
Emperor Huan of Han was originally a great emperor, and Zhuge Liang had a very low opinion of him, why?

author:Qin Shiyong said history
Emperor Huan of Han was originally a great emperor, and Zhuge Liang had a very low opinion of him, why?

Emperor Huan of Han, Liu Zhi, was the tenth emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, his grandfather Liu Kai was the Prince of Hejian, and his father Liu Yi was Liu Kai's son, who was given the title of Marquis of Liwu, a low rank and far from imperial power. Emperor Han offended Liang Ji, the brother of Empress Dowager Liang, who controlled the government, and was poisoned by Liang Ji. Liang Jishi then made Liu Zhi emperor. In this way, the 15-year-old Liu Zhi entered Beijing from Hejian and ascended the throne.

According to the general historical law, Liu Zhi was young, and he was suddenly transferred from the local government to the central government, the background environment suddenly changed, and there was no force in the DPRK, so he could only honestly let Liang Ji manipulate and be a puppet emperor of Liang Ji.

In fact, Liang Ji thought so, and only then did he welcome Liu Zhi as emperor.

Moreover, the Tangtang Han Emperor was all played to death by Liang Ji, so what could Liu Zhi, who had no political experience and no milk smell, do?

Who knew that Liu Zhi was a genius emperor, after ascending the throne, TaoGuang cultivated obscurity, secretly accumulated strength, and then launched a fatal blow, uprooting Liang Ji and pulling it to the end.

Ironically, Liang Ji originally controlled most of the capital garrison, but because Liu Zhi shot like electricity, Liang's subordinates did not have time to react, and they all tied their hands and captured them.

After Liu Zhi seized the Liang Ji general Yin Shou, he sent him to Bijingdu County.

Bijing County is located in the tropical jungle of present-day central Vietnam, the sky is far away, Liang Ji despaired, committed suicide to thank the world.

The Liang family, including Liang Ji's relatives in the imperial court and in the localities, were all arrested and imprisoned, whether men, women, old or young, all of them were sent to the downtown area to be beheaded, and their bodies were exposed on the streets.

Dozens of officials of the Liang faction, including public secretaries, lieutenant colonels, state assassins, and two thousand stone officials, were killed; in the old days, there were more than three hundred officials and guests who were dismissed, and the entire imperial court was empty.

On that day, the emissaries galloped back and forth from the palace, the three princes and nine secretaries and other court ministers lost their normality, the official palace and the streets and alleys were like boiling water in the ding, and the people of the capital looked at each other and did not know what had happened.

When the news of Liang Ji's suicide came out, the people seemed to wake up from a dream, and they were all happy and celebrated with songs and dances.

Liu Zhi ordered liang ji's property to be confiscated and sold by the government, with a total income of more than 3 billion yuan.

Emperor Huan of Han was originally a great emperor, and Zhuge Liang had a very low opinion of him, why?

According to the "Chronicle of Food Goods", the value of a stone of rice at that time was about fifty yuan, and one stone was equivalent to sixty pounds now, and through parity conversion, one dollar was equivalent to about two yuan now. Three billion dollars is equivalent to about six billion yuan today, which can buy sixty million stones of rice.

According to the calculation of purchasing power, the amount involved in the Liang Ji case is second only to the Manchu Qing and Kun cases, and the amount involved in the Hezhen case is converted into silver for a total of 120 million, which can buy 66 million stones of rice.

However, unlike the Jiaqing Emperor's handling of these stolen funds, Liu Zhi handed them all over to the state treasury and reduced the national tax by half that year. (The stolen money obtained by the Manchu Qing Dynasty Jiaqing copy and Yan should be the state's fiscal revenue for twenty years, but it did not reduce the tax of one penny to the people)

Later, the gardens of Liangji were dispersed to the poor for farming.

He also announced that there would be no more generals and another secretary to strengthen imperial power.

Think about it, the Qing Kangxi Emperor Miao Zhenggenhong, who ascended the throne at the age of eight, was emperor for eight years, and had deep roots, before he dared to attack the powerful minister Ao, but the worship of Ao was talked about and praised by posterity.

In fact, to say that Ao Bai was arbitrary, powerful, and so on, was all kangxi's one-sided words, Liang Ji, but he was a famous "general of the Baohu" in history, but Liu Zhi simply and neatly cut it off, which showed that he was talented and had beautiful means.

What is even more rare is that in the days of Liu Jie's reign in the future, the domestic economy of the Eastern Han Empire continued to develop, and the "Liangzhou Sanming" he reused won consecutive foreign wars, with a registered population of more than 56 million, more than any era in the Western Han Dynasty, holding the same level as the Sheng Tang Dynasty, reaching the upper limit of the land carrying capacity of ancient China.

Because of this, in December of the first year of Yongkang (167 AD), Liu Zhi, 36 years old, died, and was given the nickname "Huan", which is the same as the Duke huan of Qi in the "Spring and Autumn Five Hegemons", which means "to cut through the frontier and serve the distant, to respect the qinmin".

It can be said that in the eyes of the Eastern Han courtiers at that time, Liu Zhi was their "Duke Huan of Qi".

However, it was such a "Duke of Qi Huan" that posterity had a very low evaluation of him.

Zhuge Liang juxtaposes Emperor Huan of Han with the famous Emperor Han Ling, the famous emperor of the fainting, and said: "Pro-Xianchen, far from the small people, this first Han is so xinglongye; pro-xiaoren, far from the Xianchen, after that Han is also decadent." When the former emperor was there, whenever he discussed this matter with his subjects, he did not hesitate to sigh and hate Huan and Lingye. ”


Originally, in order to kill Liang Ji and his gang, Emperor Huan of Han had to conspire with eunuchs, and from then on", "power was exclusively vested in eunuchs".

After the successful removal of Liang Ji, Emperor Huan of Han gave five eunuchs, Shan Chao, Zuo Qi, Xu Huang, Gu Yan, and Tang Heng, the title of marquis on the same day, each with 10,000 households.

Among them, Shan Chao added 10,000 households on this basis, and was known as the "Five Hou".

At that time, the total population of the empire was more than fifty-six million, and the number of households should be about eleven million. Sixty thousand households exceeded five thousandths of the total number of households in the country, and Emperor Huan's reward on that day was really luxurious.

Emperor Huan of Han was originally a great emperor, and Zhuge Liang had a very low opinion of him, why?

In addition, Shan Chao served as a general on the horse, and was appointed as the third duke, which was also the most generous reward for eunuchs in history.

When Emperor Huan did this, the officials of the DPRK and China did not do it, and they and the tai students formed a "party of scholars" to jointly oppose the eunuchs in power.

Emperor Huan thus created the infamous "disaster of the party" and ordered the arrest of more than 200 people.

The "disaster of the party" occurred twice, and everyone believed that this move hurt the fundamentals of the Han Dynasty, that is, the decline and demise of the Han Dynasty, and Emperor Huan had an unshirkable responsibility.

As a result, Emperor Huan of Han was bound by his descendants and put on the label of fainting.

Speaking from the heart, the "Five Marquises" of Emperor Huan of Han also only had five or six good years of good life, and when these "Five Marquises" were threatened and blessed to affect the rule of the empire, Emperor Huan of Han huan did not show mercy, first forcing Gu Yu and Zuo Qi to death, and then demoting all the raiders of Shan Chao, Xu Huang, and Tang Heng to township princes; those whose sons and daughters were all exempted from knighthood, known in history as "one removal of neiyuan".

Although a new generation of eunuchs such as Hou Lan and Duan Si came up later, Emperor Huan would not tolerate their power.

Hou Lan and Duan Si's disciples oppressed the people, and With the support of Emperor Huan, Xiang Tengyan of Jibei brandished his sword on the spot, leaving dozens of people to die on the streets.

Teng Yan was thus promoted to Jing Zhaoyin.

The eunuch Zhang Rang's brother Zhang Shuo was the Yewang County Order, doing good things, doing bad things, murderous and perverted, dismembering pregnant women. Lieutenant Colonel Li Bing ordered that this scum be arrested and chased from Yewang County to Luoyang, from the column of Zhang Rang's home, and after a round of interrogation, he was immediately executed.

Zhang Rang complained to Emperor Huan for wrongs, and Emperor Huan asked Li Bing, why didn't he ask me to execute him first?

Li Bing replied awe-inspiringly: "In the past, Confucius served as the Grand Sikou of the State of Lu and executed Shao Zhengdi in seven days, but now that I have been in office for ten days, I cannot be convicted of delaying time." ”

Emperor Huan then turned back to Zhang Rang and shrugged helplessly, spread his hands, and said, "Your brother deserves it, what can you blame Lieutenant Si Li?" ”

Zhang Rang cried and mourned, unable to make a sound.

Lee came out.

Emperor Huan of Han was originally a great emperor, and Zhuge Liang had a very low opinion of him, why?

Li Bing's power frightened all the eunuchs to "bow and hold their breath", and they did not dare to speak loudly. Even when it came to vacation, he could not shrink in the palace. Emperor Huan asked why, and the eunuchs fell to their knees together, prostrated their heads and cried, saying, "Captain Li." ”

It can be said that Li Bing's ability to do so is inseparable from Emperor Huan's acquiescence and support.

Therefore, in the days when Emperor Huan was in power, eunuchs were not enough to disrupt the government.

The first "disaster of the party" created by Emperor Huan of Han was not executed, and only ten months of imprisonment were released and returned home.

To add a word, Han Huan did not kill the party, but the party member Cen Nuan killed more than 200 mouths of Zhang Meiren's family, who was favored by Emperor Huan of Han Huan, in order to vent his private anger.

The other party members were released from prison, gained fame, and happily returned to their hometowns.

The one who really made the eunuch sit on the throne and get out of control was Emperor Huan's successor, Liu Hong, the Emperor of Hanling.

And the one who killed countless party members and hurt the foundation of the lifeline of the Eastern Han Empire's scholars was also Liu Hong, the Emperor of Han Ling.

The second "disaster of the party" orchestrated by Liu Hong, the Emperor of HanLing, persecuted and killed six or seven hundred people, and a large number of soldiers fled, which became a huge political disaster.

Emperor Huan of Han once conferred the title of "Five Marquises" on one day, and Emperor Ling of Han showed no weakness, and at one time he enfeoffed twelve Zhongchang attendants, of whom Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Feng Chen, Duan Jue, Cao Jie, Hou Lan, Jian Shuo, Cheng Kuang, Xia Yun, and Guo Sheng were adulterous, and the history called "Ten Constant Attendants" was known as the "Ten Constant Attendants".

Anyone who has read the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" knows it, because the "Ten Constant Attendants" are in charge of politics, state affairs are gradually wrong, the rivers are falling day by day, the world is changing, and thieves are swarming.

In a word, it was the Ten Constant Attendants who promoted the demise of the Han Dynasty and were the main reason for unveiling the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms.

In the first episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "Feasting on Taoyuan Haojie Three Knots of Righteousness, Beheading the Yellow Turban Hero's First Meritorious Service", it is said: In April of the sixth year of Zhongping, Emperor Ling was seriously ill and proposed to make Liu Xie, the prince born of Wang Meiren, the crown prince. Jian Shuo, one of the Ten Constant Attendants, suggested: "If you want to establish Liu Xie, you must first kill the great general He Jin, and Liu Xie will be safe in the future." The Ling Emperor then passed He into the palace.

He Jin's sister was Empress He, and Empress He gave birth to a crown prince, Liu Zhen. He Jin knew that the emperor was going to kill himself, refused to enter the palace, and summoned the ministers to his home to discuss how to deal with the Ten Constant Attendants.

When Emperor Ling finally hung up, He Jin lingshi lieutenant Yuan Shao led five thousand imperial forest troops into the palace, and in front of emperor Ling's coffin, he set up his nephew Liu Wei to inherit the throne.

Liu Wei became emperor, and Emperor Ling's mother, Empress Dong, was not very happy in her heart. The eunuch Zhang Rang, one of the Ten Constant Attendants, pushed her to preside over the imperial government, making her crown prince Liu Xie the Prince of Chen Liu and her brother Dong Zhong the general of the Hussars. Zhang Rang himself thus exercised the power of the DPRK and China.

He Jin and his sister Empress He refused to give up on this, and they would definitely want to kill the Ten Constant Attendants first.

Yuan Shao gave He Jin a bad idea: summon shi Dong Zhuo, who was leading the army in Western Liang, to enter the capital to remove the eunuchs.

Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, the destructive power was huge, the country fell apart, and the chaotic world of the three kingdoms competing for dominance suddenly came.

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