
Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

author:Read the funny things about history

Sun Jian Sun Wentai, a native of Fuchun County, Wu County, Zhejiang, was a famous warlord and general at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and a pioneer of the Wu regime during the Three Kingdoms period. According to records such as the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Jian was a descendant of Sun Wu during the Spring and Autumn Period (although the difference between the two was hundreds of years, it was very likely that Sun Jian's military ability and Sun Wu's retirement in Wu were great).

Sun Jian's appearance is heroic and extraordinary, his temperament is broad, and he has a temperament that is different from ordinary people. He was known for his bravery and courage, starting as a county official, and by virtue of his military achievements, he was promoted to the rank of Assassin of Yuzhou, the General of the Broken Pill, and the Marquis of Wucheng. Sun Jian sent troops north from Changsha, marched all the way to the invincible, beheaded Huaxiong, defeated Lü Bu twice, dong Zhuo, the biggest demon leader at the end of the Han Dynasty, because he was afraid of Sun Jian's bravery in battle, actually asked Sun Jian for peace, and asked him to casually mention the list of assassins and Taishou, after being sternly rejected by Sun Jian, he personally went out on his horse and was defeated by Sun Jian, helplessly withdrew from Luoyang, and moved the capital to Chang'an to avoid Sun Jian's attack.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Sun Jian

The Kwantung Coalition Army's Cutting Dong became Sun Jian's exhibition match, and sun Jian at this time could be said to be in the limelight for a while, and the first place at the end of the Han Dynasty was truly deserved. Unfortunately, he did not see the situation clearly, mistakenly decided to participate in the warlord melee, and was shot by Huang Zu's arrows under Liu Biao, and his life that should have erupted into a brilliant starlight came to an abrupt end. What if Sun Jian had a qualified counselor by his side? While lamenting the early death of Sun Jianying, we can't help but leave such a reverie.

"Later Han Shu Dong Zhuo Lie Biography": Zhuo Zi came out and fought among the tombs, Zhuo was defeated, but he tuned the pond and gathered troops in Shaanxi. Entering the gate of Luoyang Xuanyang City, he attacked Lü Bu even more, and Bu Fu broke away.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Yuan Shu :(Yuan Shu) is both a gap with Shao and a disagreement with Liu Biao and a northern connection to Gongsun Zhan; Shao and Zhao are not at odds with Liu Shu and liu biao in the south. His brothers carried two, and they were far from close friends.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

The Kwantung Coalition Route

When Sun Jian was seventeen years old, he took a boat with his father to Qiantang, just in time to encounter a gang of pirates such as Hu Yu robbing merchants of their belongings and sharing the loot on the shore. Pedestrians did not dare to approach, and passing ships did not dare to move forward. Sun Jian said to his father, "These thieves can be caught, please let me do it." Sun Jian's father said, "This is not something you can do." Sun Jian took a knife ashore and pretended to command with his hands, as if he wanted to deploy people and horses to surround the pirates separately. The thieves saw them from afar, thinking that the officers and soldiers had come to arrest them, threw away their belongings in a panic and fled. Sun Jian took the opportunity to catch up and beheaded a pirate to return, which surprised his father, and Sun Jian became famous and was recruited by the state government as an acting lieutenant. In the first year of Xiping, Sun Jian recruited more than a thousand elite warriors as The Commandery of the County, and helped the imperial court to fight against xu chang, an anti-thief who claimed to be the Emperor of Yangming, and after the victory, he was given the title of County.

In the first year of Zhongping, the Yellow Turban thief Zhang Jiao rebelled in Wei County, and in March Jiazi and the thirty-six parties raised the banner of rebellion, and the people of the world responded one after another, burning the counties and killing local officials. The Han court sent the chevalier general Huang Fusong and the Zhonglang general Zhu Juan to lead troops to recruit the Yellow Turban Thieves. Zhu Juan asked Sun Jian to serve as the Sima of the Zuo Army, and Sun Jian led the youth of his fellow villagers and more than a thousand elite soldiers recruited from the Huai and Si areas to fight with Zhu Juan in blood, and he was invincible. The Yellow Turban Thieves in the area of Runan and Yingchuan lost the battle and fled to Wancheng to hold on. Sun Jian, alone, attacked the city tower, and the soldiers followed close behind and captured Wancheng. Zhu Juan reported Sun Jian's merits to the imperial court, and the imperial court promoted Sun Jian to sima of another department.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Bian Zhang and Han Sui rebelled in Liangzhou, and Zhonglang unsuccessfully recruited Dong Zhuo. In the third year of Zhongping, the imperial court sent Sikong Zhang Wen to lead a general to lead the western expedition to Bianzhang and others. Zhang Wen was well aware of Sun Jian's bravery, and sent Sun Jian to participate in the conquest. When Zhang Wen summoned Dong Zhuo to come with an edict, Dong Zhuo delayed for a long time before he was willing to come, and when Zhang Wen rebuked Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo responded unceremoniously. Sun Jian was also present at the time, persuading Zhang Wen to behead Dong Zhuo with military law and listing Dong Zhuo's three major crimes. If Zhang Wen hadn't hesitated, there would have been no Great Demon Leader Dong Zhuo's future Luoyang Rebellion. When Bian Zhang and Han Sui heard that the imperial army was suppressing the territory, their subordinates fled and soon both requested surrender. Sun Jian was appointed by the imperial court for accusing Dong Zhuo of three major crimes.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms • Biography of Sun Jian": "Zhuo is not afraid of crimes and opens his mouth, it is advisable to summon him from time to time, and Chen Junfa will behead him." Guan Zhuo said, not false and public, light and rude, a sin. Zhang, Sui, and Shu Shu have been in the past years, when the time comes to discuss, and Zhuo Yun is not able to do it, frustrated the army is suspicious, and the two sins are also. Zhuo was appointed to the task of being ineffective and was called to stay, while Xuan Ang was self-exalted and the three sins were also committed. The famous generals of the ancients, the battle of the masses, did not continue to behead the demonstrators also.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Dong Zhuo

In the fourth year of Zhongping, Changsha Thief Kou Xing claimed to be a general and led more than 10,000 people to rebel and besiege Changsha City. The imperial court appointed Sun Jian as the Taishou of Changsha and was ordered to quell the rebellion. When Sun Jian arrived in Changsha, he first selected good officials to stabilize the people's hearts and minds, and explained to his subordinate officials: "In the face of goodness, the ruler Cao Wen will follow the rules, and the thieves will pay too much." Sure enough, Sun Jian personally led the soldiers, formulated a combat strategy, and put down the Ouxing rebellion in less than a month. At that time, there were also Zhou Dynasty and Guo Shi leading their people to rebel at Lingling and Guiyang, echoing Ou Xingyao. Sun Jian crossed the border to conquest, and when the enemy heard that Sun Jian was coming, he fled at the sound of the wind, and the three counties of Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang were all shocked. Based on Sun Jian's military exploits before and after, the imperial court made him the Marquis of Wucheng.

In the sixth year of Zhongping, emperor Ling of Han died, and Dong Zhuo entered the capital to depose the young emperor Liu Xie and establish Liu Xie, the prince of ChenLiu, as emperor. Since then, he has been in charge of the imperial gang alone, and has run amok in the capital and acted arbitrarily. All the prefectures and counties raised volunteer troops to attack Dong Zhuo, and Sun Jian also actively raised troops in response. Because Sun Jian was a military general, Wang Rui of Jingzhou often showed contempt for Sun Jian in peacetime, and his words and deeds were unreasonable, and Sun Jian had long been dissatisfied. When Wang Rui's political enemy Cao Yin learned that Sun Jian was about to pass through Xiangyang, he falsely sent a text listing Wang Rui's guilt and ordering Sun Jian to execute him. Sun Jian received The Text and went to Xiangyang to capture Wang Rui, who was forced to swallow gold and die, and by the time Sun Jian arrived in Nanyang County, the army had already reached tens of thousands of people (Sun Jian should be able to distinguish between true and false Text, and it is estimated that this matter should be in the arms of Sun Jian, but it made Liu Biao pick up a big bargain).

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Stronghold of the Kwantung Coalition Army

Before Sun Jian arrived in Nanyang, he had already issued an official letter asking Taishou Zhang Zhi to supply military food, but Zhang Zhi ignored it. When Sun Jian's army arrived in Nanyang, Zhang Zhi was still calm. Sun Jian visited Zhang Jian with cattle and wine as gifts, and the next day Zhang Zhi also brought gifts to thank Sun Jian. While drinking heavily, the changsha master book came in and said to Sun Jian: "Moving forward to Nanyang, and the road is not governed, the military resources are not available, please accept the main book to ask the reason." Zhang Zhi was afraid at this time, but at this time, he could not leave in Sun Jian's camp. Soon, the master book came in again to inform Sun Jian: "Nanyang Taishou stopped the volunteer soldiers, so that the thieves could ask for advice from time to time, please accept the case and engage in military law." So Sun Jian ordered his subordinates to drag Zhang Zhi to the military gate to show the beheading, and all the people in Nanyang County were shocked and afraid, and the military food and materials that Sun Jian's troops wanted were satisfied.

Sun Jian arrived in Luyang and met with Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu's cousin Sun Jian was a general who led the Yu Prefecture Assassination History, and Sun Jian's cousin Yuan Shu was the Taishou of Nanyang, so Sun Jian's troops did not rest in Luyang City and prepared to send troops to attack Dong Zhuo. In the Battle of Luyang, the empty city plan was laid out in the face of danger, which fully demonstrated Sun Jian's outstanding military ability and his courage and strategy. (There were only a few people in the Three Kingdoms who laid down the empty city plan, Cao Cao, Xun Yu, Wen Ping, Zhao Yun, and Wang Ping, and there should also be a place for Sun Jian here))

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms • Biography of Sun Jian": When marching to seek Zhuo, the commander Shi Gongqiu said that the generals engaged in returning the state to supervise the military food. The curtain was placed outside the east gate of the city, and the ancestral road was sent, and the officials and subordinates would be together. Zhuo dispatched tens of thousands of people to ride against the fort, and lightly rode dozens of people to arrive first. JianFangxing talked and laughed, and the edict was rectified and done, and there was no need to act rashly. After riding gradually, he slowly resigned and led into the city. It is said: "Those who do not rise up immediately to the strong will fear that the soldiers will fight each other, and the kings will not enter their ears." "Zhuo Bing saw that the strong soldiers were very well organized, and did not dare to attack the city, but led them back."

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Yuan Shu

In February of the second year of Chuping, Sun Jian led a large army to Luoyang and stationed himself in Liangdong. Dong Zhuo sent the general Xu Rong to launch a fierce attack on Sun Jian, and Sun Jian also ushered in the only fiasco of his life, leaving only a few dozen cavalry to break through. Fortunately, thanks to his subordinates Ai changing Zu Mao into Sun Jian's turban and desperately trying to lure away the enemy cavalry, Sun Jian was able to escape.

"Later Han Shu • Dong Zhuo Biography": Rong Yu Jian, and Zhan Broken Jian, raw bird Yingchuan Taishou Li Min, cooking.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms • Biography of Sun Jian": Jian moved to Tun Liangdong, greatly attacked by the Zhuo army, and Jian and dozens of horses broke out of the siege. He was always naked, but he was close to Zu Maozhi. Zhuo Rode scrambled for Mao, so Jian was spared from the middle road.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Although Sun Jian suffered a great defeat and almost lost his life, he was still mentally determined, and he turned around and immediately gathered his remnants and continued to attack the Yang people. Dong Zhuo sent Hu Yun, Lü Bu, Hua Xiong, and others to lead 5,000 elite soldiers to meet the battle, but because the general lost peace, he was defeated by Sun Jian by night, and the governor Hua Xiong and others were beheaded. Sun Jian was shocked by this battle, and someone took the opportunity to say to Yuan Shu: "If you are strong, you can't copy it, this is to get rid of the wolf and get the tiger." Yuan Shu became suspicious and stopped transporting grain to Sun Jian. The Yang people were more than a hundred miles away from Luyang, and Sun Jian could only go to see Yuan Shu on flying horses all night, and he angrily drew his sword and slashed the ground, saying to Yuan Shu: "Therefore, he was born in disregard of the country, went up to the country to beg for thieves, and comforted the private vendetta of the general's family." Jian and Zhuo Fei have a grudge of flesh and blood, and the general is still suspicious of the rumors! Yuan Shu was ashamed and uneasy in his heart, and immediately allocated military food for Sun Jian.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Dong Zhuo has always been dissatisfied with the Kwantung princes, but he is very jealous of Sun Jian, once saying: "The Kwantung army has been defeated several times, and they are all afraid of loneliness and powerless. However, Sun Jian was a small man, quite capable of employing people, and was a general of the language, so that he would know what to do. After Sun Jian's defeat of Hu Yi, Lü Bu, and others, Dong Zhuo was even more afraid of Sun Jian's bravery, so he sent the general Li Dai to Sun Jian to ask for peace, and as long as Sun Jian listed the list of assassins and county guards, Dong Zhuo agreed to appoint them. Sun Jian refused: "Zhuo has no way against the heavens and overthrows the royal family." If I do not destroy the three tribes of Ru now, and hang in the four seas, then I will not be blinded when I die. Will he be with Nai and the evil? He immediately ordered the army to march towards Dagu, all the way to a place ninety miles away from Luoyang.

When the soldiers approached the city, Dong Zhuo had to personally lead the troops to fight with Sun Jian's army, and was defeated by Sun Jian. In desperation, Dong Zhuo could only leave Lü Bu to cover, and he himself led his army to burn Luoyang, and moved west into Hangu Pass to avoid Sun Jian's power. Sun Jian attacked Luoyang with his troops, defeated Lü Bu again, and the army entered Luoyang. Sun Jian repaired the various imperial tombs and tombs excavated by Dong Zhuo, and after he was done, he led his army back to Luyang to garrison. (According to the Book of Wu, Sun Jianjun recovered the Chuanguo Jade Seal while cleaning Luoyang.)

The Later Han Dynasty Book of Dong Zhuolie's biography of Zhuo Zi and Jian fought among the mausoleums, Zhuo was defeated, but he was in the pond and gathered troops in Shaanxi. Entering the gate of Luoyang Xuanyang City, he attacked Lü Bu even more, and Bu Fu broke away.

Book of Wu: Firmly enter Luo, sweep away the Hanzong Temple, and the ancestral etheric prison. In the south of the Jianjun City Zhenguan Inoue, Dan has five colors of qi, and the army is frightened, and there is no dare to draw. Jianren entered the well, probed the Han Chuan National Seal, and wen Yue "was ordained by heaven, that is, Shou Yongchang", four inches of square circle, five dragons on the upper button, and the upper corner was missing.

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Sun Jian had to pass on the national jade seal

In addition to Sun Jian's men and horses constantly fighting against Dong Zhuo, the other princes of the Kwantung had their own selfish intentions and annexed each other to expand their territory. Cao Cao was the most miserable, and after Xingyang was beaten by Xu Rong, he returned to the sour jujube with a gray face and scolded Zhang Mi and others, he lost confidence in the alliance and temporarily switched to Yuan Shao's banner and Tun Bing Hanoi. Liu Dai killed The Eastern Commandery Taishou Qiaoqiao and led the Eastern Commandery Taishou with Wang Qiu. Yuan Shao also sent Zhou Ang to assassinate Shi of Yuzhou and led troops to attack Yangcheng, which had served as the seat of Sun Jian's assassination of Yuzhou. When Sun Jian received the news, he sighed: "Raise up the volunteer soldiers and save the society." If the thief is broken and each is like this, I should be the one who fights with him! ”

In the third year of Chuping, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao's two brothers turned their faces, and Yuan Shu sent Sun Jian to attack Yuan Shao's ally Liu Biao. Liu Biao sent Huang Zu to attack in the Fan and Deng areas. Sun Jian defeated Huang Zu and chased after Han Shui, so he besieged Xiangyang. When Sun Jian climbed Da Nang Mountain on a single horse, he was shot by Huang Zu's sergeant with a random arrow. After his death, he left four sons: Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Yi, and Sun Kuang, and after Sun Quan claimed the throne, he posthumously honored Sun Jian as "Emperor Wulie".

Emperor Wulie beheaded Huaxiong and defeated Lü Bu twice, beating Dong Zhuoqian to avoid concessions, and was worthy of being the first god of war at the end of the Han Dynasty

Sun Jian died tragically

The materials are referenced from the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms, the Book of the Later Han Dynasty, the Biography of Jiang Biao, the Hero Chronicle, and the Zizhi Tongjian

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