
Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

author:Well-known writer and screenwriter Wang Mei

Text/Yang Jincuo

Editor/Xi Jiehan

The classic music film The Sound of Music, released on March 2, 1965, was directed by Robert Wise and starred Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. The film won best picture at the 38th Academy Awards, for which Robert Wise won best director and Julie Andrews was nominated for best actress.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

The film tells the story of a young and beautiful nun Maria, who is introduced by the abbot to Colonel von Trapp as a tutor due to her unfit for monastic life, and in the process conflicts with the Children of the Colonel from conflict to liking, and from estrangement to love with the Colonel.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

As a musical film, the whole film is reflected by very classical music in the performance of character characteristics, reaction to character psychology, and promotion of the climax of plot development, including "Doraemon", "Lonely Shepherd", "Edelweiss", "The Sound of Music", etc., these music is simple and catchy, listening to the addictive aftertaste.

This film is a spark from the collision of love and freedom. From the soundtrack to the lyrics, from the plot to the structure, all tell the preciousness of freedom and people's yearning for freedom; what is very moving is the sincere love for God, the love for the care of fellow practitioners, the warm love for the family, the love for the soul of the lover, and the deep and deep love for the country that the film shows.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

Through the deep and strange rocks, across the boundless sea, the breath of broad freedom comes to the face. The heroine Mary happily swirled and jumped on the high Winst Mountain, she sang selflessly, completely immersed in the endless bright blue sky and white clouds and green weeds and trees, feeling the nourishment of nature; at the same time, the nuns of the monastery were quietly and orderly praying, and the monotonous gray walls and the outside world formed a strong contrast, making people feel serious and depressed.

By the time Mary finally returned to the monastery, the event was over. Fellow practitioners had mixed reviews of her, but agreed that she was not suitable for a convent. The Dean inspired her to seek "God's will" and see the outside world, so he introduced her to the job of going to Salzburg as a governess, where the Dean did not judge anything, but only respected her nature and let her think and pursue herself.

Later, Mary was troubled by her love for von Trapp, and she returned to the monastery, and the abbot accepted her; when she married the male protagonist, the abbot and the nuns testified for them; when she and the male protagonist von Trapp were hunted by the Nazis, it was also the monks of the monastery who helped them escape successfully. The monastery here symbolizes god's love—selfless, broad, unjudicted, totally supportive of you as yourself.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

There is a detail here that I was particularly touched by, when Mary told the Dean that she already belonged to God and could no longer love anyone else, and the Dean said that loving God and loving others were not in conflict and could exist at the same time. In life, we may limit ourselves and fall into the predicament of "fish" and "bear paws", but many times there is a third choice, and life can be abundant without limits.

When Maria first came to von Trapp's house, the male protagonist's serious discipline of the seven children was still lacking in heart communication, and they did not accept Maria, but Mary tolerated the children's misdeeds, and also made them clothes, led them to play, and taught them to sing, so it can be said that Mary really treats the children as children.

When the Baroness arrived, the children performed the show en masse, gaining the baroness's favor and glorifying their father von Trapp. The male protagonist's attitude towards the female protagonist Maria has also changed from confrontation to appreciation. Later, at the family gathering, the male protagonist saw the children's excellent performance and praised Maria.

It is Maria who promotes the male protagonist and the seven children to enter each other's hearts, the children are also full of dependence, trust and love for Maria, and the whole film is bathed in warm and interesting parent-child time, melodious and refreshing.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

The love in the film includes the eldest daughter Lisa and the jailer, Maria and von Trapp, and von Trapp and the Baroness. The eldest daughter, Lisa, and the celler are sixteen or seventeen-year-olds, the Baroness and von Trapp are polite, realistic adult love, and Maria and von Trapp appreciate each other's heart-moving, shared suffering.

The love of youth is throbbing, beautiful, and immature at the same time; the feelings mixed with too many factors are full of calculation and measurement, there are considerations of the social status of both parties, there are considerations of wealth, there are considerations of reputation, etc., feelings are always secondary; the love of Maria and von Trapp begins with Maria, which stimulates the hidden enthusiasm of von Trapp's heart - enthusiasm for music, love for life and understanding of children, etc., they appreciate each other's elegance, talent, and pure heart. They can dance harmoniously together, or they can face war together and defend their love for their homeland together.

At the end of the film, the cellmate discovers the von Trapp family as part of the Nazis, and von Trapp's calm and composure contrasts with the prisonman's nervous and suffocating performance, and von Trapp says that the prisoner is just a child and will never be like that. One is a mature and attractive man with independent thinking, and the other is a young man who is young and panicked and has no distinction between good and evil.

The emotional line of this film is really ups and downs and gripping.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

The most touching part of the film is the deep patriotic feelings, the male protagonist von Trapp is a retired officer of the Royal Navy, and the film tells us in the tone of the dean that he is "kind and brave".

The male protagonist was elected by the children to sing for the first time in many years, and chose a song "Edelweiss", which sang "Wish my motherland a long life", accompanied by a magnetic soft tone, which could not help but make me as a Chinese have a strong resonance; there is also a detail that when he held a grand banquet, the Austrian flag was still flying at home; when the Nazis invited him to take up a new position in the navy, he chose to refuse and ran away with his family overnight. When the celler found them, von Trapp calmly walked over and snatched the gun from the cellmate's hand, indicating that good would triumph over evil.

In the end, the family regained their lives and set foot on the vast expanse of the Alps, the camera unfolded to the audience, as if immersed, I felt that the soul was also awakened.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

Such love, such freedom, good nourishment and good enjoyment! May every soul be free and abundant, may every love be perfect, and may the world be free and peaceful.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" > author profile</h1>

Yang Jincuo

Psychological Counselor, Mandala Interpreter, BARS Operator, Family Marriage Counselor. Master of Laws, Capital University of Economics and Business. She loves writing and writing.

Only love and freedom can not be disappointed- a brief analysis of the author profile of the movie "The Sound of Music"

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