
The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

author:Ji characters

"A soldier dies for a confidant, and a woman is for a person who pleases herself"

In ancient times, celebrities not only paid attention to the birth of the world, looked down on life, and the word righteousness also occupied a great proportion in their hearts, which is probably why Guan Yu received the author's love in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and was shaped to be a god.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

When it comes to the Three Kingdoms, there are many pit kings, such as Lü Bu, who killed two dry fathers, He Jin, the great general who pit his sister, Liu Chun, who pits Lao Tzu's lifelong inheritance, and Cao Cao, who pits his own son and loves the general, but these pit kings are absolutely small compared with the first pit king of the Three Kingdoms that will be talked about next.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

This person is known as the first pit god in Chinese history, because he himself fled, so that more than a dozen people were killed because they took him in, and the relatives implicated are innumerable, which can be called a great plague god, and wherever he goes, he is unlucky. Who is this person?

Zhang Jian is also.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

Zhang Jian is a native of Zoucheng, Shandong, and his family also has a foundation, his father once served as a Taishou, and he himself was promoted to Maocai. Later, he became the postmaster. The so-called postmaster is the district prosecutor who goes to the county to check on the conduct of officials. For example, when Liu Bei was a county lieutenant, he encountered the inspector and finally took the whip, the second brother took the candle, and the third brother took the handcuffs to get the inspector a good look.

When Zhang Jian was a postmaster, he did a big thing, he dug up a local strong grave, picked up the contents, did these things, and wrote a report to present.

Why did Zhang Jian do this? Buried in this grave was Hou Lan's mother.

Who is Hou Lan? When the Great Eunuch. Hou Lan's hometown is in Shan County, Shandong, he was a great eunuch in the middle of the dynasty, of course, the family is very powerful, and it is normal to do something to bully the people by the way. This just falls within the scope of Zhang Jian's work. Zhang Jian initially made a report, but the above did not listen at all, so Zhang Jian was angry and dug up the grave of the old woman.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

This was worse than Cao Cao's beating the eunuch's uncle to death with a stick. And speaking of it, it is a bit excessive, the deceased is big, can not hold the son of others, bullying other people's dead mothers what is the skill?

At this moment, he formed a vendetta with Hou Lan. However, Zhang Jian was famous, and at that time, the scholars were good at commenting on the characters, and Zhang Jian was rated as one of the eight, that is, a generation of masters.

In addition, there were eight kitchens and eight gu eight jun, and there were many comments, even the emperor knew, and the emperor asked them what it meant to engage in evaluation. The eunuch replied that they might engage in string strings and prepare for rebellion.

That's it, get me arrested.

In this regard, a special crackdown on the scholar clan was launched, known in history as the Party Gong Movement.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

As soon as Zhang Jian listened, he pulled out his foot and slipped away.

How to slip it?

History: Lookout Gate Drop Stops.

It is to see the big door household, either acquaintances, or not acquaintances, but self-reported home, and then asked for shelter.

Zhang Jian's fame was great, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was an era of heavy righteousness, and when he heard that Zhang Jian had come, he desperately wanted to take him in.

The most famous example is Zhang Jian walking to Kong Rong's door. Zhang Jian and Kong Rong's brother Kong Rong were friends, but Kong Rong was not there that day, kong Rong was there. When Zhang Jian heard that he was not there, his face changed, and he ran away without a door, which was a certainty. Kong Rong saw that something was wrong, so he asked him what the reason was, and then he took Zhang Jian into custody.

After this matter was exposed, Kong Rong and Kong Rong were arrested. The two people scrambled to take responsibility, Kong Bao said that the other party came to find me, my brother just acted for me, Kong Rong said, taking Zhang Jian was my own idea. At this time, their mother also ran out and said that her son was mine, that he had committed a crime, and that I would be responsible.

In the end, after the trial, Kong Bao took charge and sentenced him to death. When Kong Rong was a child, he let his brother have a pear, and when he was older, he let his brother have a life.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

What about that frugality? Continued to escape, and finally relied on friends to send out the plug and escaped with a life. Later, he lived to more than eighty.

However, this escape killed more than ten families, and even more were implicated, according to history: In its experience, there were dozens of heavy-handed people, and the clan relatives were all destroyed, and the counties and counties were destroyed.

So is he right?

In fact, it was not right, he originally had two choices, one was not to escape.

For example, at that time, the leader of the scholars, Li Bing, was also arrested, and others gave him a message, but he did not flee, saying: "Do not resign from difficulty, do not escape punishment for crimes, and the festival of ministers is also." I am sixty years old, and I have a destiny in life and death, and I will be at peace!

He ran to the prison to report to prison, and was finally tortured to death.

There was also Fan Huan, who was also among those arrested, when the governor received an order to arrest him, the inspector did not want to arrest him, but not to arrest is to disobey the order, anxious to cry at home, Fan Huan heard it, said that this must be because of my reasons, he ran to the county court. When the county commander looked at it, he was greatly surprised and said why did you come here, you hurry up, I will not do it, I will run with you.

As soon as the county order threw away the official seal, it was going to drag him to run.

Fan Huan didn't run, saying that if I ran, wouldn't it bother you?

When Fan Huan's mother heard about it, she ran over to comfort him, saying that although you will die when you go, your name can be ranked with Li Bing, so why worry about death.

Fan Mu also said a very famous saying: I want to make Ru evil, and evil cannot be done; if I make Ru good, then I am not evil.

I want to teach you to be evil, but evil cannot be done, you are good, that is, I do not do evil.

You see, this kind of temperament, isn't it more free, of course, this is at the cost of life, then there is a second way, hide yourself.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

For example, there was a scholar named Xia Fu, who looked down on Zhang Jian's behavior, saying that his own affairs should be borne by himself, how could he involve others.

When he fled, he did not ask for help, but shaved his beard, and then fled to the mountains to hide his name and work as a servant to the family of the ruler of the iron, and no one knew who he was for three or four years.

So what if someone who has committed a crime comes to the door and asks for shelter?

For example, there is a man named Cen Nuan, who works as an errand boy in the county and instigates the county guard to arrest a person named Zhang Fan, this Zhang Fan is indeed not a good person, usually a eunuch, and is also a hegemon in the local area. However, after being arrested, it happened to encounter the emperor's amnesty for the world, and Yu Nuan still asked Taishou to kill Zhang Fan and exterminate the entire family of 200 people.

After the incident, the emperor wanted to arrest Cen Nuan. Cen Nuan ran to the home of Jia Biao, the leader of the Tai students, and wanted Jia Biao to take him in. After all, Jia Biao is also a scholar, and everyone is dealing with eunuchs.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

But Jia Biao closed the door and couldn't see him, at that time, people at that time criticized Jia Biao, thinking that he was not righteous enough, but Jia Biao said that people like him broke into a catastrophe, I was eager to personally destroy him, and wanted me to shield him?

After explanation, everyone was convinced by Jia Biao's behavior.

It can be seen that the first is to do things to have their own responsibilities, and do not add trouble to people when there is nothing to do, let alone the trouble between life and death. In addition, when encountering those who ask for help, do not blindly lecture on morality, but consider the nature of the other party, it is worth helping, not worth helping.

To be a person, you must know how to refuse, otherwise you will die of exhaustion sooner or later.

Reading history is far more interesting than reading novels, because history is a long scroll with endless puzzles, not to mention that there is still a lot to learn from it. I'm often asked what books I'm good to read, and I always suggest that he read history books. There has never been a country with such a rich historical record as our country, all the variables of human social activities are written in China's history books, you want to see the problem more thoroughly, you can read history, you want to step on the pit less, you can read history, you want to figure out the relationship between people, you can read history. Even when you are in a bad mood, you can read history.

The first pit god in Chinese history, do you know how much pit there is? Even Kong Rong's brother was killed

Thousands of people's lives and deaths are up and down, you turn the page, how many princes will slip through your fingers, and the dialogue with you is the emperor and general, will you still be confused by the small questions in front of you? Therefore, if you want to know more about historical wisdom, you should read more and carefully read the "Zizhi Tongjian". After all, in all the history books, the Zizhi Tongjian is almost a book that can comprehensively improve the quality of people in all aspects, and after reading it, it is equivalent to living for 1300 more years. But for the general public, reading the text is still more difficult.

Therefore, because the scholars who compiled this book are all scholars of traditional Chinese studies, they respect the original text, translate it word by word, and add more than one word, in order to get close to and restore the original meaning of "Zizhi Tongjian".

It is not explained by a "modern vision", and it is even more uneven. As a history buff, it's a good deal to start with this set:

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