
Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

author:A century-old master
Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

Hou Debang is one of the giants filmed in the second season of "Centennial Masters". Hou Debang died in 1974, and 2021 is the 47th anniversary of his death.

Hou Debang (1890-1974), a native of Minhou, Fujian. Famous scientist, chemist, pioneer of China's heavy chemical industry, one of the founders of modern chemical industry, and the authority of the world's alkali industry. He made three major contributions to chemical technology in his lifetime: first, he unveiled the secrets of Solvay's method; second, he founded Chinese his own alkali production process- Hou's alkali production method; third, he advocated the use of carbonization to obtain ammonium bicarbonate, which contributed to the development of small fertilizer industry. He actively disseminated and exchanged science and technology, cultivated many scientific and technological talents, and made outstanding contributions to the development of science and technology and the chemical industry. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Hou Debang was elected as a member of the Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (now an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), and successively served as vice minister of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and other important positions.

Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

Hou Debang, the pioneer of China's modern chemical industry, the founder of Hou's alkali-making method, and the famous scientist Hou Debang, behind his life of dedication to science, he wrote the Hou family style with selfless patriotic integrity, rigorous academic spirit and simple family management concept, leaving valuable wealth for future generations.

Patriotic integrity will always be passed on

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, China's national industry suffered great losses. As the chief engineer and director of The Yongli Reduction Factory, Hou Debang has always maintained a strong national integrity.

On August 7, 1937, after the fall of Tanggu, in order to avoid the alkali plant falling into the hands of the enemy, Hou Debang led the core technical personnel of the alkali plant to relocate around, Hou Debang moved the factory equipment as long as it could be moved, and it could be withdrawn, and he would never be a slave to the country, when relocated to Nanjing, he deeply felt the impact of the July 7 Incident on the country, and when the factory was built, an iron-making workshop was set up in the factory, and when the war broke out and Germany sealed the mail road, the iron-making workshop was put into use, and soon it was able to produce mines and explosives to support the War of Resistance. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to recover the equipment looted by the Japanese, Hou Debang found general McCarthy of the United States, asked for the equipment, and said, "Even a piece of scrap iron must be pulled back, which is the attitude of our Chinese!" After the factory moved to Sichuan, in order to improve the alkali production process, Hou Debang went to Germany to negotiate the introduction of Cha'an method technology, and when the Germans proposed that the products could not be sold in the three northeastern provinces, Hou Debang returned to China in anger. It was this opportunity that prompted him to invent the Hou's alkali method on the basis of deciphering Solvay's alkali method and combining the characteristics of Sichuan salt.

Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

Hou Debang engaged in science, did not intervene in politics, but he insisted on right and wrong, and the situation at that time was that you did not ask about politics, but politics asked you. He was hindered by the Kuomintang government in many places. He trusted the Chinese Communist Party, so on the eve of the liberation of the country, he resolutely took a detour from Korea to return to his homeland. Later, in the construction of New China, the simple patriotic integrity was gradually elevated to the service of socialism. Many of his descendants have studied abroad, but under the guidance of Hou Debang, they have returned to the motherland, and none of them have stayed abroad. Hou Debang's nephew Hou Yujun returned to China in the 1950s, invented the famous "Martin-Hou" formula, and later became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, making outstanding contributions to the chemical industry of New China.

Frugality and simplicity are heavy on learning

Hou Debang lived frugally, did not stick to tobacco, alcohol, tea, often wore patched clothes, and his things were always used to the fullest, never easily thrown away. But his demands for academic research have never slackened. The clothes inside his coat were often full of holes. Every time his wife, Zhang Shuchun, visited him, the first thing she did was to sew and mend his clothes layer by layer. He disciplined several children very strictly, not allowing indiscriminate spending of money, teaching his children to cherish grain, and when his little granddaughter ate the grains of rice that fell on the table, he picked them up and ate them one by one, and also checked the rice bowl to see if she had eaten cleanly.

Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

Mr. Hou Debang has written 10 monographs and nearly 70 papers

In order to save living expenses, Hou Debang and his family usually eat very lightly, and one meal a day must be noodles, and it is vegetarian noodles with only cheap snow red and no other sauces. During his serious illness, he wrote a letter to Premier Zhou Enlai with a trembling hand, saying: "Debang is weak and sickly, I am afraid that I will die soon, and I have no hope for the cultivation of the party and the country, and I am willing to donate the books treasured in my family to the country after a hundred years." According to his last wishes, more than 100 books were donated to the Beijing Library and more than 500 books were donated to the School of Chemical Engineering. Before his death, Hou Debang donated the money and housing he had saved in his life to the chemical union to develop the chemical industry and buy scientific and technological books.

Diligent and honest to future generations

Hou Debang once said: "In terms of talent, I am not very smart, but I am well aware of the truth that 'diligence can make up for clumsiness', and the reason why I have some achievements in my life, in addition to objective reasons, subjectively attributed to diligence." "Diligence, throughout his life, runs through it. Whether in good times or bad times, he encouraged future generations with a diligent and hard-working attitude.

Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

Hou's subtraction patent certificate

"Diligence, hard work" is the motto of Hou Debang, and the Requirements of Hou Debang in life are equally strict for their children. Hou Debang has said to his family many times: "People should work when they are alive, and if they don't work, they are wasted." "Although as a factory director, in his work, he must be personal, as long as there is a problem in production, the first person to install a boiler to check the problem is him." Hou Debang worked with a high degree of concentration, and did not pay attention to food and living. According to his family, "He can even wear sweater pants on meat." When asked he just smiled and said, 'My skin is not as thin as yours, my skin is thick.' ’”

Hou Debang was concerned about the chemical industry all his life, and after liberation, in order to investigate the use of chemical fertilizers, he inspected everywhere, and finally he could not run, so he held a meeting at home to discuss. Just a few days before his death, my grandfather kept writing and counting calculus. Until a few months before his death, Hou Debang also reported to the party group of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and asked to go to the Dalian Chemical Factory to investigate and study and solve the problem, when he was already seriously ill and an 84-year-old man.

Hou Debang once said: "I have always had the innocent feeling of life and continuous struggle, chasing all opportunities that can play my role, and insisting on starting from me and starting from the drops." "The Scythians have gone, and the sound is still in the ears. The story of Hou Debang's family style shows the family and country feelings of a scholar, and is also a model worth learning from today.

Article source | Tanggu memory

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Producer | The Hall of Worms

Art Editing | Magical conch

Approaching the Giant | Hou Debang's feelings of home and country: patriotism, diligence and thrift, and dedication to learning

The large-scale cultural project "Centennial Masters" is China's first large-scale series of biographical documentaries focusing on the masters and masters who made outstanding contributions to Chinese civilization in the 20th century, and is jointly produced by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Central Radio and Television Corporation, the China Academy of Arts, the Central New Film Group, the China Literature and Art Foundation, and the Centennial Masters (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

"Centennial Masters" is the "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Inheritance and Development Project" of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the General Office of the State Council and the Central Propaganda Department, which has been selected for two consecutive years as the "Record China" communication project of the Propaganda Department (Information Office of the State Council), the key topic planning project of the "14th Five-Year Plan" documentary of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the key documentary celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, the "Recording the New Era" documentary boutique project and the key documentary project (2018), and the major theme main line publicity and key topic selection project of CCTV. It is also funded by the National Arts Fund, the China Literature and Art Foundation, the China Art and Culture Foundation, the Beijing Municipal Government Cultural Innovation and Development Fund, the Beijing Culture and Art Fund, the Beijing Radio and Television Network Audiovisual Development Fund, and the Beijing Xicheng District Cultural and Art Creation Support Special Fund. It has won 9 documentary awards.

From 2013 to 2017, the filming of 43 masters in the first season of "100 Years of Masters" has been completed, which is divided into art, calligraphy, Peking Opera, drama, music and literature. The filming of 57 masters in the second season of "Centennial Masters" has been launched in 2018, adding science and technology, education, traditional Chinese studies, architecture, traditional Chinese medicine, opera and film, which are scheduled to be completed in 2021, when the "100 Years, 100 People, 100 Episodes" documentary, "100 Masters Special Exhibition" and "100 Books Publishing" will be used as a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

The completed documentary "100 Years of Masters" has been broadcast on CCTV (one set, three sets, four sets, nine sets, ten sets, fifteen sets, discovery channels, international channels), China Education Television, provincial satellite television, overseas television stations and other 134 TV stations at home and abroad, which have been widely praised and have repeatedly set a new high in the ratings of similar documentaries. "100 Years of Masters (International Edition)" is broadcast worldwide in 8 languages.

CCTV Market Research Co., Ltd. (CTR) in July 2020 According to the statistical results of CSM National Measuring Instrument, "Centennial Masters" reached a total of 10.2 billion people.

The series of books "100 Years of Masters" has been distributed to nearly 1,000 colleges and universities across the country for three consecutive years by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Finance as a "High Art entering the campus" study book.

"Centennial Masters" has become one of the most high-end phenomenon-level brands in the field of culture, and with its unique advantages, it has built an important platform for disseminating China's excellent traditional culture, interpreting and displaying cultural self-confidence, and practicing the core values of socialism.

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