
The six elements that companies and trademarks must follow丨Daen Xiao'er 丨 Name Recommendation

author:Dane Minor Two

As the saying goes, starting a business for the first time often starts with the wrong name. The vast majority of entrepreneurs will make mistakes when they first start a business, because they have no experience and no professional guidance for naming companies, and even some of them are common sense mistakes.

The six elements that companies and trademarks must follow丨Daen Xiao'er 丨 Name Recommendation

Susan A. Friedmann, an entrepreneur who consults on trade shows, was so excited when he first started his business that he named the company Dialog Communications. Diadem means "crown" and feels that this is a supreme achievement, and the entrepreneur feels great that customers will not wait to be hired!

What does "Diadem" "say" to the customer? Does it represent the founder's idea of creating a company? Can you train your sales team to be the best booth employee ever? Is it possible that every trade show that represents the company has been an astonishing success?

Actually not at all, worse, the name doesn't say to any potential customer who you are, what you do, just by name, no one can be sure what the company does, or what kind of service it can provide, the name is equivalent to saying nothing, and finally can only give up!

The six elements that companies and trademarks must follow丨Daen Xiao'er 丨 Name Recommendation

The role of a proper brand naming was enormous, following a series of simple step-by-step instructions to match the corporate image to my service, and the entrepreneur reimagined a name: Trade Show Coach. The name immediately tells the client that what the company is doing is assisting the company with the trade show, and that the way the company uses it is coaching, not commanding, directing, or organizing. Because of the name change, many people quickly became the company's best customers.

Company Naming Trademark Naming Brand Naming, must follow six elements:

1. Tell others who you are

Your name should reflect who you are, which is an important aspect of your brand. You promote the name as much as possible in front of more people, what do you want the public to think of you?

For some, that means combining your personal name with your business name, which is common in some professions, such as law, medicine, and accounting.

Others prefer descriptive names. A successful baker runs her own business under the name "The Cookie Lady" because that's how her first customers recognized her. Most customers even know her name is Pat, but everyone in her market knows "Lady Cookies.".

2) Tell someone what you do

It's unbelievable how many companies have names that show little about what type of work the organization actually is. Here's an example:

"Smith and Sons", "Herbert Brothers Hulbert Brothers", "The Only One". Can you tell me what these companies do? Of course, you can't. They rely on customers who already know who they are (which is a tricky problem for new businesses) or on finding their names in the "context," such as the Yellow Pages or online business catalogs.

3. Tell others how you do it

The language is very powerful, and by carefully choosing your name, you can convey a lot about the image of your company. For example, the three massage companies are called "Champlain Valley Therapeutic Massage", "Clouds Above Massage", and "Fast Hot Spring", all three companies provide the same service: massage therapy. However, the first seems to be more with a medical approach, the second with fantastic luxuries, and the third with a focus on fast service.

4. Differentiate your peers

Your company name is about telling customers what differentiates you from your competitors, and this can be achieved by emphasizing what makes you unique, emphasizing which aspect of your products and services is not found anywhere else, or that you're doing better than others.

For example, the example of the massage therapy brand named that we saw in the third point, each organization obviously has its own different focus and approach and their client base, and they are seeking fundamentally different approaches, thus attracting different types of clients. And these are all expressed by the brand name.

5. Create customer interest

Creating customer interest is an art, a science. Carefully consider your target audience, for whom are your service qualities most important? What kind of words attract them?

You can emphasize important qualities in the name. For example, busy homeowners are drawn to the intrinsic promise of speed offered by "Bob's Instant Pipeline"; readers looking for a good mystery will be attracted to the "Crime Paybook".

Word choice is also important. Both yarn stores can specialize in specialty fibers, but the brand that calls itself "whole hemp" will attract a very different demographic compared to "Natural Beauty: Organic Yarn.".

6. Please do a good job of further investigation

Humans are interesting high-class animals. Something that some find interesting and fascinating may frustrate others. Similarly, you feel that your name is approachable and appealing, but your target audience may not be able to perceive it. Make sure your name doesn't "overwhelm" customers, which requires risk prevention in advance.

The six elements that companies and trademarks must follow丨Daen Xiao'er 丨 Name Recommendation

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