
Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

author:South Plus client

Zhanmaoyang, which has entered the second "year of cooperation", will continue to push forward the "vertical and horizontal" principle.

On August 2, the second joint meeting of the main party and government leaders of Zhanmaoyang was held in Maoming, where the "package" cooperation plan for the next year was deliberated and adopted, and cooperation was deepened in key areas such as transportation, industry and water conservancy. The meeting made it clear that the three cities should jointly promote the high-quality development of the west wing of the coastal economic belt, in order to strive for the effect of "1+1+1>3".

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

The party and government delegations of Zhanjiang, Maoming, and Yangjiang held the second joint meeting of the principal party and government leaders of Zhanmaoyang in Maoming. Photo by Liu Fu Siming

The three places of Zhanmaoyang have always been connected by the same qi and have a close relationship with each other, and the history of exchanges has a long history. Nowadays, the three places have changed from "fighting alone" to "clenching their fists" and playing a good regional development "chess game". "Since the first joint meeting, the three cities of Zhanmaoyang have developed from 'mutual neighbors' in the original geographical sense to truly 'interconnection', and coordinated development has entered a substantive stage." Ning Ling, vice president of Guangdong Ocean University and executive dean of the Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt Development Research Institute, said.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

On August 6, the A09 edition of Nanfang Daily reported that "Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation": the coordinated development of Guangdong and Western China has entered a substantive stage"

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?


Transportation drives industrial development

Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport, which is scheduled to be put into operation at the end of the year, has attracted the attention of all parties involved in the collaboration.

The airport is located in Tangxiao Town, Wuchuan City, 32 kilometers away from Zhanjiang City and 38 kilometers away from Maoming City, and the property of coordinated development of its service area is obvious.

Zhanjiang proposed that it is willing to work with the two cities to accelerate the construction of the landside collection and transportation system connecting Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport to Zhanmaoyang, build an international aviation hub in western Guangdong, and enhance the ability of western Guangdong to quickly reach the whole country and connect the world.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport under construction. Photo by Guo Longbi

The consensus of the three cities is reflected in the cooperation plan for the new year: "airport" is a high-frequency word, which is involved in transportation infrastructure, airport economic zone, cultural tourism development, ecological governance and other aspects.

In fact, since the construction of the airport, Wuchuan and Huazhou have begun to "rub their fists" and prepare for their respective airport economic zones. The joint construction of Zhanmao Airport Economic Zone is the result of the first joint meeting of Zhanmaoyang. Zhanjiang Maoming signed a framework agreement to jointly promote the planning and docking of the airport economic zone, transportation interconnection and industrial agglomeration development.

When taking stock of the results of coordinated development in the past year, the comprehensive acceleration of the process of air-rail integration in western Guangdong is the highlight.

At present, the Wuchuan branch line of the Shanzhan-Zhanjiang Expressway supporting Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport has been completed and opened to traffic, the buried structural project of the Zhanjiang Wuchuan Airport Section of the Shenzhen-Zhanjiang Railway has been basically completed, the first phase of the Zhanjiang Airport Expressway has started construction in an all-round way, and the preliminary work has begun for the second phase of the project.

At the meeting, the issue of promoting the interconnection of transportation infrastructure was placed in the most important position.

In recent years, the three cities in western Guangdong have introduced major coastal industrial projects, and the development demand for inter-regional coastal industrial trade interconnection and docking of industries in the Greater Bay Area has become more and more vigorous. "The lack of high-speed access connecting coastal port groups, relying on only one Shenhai Expressway to support it is obviously not enough." Some participants admitted frankly.

"If guangdong and western Guangdong want to truly play an important role in the industrial fulcrum of the coastal economic belt, it must regard transportation as the top priority of the coordinated development of Zhanmaoyang and promote industrial development with transportation." Ning Ling analyzed.

"To accelerate the coordinated development process of the three cities, transportation interconnection is the foundation and key." Li Zelin, deputy secretary of the Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee, believes that the three cities should regard the rapid transit infrastructure project as a leading project for regional cooperation.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Yangmao high-speed reconstruction and expansion project bridge construction site.

This time, in addition to clearly promoting the existing planned transportation projects, the three cities in western Guangdong have also made a long-term plan for building an integrated and efficient modern transportation facility system. The west coastal expressway of guangdong, the Zhanmaoyang intercity railway, and the integrated development of the port group in western Guangdong are highly expected. To this end, the three cities will also work together to seek support at the provincial level.

"The three cities of western Guangdong have large-scale ports, solid industrial projects and relatively dense populations, and there is a certain foundation for the development of regional integration." Professor Chen Hongyu, former vice president and professor of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, believes that with the improvement of infrastructure such as airports and high-speed railways, three-dimensional transportation will promote the more efficient circulation of resources in the western Guangdong region.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Industry collaboration

Work together to get more top-level designs

In the west wing of Guangdong's coastal economic belt, petrochemical, wind power, steel and modern agricultural industrial clusters are densely distributed. "The biggest feature of the coordinated development of the three cities in Zhanmaoyang is that 'large platform supports large projects'." Chen Hongyu said, "Zhanjiang and Maoming vigorously develop petrochemical industries, and Yangjiang is led by offshore wind power and alloy materials, and these industrial clusters are very important to Guangdong. ”

The similarity of resource endowments determines the synergy of industrial development. At the meeting, the three cities established a modern industrial system of win-win cooperation: linkage and joint construction of green petrochemical industry clusters with distinctive local characteristics and strong strength, regional tourism brands and modern agricultural industry development clusters.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene Base. Photo by Li Kanghua

The Maozhan integrated base jointly built by Maoming Petrochemical and Zhongke Refining and Chemical is regarded as the forerunner of the coordinated development of Zhanmaoyang industry. Since the establishment of Zhongke Refining and Chemical, Maoming Petrochemical has given strong support in personnel transportation and training, dispatch of technical teams, and support for the start of construction materials. "This year, the annual output value of Zhanjiang green petrochemical industry cluster is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan, becoming the first industrial cluster in Zhanjiang with an output value of more than 100 billion yuan." Zhanjiang executive vice mayor Cao Xing is said. At the end of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Maoming Petrochemical and Zhongke Refining and Chemical had an annual refining capacity of 35 million tons and an ethylene production capacity of 1.8 million tons, which had the conditions to become a world-class refining and chemical base.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

In September 2020, the joint tourism promotion and exchange activity of "Vibrant Guangdong, Wonderful Guangdong West" was held in Changsha.

The cultural tourism industry is a mature area of cooperation among the three cities. The three cities are connected by mountains and rivers, and the humanities are similar, and over the years, the three cities have jointly gone out to promote and promote, creating a regional tourism brand of "vibrant Guangdong and wonderful western Guangdong". Nowadays, the new direction of cooperation is to strengthen the planning and convergence of the coastal tourism industry, integrate resources and differentiate development, connect high-quality coastal tourism resources, and jointly build a Chinese coastal holiday tourism destination.

The three cities will also join hands to create a modern agricultural development agglomeration area. Western Guangdong is rich in tropical crops and aquatic products, and the three cities will work together to expand and strengthen the dominant breeding industry, promote the deep processing of characteristic agricultural and sideline products, and promote the standardization and branding of characteristic agriculture, and work together to build western Guangdong into a permanent agricultural product supply base and a modern agricultural industry base with national characteristics in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Lychee Germplasm Resources Garden in Gaozhou and China Lychee Expo. Photo by Yang Jianxiong

It is worth mentioning that while the three cities have sought a win-win modern industrial system, they have also formed a consensus based on resource endowments and industrial foundations, giving full play to their respective comparative advantages, and working together to strive for more coordinated development of top-level design.

"After more than a year of close cooperation and frequent exchanges, it has formed a development trend in which you have me and I have you." Yuan Gujie, secretary of the Maoming Municipal Party Committee, pointed out when presiding over the second joint meeting that in the first half of this year, the three cities of Zhanmaoyang achieved a total regional GDP of 400.035 billion yuan, with a growth rate higher than the provincial average, and the proportion of the province was further increased.

"Whether it is the ecological transformation of Maoming's petrochemical industry, or the addition of major industrial projects on Zhanjiang Donghai Island year by year, or the flying of the Yangjiang offshore wind power and alloy materials industry, all of them have released a strong signal that the three cities of Zhanmaoyang will carry out coordinated development to the end." Chen Hongyu is optimistic about the prospects for win-win cooperation among the three cities.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Livelihood services

Make up for the shortcomings of water resources in western Guangdong

Subject to the influence of topographical conditions and climate, most of the rivers in the coastal areas of Leizhou Peninsula and Maoming and Yangjiang have short and rapid currents, and their natural regulation and storage capacity is weak. At the end of December last year, a people's livelihood project to reverse the shortage of water resources in western Guangdong, the Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project around the Beibu Bay, was officially launched.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

The hejiang branch of the Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project around the Beibu Bay is located in Maominghua Prefecture, and the construction personnel are making pre-shift safety technical submissions. Photo by Xie Runbo

"The natural storage capacity in western Guangdong is weak, the abundance and drought changes greatly, and the problem of water shortage is becoming increasingly prominent. With the construction of a large number of major industrial projects, higher requirements have been put forward for the safety and security of water supply, and the project will systematically solve the problem of water shortage in western Guangdong. Shen Hongxing, director of the Planning and Planning Department of the Provincial Water Conservancy Department, said.

The project will divert water from the main stream of the Xijiang River to the western Guangdong region, and the 477-kilometer water supply pipeline will connect the cities in western Guangdong more closely, which also means that close coordination between various localities is required.

At the meeting, the three cities made it clear that they should take the initiative to communicate and cooperate, timely assist in solving difficulties and problems in the construction of the project, and efficiently promote the construction of major people's livelihood water conservancy projects such as the Guangdong Water Resources Allocation Project around the Beibu Bay.

"After the completion of the project, the Gaozhou Reservoir will be an important reservoir for the allocation of water resources in western Guangdong, from the 'reservoir of life' in Maoming to the 'water tower in western Guangdong', and the scope of water supply includes the water-scarce areas of Maoming, Yangjiang and Zhanjiang, and the population benefiting from water supply has tripled, from more than 6 million people to more than 18 million people." Liu Wanqiang, deputy director of the Maoming Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, said that at present, the hejiang branch cave test section of the project is being "tested first" in Maoming Huazhou City, which will provide test data for the construction of the main project.

Deepening the docking of people's livelihood cooperation and working together to create a high-quality and livable living circle that is jointly built and shared is an important direction for the cooperation between guangdong and western Guangdong.

According to the cooperation plan, in the field of medical treatment, the three cities have strengthened the exchange of medical and health talents and the joint prevention and control of the epidemic; in the field of ecological protection, the three cities have coordinated to respond to the problems of the water ecological environment in the cross-border basin and properly handled water pollution accidents and disputes; in the field of government services, the three cities have established and improved the "cross-domain communication" working mechanism for government services, bringing a more convenient experience for enterprises and people in the three places to do things in different places.

It is worth mentioning that the Yangjiang Campus of Guangdong Ocean University officially enrolled students this year. Yangjiang expressed great interest in strengthening cooperation and exchanges in the transformation of scientific research achievements and the training of student committees.

The meeting also encouraged the extension of the cooperation level of the three cities, focusing on industrial cooperation, carrying out all-round and multi-level economic and trade exchange activities, and mobilizing more social capital of the three cities to actively participate in cooperation.

Regional observation | Zhanmaoyang cooperation has entered the second "year of cooperation", how to land in the "vertical and horizontal" of Guangdong and western Guangdong?

Reporters observe

Industry, industry

The three cities in western Guangdong are connected by mountains and rivers and cultures, and have been one family since ancient times. However, the more similar the resource endowments, the easier it is to infighting and internal attrition, and the three cities have also suffered a lot for this. Nowadays, we see that the three cities "clench their fists" and imagine the future of Guangdong and Western Guangdong with the posture of hugging the development of the group.

Holding two joint meetings in two years, and the party and government leaders of the three places gathered together, is not only a true portrayal of the deepening of the development strategy of Zhan, Mao and Yang and the coordinated promotion of high-quality development, but also an important signal for the future development of western Guangdong - "industry, industry, or industry." ”

At the second joint meeting, whether it is the construction of transportation infrastructure or the joint prevention and control of ecology, what is highlighted is the formation of a stable development space, and the central theme is to further strengthen the similarity of resource endowments and the synergy of industrial development. In the face of similar geographical environments, the three governments proposed to jointly build green petrochemical industry clusters, regional tourism brands, and modern agricultural industry development clusters with distinctive local characteristics and strong strength, which is a real-time judgment on the development of the western Guangdong region, and is also relying on reform to cope with changes and open up new situations.

Running out of high pace to the sea, from industrial agglomeration to collaborative innovation, from people's livelihood services to ecological joint control, the integration and cooperation of Zhanjiang, Maoming and Yangjiang has gradually become deeper, more solid and wider: the petrochemical industry has accelerated its development, Zhanjiang and Maoming have interacted frequently; alloy material projects have gradually grown, zhanjiang and Yangjiang have gradually formed a complete industrial chain; the cultural tourism market has broad prospects, and the three places have jointly shaped brands... The repeated "hand-in-hand" of Zhanjiang, Maoming and Yangjiang proves the high degree of industrial synergy between the three cities in western Guangdong.

Major projects are frequently dropped, the transportation network tends to be perfect, the flow of resource elements is accelerating, and the development trend of "you have me, I have you" in Cham, Mao and Yang not only injects surging new momentum into the take-off of the western wing of the coastal economic belt, but also opens up the great future of western Guangdong. In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the "three brothers" in western Guangdong will re-integrate, promote their strengths, and the beautiful picture of the sea will be more and more wonderful.


Liu Hongbing, secretary of the Zhanjiang Municipal CPC Committee: This joint meeting of the three cities is a grand gathering to gather consensus and seek common development. Zhanjiang will take practical actions to promote the complementary economic and social advantages, mutual benefit and win-win development of the three cities of Zhanmaoyang on a larger scale and at a deeper level, and jointly create a new situation of high-quality development in the western wing of the coastal economic belt.

Yuan Gujie, secretary of the Maoming Municipal PARTY Committee: As long as we firmly establish the idea of "one family", always adhere to the concept of "hello and I am good to everyone", think and work hard to make one place, and strive to promote the dislocation, coordinated development and common development of the three cities, the cooperation between the three cities will surely achieve a higher level of mutual benefit and win-win results, and make new contributions to the construction of a regional development pattern of "one nuclear, one belt and one region" in the province.

Li Zelin, deputy secretary of the Yangjiang Municipal Party Committee: It is our common wish to promote the high-quality development of the three cities of Zhanmaoyang and enhance the overall comprehensive strength, and I hope that we will join hands more closely and work together to promote Zhanmaoyang to seize the opportunity and win the initiative in the new round of regional competition.

Southern Daily reporter Liu Dongming Han Andong

Coordinator: Liu Jun, Wu Qing

【Author】 Liu Dongming; Han Andong

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value

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