
Red Minhou • Centennial Ode 丨 Hou De List

author:Meet Minhou
Red Minhou • Centennial Ode 丨 Hou De List
Red Minhou • Centennial Ode 丨 Hou De List

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A century-old picture

The wind show red flag is picturesque

A centenary of odes

Big Lu Jin's voice flew

In 1921, China ushered in the dawn of dawn and the Chinese Communist Party was born. After 28 years of arduous struggle, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to victory in the revolutionary struggle and founded new China! After socialist construction and reform and opening up, the red ship rode the wind and waves and sailed thousands of miles.

"In order to have the courage to sacrifice more, dare to call the sun and the moon for a new day."

For a hundred years, revolutionary heroes have shed their blood to write the Spring and Autumn Period;

Over the past hundred years, countless martyrs have drawn a grand plan of Danxin.

Today, let's open the picture scroll of a hundred years and listen to the praises of heroes.

Red Minhou • Centennial Ode 丨 Hou De List

There is such a person, he once said: "Sprinkle some alkali powder and melt the ice of the West; write an alkali book to push China to the top; lay a cornerstone and hold up the hope of rejuvenation." "He is a legend, and the little alkali powder wins him applause, and the little alkali powder makes the world look up to China." He is Hou Debang, a native of Fengwei Village, Minhou County.

Red Minhou • Centennial Ode 丨 Hou De List

(Hou Debang statue • Chen Feiyang / Photo)

Hou Debang's grandfather, Hou Changlin, was a reader, and he hoped that his grandson would be able to study and cultivate virtue from an early age and be honored on the gold list in the future, so he named him "Debang". Hou Debang did not live up to the expectations of his fathers and fellow villagers in his hometown, he did not release the scrolls every day, studied hard in his spare time, and lived a life of half ploughing and half reading.

The ancients described hardworking and studious people as having heads hanging from beams and cone-spiked strands. And Hou Debang expressed his determination to study hard in another way, that is, even in the southern rice paddies, when he stepped on the water wheel with his feet, he did not leave the book in his hand, so he left the story of Hou Debang's "trailer study" in Minhou.

Kung Fu pays off, Hou Debang was indeed nominated for the gold list, entered Tsinghua University, and became a high-achieving student of Tsinghua University, he once praised TsinghuaYuan with excellent results of 10 homework and 1000 points, it is really a true academic bully!

In 1937, the Outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese Kou iron hooves drove straight in, quickly approaching Nanjing, when there was a lot of danger, Hou Debang chose to compromise and leave the factory, because China's needs for soda ash all rely on imports, the national industry with soda ash as raw materials was stuck in the lifeline by foreign forces, seriously affecting the national economy and people's livelihood, Hou Debang was angry and strong, unremitting efforts, in New York and Hong Kong after more than 500 cycle tests, analyzed more than 2,000 samples, and finally developed a world-renowned alkali method that belongs to the Chinese people——"" Hou's alkali method".

On April 20, 1949, Nanjing was liberated, and the old bourgeoisie and the upper intellectual circles quickly and fiercely divided. Hou Debang was at a loss and went to India for the fifth time. After learning that the leaders of the CPC Central Committee were very concerned about China's chemical industry and hoped to discuss the country's grand plan with him, he was very excited, and he overcame many obstacles and detoured back to Beijing through Thailand, Hong Kong, and South Korea.

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly declared on the majestic Tiananmen Square that Chinese people had stood up, and Hou Debang, like many scientists, was still making great efforts to contribute his strength to socialist construction. In 1956, Hou Debang became vice minister of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. After assuming a leadership position, he still did not forget scientific research, and in terms of mastering scientific knowledge, he always pursued the forefront of chemical science.

At the last moment of his life, Hou Debang was still worried about the development of the motherland's chemical industry, he said: "I have no ability to help revise the book "Phosphate Fertilizer Production", and my heart is not strong, but what I can't be peaceful for a long time is to engage in alkali for a lifetime, I did not get the alkali up, and now I have to import soda ash from foreign countries every year, I am ashamed of the country. In particular, I did not run an alkali factory for the people of Fujian in my hometown, and now it is very difficult to eat alkali and use alkali there, and I am sorry for my father and brother in Fujian. "At the time of his death, Elder Hou was still worried about his hometown and the development of the motherland's scientific cause.

Mr. Hou Debang said: "Diligence can make up for clumsiness, diligence and thriftiness." It is a reflection of his life as a person, work and life, and he always remembers that he is a Chinese.

In the face of flowers and applause, he said calmly: "All my inventions belong to the motherland!" "He fought all his life for the cause of China's chemical industry, until the last breath of his life, scientists all over the world know that China has a generation of chemical giants called Hou Debang, and the motherland and the people will never forget those scientists who have made special contributions."

Minhou County Rong Media Center

Liao Chongxu/Wen Wu Zihang/Cartography

Editor: Pan Jie Mao Wenyan

Proofreader: Mao Wenyan Lin Ye

Review: Wang Liqiang

Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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