
Is the Six Paramitas the Buddha's Endless Dharma Collection the Great Wisdom Theory

author:Master Wuguang

The Great Wisdom Treatise, made by Nagarjuna Bodhisattva

Volume Seventy-Nine

Sixty-sixth of the Exhortation

"Ananda, if there are good men and good women who are holding the deep Prajnaparamita, then they are holding the past, future, and present Buddhas, the three bodhisattvas. Ananda, if a good man and a good woman now offer to me, respectfully, respectfully, admiring, incense, incense, incense, clothes, veils; I should receive Prajnaparamita, read, speak, approach, offer, respect, respect, praise, incense, and even hata. Ananda, offering Prajnaparamita, is to provide for me, and also to the past, the future, and the present Buddha. If there is a good man or a good woman who hears of the deep Prajnaparamita, whose faith is pure, who respects and loves music, then he is pure in faith, and he respects and loves music in the past, the future, and the present Buddhas.

  "Ananda, Ru Ai Le Buddha, do not give up, when love Balabhara Mi Mo renounced! Ananda, Deep Prajnaparamita, or even a word, should not be lost! Ananda, I said that there are many causes of exhaustion, but now I will say a little. If I am the Venerable One, Prajnaparamita is also the Venerable One. For this reason, Ananda, all kinds of causes and conditions have taught Prajnaparamita. Ananda, now I am in all the heavens, men, and asuras of the world! Those who desire not to give up buddhas, not to give up the Dharma, not to give up the monks, not to give up the past, the future, and the present Buddhas Agandhara, the three bodhisattvas, be careful of Moshe Prajnaparamita! Ananda is the Disciple Fa that I have taught.

  "Ananda, if a good man and a good woman are held in deep Prajnaparamita, reading, speaking, and remembering, and repeating all kinds of wide explanations of righteousness for others, and teaching and performing smoothly, respectively, they are easy to understand, and it is a good man and a good woman who are sick with the three bodhisattvas of Ajanta Dora and close to Sabhara. Why? Prajnaparamita gave birth to the Buddhas Ajanta Dora Sambodhi . Ananda, the past and future Buddhas Ajanta Dora Sambodhi were all born from Prajnaparamita; now in the East, South, West, and North, the four dimensions, up and down, the Buddhas Agandhara Sambodhi are also born from Prajnaparamita. For this reason, Ananda, the bodhisattva Mahāsa who wants to attain the three bodhisattvas of Ajanta Dora, should learn the six paramitas! Why? Ananda, the six paramitas are the mother of the bodhisattva Mahasattva, who was born to the bodhisattvas. Ananda, if there is a bodhisattva Mahasattva who is six paramitas, all deserve the three bodhisattvas of Agandhara. For this reason, I repeat the six Paramitas!

  "Ananda, is the six paramitas are the endless Dharma collections of the Buddhas. Ananda, the ten Buddhas of the Ten Directions, are now said to have come out of the Six Paramitas; in the past, the Buddhas also learned from the Six Paramitas and attained the three bodhisattvas; the future Buddhas also learned from the Six Paramitas, and received the three bodhisattvas. The disciples of the Buddhas of the past, the future, and the present have all learned from the six paramitas, and they have attained the degree of extinction, and they have attained, have now attained, and deserve to attain the degree of extinction. Ananda, Ru is known to the people, so that all beings in the three thousand worlds can obtain the arhat fruit certificate, but not for my disciples; if Ru teaches the bodhisattva Mahasa with the corresponding sentence of Prajnaparamita, then I rejoice in my disciple's affairs, and I will win the teaching of the three thousand worlds to obtain the arhat fruit.

Is the Six Paramitas the Buddha's Endless Dharma Collection the Great Wisdom Theory

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