
In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

author:Shi Hai pounced

Romain Rolland has a saying that goes like this: "There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, still love life." ”

To apply to the body of Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen, that is, after seeing the truth of the imperial power technique, he can still remain kind.

Zhu Jianshen was the eldest son of Emperor Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen, and should have been the successor of the empire's key training, even if Zhu Qizhen did not make him a prince at the beginning, at least he should have grown up carefree.

But Zhu Qizhen's impulsive decision changed the fate of all the people in the empire.

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

In the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, Zhu Qizhen's imperial driver personally conquered Walla, and was defeated and captured at Tumu Fort, and the news spread back to Beijing, and the Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar.

Everyone is looking for their own balance for this change. A group of people led by Xu Heng advocated moving south to avoid disasters; While Yu Qian and others insisted on defending Beijing and guarding the gates of the country; and the Wara Taishi also wanted to take Zhu Qizhen hostage to earn more benefits;

Zhu Qiyu, who was still the King of Jianguo, was forced to take over this mess because he was the only adult bloodline of the imperial family, and Empress Sun still wanted to keep the throne of her son Zhu Qizhen, and even if she agreed to Zhu Qiyu' imperial throne, she also insisted on making Zhu Jianshen the crown prince.

Zhu Mi, who was only 2 years old at the time, was forced to get involved in this whirlpool.

Then, with the victory of the defense of Beijing, Daming survived the crisis, and many people breathed a sigh of relief, and only the two people who were forced to do so were uncomfortable: Zhu Qiyu and Zhu Jianshen.

Zhu Qiyu had to accept the fact that the captured Town of Zhu Qi had actually returned, but the empire could not have two emperors at the same time. After a year of imperial power nourishment, Zhu Qiyu no longer felt that he was cleaning up the mess, and naturally did not want to give up the throne. However, he was not a fierce heart, and he would not completely eliminate Zhu Qizhen's eternal troubles, so he could only lock Zhu Qizhen in the Southern Palace and imprison him.

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

Although Zhu Jianshen, who was the crown prince, was in the deep palace with his parents, he could not see each other all day. The uncle did not love him, and although the imperial grandmother had the heart to take care of him, she could not directly fight for Zhu Jianshen because of the safety of her son Zhu Qizhen.

Under the imperial power, there is no family affection.

Soon, even the crown prince's honor, Zhu Qiyu, also took it and left it to his son. A child under ten years old tastes the warmth and cold of the world at a young age.

Therefore, Zhu Jianshen did not like to laugh or talk since he was a child, and he had stuttering problems, and he could not get timely training and correction.

Zhu Jianshen's childhood was gray, suffering made people precocious, and it was also a personal teaching of imperial power.

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

At the age of ten, Zhu Jianshen witnessed it with his own eyes, and his father once again regained the throne. In order to justify the imperial throne, he did not hesitate to kill the meritorious hero Yu Qian, and then abolished Zhu Qiyu's title of Emperor, and gave him a bad name, and also abolished Zhu Qiyu's title of prince who died early, in order to avenge the imprisonment of the Nangong.

Therefore, Zhu Jianshen became the prince again. Looking back on these years, he was innocent and innocently a victim of the grievances of the previous generation.

Fortunately, Zhu Jianshen did not grow crooked in the shadow of his childhood, and after seeing the truth of the imperial power technique, Zhu Jianshen still had love in his heart instead of hate, and he could still remain kind.

Kindness allows Zhu Jianshen to face his father's mistakes objectively and fairly and end the grievances of the previous generation.

After Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne, he first rehabilitated Yu Qian.

He affirmed Yu Qian's merits, and also admitted his mistakes for his father, which was praised by the government and the public.

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

Qing is a handsome instrument, an economic talent, a dynasty in advance, and a fruitful laborer. When the country is in many difficulties, the baoshe is safe, but fair and self-sustaining, victimized by the power and adultery, and the former emperor knows his wrongdoing, but he has compassion for his loyalty

In the same year, Zhu Jianshen restored Zhu Qiyu's imperial title and re-formulated the title as "Emperor Gongren Kang Dingjing".

At that time, in order to curry favor with Zhu Jianshen, some people also suggested that he liquidate the deposing of his uncle Zhu Qiyu. However, Zhu Mi replied darkly, "Jingtai has been negligent in the past, and I don't mind."

A sentence of "don't mind" means that Zhu Jianshen really put down the past, and restoring Zhu Qiyu's title is to express the mind of the young Tianzi to the people of the whole country, and it is also an affirmation of Zhu Qiyu's contribution to Daming during his reign.

Of course, Zhu Jianshen did not do this for his own reputation, while ending the previous generation, the eyes of the young Tianzi were looking to the future.

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

At the beginning of Zhu Jianshen's ascension to the throne, he ordered people to revise the "Zhenguan Politicians" and personally wrote a preface for it.

In the preface, he shows the self-confidence and lofty ambitions of a young Tianzi, saying that he should follow the example of Tang Taizong, work hard to govern, and be a good emperor.

Emperor Taizong in Tang dynasty was a generation of wise kings, Si Qi Shi Kangmin, wei you have become a martyr, outstanding and unable to reach himself, but unfortunately, he is cultivating the way of the second emperor and three kings and ruling the impure. Yuan will go far to the holy, allow the great chieftain, and rule with Hongqi. ”

Therefore, he must rehabilitate Yu Qian and rehabilitate the events of that year, so that the affected ministers can return to the court and restart the favorable reform measures during the Jingtai period. This is his declaration of his heart for justice and his efforts to govern greatly.

His declaration is: Let the past pass, the young man's mind can tolerate the past, the young man's bosom contains the empire's tomorrow.

What is the mind of a young man?

The young man's bosom is "Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it";

It is "Born I am useful, and I will come back when all the money is gone." ”

It's "to live is to change the world!" ”

Finally, let's enjoy Zhu Mishen's painting when he was 18 years old, "A Ball of Harmony"

In order to rehabilitate Yu Qian, he also returned the Emperor Jing, read Zhu Jianshen's kindness, and knew the young man's mind

At first glance, it looks like a round ball with a smile on it, but if you look closely, you will find three people huddled together.

According to historians, this is Zhu Mishen's painting after he was rehabilitated from Qian, which means that the government and the public can unite as one, and it is the most beautiful appearance in Zhu Mishen's heart.

During the reign of Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen, Wenzhi Martial Arts was quite accomplished, although there were also many maladministrations, which were ultimately inferior to tang Taizong's historical achievements, but this cannot be denied that when the young Tianzi first ascended the great treasure, he had the original intention of making meritorious contributions in the world.

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