
Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions
Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Tan Qijun, at home in the 1980s

Mr. Tan Qijun (February 25, 1911 – August 28, 1992), born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, was a famous historian and historical geographer in China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who has long been engaged in the research and teaching of Chinese historical geography and Chinese history, and is one of the main founders and pioneers of Chinese historical geography. The Historical Atlas of China, which he has edited for more than 30 years, reflects the achievements of Chinese historical geography and related disciplines in a concentrated way, and is by far the most authoritative historical atlas of China. The physical geography of China and the history of physical geography edited by him is of pioneering significance. He has also made great achievements in the research of ethnic history, cultural history, local history, history of geography, and historical geography of Shanghai, and has put forward many unique insights. The main papers have been included in the Changshui Collection (vols. 1 and 2), the Continuation of the Changshui Collection and the Supplementary Edition of the Changshui Collection, and in recent years have been included in the Complete Works of Tan Qihua.

After the death of Mr. Tan Qijun in 1992, his children, Mr. Tan Derui, and four others, in accordance with Mr. Tan's last wishes, donated all the books and materials and related documents collected by Mr. Tan to Fudan University. In 2006, the Institute of Chinese Historical Geography of Fudan University set up a special "Tan Qihua Library" in Guanghua Building. Through the collation and cataloguing of Fudan University Library and the Institute, the "Tan Qihua Library" has collected more than 660 kinds of line-bound books and 4880 volumes, more than 3200 paperback books, nearly 1000 magazines, and more than 2000 pieces of 664 cases of other archival documents.

The line-bound books hidden in the "Tan Qihua Library" are mainly Ming and Qing dynasty engravings, and the parts after the Republic of China are mainly lead prints, and there are a small number of mimeographs. In total, there are 3 kinds of Ming engravings, 381 kinds of Qing Dynasty versions, 246 kinds of Republic of China versions, and more than 30 kinds of versions after 1949. Among them, the more precious ones are the first prints of Qing Dynasty historiography, geography and other works, as well as more than a dozen provincial public opinion maps published by the Republic of China at the end of the Qing Dynasty, some of which are the old collections of Ye Dehui, Xu Naichang, Wu Shijian and others. There are more than 3,200 paperback books, mainly historical works and historical geography books since 1911, including some important works by modern historians. There are also more than 20 kinds of Mr. Tan's criticism of school books, such as "Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties", "Geographical History of Sui Book", "Historical Atlas of China" and so on.

In order to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Mr. Tan Qijun's birth, we have sorted out Mr. Tan's collection of books, selected representative books among them, and planned to compile and publish the "Tan Qijun Library" Book Catalogue, and first selected more than 20 kinds of publications from them for the benefit of readers. Roughly according to the characteristics of the discipline and the time of writing.

1. "Yu Gong"

The Two Volumes of Yugong Zheng's Commentary, written by Qing Jiao Xun, is an engraving of the Eighth Year of Daoguang (1828) and the Half Nine Books

There are "Jixue Zhai Xu Naichang Collection" and "Dai Zhinong Collection Seal"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

"YuGong" is an article in the "Book of Shang", written by about a person from the Warring States period. Borrowing the framework of the legend of Dayu Zhishui, the book adopts the natural zoning method to divide the whole country into nine prefectures, and records the mountains, soil, products, tributes, transportation and other contents of the Yellow River, Yangtze River, HuaiHe river and other river basins, and is the first existing geographical work in China. Qing Confucianism studied "Yugong" more deeply, of which Hu Wei's "Yugong Cone Finger" had a great influence, in 1964, the Shanghai Editorial Office of the Zhonghua Bookstore asked Mr. Tan Qijun to puncture this book, and Mr. Tan recommended Mr. Zou Yilin to sort it out. Jiao Xun's "Yugong Zheng Commentary" is based on Bangu's "Book of Han? The Geographical Chronicle and Zheng Xuan's notes cross each other, and Chengru's Yugong Ban Yishu is based on the Book of Han? The Geographical Chronicle to examine the landscape of Yugong is also an important work for the study of Yugong. Mr. Tan also has a variety of Qing people's works on "Yugong Collection", "Yugong Huizhi", "Yugong Chuanze Kao", "Yugong Ancient and Modern Notes on Tongshi", and other Qing people's studies of "Yugong".

2. The Classic of Mountains and Seas

"Supplementary Embroidery Like Mountains and Seas Jing Guangzhuo", Qing Wu Zhiyi Annotation, Qing Engraving

There are four-square book prints such as "Shiyuan"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is a total of eighteen chapters, each of which was written at different times, about the warring states to the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, of which the other parts are mostly mythological stories except for the "Five Tibetan Mountain Classics" which can be regarded as geographical works. Mr. Tan Qijun once examined the geographical scope of the "Five Tibetan Mountain Classics" and found that the "Mountain Classics" recorded the western Henan, southern Jin, and central Shaanxi regions in the most detail, and deduced that the scope described in the "Mountain Classics" roughly extended from the southeast of Xinjiang in the east, to the eastern section of the Shandong Peninsula in the east, to the north to the yin mountains in Inner Mongolia in the north, and to the South China Sea in Guangdong in the south. It is also concluded that the Classic of Mountains was written after Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms and before the complete conquest of South Vietnam. He also examined the lower reaches of the Shanjing River and its tributaries and found an ancient road that is more detailed than the Yugong River.

Wu Zhiyi's "Supplementary Embroidery like the Classic of Mountains and Seas" has 144 pictures and more than 500 bibliographies, which is an important work after Guo Pu's annotation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Mr. Tan also has a collection of Wu Chengzhi's "Interpretation of the Geography of Mountains and Seas" written by Wu Chengzhi, which is engraved in the Jiaye Hall of the Liu Clan between the Republic of China.

3. Book of Han and Geography

The Four Volumes of the Geographical Records of the Han Dynasty, written by Qing Quanzu Wang, and engraved in Zhejiang Dechen Caotang in the ninth year of Jiaqing (1804).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Mr. Tan Qijun attaches great importance to the two classic works of historical geography, the Book of Han and the Commentary on the Water Classics. The Book of Han and Geography is China's first historical geography, and it is also the first geographical work with territorial political regions as the main body, which has created the style of territorial geography. In 1957, Mr. Tan was invited by the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to compile the "Selected Interpretations of the Book of Han and Geography", taking the six counties of Jingzhaoyin, Henan County, Jiyin County, Bohai County, Yueyue County, and Dunhuang County as examples, pointing out their gains and losses on the basis of previous research, and expounding their scientific value.

The "Geographical Records of the Book of Han" examines the changes in the thirty-six counties of Qin and the western Han counties in more detail. Tan Qijun also has Wang Yuansun's "Hanshu Geography Schoolbook", Wu Chengzhi's "Hanshu Geography Water Road Map Correction", Wang Xianqian's "Supplementary Notes on the Book of Han" and so on.

4. "Water Commentary"

Forty volumes of notes on the Water Classic, Ming Zhu Mou? Note, Wanli Forty-three Years (1615) Li Changgeng engraving

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Li Daoyuan's Notes on the Water Classics is the most comprehensive and systematic comprehensive geographical work in China before the sixth century. In addition to the more than 130 main streams recorded in the Water Classic, the book adds more than 1250 tributaries, detailing the geographical conditions and construction history of the mountains, cities, passes and other mountains, cities, passes through which the river flows, as well as related historical events.

The "Notes on the Water Classics" is a book engraved in the Ming Dynasty for the annotations of the "Notes on the Water Classics", with Wu Zhenben as the base, the Huang Province ZengBen and the Song banknotes and other school texts circulating at that time, which are the best versions that have been circulated to this day. Mr. Tan Qijun has collected more than ten kinds of related editions of the "Notes on the Water Classics" since the Ming and Qing dynasties. On November 19, 1972, Mr. Gu Jiegang wrote to Mr. Tan, suggesting that Mr. Tan organize the "Notes on the Water Classics" and redraw the "Notes on the Water Classics" after completing the "Historical Atlas of China": "Historical geography is sent by the spirit of your life, only you can become this comprehensive undertaking, and you can thoroughly sort out the works of Hong, who have been in the past thousand years from Li to Yang. ”

5. Three volumes of "Continuation of the Wu County Map Classic", written by Zhu Changwen of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the blue print of the Song carved by Wucheng Jiang's Happy Land in the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Written in the Northern Song Dynasty, the WuJun Tujing Continuation is one of the earliest surviving Fang Zhi in China. Its records are mainly based on the borders of Suzhou's Guowu County and Changzhou County, and a small amount involves Kunshan and Changshu Counties. It is divided into 28 doors, such as feudal domains, cities and household registrations, and has rich content. The book is an engraving of the Song Dynasty of Jiang Ruzao of the Republic of China, and at the same time, Jiang Shi also engraved the elaborate "Rhymes of Grass Windows". Mr. Tan has several kinds of red and blue prints from the Republic of China period in his collection, such as the red print of the "Bibliography of the National Beiping Library" written by Zhao Wanli, the blue print of "Three Collections of Biyi" compiled by Tan Xinjia, and the "Examination of the Source of the Books in the Song Dynasty" and other fine engravings of the Republic of China.

6. Fourteen volumes of "List of River Defense", domesticated by Ming Panji, engraved in the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

The book was written by Pan Jitao, a famous minister who governed the Yellow River in the Ming Dynasty, expounding the history of the evolution of the Yellow River and the exposition and experience of predecessors in harnessing the Yellow River, putting forward the policy of "building embankments and harnessing water, attacking sand with water", and also proposing specific measures for the dangerous workers along the Yellow River, which had a great impact on the river management in later generations, and was a representative work on the management of yellow transportation in the late sixteenth century. Classics on the Yellow River, canals and water conservancy are also the focus of Mr. Tan's collection of books, and there are about a dozen such books.

7. The Book of The Disease of the Heavenly Counties and Counties is not divided into volumes, written by Gu Yanwu in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and engraved in the Qing Dynasty

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Gu Yanwu and Gu Zuyu were famous thinkers and historical geographers during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Gu Yanwu wrote the "Book of Guoli Diseases of Tianxia County" and "Zhaoyu Zhi", among which the "Tianxia County Guoli Disease Book" is Gu Yanwu's unfinished book, which has detailed records of the geographical situation, water conservancy, tuntian, border defense, guan pass, etc., and the "Zhaoyu Zhi" records the history of the establishment and the scenic spots of mountains and rivers. Mr. Tan was invited by the National Ancient Books Collation Planning and Publishing Group to preside over the collation of the Zhaoyu Zhi. Gu Zuyu wrote the Minutes of Reading History and Public Opinion. Mr. Tan attached great importance to these works, and when compiling the Historical Atlas of China, he required that the place names of the "Minutes of Reading the History of Public Opinion" should be on the map.

8. The second volume of "Dian Kao", edited by Qing Feng Su, Daoguang Yuannian (1821) Linhai Song engraving

There is Deng Zhicheng inscribed "The Second Volume of the Dian Examination, edited by Feng Su, and the Five Stones Zhai Collection". There is a "Xie Xingyao Zang" seal

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

The book is modeled on the end of the chronicle, recording the construction history and historical events in Yunnan from the Warring States Zhuangtong dian to the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, which was written in the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty, collecting more historical materials from ethnic minority areas, with some myths and legends. Mr. Tan pays great attention to the frontier areas such as the northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest, and collects more books on the geographical evolution, territorial demarcation, and public opinion map of these areas.

Mr. Deng Zhicheng, ziwen ru, Zhai number Wushi Zhai, is Mr. Tan's teacher at Yenching University, a famous historian and bibliophile. He once gave Mr. Tan a set of early banknotes of "Xu Xiake's Travels", which was a six-volume banknote of Xu Xiake's grandson Xu Jianji, and after the book was published in the early 1980s, Mr. Tan returned the original book to Mr. Deng Ke, the son of Mr. Deng, and suggested that he sell it to the Beijing Library. Xie Xingyao was a close friend of Mr. Tan's in Beiping in 1932.

9. The "Four Books of Interpretation" with "Continuation", written by Qing Yan Ruoxuan, and engraved by Qianlongjian in Kangxi

There is a "Rope Wu Lou Zang" seal

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Yan Ruoxuan was a Qing Dynasty scribe, who, together with Hu Wei and others, assisted Xu Qianxue in compiling the Great Qing Unification Chronicle, and was good at examining evidence. He is the author of the "Ancient Texts and Shangshu Shu Shu Evidence", "Four Books of Interpretation", and "Qianqiu Notes". The Four Books of Interpretation of the Land is a correction of the errors involving place names in the Four Books, with 57 articles in the first volume of the "Interpretation of the Land" and 80 articles in the first volume of the Continuation. Mr. Tan also has a six-volume "Zuo Fen's Recent Manuscript" in the QianlongJian QixiTang of the Qing Dynasty, and a four-volume "Annals of Yan Qianqiu" compiled by Zhang Mu.

10. The second volume of "Tongjian Annotation and Correction", written by Qing Qian Daxin, and engraved by Qianlong Fifty-seventh Year (1792) Qianyantang

There is a "Huai'an Shen's Butterfly Ann Collection Book Seal"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

The book is Qian Daxin's revision of Hu San's "Zizhi Tong JianYin Notes", in which the geographical content is mostly and the analysis is exquisite. Mr. Tan has collected four kinds of Qian Daxin's works, as well as 20 volumes of the Jiaqing Period's engraved "New Records of the Ten Driving And Fastings", five volumes of the "Three Histories of Collecting Remains", and 23 volumes of the late Qing Dynasty's printed version of "Twenty-two Shi Kaoyi".

11. Five volumes of "Records of the Waterways of the Western Regions", written by Qing Xusong and engraved by Daoguang Three Years (1823).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Xu Song was a geographer of the Qing Dynasty, and according to the characteristics of most of the rivers in The inland water system of Xinjiang eventually flow into the lake, the whole book describes the xinjiang water system, as well as the transportation, property, reclamation, and urban areas, and attaches a map to the eleven lake areas such as Luobu and Hala. Because it is a field investigation, the book is reliable and is an important document for the study of the history of the Northwest. Mr. Tan also has Xu Song's five volumes of "Tang Liangjing city Fangkao" and two volumes of "Supplementary Notes on the Western Regions of the Book of Han", both of which are engraved during the Qing Dynasty.

12. Sixteen volumes of the Mongolian Nomads, written by Qing Zhang Mu and inscribed in the sixth year of Tongzhi (1867).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

The original intention of the book was zhang mu to fill the gap for Qi Yunshi's "Outline of the Imperial Domain", and the whole book was sixteen volumes, and the last four volumes were written by He Qiutao after Zhang Mu's death. The book records the geographical evolution and major events of Inner and Outer Mongolia from ancient times to the Daoguang years. Mr. Tan also has eighteen volumes of Daoguang's twenty-five-year engraving "Outline of the Imperial Domain", and he Qiutao, a printed version of the Qing Guangxu Dynasty, wrote the sixty-eight volumes of Shuofang Beicheng and the Shuofang Beicheng Illustrations.

13. "Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties", compiled by Yang Shoujing and others in the late Qing Dynasty, engraved in the thirty-second year of Guangxu (1906).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

"Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties" Letter (Tan Qijun Inscription)

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Map of Yinqin County in the Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties

The "Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties" is the most detailed historical map before the publication of the "Historical Atlas of China", and the base map is hu Linyi's "Great Qing Unified Public Opinion Map" of the Qing Dynasty, zhu mo overprint, ancient and modern comparison. From the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States to the Ming Dynasty, the book has a total of 44 chart groups, divided into 34 volumes. The Spring and Autumn Period draws the place names of the "Zuo Zhuan", the Warring States map draws the place names of the "National Policy", and the maps after the Han Dynasty are mainly based on the geographical records of each zhengshi to draw the political districts and mountains and rivers of each dynasty. This collection of books from the Warring States to the Western Jin Dynasty has dozens of articles approved by Mr. Tan. At the beginning of 1955, Tan Qijun went to Beijing to participate in the work of "re-compiling and reimagining Yang Shoujing's "Map of Public Opinion in Past Dynasties", and the earliest idea was to redraw it on the basis of Yang Tu, until 1959, when it was finally decided to use the latest surveying and mapping map as the base map, which truly ensured the accuracy and scientific nature of the "Historical Atlas of China". Mr. Tan, who has the most frequent reviews of this book and a must-have in his workplace, said he broke at least three of them.

14. "Lecture Notes on the Study of Shangshu", "Lecture Notes on the Study of Shangshu", 3-eleven: Geographical Records of the Book of Han, with "Discussion on the Lecture Notes on the Study of Shangshu", edited by Gu Jiegang, Lithograph of the Twenty Years of the Republic of China (1931).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Lecture Notes on The Study of Shang Shu

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

"The Thirteen States Problem of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" in the Discussion on the "Lecture Notes on the Study of Shangshu"

In the autumn of 1930, Mr. Tan entered the History Department of Yenching University as a graduate student. In the autumn of 1931, he took the "Study of the Book of Shang" taught by his tutor Mr. Gu Jiegang, during which he questioned Mr. Gu's thirteen-part statement of the Western Han Dynasty, and teachers and students debated back and forth to solve academic problems, and from then on they became interested in historical geography. Mr. Gu wrote four letters written by the two of them together and wrote another appendix entitled "Discussion on the Lecture Notes on the Study of Shangshu" and printed them to the students as part of the lecture notes. In 1980, Mr. Tan published the "Discussion" draft in the Fudan Journal under the title of "Discussion on the Two HanZhou System to Mr. Gu Jiegang" and "Afterword".

15. The first compilation of the Catalogue of fangzhi of the National Beiping Library, edited by the Beiping Library, and printed by the Beiping Library in the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933).

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Catalogue of Fang Zhi of the National Peking Library (signed by Tan Qijun)

From the beginning of 1932 to the beginning of 1935, Mr. Tan was a librarian at the Beiping Library, and his main job was to compile the catalogue of fangzhi in the collection. By the end of 1932, excluding copies, the book contained more than 3,800 kinds of Fang Zhi. He also created a new compilation of examples, using bold and ordinary characters to distinguish the counties, so that readers can more easily discern the scope contained in Fang Zhi. The preface to the signature curator, Yuan Tongli, was actually written by Mr. Tan.

16. "The Annals of Hu Yinglin", written by Wu Han, Journal of Tsinghua, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1934

There is Wu Han inscribed "Ji Long Brother Correction"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Wu Han, formerly known as Wu Chunhan, is a famous historian. Mr. Tan met Wu Han, who was studying at Tsinghua University in 1931, and after the July 7 Incident in 1937, Wu Han was hired as a professor at Yunnan University, and in 1940, when Mr. Tan went to Teach at Zhejiang University, which moved south, he passed through Kunming and visited Wu Han. In 1955, Wu Han, then vice mayor of Beijing, after receiving the task assigned by Chairman Mao Zedong, recommended Mr. Tan to go to Beijing to compile a historical map, and Wu Han was the head of the editorial board, and the two worked together for eleven years. During the Cultural Revolution, although Mr. Tan had to hand over all of Wu Han's letters, he still kept two kinds of copies that Wu Han sent him, but only scribbled his name. The "Annals of Hu Yinglin" mainly examines the academic and experience of the main genealogists, and also includes his travels, books, etc., and the deeds listed are marked with provenance one by one, which is rigorous and reliable.

17. A volume of "Ancient Acacia Shuwu Words", written by Yu Pingbo and self-printed in the Republic of China, published around 1936

There is an inscription by Yu Pingbo that reads "Brother of the President of Jilong Society, Pingbo of the Mid-Autumn Festival". There are "Deqing Yu Clan" and "Pingbo Works" seals

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Mr. Tan likes to watch Peking Opera and also loves to sing Kunqu opera, and has learned to sing Kunqu opera with Fu Xihua, Zhu Jiahuan, Lu Zongda and others in the National Opera Society. In 1935, Yu Pingbo initiated the establishment of the Guyin Society at Tsinghua University, and Tan Qihua was also a member. In the 1950s, when he was in Beijing, he also often participated in quyou activities, and the main meeting place was at the Yu Residence. The book was handwritten by Yu Pingbo's brother Xu Baoluo, and is exquisitely inscribed, making it a rare version of Yu Pingbo's writings.

18. "Treatise on the Political History of the Tang Dynasty", written by Chen Yinke, the first edition of the Commercial Press in 1943

There is a signature of Fang Hao, "Fang Hao" seal. There is a Mr. Tam school inside

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

On September 8, 1988, Tan Qijun wrote when filling out the form in the ward of Huadong Hospital: "I was deeply influenced by Mr. Gu Jiegang, the master of this master, Gu Jiegang, in addition, the historians of the 20s and 30s, such as Liang Qichao, Wang Guowei, chen Yinke, etc., all had an impact on me. Mr. Tan also has a copy of Mr. Chen Yinke's "Brief Treatise on the Origins of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" published by the Republic of China. Mr. Jiang Tianshu gave Mr. Tan a copy of the Chronicle of Mr. Chen Yinke, which contained several modifications by Mr. Jiang. Fang Hao is a colleague of Mr. Tan's Zhejiang University, who has been engaged in the research of Chinese history and Chinese and Western transportation history all his life, and has written "Chinese and Western Transportation History" and so on.

19. "Fluctuations of The World Climate in The Historical Period", written by Zhu Kezhen, September 1961

Mr. Zhu Kezhen inscribed "Mr. Qijun Save, the author gave"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

In 1940, Mr. Tan Qijun taught at Zhejiang University, which moved inland to Guizhou, and Mr. Zhu Kezhen was the president at the time. As a geographer and climatologist, Zhu Kezhen attached great importance to excavating geographical and climatic data in ancient historical materials. After liberation, Zhu Kezhen became vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he attached great importance to Tan Qijun's opinions and evaluations. In 1972, his article "A Preliminary Study of Climate Change in China in the Past Five Thousand Years" was praised by Tan Qihua. On June 10, 1973, Zhu Kezhen wrote to Tan Qijun, mentioning that two errors in Tan's letter should be deleted, and invited Tan Qijun to serve as an editorial board member of the Historical Geography Group of China Physical Geography. The article "Fluctuations of the World Climate in Historical Periods" uses rich historical documents to draw the conclusion that the climate of China and even the world in the historical period fluctuated, which was later published in the Journal of Meteorology, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1962.

20. "Notes on the Proofreading of the Barbarian Books", written by Tang Fan and annotated by Xiang Da, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1962 edition

There is an inscription on Xiang Da that reads, "Mr. Ji Long Ren Brother taught the right, and presented it to Da Jin, on August 26, 1962, in the wind and smoke of Haidian Spoon Garden"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Xiang Da is a Dunhuang scholar, Chinese and foreign transportation historian, a colleague of Mr. Tan at the Beiping Library and Zhejiang University, and later taught at Peking University. Mr. Tan also kept a copy of the "Tang Dynasty Customs Lecture Examination" presented to Mr. Da.

21. "The Characteristics of Urban Development in Chengde City and Its Transformation", written by Hou Renzhi and printed by Chengde Urban Construction Bureau in 1975

There is Hou Renzhi's inscription that reads, "Comrade Ji Long, when the first draft of this article was revised, I have received your warm help, which is unforgettable." Gift of Benevolence"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Hou Renzhi is a historical geographer, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a professor at Peking University. He Tan Qijun and Shi Nianhai are recognized as the founders and pioneers of Chinese historical geography. He has made the greatest achievements in the theory of historical geography, the historical geography of Beijing, and the historical geography of the desert.

22. "Notes on the Notes on the Records of Zhenla Terroir", the original work of Yuan Zhou Daguan, the annotation of Xia Nai, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1981 edition

There is a Xia Nai inscription "Comrade Ji Long corrected, Xia Nai gave, December 1981"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Xia Nai is an archaeologist, the main guide and organizer of the archaeological work in New China, and has long served as the director of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. In 1971, Xia Nai was responsible for the compilation of the original social site map of the "Historical Atlas of China", and personally excerpted the list of Paleolithic site names, and based on the above map. From the end of 1979 to the beginning of 1980, the two men wrote the "Seven Continents Yang Examination" and the "Seven Continents Ocean Examination" written by Mr. Tan and discussed them many times.

23. "Three Collections of Rivers and Mountains", written by Shi Nianhai, People's Publishing House, 1988 edition

There is a history of Nianhai inscription "Mr. Ji Long corrected, Nian Hai worshiped"

Twenty-three kinds of books to see Mr. Tan Qijun's scholarship and interactions

Shi Nianhai is a historical geographer who taught at Shaanxi Normal University for a long time after liberation. The results of fruitful research on the historical geography, historical economic geography and historical military geography of the Loess Plateau region have been fruitful. Mr. Tan attaches great importance to this book and designates it as a must-read for graduate students. The excerpt from the title on the cover was written by Mr. Tan for easy reference.

Author: Meng Gang (Librarian, Institute of Chinese Historical Geography, Fudan University)

Editor: Chen Shaoxu