spirit was not reversed, there were no complaints and complaints, and some were bland and open-minded.

"Everything is a dream at the end", here is his further thinking, life is in the world, and eventually all things will return to emptiness. Su Shi is an ambitious person, the ideal is broken, Wutai poetry case, he did not make substantive mistakes, but was belittled, his inner taste can be imagined, the illusory consciousness of life in his mind enhanced, during this period, he wrote a lot of words about "life is like a dream".

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

For example, in the middle of the Xijiang Moon, he mentioned that "the world is a big dream, and life is cool in autumn", in niannujiao Chibi Nostalgia, he wrote "Life is like a dream, a statue is still in the River Moon", in Jiangchengzi, he wrote "In the dream, he woke up drunk in the dream", and in the drunken Penglai there was "a dream of laughing and laboring for a lifetime", in this desolate place of Huangzhou, Su Shi felt that the fate of life was as bad as a dream, unpredictable, and not resisted by manpower.

If he had not experienced great tribulations, if he had not been in pain, he would not have had such feelings, which reflected his sorrow. But he was Su Shi, and he turned his head to think, fame and fortune, glory and wealth are also all over the clouds. There is no need to dwell on earthly distractions. Life must be full of joy, turning around is not as good as turning around, the changes in the world's things, may be in the moment of turning the mind, Hugh, forget it, the past Hugh should be mentioned again, just let him pass.

Frost fell, the world to this autumn color, Su Shi wrote a poem in the late autumn, broad and sad

"Tomorrow's yellow flower butterflies are also worried", which is a use of the Tang Dynasty poet Zheng Gu's poem "The section goes to the bees and butterflies do not know, and Xiaoting still twists and breaks the stumps", of course, this is the opposite meaning. Su Shi also used in another poem, "Nine Days of The Second Rhyme Wang Gong", "When you meet, you don't have to be busy to go back, and tomorrow's yellow flowers and butterflies are also worried."

"Yellow flower" refers to the chrysanthemum, after the weight of nine, the chrysanthemums are scattered, full of withering, even the butterflies will be sad when they see it. Here once again reiterates the sentiment that "life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon", and the yellow flower of tomorrow is also derived into an idiom, a metaphor for outdated things, in today's words, "do not cry for the spilled milk", life should look forward.

The whole word reads optimistic and broad, and slightly sad, this is Su Shi, although there is no way to serve the country, repeatedly degraded, but what is left to us is open-mindedness is optimistic, during the period of deprecation in Huangzhou, it is the trough of his life, but he used this time to create a large number of poems, but also the highlight of his life.

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