
The aunt is Cai Wenji, the sister is the empress, and the friendship between Yang Lu and the Monument of Fallen Tears are all stories about him

author:Read less about the Red Mansion

"The words of the Yanggong Monument are in, and the tears are stained by reading" is a well-known poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran. In this poem "Climbing Da Nang Mountain with the Sons", "Personnel affairs have metabolism, and exchanges have become ancient and modern", which is also recited by the public, in fact, it is because the poet Deng Da Nang Mountain misses the yanggong and has infinite emotions.

The yanggong in the poem is The famous politician and military figure of the Western Jin Dynasty. The friendship between sheep and land and the monument of fallen tears that posterity is familiar with are all related to him.

His father was Cao Wei's Shangdang Taishou Yangyuan, and his mother, Cai Zhenji, was the daughter of Cai Yong, the great Confucian of the late Han Dynasty. Cai Wenji, a famous talented woman at the end of the Han Dynasty, was his aunt.

There are also people who believe that this Cai Yong has only one daughter, and this Cai Zhenji is Cai Wenji, so it is not excluded that after Wen Ji returns to Han, she will marry Dong Qi first and then marry Yang Yuan.

Yang Hu lost his father at the age of twelve and his mother at the age of fifteen. Raised by his uncle Yang Tan, he treated his uncle as a father.

Yang Hu, who came from a famous family, was erudite and talented, good at argumentation, and handsome. With a tall figure, a handsome face, and loved by everyone, he was soon favored by The famous Cao Wei general Xiahou Ba, who took the initiative to marry his daughter to him.

The aunt is Cai Wenji, the sister is the empress, and the friendship between Yang Lu and the Monument of Fallen Tears are all stories about him

Yang Hu was in the State of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period, when the Wei Ming Emperor Cao Rui had died, and Cao Fang, who succeeded him, was only eight years old. The power of the government was controlled by the two major groups of the general Cao Shuang and the lieutenant Sima Yi, and the real power of the government was firmly controlled by Cao Shuang, so most of the officials in the DPRK and China at that time chose to take sides with Cao Shuang.

At this time, Yang Hu, who was far-sighted and had a unique vision, concluded that Cao Shuang was not An opponent of Sima Yi, who always loved to pretend to be ill, so he took the initiative to choose to wander outside the two major groups, not to take sides, not to form an alliance, and not to take a stand.

The subsequent development of events was as yang Hu expected.

In the first ten years, Sima Yi launched a coup d'état, killed Cao Shuang, and successfully won the military and political power. After the coup, the cao shuang clique's minions were slaughtered on a large scale, and even Yang Hu's father-in-law, Xiahou Ba, was forced to surrender to the Shu state in order to avoid being killed.

However, Yang Hu did not take sides from beginning to end, and his sister was the wife of Sima Yi's son Sima Shi, so he survived.

After Sima Yi launched a coup d'état, the Cao Wei Dynasty began to fall into a decades-long bloody palace struggle.

First The Cao Fang Emperor was deposed and Cao Fu was made emperor, and then the literate and martial Cao Fu was dissatisfied with Sima Shi's monopoly, and in the fifth year of Ganlu, he led an army against Sima Zhao, but was finally killed by the crown prince Sheren Chengji, who was only nineteen years old.

After Cao Xian's death, Sima Zhaoli made the puppet emperor Cao Huan emperor, emperor for Emperor Yuan of Wei.

Five years later, Sima Zhao died of illness, and Cao Yan was forced to give the throne to Sima Yan as Emperor Yuan of Jin. Cao Wei perished.

At that time, Yang Hu, who was serving as the leader of the central army in the imperial palace, was awarded the title of general of the Chinese army and successfully promoted to the knighthood because he commanded the Yulin Army and had meritorious service to the new dynasty of the Western Jin Dynasty.

Yang Hu, who had struggled to get out of the nightmare of decades of court infighting, finally had a sense of security about the overall situation in this Western Jin Dynasty. This year, he was 45 years old.

The sheep who have reached the age of knowing the destiny of heaven still have the heart to make meritorious contributions to the country.

The aunt is Cai Wenji, the sister is the empress, and the friendship between Yang Lu and the Monument of Fallen Tears are all stories about him

At that time, the State of Shu was dead, and Sima Yan, who was known for his ambition to swallow Wu, was even more active in planning to destroy Wu's great cause of unifying the country after he became emperor.

In the fifth year of the Tai Dynasty, Yang Hu was transferred to the governorship of the jingzhou armies, and was fully responsible for preparing for the war against Wu.

At that time, Jingzhou was the longest border area between the Western Jin Dynasty and Sun Wu, so Jingzhou was an important strategic place in the Battle of Wu.

In the first eight years of Yang Hu's tenure as Tai of Jingzhou, he fought a hard battle with Sun Wu: the Battle of Xiling.

In this year, the Wu general Bu Yan surrendered to the Western Jin Dynasty, and Wu sent the general Lu Kang to attack Bu Yan and attack Xiling City. The Western Jin Dynasty then sent Yang Zhao, Yang Hu, and others to lead an army to help Bu Xiang.

When the two armies faced each other, before the official battle began, a man named Yu Zan of the State of Wu surrendered to Yang Zhao, and then leaked the military secrets of the State of Wu to Yang Zhao.

This military secret was the weak point of defense when the Wu army lined up to fight. After hearing this, Yang Zhao followed the plan, knowing that Lu Kang had already foreseen that military secrets would be leaked, so he sent all the elite generals of Sun Wu to the original weak defensive area overnight. The result of the latter can be imagined, and the Western Jin Dynasty was defeated. Lu Kang successfully captured Xiling City and destroyed the three tribes with the rebel general Bu.

After this world war, Yang Hu realized that although Sun Wu's regime was already weakening day by day, because of such a general as Lu Kang, the time to destroy Wu was not yet ripe. Therefore, Yang Hu began to switch from attack to defense in Jingzhou, focusing on the economic and cultural construction of Jingzhou.

He began to build schools in Jingzhou, educate the people, and lead the army to reclaim the fields and grow grain. The food stockpiles were later available for a decade.

At the same time, he actively recruited local talents in Jingzhou, continued to promote various democratic reforms, and influenced the enemy with a gentle and offensive strategy, resulting in an endless stream of Wu people descending.

This move was really high, and in the end even Sun Wushou's general Lu Kang was impressed, and left a good story of the friendship between Sheep and Lu to posterity.

Once Lu Kang was ill, Yang Hu sent someone to send him medicine, Lu Kang did not say a word and immediately took it, a group of subordinates worried, this Lu Kang righteous words are stern: Sheep Qifu people!

Another time, a subordinate caught two children of General Wu on the border of Jingzhou, and when Yang Hu knew about it, he immediately ordered someone to return the children.

Later, when Wu surrendered Xia Xiang and Shao Jie to the army, the father of the two children also led the troops to surrender together.

Wu invaded Deng Xiang in Xiakou, and Yang Hu sent people to capture him alive, and then released him back, which was simply the wind of Zhuge Kongming. Later, this Deng Xiang also followed Meng Yu and led his troops to surrender to the Western Jin Dynasty.

Because of the sympathy of Yang Hu and Lu Kang, a pair of good friends, the border area of Jingzhou between Jin and Wu lasted for several years, with peace and tranquility, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The people of both places were all grateful to Yang Hu and called him The Sheep Gong. After all, for ordinary people, all they want is that the world is stable and the years are quiet.

The aunt is Cai Wenji, the sister is the empress, and the friendship between Yang Lu and the Monument of Fallen Tears are all stories about him

Of course, in addition to blindly repairing and coexisting peacefully, Yang Hu has not forgotten his responsibility and mission.

He skillfully used a trick to get the State of Wu to withdraw the Shicheng garrison, which posed the greatest threat to Xiangyang, and ordered that the demolition of the old official office be banned to save money. He also vigorously defied public opinion, appointing the controversial Wang Jun to supervise the military forces of Yizhou, general Jia Longjun, and ordered him to secretly build warships to prepare for the down-the-river attack on Wu.

In the later War of Annihilation of Wu, the Yizhou Water Army commanded by Wang Jun became the main force that first captured Jianye and captured Sun Hao.

Going back to the fact that Wu Guo, after Sun Hao was proclaimed emperor, was absurd and cruel and acted recklessly. Deeply worried, Lu Kang repeatedly wrote to Chen Shoubian on his strategy to resist the enemy and persuade Renzheng, but Sun Hao ignored it.

In the autumn of the third year of the Phoenix, Lu Kang, who was full of sorrow and had no way to serve the country, died of illness.

After Lu Kang's death, Yang Hu believed that the time was ripe to cut down Wu, so he immediately went to Emperor Wu of Jin to request that Wu be cut down.

He was affirmed and supported by Emperor Wu of Jin, but unexpectedly encountered strong opposition from a cadre of powerful ministers led by Jia Chong in the middle of the dynasty, who believed that at that time, the Xianbei in the northwest region had not yet been pacified and should not fight on two fronts.

At this time, it coincided with the defeat of the Western Jin army in the qin, Liang and other places, and Yang Hu's initiative to cut down Wu was opposed by more people in the DPRK.

Only a few ministers, such as Du Zhi Shangshu Du Pre and Zhongshu Ling Zhang Hua, expressed their support. So the feat of cutting Wu was shelved indefinitely.

Yang Hu has been working hard for years, sleeping at night, and draining his heart and blood, as today as people wish, he finally waits for this day to be favorable, but his ambition is difficult to reward.

He was sad in his heart, and sighed a long time: The world is not satisfactory, and there are constant ten dwellings and seven or eight, so there are constant interruptions. Heaven and not to take, is not the more troublesome hate the later times!

In order to dispel his worries and worries, he often climbed Da Nang Mountain in Xiangyang.

Facing the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers, remembering that the work has not been accomplished, and the old age is coming, he can't help but sigh with indignation: Since there is a universe, there is this mountain. From the sage of the sage, climb this far away, as I am with the Secretary of State! All are annihilated and obscured, making people sad. If you know it after a hundred years of age, the soul should still ascend here.

This year, Yang Hu was 57 years old.

In August of the fourth year of Xianning, Yang Hu became seriously ill and asked to return to Luoyang.

The aunt is Cai Wenji, the sister is the empress, and the friendship between Yang Lu and the Monument of Fallen Tears are all stories about him

At this time, her sister Yang Hou, who was in the palace, fell ill and died. Yang Hu, who had always been deeply in love with his sister and brother, and when he was frustrated and seriously ill, his intestines were broken, so that when he entered the court to see Emperor Wu of Jin, he could no longer walk on the ground, and had to take a car to the temple.

However, Yang Hu, who was seriously ill, still did not forget to state his position to Emperor Wu again.

Looking at the emaciated and withered sheep in his illness, his heart and mind were still the great cause of cutting Wu, and Emperor Wu of Jin did not feel that he was moved by compassion, so he resolutely issued an edict and let the sheep take the disease to cut down Wu.

However, at this time, the sheep who was heavily infected with a boil dragged this crippled sick body, which was already like a candle in the wind. Knowing that he could no longer kill the enemy and serve the country, he finally recommended Du Pre to Emperor Wu of Jin to replace him.

In November of that year, Yang Hu died of illness at the age of 58.

That year's winter came very early and was particularly cold. It is the time of the great cold, when the heavens and the earth are white, and the people weep.

Emperor Wu of Jin wept bitterly in his mourning clothes, and the tears of sorrow flowed to his sideburns, and they all froze into ice.

The people around Jingzhou were shocked to hear the bad news of Yang Hu's death, and wept bitterly for the strike. Everywhere in the streets, the cries were overwhelming. Even the Wu guo shoubian generals thought of Yang Gongrenyi and quietly wept for it.

Two years after Yang Hu's death, Du Pre, in accordance with the military deployment of Yang Hu before his death, destroyed Wu in one fell swoop and completed the great cause of reunification.

When the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu raised a glass to celebrate, Emperor Wu of Jin said in tears: This sheep is also the merit of Fu!

The emperor has not forgotten him, and the people have not forgotten him.

After Yang Hu's death, the people of Xiangyang built a temple and erected a monument for him in Da Nang Mountain, where he loved to play, and worshipped him when he was young.

The people are grateful to Yang Hu for his diligent administration and love for the people, and they always climb this mountain to see the monument and shed tears.

Du Xian, the commander of the Wu Dynasty, who had the grace of promotion and promotion, therefore called this monument a monument of falling tears, and later generations used the metaphor of falling tears on the stele to refer to the high morals and respect of the deceased during his lifetime.

This is also the origin of the historical allusions in Meng Haoran's poem "The words of the Yanggong Monument are in, and the tears are stained when reading".

Wu Daye's ambitions died before he was paid, and the desired merits of Le Shi were vanished in the afterglow of the years.

At that moment, the old and sick sheep were extremely desolate and lonely inside.

He thought that if he failed to make meritorious contributions to the country in this lifetime, he would surely be annihilated and make people sad, but he did not know that as a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, he always kept the well-being of the people in mind, and he had already erected a towering monument in the hearts of all the people.

Author: Lord of the Afternoon Dream Hall, this article is to read less of the original works of the Red Chamber. Welcome to my headline number: Read less about the Red Chamber and tell you a different story of famous books.

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