
11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji (1864~1949), the character Laichen, the number of the virtual Zhai. Zhejiang Wuxing Nanxun people. His father, Pang Yunjun, was a huge rich man in Nanxun Town, one of the "Four Elephants of Nanxun". Pang Yuanji was a disciple of the doctor in the sixth year of The Qing Dynasty (1880), and his assistant was The Punishment Department Jiangxi Silangzhong. For the relief of 100,000 yuan, special gifts are given to people, plus four pins of Jingtang.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji painting fan! Pang Yuanji not only has financial resources, but also proficient in appreciation, the collection of bronze, porcelain, calligraphy and painting, jade and other cultural relics, especially the most refined calligraphy and painting, is one of the famous collectors of calligraphy and painting in the country.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! The wealth of Pang Yuanji's collection is the crown of the national private family. There are 20 volumes of "Catalogue of Imaginary Paintings" and 4 volumes of "Continuation". You can imagine the sheer volume of the collection!

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! Pang Yuanji has a private collection of calligraphy paintings that are both abundant and exquisite. Landscape painting method is close to Ni Yunlin, far away song Dongyuan, Ju Ran; Flowers are based on Yun Nantian.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! When Pang Laichen collected calligraphy and paintings on a large scale, it was the turbulent years of the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the People's Republic.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! At the same time, Pang Laichen can draw, knows pen and ink; is also good at copying, can identify counterfeiting techniques, and has the cultivation of appreciation.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! Pang Laichen's contempt for calligraphy seems to have reached the level of contempt, which is unbelievable. None of the five books he published were calligraphic works, and in fact, we don't see any famous calligraphy from past generations in his collection.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! In addition to managing affairs such as calligraphy and painting, these disciples of Pang Laichen's family also copied their own collection of paintings, which were nourished by this, and most of them later became a generation of famous artists, which can prove the tradition of Chinese painting, the mainstream of which began to go from the ancient times. Famous figures include: Wu Qinmu, Zhang Dazhuang and so on.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! Zheng Xiaoxu, a celebrity of the Republic of China, was slightly more conservative, saying that Pang Yuanji "collected A in the southeast".

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! Pang Yuanji treasured his rich collection of ancient paintings and calligraphy in his three "virtual zhai" built in Nanxun Town, Suzhou and Shanghai.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! If you really want to see the collection of "Virtual Zhai", Pang Yuanji will provide the collection according to the strength and appreciation level of the collector for you to enjoy.

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

Pang Yuanji paintings! Ordinary collectors will show you some works similar to the "Four Kings"; more famous collectors can see more valuable collections than the "Four Kings", such as the works of the "Ming Four Families"; only large collectors like Zhang Daqian and Wu Hufan can see the national treasure-level calligraphy and paintings collected by Pang Laichen. The pictures in the text come from the Internet, focusing on calligraphy and painting information city painting garden!

11 paintings by pang Yuanji, the world's most famous collector: privately stored Feng Yijing calligraphy paintings!

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