
Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

author:Hole A C

As a result of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the whole country will face a situation of unanimous resistance against Japan, and the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China also announced the order for the Red Army to be reorganized into a revolutionary revolutionary army, and subsequently, the main forces of the three divisions of the Eighth Route Army after the reorganization went to the front.

Although it was the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, the security of the rear always had to be guaranteed, so the heavy responsibility of defending Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia fell on the head of the left-behind corps of the Eighth Route Army.

Don't look at this group of troops did not rush to the front line, but the garrison corps also has a great role, they cling to the defense line of the Yellow River for thousands of miles, it is still very important.

At that time, there were 9 regimental commanders in the left-behind regiment, who were they? What ranks were awarded later?

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > He Jinnian</h1>

He Jinnian was the commander of the 1st Garrison Regiment at that time.

He was an old revolutionary, and since he was a native of Shaanxi and knew the customs and customs of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region very well, he joined the Communist Party of China in 1928 and the Red Army two years later.

History also has a very special definition of him: one of the founders of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi.

He played a huge role in the first, second, and third anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, and the Red Army's ability to carry out its work quickly after coming to northern Shaanxi was inseparable from He Jinnian's contribution.

In particular, during his tenure as commander of the Eighty-first Division of the Red Army, he commanded his troops to participate in many important battles such as Laoshan and Yulin Bridge, and this scene was seen by the central authorities.

In 1936, the Eighty-first Division participated in the Eastern Crusade Campaign, when there was an enemy directly facing the headquarters of the Red Army, He Jinnian led his troops to repel this group of enemies, defending the safety of Chairman Mao, Zhu Laozong and others and the headquarters organs, and the Red Army praised He Jinnian's heroic deeds.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Therefore, comrade He Jinnian defending the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region is indeed the best choice.

Later, during the Liberation War, He Jinnian led his troops to win a major victory in the Jinxi Blockade Battle, and also liberated Miyun, which also made a major contribution to the peaceful liberation of Peiping.

In 1955, He Jinnian was awarded the rank of major general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > weekly ball insurance</h1>

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhou Qiubao accepted the task of garrisoning the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and served as the commander of the Second Guard Regiment.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Weekly ball protection

In 1929, Zhou Qiubao joined the Chaling County guerrillas, and officially joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army the following year, beginning an organized revolutionary career.

He was an outstanding cadet who came out of the fourth branch of the Red Army, rose from the red army platoon leader to the position of division commander by his own efforts, and also participated in the creation of the Xiang'echuanqian revolutionary base area, and then accompanied the army on the Long March.

What really made Zhou Qiubao show his skills was the Liberation War.

When the Jireliao forces mainly carried out the summer offensive in the Rehe area, Zhou Qiubao was the main force.

He was represented in the Liaoshen Campaign, the Pingjin Campaign, the Battle of Crossing the River and the Ganxi Campaign, and because of his extremely brave fighting style, he always came to the forefront to command, and was wounded many times for this.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Among them, especially in the second stage of the Liaoshen Campaign, he led his troops to block the attack on the local areas around the Shahe camp for three consecutive days, which bought valuable time for the large troops and directly ensured the victory of the Battle of Western Liaoning, and Political Commissar Luo Ronghuan highly praised him.

After the founding of New China, Zhou Qiubao was once again entrusted with a heavy responsibility and served as deputy commander of the navy and chief of staff of the Central and Southern Military Region.

Moreover, he had already built a preliminary defense system along the southeast coast in the early days of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Thus, in 1955, Zhou Qiubao was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Yan Hongyan</h1>

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yan Hongyan served as the commander of the 3rd Garrison Regiment.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Yan Hongyan

Yan Hongyan's revolutionary career was slightly earlier than the above two, he joined the Communist Party of China in 1925, and founded the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Jinxi Guerrilla Brigade.

What really made Yan Hongyan famous was this guerrilla brigade.

Once, Xu Yongchang of the Kuomintang Shanxi Province led his troops to hunt down Yan Hongyan, and under strong pressure, the team was quickly trapped in a mountain forest, and everyone was highly nervous at the time, not knowing what to do next.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Xu Yongchang

At the critical moment, Yan Hongyan persuaded everyone to let the troops break through from the west.

In the end, the troops successfully crossed the Yellow River into Shaanxi Territory, and Yan Hongyan was also elected as the captain of the brigade and participated in the command of the Battle of Pingqiao.

Because the troops were still able to win consecutive battles under these circumstances and raided Wangjiawan, Yan Hongyan also became a well-known figure in the local area.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Yan Hongyan served as the head of the garrison and remained in the Central Committee of Yan'an Security.

During the Liberation War, he participated in many battles such as the Battle of Dingtao and the Battle of Lunan, and also led his troops to block the reinforcements from Bengbu to the north in the Battle of Huaihai, and annihilated the Huang Wei Corps together with his brother troops.

At the end of the Liberation War, because Yan Hongyan's military and political qualities were very strong, he also participated in the work of qing bandit land reform and served as deputy political commissar of the Eastern Sichuan Military Region.

In 1955, Yan Hongyan was awarded the rank of general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Chen Xianrui</h1>

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chen Xianrui served as the commander of the 4th Garrison Regiment.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Chen Xianrui

It is worth mentioning that he has a well-known nickname: the King of Southern Shaanxi.

He joined the Red Army at the age of 15 and began to actively participate in the revolution from the time of the agrarian revolution, making no small contribution.

Since he had fought in southern Shaanxi four times and was still the main creator of the revolutionary base area in Eyu and Shaanxi, he was extremely familiar with the customs and customs of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia area, and since he had devoted himself to the revolution at a young age, it was not surprising that the important task of defending the central authorities fell on his head.

After the Lugou Bridge Incident, the Red 74th Division was reorganized into the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and Chen Xianrui began to serve as the director of the Left Behind Office.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

In fact, by dispatching so many elite troops and strong generals to garrison Yan'an, the central authorities naturally had their own considerations; in the period from 1939 to 1940, there were constantly reactionaries who set off "civil wars," and the Remaining Office immediately decided that Chen Xianrui would serve as the deputy brigade commander of the First Garrison Brigade.

When he was guarding the Central Committee, Chairman Mao had cordial talks with him many times, fully affirming his role.

In 1944, when the people of Henan resisted Japan, the central authorities finally sent Chen Xianrui to advance into western Henan to expand the anti-Japanese base areas, and his appearance laid a profound role in the opening up of the anti-Japanese base areas.

In the following liberation war, many people knew that Gao Shuxun's uprising had caused serious damage to the military morale of the Kuomintang, and the person who negotiated with Gao Shuxun was Chen Xianrui.

In 1955, after a rigorous evaluation, Chen Xianrui was finally awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Bai Zhiwen</h1>

Bai Zhiwen served as the commander of the 5th Regiment.

Many old Red Army soldiers have tragic childhoods, but compared with Bai Zhiwen's childhood experience, many people are considered "lucky".

In 1924, due to the flood, Bai Zhiwen's whole family became a beggar, and his two sisters were also sold to others as servants, the family was so unfortunate, Bai Zhiwen could no longer sit still, and as a young man, in order to alleviate the burden of the family, he took the initiative to run away and came to Shaanxi to join the warlord army.

As his understanding of the world grew deeper, Bai Zhiwen discovered that the warlord forces were all for selfish interests, not really for the sake of the country, so inspired by Guo Ziming and other Communist Party members, Bai Zhiwen eventually joined the Red Army.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Bai Zhiwen

In the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" battle, the 15th regiment led by Bai Zhiwen took the initiative to annihilate the enemy army, in this battle, his own teeth were knocked out twice by bullets, but he still took on the heavy responsibility of being a commander, capturing more than two hundred enemies and capturing a large number of guns and ammunition.

After the battle, the hero's story was also widely circulated, and Peng Dehuai personally took the Minister of Health to visit.

In that famous bloody battle on the Xiang River, he once again led his troops to repel the enemy's attacks, both ribs were broken, Li Tianyou heard the news, personally sent people to carry Bai Zhiwen across the Xiang River on a stretcher, so he successfully arrived in northern Shaanxi.

Considering his bravery in battle, after Xiao Jinguang established the "Liangyan River Defense Command", the deputy commander was Bai Zhiwen, who by the way also served as the head of the garrison regiment, responsible for the fortification from Yan'an to the Yellow River and ensuring the safety of the right-wing area.

In 1955, Bai Zhiwen was awarded the rank of major general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wang Zhaoxiang</h1>

Wang Zhaoxiang served as the commander of the 6th Garrison Regiment.

He joined the Communist Party of China during the agrarian revolution and has been active in the Shaanxi-Gansu region.

At that time, he followed Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, and others, and also served as a member of the Propaganda Committee, making immortal contributions to the expansion of the revolutionary base areas in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Region.

In particular, Shenfu later developed into a base area with a population of 140,000, of which Wang Zhaoxiang had great merit, and Chairman Mao also specially praised him.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Wang Zhaoxiang

Therefore, in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he stayed behind to serve as the head of the garrison regiment and went to the northwest region to participate in many battles to open up the Jinsui anti-Japanese base area and defend the Yellow River.

During the Liberation War, Wang Zhaoxiang also operated in the northeast region.

In 1955, after comprehensive consideration, Wang Zhaoxiang was awarded the rank of major general.

In addition, he is a very famous longevity general in our country, living to the age of 101.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Yin Guochi</h1>

At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yin Guochi served as the commander of the 7th Garrison Regiment.

Unlike other regimental commanders, in 1955, Yin Guochi did not have a military rank.

He joined the Red Army in 1929 and immediately after joining the Communist Party of China, and because of his merits in successive anti-"encirclement and suppression" operations, Yin Guochi was soon promoted to the position of battalion commander.

In the course of the Long March, the defenders of Songming County were annihilated under the leadership of Yin Guochi.

Considering that Yin Guochi had a set of training when leading troops, at the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he was also left behind to carry out the task of defending Yan'an, and was incidentally responsible for reorganizing the troops in the Jinji-Jicha Border Region.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

However, in May 1940, Comrade Yin Guochi died on the way back to Yan'an due to a recurrence of injuries, but the information conditions at that time were very backward, and after his death, the wife and children in the distant family did not know the news of his death.

At that time, two of the three battalion commanders in the first regiment of the Red Army were awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and only Yin Guochi was "absent" forever.

If Yin Guochi did not have an accident, then he would most likely be awarded the rank of lieutenant general or above.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country has never forgotten the hero, and tried every means to find the whereabouts of his family, Yang Dezhi finally found Yin Guochi's family in 1980 with the way of "finding a needle in a haystack", and he could finally let this old comrade-in-arms rest in peace.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wen Niansheng</h1>

At that time, Wen Niansheng served as the commander of the 8th Regiment of the Garrison.

He was a well-known "blacksmith general", who studied with the blacksmith master for a period of time in his youth, and because the master did not pay the worker, Wen Niansheng left his hometown in anger and began a wandering career.

When the Eighth Army of the National Revolutionary Army captured Huarong County, Wen Niansheng finally found his own direction in life: to be a soldier.

However, the life that Wen Niansheng advocated was not a warlord melee, he himself came from a poor family, and after hearing about the deeds of the Red Army, he immediately took a few of his compatriots to join the Red Army.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Born in the year

Due to his cleverness from an early age, Wen Niansheng made rapid progress under the cultivation of the organization, and soon served as the commander of the 10th Regiment of the Third Division of the Red Third Army.

In the battle in Qingyan County, Guizhou, in order to transfer the main force, he led the troops to fight with the enemy for a day and a night, and his waist was unfortunately wounded, and the superior leaders also saw his good potential.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Moreover, Wen Niansheng was also a very interesting person, very good at uniting cadres and soldiers, and when he entered Zunyi City, under Wen Niansheng's suggestion, everyone also carried out a "ceremony to enter the city".

Therefore, when the main force of the Eighth Route Army was driven to the front, the three positions of the west, north and south were defended by hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops, and in order to defend the Yellow River, Wen Niansheng served as the commander of the river defense.

He was located on the west bank of the Yellow River, which was the only way from Taiyuan to northern Shaanxi, and after many brutal battles, Wen Niansheng also successfully completed the task.

In 1955, Wen Niansheng was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Zhang Caiqian</h1>

From 1937 to 1944, Zhang Caiqian served as the commander of the 770th Regiment of the 385th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

The revolutionary began to devote himself to the peasant movement from the jute uprising, and along the way followed the Red Army to participate in many "anti-encirclement and suppression" operations, and also participated in the Red Army's Long March.

Because of his bravery, he had just taken up the position of commander of the 12th Division in 1937, but when the War of Resistance Against Japan broke out, he retired from the division commander to the post of regimental commander and was responsible for the struggle to guard the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.

Who are the leaders of the 9 regiments of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Left Guard Corps? What ranks were they awarded? He Jinnian Zhou Qiu Bao Yan Hongyan Chen Xianrui Bai Zhiwen Wang Zhaoxiang Yin Guo Chiwen Nian was born Zhang Caiqian

Zhang Caiqian

This is seven years.

During this period, he has never left the post of regimental commander, so that the former deputy Hu Qicai has been promoted to deputy commander of the detachment, but he is still a regimental commander, fortunately, his personality is more optimistic, strictly abide by the orders of his superiors, work conscientiously and responsibly, and can realize his own value anywhere.

Sure enough, from the beginning of the Liberation War, Zhang Caiqian began to exert his own value, from the chief of staff all the way to the commander of the Fourth Military Sub-district, and opened up guerrilla base areas.

At the time of the founding of New China, he was already the commander of the 44th Army.

In 1955, Zhang Caiqian was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

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