
And the state party flag red - excellent party affairs workers style | Episode 24 "Forge Ahead with a Fighting Attitude" - Xin Ming

author:Taiyuan Radio and Television Station

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Episode 24 "Forge ahead with a Fighting Attitude"

In order to solemnly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and fully reflect the advanced and exemplary role of party affairs workers who have made outstanding contributions on all fronts in the city over the past year, the Organization Department of the Taiyuan Municipal CPC Committee, the Propaganda Department of the Taiyuan Municipal CPC Committee, and the Cyberspace Office of the Taiyuan Municipal CPC Committee jointly produced a 100-episode series of micro-videos recorded by Taiyuan Radio and Television Station, "The Style of Outstanding Party Affairs Workers in the Red --- of the Party Banner of Hezhou" was officially launched.

The series of micro-videos combined with the "two excellent and one first" selection and commendation of Taiyuan City invited outstanding party affairs workers in the city to narrate from a first-person perspective and show the style of party affairs workers.

Source: Netinfo Taiyuan

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