
Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

author:History of Ome Boiled Wine Papers

The Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran wrote a poem "Climbing Da Nang Mountain with the Sons" after visiting Da Nang Mountain, poem Yun:

Personnel have metabolism, and exchanges have become ancient and modern.

The country and mountains have left a trace of victory, and my generation has returned to the landing.

The water is shallow, and the cold dream is deep.

The sheep monument is still there, and the reading is stained with tears.

In 266, Sima Yan forced the Wei Yuan emperor Cao Yan to take the throne, and the name of the state was Jin, and the Western Jin Dynasty was established.

After the Jin Dynasty and the Wei Dynasty, only the State of Wu and the Jin Dynasty were left in the land of China, and sun Hao, the lord of the State of Wu, was the grandson of Sun Quan, the Emperor of Eastern Wu, but did not inherit Sun Quan's ability to govern the country, and all day long he only knew how to drink and enjoy, extravagant and lascivious, spent a lot of people's fat and people to build a palace, and widely selected folk women to fill it; internally, he also implemented a high-pressure policy, set up many tortures, many of the important ministers of the clan were executed, and everyone in the court and the chinese ministers were in danger.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Western Jin Dynasty Eastern Wu confrontation

In this context, Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, was determined to destroy Wu and unify the whole country, and although Sima Yan did not have a son who was not very good (why not Sima Zheng, who ate meat), he had some ability to know people, and he found a rather suitable candidate, entrusting this person with full responsibility for destroying Wu Daye, and this person was Yang Hu.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Sheep Hu word uncle

Yang Hu, the character uncle, was born into a famous family, taishan sheep clan was a very famous family at that time, and the ancestors had been high-ranking officials such as Taishou for generations. Moreover, Yang Hu's mother, Cai Shi, is Cai Yong's daughter, which means that Cai Yong is Yang Hu's maternal grandfather, and Cai Wenji is Yang Hu's aunt.

Yang Hu received a good education from childhood, and when he grew up, he was erudite and talented, his literary style was outstanding, and his appearance was dignified, seven feet and three inches long, and his eyebrows were beautiful, and he seemed to be a "beautiful hairdresser".

In addition, Yang Hu also had a heavy identity, Yang Hu's sister Yang Huiyu married Sima Shi and was later named Empress Jing, so Yang Hu was still a standard foreign relative in the Jin Dynasty.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?


Although he was a foreign relative and a courtier, Yang Hu was upright, very clean, and his life was particularly simple, just like the homes of ordinary people, and he looked down on fame and fortune, modesty and concessions, and every time he encountered the court to increase the reward of officials, he always refused to show his courtesy, and when he encountered the court's reward, he gave all his subordinates to the soldiers, and the family had no talent.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Yang Huiyu

Sima Yan appointed Yang Hu as the general of Zhengnan, sat in Xiangyang, oversaw all the troops of Jingzhou, and presided over the plan to destroy Wu. After Yang Hu arrived at his post, he found that the State of Wu still had a strong strength, while the Jin Dynasty had a weak military strength in the Jingzhou area, and the people's livelihood was poor, not only did the people's life be difficult, but even the military food was only enough for a few months.

Soon after Yang Hu arrived in office, Eastern Wu also replaced the famous general Lu Kang to resist the Western Jin Dynasty, and Lu Kang was the last mainstay of Eastern Wu. Subsequently, the two sides fought the Battle of Xiling, Xiling is also Yiling, Liu Beifa Wu is also defeated Yiling, Xiling is an important grain and grass base of Eastern Wu, storing a large number of grain and grass materials.

Eastern Wu Xiling governor Bu Yan, fearing persecution of rumors, offered Xiling to surrender to the Jin Dynasty, Lu Kang sent troops to besiege Xiling after hearing the news, and Sima Yan ordered Yang Hu and Jingzhou assassin Shi Yangzhao to rescue Bu Xian. Due to insufficient preparations and the supply of grain and grass, the Jin army was defeated by Lu Kang, and the city of Buxian fell and was killed, and the three tribes were wiped out.

Yang Hu lost the first battle in Jingzhou, lost to Lu Kang, and was demoted. Yang Hu realized that whether it was military strength or popularity, Eastern Wu still had the advantage, and there was a famous general Lu Kang, and it was difficult to eliminate Eastern Wu in a short period of time.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Schematic of the Battle of Xiling

Therefore, Yang Hu changed his strategy, vigorously developed Jingzhou, trained soldiers, raised soldiers and hoarded grain, and accumulated materials; at the same time, he opened schools, set up education, appeased the people, cherished the people, and implemented moral government in order to win the hearts and minds of the people.

For example, every time the two sides fought, Yang Hu always informed the other side in advance of the time and place of engagement, and never engaged in surprise attacks; sometimes when Eastern Wu sent troops to attack, if the opposing general was captured alive, it was always unconditionally released, and if the other general died in battle, he was always buried with courtesy.

Sometimes the Jin army marched through the border of Eastern Wu, harvested the crops in the fields of the people of Eastern Wu as military food, and then always sent people to repay the harvest in silk; when hunting, if there was a prey that was first injured by the Wu people and then ran to the jin army boundary, Yang Hu ordered someone to return the prey.

On another occasion, Yang Hu's men captured the children of two Eastern Wu generals, and Yang Hu immediately ordered someone to return the children safely, and later the two Eastern Wu generals also came to surrender.

Yang Hu's gentle strategy achieved results, and both the people of Jingzhou and the people of Eastern Wu were satisfied and sincere, and honored Yang Hu as "Yang Gong". Even the Eastern Wu general Lu Kang praised Yang Hu's benevolence, "although Le Yi and Zhuge Kongming are not excessive."

Once Yang Qi heard that Lu Kang was ill and specially sent someone to send medicine over, the Eastern Wu general advised Lu Kang not to take the medicine, worried that there was deception, but Lu Kang shook his head and said, "Is Uncle Yang willing to be a man?" ", I took the medicine on the spot.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

The famous eastern Wu general Lu Kang

In 274 AD, Lu Kang died of illness after five years of defending the border, the mainstay collapsed, and Eastern Wu lost its last barrier. Lu Kang is the son of Lu Xun, and both father and son are famous generals in the world. After Lu Kang's death, Yang Hu believed that the time had come to cut down Wu, and the imperial court raised an army to cut down Wu.

However, Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, was seduced by the courtiers Jia Chong, Xun Xun, and Feng Zhen, and did not support Yang Hu in cutting down Wu, and Yang Hu sighed, "The world is not satisfactory, Heng Ten lives in seven or eight, so there is a constant interruption, heaven and not take, is not more than the more hateful in the future tense!" ”。

When Yanghu Town was guarding Jingzhou, he often took a gentle belt in the military camp, did not wear armor, and usually traveled, accompanied by only a dozen guards. Yang Hu, who had a good strategy, often went to Emperor Wu of Jin, but every time he had to burn the draft to let the outside world know that it was his own suggestion; every time he recommended talents like the imperial court, he was never willing to reveal to the outside world that it was recommended by himself. The subordinates could not see it and advised him, are you too cautious in this way?

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Light fur belt

But Yang Hu said, "Beauty belongs to the king, and there is a common precept in ancient times." As for recommending the meritocracy, it is the duty of the people, the worship of the Duke dynasty, the private room of Xie En, and I do not take it. ”

Yang Hu believed that the name should belong to the monarch, so he burned the draft every time he made a suggestion; the recommended talent was the duty of a subordinate, accepting the knighthood at the imperial court, and then privately thanking the recommender, which Was not accustomed to Yang Hu.

Because Yang Hu's suggestion was not adopted, he became ill with hard work, and soon after returning to the capital, he became seriously ill, but he still insisted on saying to Emperor Wu of Jin that "the subject died in the morning and evening, so he specially entered Tianyan and hoped to repay Chu Zhi", and on his deathbed, he recommended the famous general Du Pre to replace himself with Emperor Wu of Jin and continue to complete the great cause of cutting Wu.

Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty made Du Pre a general of Zhennan and the governor of jingzhou, and before Du Pre could set off, he heard the news of Yang Hu's illness and death.

Emperor Wu was mourning and weeping, and it was a cold winter, and the snot and tears were stained with beard, and they were instantly carved into ice, and then he posthumously gave Yang Hu the title of Taifu. Emperor Wu of Jin had the ability to understand people, but he was indecisive, could not listen to Yang Hu's strategy to cut down Wu, left empty hatred, and what was the use of weeping and mourning after people died?

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Yanghu town of Jingzhou

The people of Xiangyang heard that Yang Hu had died, and they cried and went to war, when Yang Hu was in Xiangyang before he was born, he liked to visit Da Nang Mountain, and the people set up a shrine for Yang Hu on Da Nang Mountain, and there was a stone stele built outside the ancestral hall, and every year they had to go to the sacrifice, and the people looked at each other on the road and sniffed.

Later, Yang Hu's successor, Du Pre, called this monument a "Monument to Fallen Tears".

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Monument to Fallen Tears

Meng Haoran's poem "Climbing The Mountain with the Sons" quoted at the beginning of the article will say, "The Yanggong Monument is still there, and the tears are stained when reading it", and hundreds of years later, the poet Meng Haoran will still wet his clothes with tears when he sees the "Monument of Fallen Tears".

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Pavilion of The Monument of Fallen Tears

In 279 AD, a year after Yang Hu's death, Emperor Wu of Jin finally made up his mind to cut down Wu, and according to the strategy formulated by Yang Hu during his lifetime, the upper reaches of Bashu sent water troops down the river to attack Eastern Wu and take Jianye directly, and the Wu lord Sun Hao surrendered, Eastern Wu perished, and the Western Jin Dynasty finally completed the great cause of unification.

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Schematic diagram of the Western Jin Dynasty's battle against Eastern Wu

In the battle of Jin and Wu, important generals were recommended by Yang Hu, such as Du Pre and Wang Mao, although Yang Hu did not personally complete the Battle of Wu before his death, but Yang Hu was always the biggest hero in the great cause of Wu Wu, and it was also because Yang Hu had been operating in Jingzhou for ten years, and prepared enough elite soldiers and sufficient grain and grass materials for Wu, and under the influence of Yang Hu's dezheng, the people's hearts gradually belonged to the Western Jin side, which was the key to victory in the Battle of Wu.

Therefore, Yang Hu is still revered by future generations as a rare famous general in the world, and the people will spontaneously build the "Monument of Fallen Tears".

Western Jin Dynasty: Why did Yang Hu, who decided to destroy Wu, not participate in the battle to destroy Wu?

Uncle Wing Yang

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