
Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

On the afternoon of August 3rd, the Straits Ophthalmology Forum 2019 Cataract and Keratology Summit Forum opened at Shangri-La Hotel, Xiamen, which was the 7th time that the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University held the forum, which was welcomed by ophthalmology experts on both sides of the Straits, and many ophthalmology "big coffee" came to the forum. Xie Lixin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Ruqing, deputy director of the Xiamen Municipal Health Commission, Liu Hui, deputy secretary general of the Xiamen Medical Association, Zhao Kanxing, chairman of the expert committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group, He Shouzhi, head of the national cataract and intraocular lens group, Huang Yibin, director of the editorial department of the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology, the director of the editorial department of the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology, Lin Hongyuan, president of the Ophthalmology Center of Chung Li University in Taiwan, and Zhang Chaokai, ceo of Taiwan Nobel Ophthalmology Group, attended the opening ceremony.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

The opening ceremony of the forum was presided over by Li Xiaofeng, Vice President of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group and Executive President of Xiamen Eye Center.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

This year's forum also carried out the first live broadcast of 3D cataract surgery in Fujian, allowing audiences across the country to feel the magic of 3D surgery through the Internet "boundless".

【Focus】3D surgery live broadcast opens a "new era"

Wear 3D glasses, but not to see blockbusters. On the afternoon of the 3rd, the real-time transmission of images from the operating room of the Wuyuan Branch of the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University was directly transmitted to the forum venue - a cataract operation assisted by a 3D surgical microscope was being carried out.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Zhang Guangbin, vice president of business of Xiamen Eye Center and leader of cataract specialty

Zhang Guangbin, vice president of Xiamen Eye Center, applied the latest generation of 4K Truevision 3D surgery microscope of ALCON in the United States to broadcast cataract surgery nationwide, so that everyone can feel the "mystery" of new equipment and new technologies as if they were there; at the same time, it also means that the cataract surgery of Xiamen Eye Center has entered the 3D era.

Everyone is familiar with 3D movies, but 3D surgery may still be very unfamiliar. For ophthalmologists, the 3D surgical system directly "liberates" their necks – they can stare directly at the 3D glasses to gain insight into the patient's intraocular problems, no longer need to focus on the microscope for a long time.

In addition, 3D surgery also improves efficiency. The organs and tissues in the human body are composed of three-dimensional space, and 3D technology can enrich the spatial conformation; compared with 2D images, the stereoscopic degree of 3D images is more plump, and the details are clearer - the rich visual experience of doctors makes surgical operations simple and more accurate, the intraoperative trauma is smaller, and the surgical time is shortened, providing a basis for improving the patient's surgical experience.

【Direct attack】"Heavyweight" characters gather to "pass on the scriptures and send treasures"

The Straits Ophthalmology Forum Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum has been successfully held for 7 sessions and has a greater influence on both sides of the Straits.

This is a grand event to cultivate "connotation". More than 300 ophthalmology experts from both sides of the strait attended the meeting, and there was no shortage of "heavyweight" figures.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor Xie Lixin, the only academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in the field of ophthalmology in China

Professor Xie Lixin, the only academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in China's ophthalmology community, has participated in the Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum for many years to "pass on the scriptures and send treasures" to colleagues who came. This year, Professor Xie Lixin brought his research topics in the field of cataracts to explore the intersection of intraoperative expertise.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor He Shouzhi of the General Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor Guo Haike of Shanghai Peace Eye Hospital

Professor He Shouzhi of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army of Chinese and Professor Guo Haike of Shanghai Heping Eye Hospital are well-known cataract experts in China and "old friends" of the Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum, and have personally participated in the lectures every session. Colleagues in the ophthalmology community across the taiwan strait also doubled their favor for this grand event - Professor Lin Hongyuan of the Ophthalmology Center of Chungli University in Taiwan shared his research experience in the selection of irregular astigmatism crystals.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor Lim Hung-yuen, Center for Ophthalmology, Chungli University, Taiwan

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor Ge Jian of the Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University is also the "guest of honor" of the forum. Of course, the sharing topic he brought is also the level of "big coffee" - "Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Closed Angle Glaucoma".

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Professor Ge Jian, Director of the Strategic Committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Zhao Kanxing, Chairman of the Expert Committee of Huaxia Eye Hospital Group

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Wu Huping, Vice Dean of Business of Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University

In addition to the "heavyweight" figures sitting, the forum also invited many rookies in the ophthalmology industry to "show muscles" on the stage, focusing on the clinical or academic frontiers, which was wonderful.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

Huang Yibin, Director of the Editorial Department of the Chinese Medical Association Journal and the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology

The guests praised the forum and the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University.

Xie Lixin: Xiamen Ophthalmology Center is academically upright, which is very important for the academic development of ophthalmology in China. Innovation is not only an individual, but also a discipline, but also a fundamental driving force for national development. Xiamen Eye Center's corneal disease specialty can develop rapidly, and a very important point is innovation.

Huang Yibin: This forum is named after the Straits Ophthalmology Forum for the first time, and it is of great significance to invite experts from both sides of the Straits to gather together to discuss and improve academics. I have known Professor Wu Huping and Professor Zhang Guangbin of Xiamen Eye Center for many years, and they have made great progress in academics through unremitting efforts over the years, and are now also members of the Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology of the Chinese Medical Association. I sincerely hope that they will lead their team in Xiamen Eye Center and achieve greater achievements in academics.

【Revealed】Strong strength attracts the base to "take root"

It is reported that the "main theme" of this forum revolves around cataracts and corneal diseases for two days. In addition to the exchange and promotion of ophthalmology "big coffee" from both sides of the Strait, the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University was also selected into the LenSx "Spark Plan" and established a standardized training base for corneal cross-linking.

At the forum, the Xiamen Eye Center affiliated to Xiamen University became the first hospital in China to be awarded the LenSx "Spark Project" Femtosecond Cataract Surgery Academic Exchange Camp.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

It is not easy to be selected for the LenSx "Spark Program" - first of all, the hospital must have a successful experience in developing femtosecond cataracts and have a certain academic influence in the region, in addition, it must be interested in promoting the development of LenSx femtosecond cataract surgery in China. The cataract specialty of Xiamen Eye Center shows the public the strength of "dry goods" - the department's diagnosis and treatment level of conventional cataracts, difficult cataracts, congenital cataracts and presbyopias has reached the international advanced level, and is the benchmark in the field of cataract treatment in China.

After the establishment of the exchange camp, it means that the cataract experts of Xiamen Eye Center are the inheritors of LenSx's "Spark Project" and teach their experience to fellow doctors. Doctors with different needs can match different hospitals for exchange and learning, and personalize the learning and exchange plan. That is to say, the "Spark Project" can provide a steady stream of "energy" for the growth of the domestic cataract echelon, and bring cutting-edge technology.

At the same time as the "Spark Plan", there is also a corneal cross-linking standardized training base.

Xiamen," a "big coffee" in ophthalmology on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and the 2019 Cataract and Corneal Disease Summit Forum came to a successful conclusion

The corneal cross-linking standardized training base chose Xiamen Ophthalmology Center as the "starting point", which has its considerations.

First of all, the Xiamen Eye Center has a strong strength in the Ocular Surface and Corneal Disease Specialty. In 2008, the center was the first to establish an eye bank in Fujian Province, which is one of the top ten eye banks in China, and the annual corneal transplant surgery volume ranks among the best in the country, and the surgical technology has been praised by Professor Xie Lixin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The clinical application of corneal collagen crosslinking technology is very extensive, which brings new hopes for the treatment of diseases such as keratoconus, iatrogenic corneal dilation and corneal ulcers. Xiamen Eye Center has accumulated rich experience in corneal collagen crosslinking technology - Lin Zhirong from the specialty of ocular surface and corneal diseases and Professor Wu Huping, the leader of the discipline, edited and published the first corneal crosslinking monograph in China, "Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Technology and Clinical Application", which has become a "must-see treasure book" for surgeons who practice this. In addition, the specialty has also introduced a series of crosslinking equipment developed by Avedro in the United States, which can shorten the traditional crosslinking surgery from 30 minutes to several minutes.

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