
The fourteenth time Meng De sacrificed the sword Chen Gong to capture and release Cao Chenggao Bo to stay overnight and was destroyed

author:A pig laughs

The next day, Cao Cao came to Xiang mansion with the Seven Star Sword, saw the people in the mansion, and asked, "Where is Xiang Xiang now?" The slave replied, "In the small cabinet." Cao Cao went straight in and saw Dong Zhuo sitting on the bed, with Lü Bu standing on his side. Dong Zhuo saw Cao Cao and asked, "Why is Meng De late today?" Cao Cao replied, "The horses are old and old, so they are late." Dong Zhuo saw Lü Bu and said, "I have Xi Liang to pay tribute to the BMW, and Feng Xian can personally pick a good horse to give to Meng De." Lü Bu led the order out. Cao Cao said in his heart, "This thief deserves to die!" He wanted to draw his sword and assassinate Dong Zhuo, but he was afraid that Dong Zhuo would be powerful and did not dare to move lightly. Dong Zhuo was fat and inconvenient to sit for a long time, so he lay down on his back and faced inside. Cao Cao was overjoyed: "This thief should be rested today!" The sword was in his hand, just about to prepare for the assassination, but Dong Zhuo saw Cao Cao drawing his sword behind his back from the upper mirror on his back, and hurriedly turned back and asked: "Meng De, why is this?" At this time, Lü Bu had already selected a horse to come to the outside of the pavilion gate, and Cao Cao was very panicked, and in a hurry, he knelt down with a sword and respectfully replied: "I have a sword, and I specially offer my kindness." Dong Zhuo took a closer look at the knife and saw that the knife was more than a foot long, embedded with seven gems, extremely sharp, and sure enough, it was a mouth treasure knife; so he handed it to Lü Bu and received it. Cao Cao unsheathed his sword and handed it to Lü Bu. Dong Zhuo led Cao Cao out of the cabinet to see the selected horses, and Cao Cao bowed down and thanked him: "I am willing to borrow a horse to try riding." Dong Zhuo taught the horse to be equipped with a saddle, and the reins were given to Cao Cao. Cao Cao led his horse out of xiangfu, turned over on his horse, and even added a few whips to the southeast.

The fourteenth time Meng De sacrificed the sword Chen Gong to capture and release Cao Chenggao Bo to stay overnight and was destroyed

Cao Cao offered the sword

Lü Bu was suspicious in his heart and said to Dong Zhuo: "Cao Cao seems to have committed a stab, but he was exposed in time, so he shirked the sacrifice of the sword." Dong Zhuo nodded, "I also have this doubt in my heart." While talking, It just so happened that Li Ru came, and Dong Zhuo told Li Ru about Cao Cao's sacrifice of the sword. Li Ru frowned and said, "Cao Cao doesn't have a wife or a child in Beijing, but lives alone in his apartment." Now someone may be sent to summon him, and if Cao Cao will undoubtedly come in his heart, that is, to offer a sword; if he does not come, he will be stabbed, and he can be caught and interrogated. Dong Zhuo agreed with Li Ru and immediately sent four jailers to summon Cao Cao to see him. After going for a long time, the four people came to report: "Cao Cao did not return to the apartment, and Pegasus came out of the East Gate." When the doorman asked, Cao Cao said, "The minister sent me to have an urgent business," and he rode away. Li Ru said, "Cao Cao's operation of the thief's heart is empty and he fled, it seems that he has committed an assassination." Dong Zhuo was furious: "I use it so much, but it will hurt me!" Li Ru said, "There must be accomplices in this matter, as long as cao Cao is caught." Dong Zhuo immediately ordered that the sea catch the writing, draw pictures and graphics, arrest Cao Cao, have a devotee, reward thousands of gold, seal ten thousand households; the harborers are guilty of the same crime!

Cao Cao escaped from the city and fled to Yu County. One day, passing through Zhongmu County, he was captured by the guards and arrested to see the county order. Cao Cao said, "I am a merchant, and my surname is Emperor Fu." The county commander looked at Cao Cao carefully, and said, "When I was seeking an official in Luoyang before, I recognized that you were Cao Cao, how could I hide it!" And put the comers out of prison, and tomorrow they will go to the Beijing Master to ask for a reward. "And ordered the people to reward the guards with wine and food." At night, the county order sent his confidants to raise Cao Cao from the prison and take him to the backyard for interrogation, and the county order asked: "I heard that Dong Xiang has always been kind to you, why do you still want to assassinate the minister and take the blame for yourself?" Cao Cao replied, "Do you know the ambition of the Birds of The Birds!" Now that you have taken me, you should escort me to Beijing to ask for a reward. Why ask! Xian Lingping stepped back and said to Cao Cao, "Don't underestimate me, I'm not an ordinary worldly official, but I haven't met the Lord." Cao Cao said, "My ancestors have eaten Han Dynasty Qilu for generations, and if they don't think about repaying the country, what is the difference between them and animals?" I bent down to serve Dong Zhuo, just to find an opportunity to assassinate this thief and eliminate harm to the country. Now the assassination has not been accomplished, it is providence! The county order added, "Where is Meng De going on this trip?" Cao Cao said, "I will return to the township, issue an edict, and gather the princes of the world to jointly attack Dong Zhuo, this is my wish." Hearing this, the county commander personally untied Cao Cao, helped him to sit up, and saluted again, saying, "Cao Gong is really a loyal and righteous man in the world!" Cao Cao was also busy returning to worship and asked for the name of the county order. The county commander replied, "My surname is Chen, my name is Gonggong, and my name is Gongtai." The old mother and wife are all in East County. Now feeling that Cao Gong was loyal and righteous, he was willing to abandon this official and go with the public. Cao Cao was very happy in his heart. That night, Chen Gong packed up the road fare, changed clothes with Cao Cao, and each carried a sword on his back, and rode to Cao Cao's hometown.

After three days on the road, the two came to the Chenggao Land Boundary, and it would be late. Cao Cao pointed to the depths of the woods with a horse whip and said to Chen Gong, "There is a man living here." The surname Lu, the name bohao, is my father's brother; it is better to go to the family news first, and then find a place to live for a night, how do you see? Chen Gong said, "So it's best." The two of them came to Zhuangqian and dismounted, and went in to meet Lü Bohao. Lü Bohao said, "I heard that the imperial court was full of documents, and it was very urgent to catch you, and your father had already avoided Chen Liu." How did you get here? Cao Cao repeated the previous events and said, "If it weren't for Chen Xianling, I'm afraid I would have been crushed to pieces." Lü Bohao thanked Chen Gong and said, "If the little nephew is not an envoy, the Cao clan will probably be destroyed." Let junkuan sit down and stay in the grass hut tonight. "Say it, get up and go inside." After a long time, Lü Bohao came out and said to Chen Gong, "The old man's family has no good wine, allow me to go to the West Village to make good wine." After finishing his words, he hurriedly rode on a donkey and left.

Cao Cao and Chen Gong sat for a long time when they suddenly heard the sound of sharpening their knives from behind Zhuang. Cao Cao said, "Lü Bohao is not my closest relative, it is suspicious to go to the back to fight alcohol, you should go to the back to inquire." The two sneaked lightly to the back of the grass hall, but heard someone speaking: "Tie up and kill again, how about it?" Cao Cao was shocked and said, "Yes, if you don't strike first today, you will be captured." So he and Chen Gong drew their swords and rushed in, regardless of men and women, they all killed, killing eight in a row. The two searched for the kitchen, but saw that a fat pig was tied up and ready to be killed. Chen Gong stomped his feet, "Meng De was suspicious and killed a good man by mistake!" The two hurried out of the village and got on their horses.

The fourteenth time Meng De sacrificed the sword Chen Gong to capture and release Cao Chenggao Bo to stay overnight and was destroyed

Cao Cao and Chen Gong

Less than two miles away, I saw Lü Bohao hanging two bottles of wine on the donkey saddle, carrying fruits and vegetables back in his hands. Lü Bohao cried out, "Why did the wise nephew and the envoy leave?" Cao Cao said, "Those who have been convicted do not dare to stay for a long time." Lü Bohao said, "I have already ordered my family to slaughter a fat pig for hospitality, so why should the virtuous nephew and the envoy care about a night?" Please turn the horse's head quickly. Cao Cao ignored Lü Bo's luxury and left. After walking a few steps, he suddenly drew his sword and came back, shouting at Lü Bohao, "Who is coming?" When Lü Bohao looked back, Cao Cao swung his sword and cut Lü Bohao under the donkey. Chen Gong was shocked and said, "Suitable is manslaughter, now why?" Cao Cao said, "When Lü Bohao returned home and saw that he had killed many people, how could he give up?" If you lead the multitude to chase, you and I will suffer. Chen Gong said, "Knowing that the other party is not harmless to people's hearts, but still intentionally killing people, this is definitely not righteousness." Cao Cao laughed and said, "Ning taught me to bear the people of the world, and Hu taught the people of the world to bear me." Chen Gong was silent.

That night, the two traveled for miles, and only in the middle of the month did they find a guest house to stay. After feeding the horses, Cao Cao slept first. Chen Gong pondered, "I thought that Cao Cao was a good person, so I gave up my official position and followed Cao Cao, but I didn't expect that like Dong Zhuo, I was also a fierce and fierce person, and if I left this person today, I would be in trouble." Thinking of this, Chen Gong drew his sword and prepared to kill Cao Cao, but suddenly he thought, "I came here with him for the sake of the country, and it was morally unjust to kill him at this time; it was better to abandon this person and throw him elsewhere." Chen Gong put away his sword, and before dawn, he left Cao Cao and headed for Dong County.

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