
Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

author:Deng Haichun

To be born in a troubled world is fortunate for the noble, because they have countless opportunities; for most people it is unfortunate, "prosperity, the people suffer; death, the people suffer." In this chaotic world during the Warring States period, how many people want to get ahead, but unfortunately there is no way to serve the country, even Qin Xiang Zhang Yi, is not also a "snob", in order to enter the eyes of King Huiwen of Qin; before Lü Buwei became Qin Xiang, he was only a businessman who was not recognized by the world, and today's protagonist Fan Ju is also a "humble person" with great talent, please follow the author to see the great achievements of this person who did not lose to Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei:

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

1. Escape from death and enter Qin

Fan Ju was once a Wei man, and he was full of economics, hoping that his travels around the world would be reused, but to no avail, he had to return to his home country and work under the Wei state's doctor Xu Jiamen. Once, Xu Jia sent an envoy to the State of Qi on behalf of the State of Wei, taking Fan Ju with him, and they stayed in the State of Qi for several months, but did not make any progress and prepared to leave. However, when King Qi Xiang of the State of Qi heard that Fan Ju could speak eloquently, "it was to make people give Sui ten pounds of gold and cattle wine", the implication was that he wanted to keep Fan Ju, fan Ju did not comply, and this matter reached Xu Jia's ears, and he was furious, "Thinking that Sui was holding the Wei state's yin affairs, so he got this gift." Xu Jia did not punish Fan Ju, but played a sinister trick, "let Sui accept his cattle wine, return his gold", since Fan Ju received the wine and meat, then put his treason on the ground!

Therefore, after Xu Jia returned to the State of Wei, he reported the matter to Wei Qi, the chancellor of the State of Wei, and Wei Qi was also furious after hearing this, and indiscriminately whipped Fan Ju again. At that time, Fan Ju pretended to be killed, so Wei Qi sent someone to roll him up with a mat and throw him in the toilet. He also let the guests of the banquet get drunk, and took turns to pee on Fan Ju, deliberately insulting him in order to punish a police officer. Fan Ju's enmity with Xu Jia and Wei Qi was thus concluded, and Fan Ju, who pretended to be dead, took advantage of an opportunity to say to the guards: "If the public can come out of me, I will thank the public generously." The guards could not bear Fan Ju's suffering, so they quietly let Fan Ju go, and then hid under the pseudonym "Zhang Lu" with the help of zheng Anping of Wei, waiting for the opportunity.

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

The so-called "great difficulty and immortality will have a blessing", King Zhaoxiang of Qin sent Wang Ji to envoy the State of Wei, Zheng Anping pretended to be an errand boy, waiting for Wang Ji, once, Wang Ji asked him: "Is there any sage of the State of Wei who is willing to follow me into Qin?" Zheng Anping took the opportunity to recommend Fan Ju and agreed to meet at night. After meeting Fan Ju, before the conversation was finished, Wang Ji was impressed by the words of this man named "Zhang Lu", so he decided to take him back to the Qin Kingdom. However, Fan Ju's luck was not so good, after entering the border of the Qin State, not long after, Wang Ji and his party encountered the most powerful person in the Qin State at that time, Wei Ran. Wei Ran did not like lobbyists, Fan Ju was afraid of being insulted by him, so he hid in the car to avoid trouble, and not long after Wei Ran arrived, after a greeting with Wang Ji, he deliberately beat Wang Ji with "disturbing the ears of the people" and left. Before Wang Ji could catch his breath, Fan Ju said, "Hou Zhishiye, who has seen things late, suspects that there are people in the car and forgets to ask for it." I will regret it. So I got out of the car and left. It didn't take long for Wei Ran to return, check the car, and found no one, so he gave up. Fan Ju then smoothly entered Xianyang.

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

2. Delight the king with clever words and stimulate the king with wisdom

I thought that I would be able to use it after entering Qin, but not only Marquis Wei Ran, but even King Zhaoxiang of Qin did not like lobbyists, so Fan Ju had not had the opportunity to see the King of Qin for a year when he arrived in Qin. It is better to seek others than to seek oneself, so Fan Ju wrote to analyze the situation and internal affairs of the Qin state, thinking that the "four nobles": Yonghou, Huayangjun, Jingyangjun, and Gaolingjun were just "empress dowagers, and private wealth is more important than the royal family". And with the Lord in his heart: "Those who have merit have to be rewarded, those who have ability have to be official, those who work hard are generous, those who have done a lot of work are honored, and those who can rule the people have great officials." Therefore, the incompetent dare not take office, and the able are not allowed to conceal" to allude to King Qin Zhaoxiang," so King Qin Zhaoxiang said, "It is The King of Qin Zhao, who is xie wangji, so that Fan Sui will be summoned by a car. "

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

Once Shang Martin saw Qin Xiaogong three times before convincing Xiaogong to be reused, Fan Ju felt that he did not have such good luck and could see King Zhao three times, so he went to the palace gate, pretended not to know that it was the passage of the inner palace, and went inside. At this time, when King Qin Zhao came out, the eunuch became angry, drove Fan Ju away, and scolded: "The great king is coming!" Fan Ju deliberately shouted, "King Qin Ande? Qin had the empress dowager and Hou Hou'er." When king Zhaoxiang of Qin heard this, he stopped the two from arguing, and apologized to Fan Ju, saying: "Stealing Min Ran is insensitive, and respects the courtesy of the guest and the lord." After entering the palace, King Zhaoxiang of Qin shielded him and asked Fan Ju, "Why is Sir so fortunate to teach the widow?" Fan Ju muttered twice, did not answer, Qin Zhaoxiang King asked again, Fan Ju still muttered twice, the third is still the same, Qin Zhaoxiang King long kneeling and said: "Mr. Zhaoxiang unfortunately taught the widow evil?" Seeing that the "desire to capture the old and indulge" had already worked, Fan Ju no longer resigned, and then he offered diplomatic tactics to King Zhaoxiang of Qin, and had to pay homage to Qingqing, and after that, Fan Ju was trusted by King Zhaoxiang of Qin day by day.

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

3. Correct the chaos and cut out the four expensive

When Fan Ju entered Qin, King Zhaoxiang of Qin had been on the throne for more than thirty years, but the power was sidelined, and Empress Xuan of the harem interfered in politics, Empress Xuan's younger brothers Marquis Yong and Huayang Jun held heavy power, and King Zhaoxiang's younger brothers Jingyang Jun and Gao Lingjun all held military power, but King Zhaoxiang was limited everywhere, and he had empty ambitions but was powerless to exert them. One day, Fan Ju took the opportunity to speak and display the scourge of the four nobles: "If you hear that Qin has empresses, Marquis Rang, Huayang, Gaoling, and Jingyang, you do not hear that they have kings"; "Now there are people who have ranks above all the great officials, down to the king, and there are no people who are in the country." King Zhaoxiang woke up like a dream, so he seized the power of the empress dowager, expelled Marquis Rang, Gao Lingjun, Huayang Jun, and Jingyang Jun from the capital, and appointed Fan Ju as Qin Xiang, at this time it was already forty-one years since King Zhaoxiang of Qin ascended the throne, and with the help of Fan Ju, he finally regained power.

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4. Disintegrate and combine longitudinal, help Changping

At that time, the Qin state in the west was jealous of the six kingdoms, and the qin state was getting stronger and stronger day by day, making the anxiety of the six kingdoms in Shandong deepen day by day, so the righteous people of the world gathered together to discuss how to unite the six kingdoms to resist the qin state. King Zhaoxiang of Qin was worried, but Fan Ju saw through people's hearts and said to King Zhaoxiang: "The people of Qin yu the world do not have grievances, and those who gather together and attack Qin are rich and noble with their own desires." In order to relieve wang Shang's worries, Fan Ju sent Qin Chen Tang Sui to carry a beautiful girl band and gold thousands of pounds to the Zhao Kingdom to "send money", which not only bribed the world's strategists, but also caused infighting among the world's strategists who participated in the covenant of indulgence, which played a role in disintegrating the six kingdoms.

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

In the Battle of Changping, which was decided on the hegemonic position, in order to defeat the Zhao state, Fan Ju also used the anti-plot to paralyze the Zhao state when Wu Anjun became the commander of the Qin army in secret. In order to end the war as soon as possible, Fan Ju ordered people to infiltrate the Zhao state and hype: "The evil of Qin, the son of Zhao Kuo, who is afraid of Ma Fujun And Zhao Kuo, is the general", and the King of Zhao believed that it was true, and replaced Zhao Kuo, who only knew "talking on paper", into the main general of the Zhao army, and this key decision buried 450,000 patriotic soldiers of the Zhao state, making the Zhao state defeated.

Compared with Zhang Yi and Lü Buwei, what are the advantages of Fan Ju, who is also Qin Xiang?

In addition, Fan Ju is most famous for his strategy of "long-distance and close-range attack", that is, to make good friends with Chu and Qi in the distance, focusing the attack on Wei and Han, so that Qin can gradually encroach on the land of the Three Jins and sound the death knell for the Six Kingdoms of Shandong. However, Fan Ju's fate was not much better, and the benefactors Who had recommended him, Wang Ji and Zheng Anping, were not angry, one surrendered to the Zhao State, and the other was reported to collude with the princes of other countries and was beheaded, and Fan Ju, who could have continued to sit in the phase, had to let Xian, and finally died of depression.

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