
Wesley Series • Wrong Hand • Chapter 7 • The Stone of His Mountain can be attacked wrong

author:Eno's incense study

I looked at the time, it was less than twenty hours, they came so fast, but when I said they came so fast, Gobi said: "We came three hours ago, and we didn't want to disturb the two of you to rest, so there was no alarm, now, there is a little problem!" ”

Bai Su and I both laughed, followed by the voice of the desert: "The factory staff unanimously disagreed with the plan we proposed, so I would like to ask the two to make the final decision!" ”

I froze for a moment: "As long as you can open this device, any plan is OK, what is not acceptable?" ”

At this time, the voice of the factory director intervened: "Mr. Wei." You'd better come to the factory building right away, I think you'll be against them too! ”

Bai Su and I glanced at each other, "Okay, come right away!" ”

Ten minutes later, Bai Su and I entered the factory building and saw that the Gobi was very excited, pacing back and forth.

On the factory side, several important people were all there, looking solemn, and the desert seemed very calm, but his expression was very strange: he stood in front of the laser and put one hand on the laser.

As soon as I saw this situation in the desert, I was taken aback and blurted out: "No! ”

Because of the way he looked, it was as if he still wanted to use the laser. And the huge shock caused by the last use of this laser is still palpitating, and I will be afraid when I see this instrument, let alone use it again, so I will naturally scream like that.

As soon as I shouted, the factory director's face was livid, and his voice was very sharp: "Exactly!" ”

I immediately looked toward the Gobi Desert, and the Gobi approached the container, pointed to the top of the factory, and pointed to the small hole that had been penetrated by the laser, and he was like a big speaker: "The last time we used the laser, we already knew it completely!" ”

I snapped, "Since you know, you shouldn't use it again." ”

Gobi said: "Once used improperly, it does not mean that it cannot be used again, and besides, as far as I know, there is no more effective tool on the earth than it... ”

I asked, approached him, approached the container, and kicked at the container hard: "The laser doesn't work on this metal!" ”

Gobi looked triumphant: "I'm not going to deal with the metal of this container!" ”

I froze for a moment, not knowing for a moment what he meant when he said that. He pointed to the door of the container: "See no, there is a gap between the door and the container!" ”

I snorted again, and there was, of course, a slit between the door and the container. But this slit is so tight that it seems to be just a very thin thread, and if you don't look closely, you can't see it at all.

Gobi continued to look: "The crack in the door is so tight that there is no tool that can be inserted, but the laser is the exception, the laser is just an energy, formless and bodyless." It can be passed through any tight gap – as long as there is a lowering seam, it can penetrate it! ”

I sneered, "Theoretically, this is the case, and I also believe that through accurate measurement and calculation, you can make the laser shoot into that gap correctly, but since the laser cannot damage this metal, even if it is shot in, what is the use?" ”

The Gobi pointed to the desert: "Both of us believe that the door of this container is designed and manufactured closely to each other, so it is necessary to add a soft, lightly compressed substance to make the door and the container close, and what we have to deal with is this layer of matter!" ”

When he was finished, he looked at me with confidence, hoping to get my consent.

But I still shook my head: "First, the existence of this soft substance is only your imagination, maybe the alien metal process can make the metal close to each other." Second, even if there is such a soft substance, it is very likely that the laser cannot deal with it! ”

After the Gobi listened to my words, for a moment, he didn't know how to refute it, his eyes rolled upwards in anger, and the desert said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wei, any exploration has an element of adventure, if you are 100% sure, then there is no need to explore anything!" ”

I waved my hand vigorously: "The consequences are terrible!" ”

Desert looked calm: "It's not terrible, I can manipulate the instrument so that if the laser is reflected, the chance of shooting it into the sky and hitting the object in the air is actually only one in a hundred million, if you don't even want to take this risk, then, let this container never open!" ”

I looked at Bai Su, who took a breath: "What if, if there is someone in the container, it will not cause harm to him?" ”

Desert's answer was: "Unless his body is pressed against the door, then he will be slightly damaged on the epidermis, as if he had scratched the epidermis." ”

Bai Su looked at me again, and I caught the message she wanted to express in her eyes.

Bai Su was obviously saying to me, "It's worth a try!" ”

So I changed my attitude, my voice still sounded very hesitant, but what I said was: "Looks worth trying?" ”

I said this to the factory director, who hesitated for a moment and nodded hesitantly.

The Gobi cheered loudly, and the desert did not delay for a moment, and began to adjust the laser, and his technique was very skilled--later he learned that the Gobi was the main designer of this laser cutting instrument with no more than five in the world, and then he personally operated it, which was naturally much more skilled than the technicians in the factory.

He adjusted for several minutes, and repeated it again and again, and then, with a long breath, he glanced at the desert, and the desert made a gesture, and the Gobi pressed a button, and the laser shot out.

When the laser is emitted, there is actually no sound at all, but on various movies or television, it is usually accompanied by a "zi" sound, so there is also that illusion, and the laser shoots through the crack of the door that does not seem to exist. The Gobi's movement was really fast, in about a few tenths of a second, the laser did not reflect out, he knew that he had initially succeeded, he quickly moved the amplitude of the laser up and down, and immediately pressed a button, and the laser disappeared.

In this second, it is certain that everyone is holding their breath, and after one second, everyone is staring at the sky, because everyone sees that the door of the big box is opening a little!

Gobi jumped forward first, and as soon as he reached out, he opened the door!

The laser did break the lock, but behind the rectangular door, everyone stayed still, and inside that door was another smaller oval door.

That kind of door, it looks no stranger, like the kind that is common in submarines, or the kind of door that is permanent in a large vault, on the door, there is a turntable, at that time, I also came to the door, the Gobi made a gesture to me, I took two steps, held the turntable with both hands, turned hard, but the turntable was very light, and the force I used was too big, almost unstable.

The car wheel, which resembled a car's wheel, turned six or seven times, and then pulled hard, and the oval door opened.

The door was extremely thick, just like the steel door of a normal vault, and when the door was opened—at that time, all the people present were already gathered in front of them, so that everyone could see the scene after the door was opened.

For a moment, everyone was silent and surprisingly quiet.

The silence of that moment was naturally due to the fact that everyone saw the scene that surprised the people who saw it.

When the heavy door opened, I had to open the door, so I saw the scene after the door opened later.

Behind the door, there is an oval space, like an enlarged cocoon, about two meters high and about one and a half meters wide, compared to the entire volume of the large rectangular box, at most only half of it, the other half, all layers of metal, different colors, many of these metal layers, seem to play a protective role - at least one of the functions, is to prevent X-ray perspective.

In that cocoon-shaped space, the first thing you see is a seat with a slight upward angle, the size of the chair, just enough for an ordinary person to sit very comfortably, the chair has a fairly wide armrest, and on both sides of the armrest, there are all dense buttons, at least more than a hundred.

Above the seat, there is a silver-gray screen divided into nine blocks, which looks similar to the fluorescent screen, but it is different, but it seems, at least for sure, that these silver screens play the role of the fluorescent screen.

No one, Mr. Hassan is not in this big box, which anyone can see at a glance.

But no one in the room, not even me and Bai Su, thought that after the "container" was opened, the internal situation would be like this.

Everyone stared, but no one made a sound. The first thing that came to his reaction was the Gobi, and instead of making a sound, he reached out with a dreamlike look and tried to press the button on the armrest of the seat.

His movements were very slow, showing that his heart was very hesitant, and the desert was also at this time, with action, and at once he grabbed his hand and did not let him reach forward again.

Bai Su and I also shouted at that time: "Don't mess with those buttons! ”

Only then did several others cry out, "Oh my God! What is that...... stuff? ”

The Gobi Desert immediately looked at me, and I took a breath and pointed to the chair: "I'm not sure what it is, but I've seen a similar setup, and I think it's a..."

I've seen similar devices, which look like a space capsule, or the cockpit of a one-man spaceship, and so on. But if I had to say exactly what it was, I couldn't say it.

It can't be a flying body—the shape of a flying body, and there's no reason it's large, like a freezer.

So, what is it? Is it a lounge? A lab? A place for people to hide? Or a control room for what instruments?

I paused for half a moment and had to spread my hands: "Honestly, I don't know what it is!" ”

Although the desert stopped the Gobi and prevented him from touching the buttons, he had probed to look at them—desert and Bai Su and I, both stopped the Gobi from pressing those buttons, because we had no idea what they were, and we couldn't predict what would happen after pressing one of the buttons: there might be no reaction at all, and the consequences might be so severe! Because what is in front of us is all our ignorance, not even the slightest wrong hand, what the consequences are!

Not only is the desert looking, but others know that every button must have a function, and there are symbols on the buttons, which may indicate the function of those buttons. But each symbol seems to be just some inexplicable combination of lines, and there is absolutely no way to understand it!

I took a deep breath and repeated, "It's not something on Earth, it's not!" ”

I say this with great merit, because there are some symbols on earth that are almost universal and can be understood by everyone at first glance, such as adding a horizontal room in a circle, which means forbidden, red, meaning dangerous, and so on. But here, the symbols on hundreds of buttons, everyone present. But the right one can't understand!

Some of the symbols are made up of geometric lines, but they don't understand what they mean. For example, if there is a small triangle in a large triangle, what does that represent? What does the inversion of the small triangle angle mean? There are three points in a circle, and what does it represent? Who knows that there are three small circles in a parallelogram, and what does that mean what the button does?

There are also symbols, which are not made up of geometric figures at all, and look like a kind of ancient and eccentric writing.

In this situation, who would dare to press a button casually?

In addition to the surprise, everyone talked about it, and my statement was recognized: "Hassan fished up at sea is a kind of unknown use of the Eastern Unitary from which kind of alien people, so many of us can't understand what this thing is, Hassan has no reason to understand, among them, I'm afraid there are still factors that we don't know!" ”

Bai Su was a little embarrassed: "This Mr. Hassan is known to be an old friend of his father, but he has been getting this thing for so long, and he has never even mentioned it to his father. ”

Bai Su rarely showed so much excitement, and at this time, her dissatisfaction was naturally mostly due to the failure of her heartache Bai Boss's bet!

I saw that Bai Su was not happy, and naturally immediately stood on her side, and I angrily forced the thick and heavy door shut, and actually made a "bang" sound.

Then I lifted my foot again, kicked at the door, and shouted, "It's better to sink it back into the sea, and when Hassan reappears, maybe you can fish it out of the sea again!" ”

For these few words of mine, everyone present showed a look of disapproval.

From the looks on everyone's face, it can be seen that everyone is ambitious and wants to study something famous in this thing. I waved my hand and continued to exert my opinion: "Guys, this thing comes from an alien planet, and we can be sure that what it does, we don't know at all, and I believe that we can't study it, because any higher creature on any different star is completely different from us!" ”

The Gobi disagreed: "At least, the seat proves that the higher creature on the astral body is similar to ours, and any one of us can sit on that seat." ”

Desert added: "That kind of alien, at least has fingers or similar organs, otherwise, can't use those buttons!" ”

The chief engineer said, "Of course, there are eyes, otherwise, what organs are used to look at those symbols!" ”

I didn't insist on it either, and made an exaggerated gesture: "Well, then, start studying it, first of all, there must be a person sitting on the chair that is suitable for sitting!" ”

I kept standing in front of the door, and as I spoke, I reached out and pulled it hard, and pulled the door open again.

I mean, ask anybody to go ahead and sit down and see what they find.

So, when I pulled open the door, I was facing everyone, and the people were standing behind the door again, and they couldn't see the chair, all I saw was someone else. In an instant, I knew something must have gone terribly wrong! Because everyone I see, including Bai Su, who is the most calm in his dealings, everyone is horrified, like a ghost!

Naturally everyone saw this kind of look, naturally everyone saw a scene that should never be seen, and I was the only one who did not see it, which was naturally because I was behind the door!

So, while I was so shaken, I didn't have time to ask what others saw, and as soon as I turned, I turned the door.

At this time, I also saw it, and I believed that my expression could not be an exception, and it was also extremely frightening!

Yes, anyone will be shocked, and the most calm person cannot be an exception: the scene I saw was not much different from what I had just seen, but there was one more person on that seat!

Just now there was no one there, and suddenly between the opening and closing of the door, there was one more person on the seat - this scene is very similar to some large-scale magic show, but since no one thinks that the container is a prop for a large magic show, naturally no one will think that it is a magic show!

That's shocking enough! Where did this person come from?

This man, an old man, was slowly opening his eyes when I saw him, and it could be assumed that when others saw him, he had his eyes closed.

His expression was very peaceful--he was very peaceful until he fully opened his eyes, and when he opened his eyes and saw so many people, looking at him with a look of horror and inexplicable expression, he was more frightened than anyone!

The man was an old man, a very old man.

When I saw him, I was shocked, but I knew who he was. Bai Su was obviously the same, she stepped to my side, we naturally shook hands, both of our hands were cold.

At this time, everyone could not make a sound because of extreme surprise, and the old man was the same, he looked extremely frightened, but it was he who first regained his composure.

He sat in that chair, which had been slightly sloping upwards and not facing the door, but with a single press of his fingers on one of the many buttons on the armrest of the seat, the chair spun up, became facing the door, and no longer diagonally upwards, becoming him facing us.

I noticed that he was so skilled at pressing the button that he didn't have to look at it at all.

When he faced us, his gaze quickly skimmed over everyone's body, and then, staying on Bai Su's body, in that instant, he obviously recognized Bai Su's identity, he smiled at Bai Su, and said loudly in Shanghainese: "Find me, Bai Boss really has two hands!" ”

He didn't open his mouth, and Bai Su and I already knew that this old man who suddenly appeared like a magic trick was Mr. Hassan.

Hassan would suddenly sit in that chair, things were already frightening enough, as soon as he opened his mouth, he came up with such a sentence, which made me and Bai Su even more shocked!

Because he said that, it was as if he had been sitting there and we had opened the door and seen him!

But in fact, there are many twists and turns in the meantime, why would he not know anything?

When Bai Su and I were stunned, Hassan had already stood up from the seat, and as soon as he stood up, from under the seat, there was a step that was hidden somewhere, which automatically stretched out, and he stepped on the step, walked down, and walked out of the container.

His gaze stayed on Bai Su, and after he stepped out of the container, he reached out and pointed at Bai Su, smiled, and said, "It's Big Miss, Boss Bai is so blessed, there is a daughter like you!" ”

He has been speaking Shanghainese, among the Shanghainese, some are very vulgar, some are very polite, and among friends, they call each other's children, and many are called "big miss" and "young master". Bai Su was originally so clever in dealing with it, but at this time, because he was so shocked, he still froze and couldn't make a sound.

Hassan was still smiling, still in Shanghainese: "There must be a red guy who betrayed me, otherwise, you will never find me again——"

"Red Guy Yard" is an insult, and when he enters like this, he naturally thinks of the captain saying where he is hiding. And he said this, which surprised Me and Bai Su even more, because it sounded like he had been hiding in that container!

When Hassan said this, his eyes did not focus on Bai Su, he glanced at me, and then looked at the environment in which he was, and suddenly, his expression became strange and inexplicable, and he shouted: "What did you change my ship into?" This—"

He cried halfway, stopped abruptly, looked at us, and looked even more strange and inexplicable, first waving his hands a few times, and making a few meaningless noises in his throat, and then, he choked up and asked, "Am I not on the boat?" Isn't it? ”

Only then could I make a sound, and my voice was so hoarse that I shouted, "Mr. Hassan!" ”

Hassan looked at me, and Bai Su and I had been holding hands, and even if he recognized Bai Su, he would naturally know who I was, so he didn't greet me and asked directly: "What's the matter?" ”

I let out a long sigh and cried out with Bai Suqi: "Long story, Mr. Hassan, you have been—"

Speaking of which, I, along with Bai Su, pointed to the container. In that instant, in a look of surprise, has a little nervousness, he took a step back, first closed the thick oval door, and then closed the heavy door outside.

Then, his expression was more confused, he stared at the laser, and then he cried out in a dumb voice: "God, what the hell happened?" Where am I? Tell me, what about the white boss? "He became very excited, he was not excited, his emotions changed together, and everyone present had a sense of intolerability and emotional outbursts.

The chief engineer first shouted, "Don't ask us what happened, ask yourself what happened!" ”

At least three other people, all of whom were not polite, pointed their fingers at him and asked, "Where did you come from?" ”

One man (probably the deputy director) was shouting, "He's not human!" I don't know what kind of demon is... ”

Hassan was shocked and angry, and I saw the chaos and shouted, "Let's be quiet... ”

I called three times in a row, and everyone was quiet, and I asked Hassan urgently: "Mr. Hassan, things are very complicated, it is really difficult to say a word, you have many questions, we also have a lot of questions, is it not to find a place to talk about it, do not stand in this factory?" ”

Hassan shouted again: "Factory? Why am I in the factory? How did you open this container? What about the White Boss? ”

He was still asking in a mess, and he was so angry and excited that I spread my hands and didn't know how to deal with the scene. Bai Su opened his mouth at this moment. At this time, everyone's emotions are very anxious, confused, and shocked. Bai Su's voice is very soft and calm, which first of all plays a soothing role in the uneasy emotions of each person. She said, "Uncle Hassan, we have a lot of questions to ask each other, can we divide them into order?" ”

As soon as Hassan heard this, he said, "I'll ask first." ”

Although I am impatient and do not know how many questions I have to ask, I also know that in the current situation, if I argue with Hassan first, it will only make things more chaotic, so I will not argue with him, but there is a sentence that I must declare in advance.

For of all my many questions, there must have been a question about the container.

And after Hassan got the container, he didn't even mention it to his best friend, Boss Bai, so he might not be willing to tell us the truth, so I said loudly: "Whatever the question, you must answer it truthfully." ”

Hassan glanced at me at once, and it was only then that I had a chance to introduce myself: "I am Wesley. ”

Hassan snorted, "What's that?" Interrogators? ”

I insisted: "There is only one key question, and without a definite answer, the whole mystery cannot be solved." ”

The mystery in Hassan's mind was obviously no less than ours, so he immediately agreed: "Well, real teeth, to tell the truth, I'll ask first—"

He paused for a moment, and then looked at the people in the factory with a very doubtful look, and said very unceremoniously: "Idle and waiting, and go in to avoid... ”

I feel very embarrassed, without the help of the factory personnel, I can't open this container, how can I tell people to leave?

The Gobi Desert, which had been silent, protested in unison until then: "We are not idle people waiting... ”

Hassan glared at the two, "What is that?" ”

The Gobi Desert sneered in unison: "It may be your savior!" ”

Hassan was embarrassed, I don't know what the Gobi Desert meant by this, but Hassan's reaction was even more peculiar, he seemed to be unsure whether the two people's words were correct, and he hesitated.

I took the opportunity to say, "It wasn't with the help of these friends that we couldn't open this container?" ”

Hassan didn't care that we had opened the container, and he became angry again: "Who told you to open it?" You shouldn't be able to open it at all!" ”

Gobi said coldly, "But I don't know which alien left something, what's so great, there are not necessarily no capable people on the earth, is it not opened all at once?" ”

Hassan's anger disappeared at once, his expression became very depressed, he stayed for a moment and sighed. Waving his hand, indicating that he would no longer pursue the matter of the container being opened, Gobi pointed to the factory director and others: "They are not idle people, etc., of course, this is not a good place for long talks- " "

Hassan cried out, "Oh my God, find a place with wine." ”

To find a place with wine, of course, it is very easy, we waited, together to the living room of the Cloud Four Winds residence to sit down, the wine was transferred by the robot group to transport - at this time, even people who do not drink alcohol on weekdays, they also need wine, everyone has a cup, Hassan even made three cups in a row, before repeating again: "Surely there will be no idle people who will approach my container?" ”

The director repeatedly assured: "Absolutely not." ”

Hassan sighed again, "I can't help but be nervous, because what exactly is that container and what role it can play, I actually know very little, maybe if you press it casually, you will break into a catastrophe!" ”

We all said we could understand, and I urged, "Mr. Hassan, you can ask first, you can ask!" ”

Hassan opened his arms: "I want to know everything!" ”

So, I started talking—starting with boss Bai not being able to find him, coming to me and Bai Su to help.

I said it very simply, but I had to say it all, and when I said that Boss Bai used half of his bet to bribe the captain, he sighed: "Don't blame the captain, the temptation is too great!" ”

And when I said that at the end of the eighty days, he did not appear, Hassan's expression was strange and inexplicable.

And when I said that we had finally opened the container and there was no one inside, Hassan jumped up and shouted, "What a thousand friends!" ”

He was in a hurry and called out another Shanghainese dialect, which means "what a joke".

I took a breath: "Not to 'fight' with you, the first time I opened the door, there was no one on the chair, I was disappointed, closed the door, opened it again, you are in the chair!" ”

Hassan blinked vigorously, sat down again, and nursed himself: "Is it because I have the wrong hand to press the button that should not be pressed?" ”

The crowd was horrified: "Don't you know what happened?" Don't know where you are? ”

Hassan looked hesitant and wanted to stop talking, and I hurriedly said, "Solid teeth, tell the truth!" ”

Hassan stayed for a moment before he said, "This... How did the big box come about, you all know? ”

I nodded, "Drifting at sea, fishing it for you?" ”

Hassan agreed, took another big sip of wine, and began to tell his story, which is something we all want to know.

When Hassan saw the big box floating on the surface of the sea in the telescope, he was extremely confused. He loves sailing, spends a lot of time at sea, and naturally knows that at sea, anything strange can happen, but a big box like this, where it comes from, what is in it, is extremely incredible.

He was pleased that the matter was known only to two people, one was his cronies, and he could keep it a secret (Hassan did so, and did it very successfully, and the secret was kept until something strange happened later, and it was not revealed). He immediately transported the container to his villa, intending to open it. Hassan's failure to open the container was expected, because later, in the factory of the four winds of the clouds, the most advanced laser instruments had to be used, and there was also a master figure like the Gobi Desert to personally preside over it, in order to open it.

However, in addition to being anxious to know what was inside the container, Hassan also used a very efficient X-ray detector, which naturally did not have any results.

Half a month later, Hassan knew that this thing, which had been fished on the surface of the sea, was unusual, and that it was coming from the region that had always been mysterious, the so-called "Bermuda Triangle". Within this container, it can be anything.

Several times he wanted to go to Boss Bai, and he wanted to contact me through Boss Bai—which was why he later agreed when he heard that Boss Bai was willing to send me to accompany him to "tell stories" as a bet. Because he had many questions in his mind, he wanted to ask me.

Unfortunately, Both Hasan and Boss Bai are very competitive, and the two old people will argue when they don't agree, and Hassan is afraid of being ridiculed by Boss Bai for saying that he has fished something tattered at sea as a treasure, so he can't bear to say.

But he himself had been spending time studying the vessel, and after a month, when he had exhausted all his means and still could not open the vessel, he was anxious and curious, and it was almost restless today.

The vessel had been kept in the cellar of his villa, and that night he had returned from a banquet, a little drunk, at which he refused the teasing of a blonde sexy creature, and felt a little insulted...

In short, he was in a very unhappy, very lonely situation, and as soon as he returned to the villa, he naturally came to the cellar, stood in front of the container, stared, and the more he looked, the more irritable he became, and when he turned around, he saw that there was an iron rod not far away.

The flat iron rod at one end was used to pry open something, just as I first wanted to use this primitive tool to open the container, and Hassan had also used this iron rod to pry open the door of the container without success, and the iron rod was set aside.

Hassan took the iron rod, rushed to the container, shouted, exhaled, and used the iron rod to strike the container, and in the cellar, the sound of metal tapping echoed.

Hassan was full of meaningless words, such as "What kind of monster are you" and "Whatever is in you, I must find out."

He couldn't remember exactly how long he had been yelling or how many times he had been knocking. Since he had placed the vessel in the cellar, he had ordered no one in the villa to come to the cellar. In addition, the sound insulation equipment of the cellar is very good, so Hassan is fooling around in the cellar, and more than a dozen servants in the villa do not know.

After all, Hassan was not young, after tossing and turning, he felt tired, the wine had passed, he held the iron rod, gasping for breath, he was still staring at the container, and he wanted to try to learn the iron rod again, and knock it a few more times--from this point, he could also know the character of the old man of Hassan.

At this moment, he suddenly heard that inside the container, some sounds came out.

At that time, Hassan was not sure that the sound was coming from the container, because the sound he had just struck the container made was deafening, and at this time it was quiet, and the hearing was not so sensitive.

He stayed for a moment, until he heard a sound again, like the sound of something making as it turned, that Hassan really woke up, involuntarily, and took a step back.

He was talking to us about the past, and when he said this, he still had a lingering feeling, reached out and wiped his face, and asked: "At that time, I was extremely scared, guess what I thought of first?" ”

Everyone couldn't answer, and there was silence for about a minute or so, and I was trying to urge him not to waste his time, and Bai Su said in a tentative tone: "In mythology, the bottle that imprisons a huge demon?" ”

Hassan immediately shouted, "Exactly! What I thought was that out of that big box, a huge demon would come out! ”

Hassan's mentality at that time was easy to understand: for more than a month, he had been fantasizing about what was in that container, and at the beginning, he naturally thought from the ordinary aspect. Since the container looked like a large frozen meat cabinet, he even imagined that it was full of refrigerated food.

As he exhausted his ways to open the container, his imagination of what was inside the container naturally became more and more strange, and he finally thought of what monster might be inside the container.

At this time, as soon as he heard a sound coming out, he thought of living things, which was very reasonable.

When Hassan narrated, he was a little embarrassed: "Is it that the more nervous people are, the more they can't concentrate and prefer to think wildly?" I was frozen at that time, and all I was thinking about were some miscellaneous questions that I shouldn't have thought about at this moment. ”

At that time, Hassan thought of the demon that came out of the container, I don't know what it was? What about the vengeful demon who has been imprisoned in that container for too long, and who is full of hatred as soon as he comes out, wanting to destroy everything? Or is it a subdued demon, like Aladdin's lamp, who can do anything for his master?

As Hassan was thinking about it, for about three minutes, the sound inside the container stopped again.

After all, Hassan had been in the world for a long time, and at this time, he had already settled down. Shouting at the container, "Whether it's a demon or a monster, come out!" ”

He shouted like this at this time, of course, the greater effect, or for his own courage, he shouted, while striding forward, grabbed the iron rod in his hand, and waited to smash forward.

But at this moment, he suddenly froze, because he saw that the door of the container, the door that he could not open with all his heart, was slowly opening. After opening it for about twenty centimeters, it stopped for a moment, like some living creature inside, and after looking at the situation outside, it was necessary to look at the situation outside and then decide on the next action.

At this time, one of Hassan's hearts almost jumped out of his mouth.

The door was only twenty centimeters open, he couldn't see what was in the container, he had been having a heart attack, and afterwards, he was surprised that he hadn't died of a heart overload at that time!

Fortunately, the pause was not too much, about three seconds or so, the door opened at once, and Hassan saw a person, a little footsteps, and stepped out.

As soon as the man stepped out, as soon as he looked up, he saw Hassan, and Hassan also saw him, and the two of them made a face-to-face, and the man's movements froze—it was a strange posture of standing up to halfway up, and Hassan, holding the iron rod high, wanted to smash forward.

The two men faced each other like this for only a few seconds, but both sides must have felt very long. Hassan's horror was extremely great, but what appeared was not a big monster, just a person (although it was strange that a person suddenly came out of such a container, but it was better to come out of a person than to come out of a monster), which always made his shock lesser.

After he had calmed down a little, although he had not changed his frozen posture, he could at least look at the man. The man seemed to be in his twenties, his appearance and stature were very ordinary and inconspicuous, and such a person, mixed with many people, would not attract special attention, and even for a moment, it was impossible to distinguish whether he was Asian or African!

This man has a pair of extremely flexible eyes, at first he did not move, but then, his eyeballs began to move, wandering around, and as soon as he came into contact with his eyes, he had a sense of confusion.

The man's clothes, at first glance, were nothing special, similar to the overalls of ordinary workers, but with a few thick bulging pockets.

After looking at the man and assuming that he was not a monster, Hassan asked, "What are you?" ”

At this time, the man's eyes rested on the iron rod in Hassan's hand, and he slowly stood up straight, pointed to the iron rod, and asked in a rather rough voice: "Is this a welcome ceremony?" ”

At this time, the doubt in Hassan's heart was really to the extreme, and he subconsciously waved the iron rod in his hand for a moment, and then drank: "Let go!" ”

As he drank, he rushed forward, and the man gave way to the side, and Hassan came to the container, opened the half-open door with an iron rod, and then he saw another half-open oval door, and when he opened the oval door with the iron, he saw the same situation as we saw after we finally opened the container in the factory.

He stared at everything he saw in a daze—it was the inevitable reaction of anyone who saw what was inside the container.

He didn't know how long he had been in a daze, of course, during that time, he also had a lot of imagination, he had a quick mind, but it was difficult to make a hypothesis, he turned around, saw that the man was still in the same place, looked, at least not hostile, and then fixed his mind again.

(Between people, in many cases, they must determine whether the other party is hostile before they can act.) )

(This is a sad phenomenon not only between man and man, but also between man and many creatures.) )

Hassan first asked, "You... Have been in this, for more than a month, you have been in this? ”

The man repeated, "More than a month?" I'm inside—"

When he said this, he suddenly smiled bitterly, and then, hurried forward, crossed Hassan at once, and sat down on the seat again, but did not close the door, so Hassan could see everything clearly.

After seeing the man sit down, his eyes looked directly at the silver-gray screen in front of him, which was divided into nine blocks, and his expression was anxious and nervous.

His hands kept pressing the buttons on the armrests of his chair with great speed, pressing them no less than seventy or eighty times. Hassan noticed that there were at least a hundred buttons on the arm of the chair, and he didn't know why the man couldn't look at it, but he could press it so skillfully that he couldn't make a mistake.

When he pressed the first button, there was an image on the nine-block silver gray screen, and Hassan was a little embarrassed to peek at first, but the man obviously did not pay attention to Hassan, just stared, and Hassan also came close to see. What he saw, he still couldn't say until this time, when he recounted the situation with us, he just said it as it was.

Hassan's account is: "I saw several different pictures, but I didn't know anything about what those pictures represented, two or three of them, like ripples, some of which were gorgeous, changing colors— the colors were dazzling, and the changing colors must be conveying something, but I couldn't understand them." In the center is a dense text, as if it were words, well... It should be text, but I was outside the door, far away, and I was embarrassed to get too close to see it, so I didn't know what it was. There are also one or two pictures, which are simply messy and unclear. ”

In short, the time was not short, the man sat in the chair for at least ten minutes or so, and during these ten minutes, he pressed the button almost constantly, and the nine pictures were constantly changing, but Hassan could not understand it at all.

Then the man froze for a moment, turned his head, still rather anxious, and as soon as he turned his head, he froze for a moment, as if he had discovered Hassan's existence at this point.

He asked in a rather anxious tone, "You... Where did you find me on the surface of the sea? ”

Hassan replied cautiously: "I found this vessel on the surface of the sea. ”

The man jumped down, reached Hassan's body, and as soon as he reached out, he took Hassan's hand.

His hands were cold, and Hassan even gave him a shiver because of it, and the man asked, "How many people know?" ”

Hassan said busily, "Not much, there is only one other person, he... Very good at keeping secrets. ”

The man seemed to be somewhat relieved, loosened Hassan's hand, and circled around. Hassan had a wealth of life experience, and seeing that this strange man was in a very anxious situation, he asked, "What do you need help with?" ”

The man said busily, "Yes! Yes! I will not forget that you helped me, and I will not forget. ”

Hassan smiled proudly, "You are mistaken, and I will never give you a reward." ”

The man seemed quite surprised by Mr. Hassan's statement, and he looked at Hassan for a while before he said, "The first thing I want your help is not to tell anyone that you have seen me, remember, no one can say." ”

Under the circumstances at that time, the man's request was naturally not excessive, so he did not have any consideration, and nodded his head in agreement.

When Hassan talked about his experience, when he talked about it, he paused slightly, took a sip of wine, and looked a little sad.

Those who listened to his account knew why he was upset, for he had promised the man that he would never mention to anyone that he had seen such a person, but now he had revealed it to many of us and to us.

He breaks his word - he must not often break his word, so he feels sad.

I comforted him: "Mr. Hassan, it is often said that at this time, at that time, the situation is different, and the man must have something... Quirky place, that's why you decided to tell us everything that went through. ”

After listening to me, Hassan nodded his head, "Yes, this man is so strange — you see, who is he?" What's the origin? From where? ”

I said, "You're in such a hurry that you haven't finished everything about that person, so how can we judge?" ”

Hassan smiled bitterly, "There's nothing more to say." ”

At that time, we didn't know what Hassan meant by "nothing more to say", and when we saw that he was ready to continue, we didn't ask.

It turned out that after the man asked Hassan to agree to his request, he said, "Please tell me where the way out is, I have urgent things to do." ”

Hassan pointed to the stairs leading to the hall, the man's movements were very fast, he was already hurrying to the stairs, he jumped on the stairs again, only to turn around, point to the container, and said, "You can keep this thing for the time being, but you must never let others know." ”

When Hassan saw that this man actually said to go away, he couldn't help but be anxious and busied himself with a few steps: "Wait, what is this thing?" What does it do? ”

The man "ah" a sound, in hassan said those few words, he went up a few steps of stairs, it seems that there is an emergency, then turned around: "Sorry, this thing is very strange to you, its role is too much, for a while, there is no end to the talk, you have to pay attention, many buttons on the handle of the chair, you must not press randomly, a press, it will change unpredictably, for you... Or anyone who presses the button, causing great damage. ”

Hassan cried out, "You left such a thing behind, but you told me that I couldn't touch it, how could I bear it?" ”

When the man heard Hassan protest like this, he was very reasonable, and he thought about it sideways: "Then I still close the door, anyway, you can never open the door, and you will not press it randomly because of curiosity." ”

As he spoke, he hurried down. At this moment, Hassan did not let go of him, and as soon as he passed by, Hassan grabbed him tightly with both hands and shouted, "No! Close the door, I will die! You'll have to tell me everything before you're allowed to go!" ”

The man sighed, "Honestly, sir, you have no way of knowing everything, there is not enough time." ”

Hassan knew what the man meant, that he was old and that there was not enough time for him to know everything! From this, we can also see that everything contained in this thing is extremely complicated, and it makes his heart itch even more.

I believe he is a man of greater curiosity than I am—as evidenced by his penchant for listening to stories. For a curious person, in this case, if he does not know a little of the secret of the container, he is afraid that he will be tortured to death by the curiosity.

The man obviously understood his feelings, and said, "Well, I won't close the door, but you must listen to me." ”

Hassan nodded, and the man thought about it again before pointing to two buttons with two small dots on them, and said, "Sit in a chair and press these two buttons." ”

Hassan hurriedly asked, "What will happen?" ”

The man said, "The two doors close automatically, you're in your seat, your heart stops beating, your breathing stops—"

Hassan was taken aback and opened his mouth wide, unable to speak. The man laughed, reached out above his shoulder, and patted it lightly: "Don't be afraid, it is not a state of death, but a state of stillness, and this state is very beneficial to your health." ”

Hassan hesitated, "How can I wake up?" ”

The man let out an "Oh" and pointed to a button: "Press it, it means a stage... Well, it's a day. ”

After he said it, he strengthened his tone: "All you can move is a total of three twists, and the rest must not be moved." ”

Hassan was not satisfied: "If it moves, what will happen?" ”

The man was a little annoyed by Hassan's pestering and exclaimed, "Anything will happen." ”

He looked extremely anxious, and as soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and slid toward the stairs, and Hassan was busy following behind, and shouted: "If the door is closed, how to open it?" ”

The man said, "You're inside, and the door opens as soon as it's pulled." ”

Hassan followed him, and when he reached the stairs, he was already breathless, and after the man went up the stairs, he paused slightly, and Hassan pointed to a door: "Go over there, go to the hall." ”

The man hurried in, and Hassan struggled to follow, only to see that when the man reached the hall, he paused slightly and looked around. The hall of the Hassan Villa was naturally luxurious, but the man saw it, and there was no special expression, so he hurried to the gate.

There happened to be a servant at the gate, and when he saw such a man coming, the master was behind him again, and he followed in a hurry, so surprised that he could not speak. The man came to the door, and when the servant tried to stop him when he tried to open it, the man rebuked him angrily. Hassan said busily: "Open the door, please, when will you come back?" ”

The servant hurriedly opened the door, and the man stepped out without turning his head back, but finally answered Hassan's question: "Maybe." Remember all my commands. ”

Hassan did not have time to agree, he chased out in a hurry, chased out of the gate, and long disappeared from the man.

Hassan stood in the doorway for half a moment, returned to the cellar, he almost did not think about it, he sat on the seat, he sat up, the door automatically closed, after the door closed automatically, in front of his eyes was not a darkness, but a very soft, very comfortable light.

Hassan really wanted to press on any button to see what would happen, but after thinking about it again and again, he never dared.

So he simply pressed the two buttons as the man had commanded, and then pressed them on the other one.

On the nine silver screens in front of him, nothing changed, but the chair turned automatically, and in front of the nine screens, at most only within ten seconds, he only felt that he was comfortable, and naturally, he closed his eyes, just like a person who had no worries and was very tired, and suddenly lost consciousness in a very comfortable situation.

Mr. Hassan's account, at this point, stopped again.

Then, Hassan emphasized: "It was a feeling of extreme comfort, it was so comfortable and peaceful, I tried many times later, each time the same, that feeling of serenity, making people feel, even if they never wake up and die, this is the best way to die!" ”

Gobi asked, "You pressed that twist once... Did you wake up after a day? ”

Hassan nodded. At that time, he did not know that when he woke up, a full twenty-four hours had passed. When he woke up again, he only felt refreshed, suddenly pushed open the door, and jumped down - although he was over the age and his health had always been very good, but this kind of jumping and jumping, but it had not been more than ten years, even he himself, could not help but stay for a while.

And when he left the cellar and saw that every servant was extremely anxious, he realized that he had been in the cellar for twenty-four hours, and the servant did not dare to go in to find him, and he was afraid of an accident, so he was anxious!

Hassan was extremely excited—he had no idea what was going on, but he was sure he had an adventure.

This adventure occurred in his later years, and it was of even greater significance: after several consecutive "rests" in the container (the longest time was seven days), he not only felt psychologically happy, but also his physical health was greatly improved, not only that, but also in his state of mind, there was a tendency to return to old age and childhood--he later drove to see the bright red sports car of The White Boss, which he bought after his mood returned to youth, otherwise, it is very difficult to imagine how he could drive such a car at the age of eighty!

Hassan not only "rested" in that vessel, but was still constantly studying the role of the other buttons in that vessel. But when the man was leaving, Hassan did not dare to disobey it, and he did not even dare to reach out and touch the buttons, for fear that a wrong hand would cause a great disaster.

Naturally, he did not dare to mention this matter to anyone—during this time, he had visited Boss Bai four times, and each time he wanted to talk about it to Boss Bai, but he did not dare to disobey the man's instructions.

His idea was that he must tell Boss Bai about the matter, but when the man returned, the man said, "There is an urgent matter to be done", but after he left, like the Yellow Crane, there was no news, Hassan waited for him to appear every day, and ordered all the servants, as soon as the man appeared, he treated him as if he were himself!

Hassan also did a lot of other work, he took many pictures of the inside and outside of the container, and in terms of his position, he naturally recognized many people of insight, and as soon as he had the opportunity, he took those pictures out to show people.

But the people who saw it, the opinions expressed, were similar, and they could not say a single reason. The most common opinion was "it looks like a small submarine" or "looks like a space capsule".

When Hassan asked his doctor friend if a person could have a resting state without breathing or heartbeat, the answer was mostly laughter. Some explained to him that it is possible for a person to be in a state of "hibernation" that some creatures usually do, but it is impossible to completely stop beating and breathing!

None of these answers could satisfy Hassan, but when the man did not appear, Hassan had no special way to think of it.

He also did a job: he invited three brilliant portraitists, according to his description, to draw the appearance of the man who suddenly appeared in the container, and then, through his connections, investigated the origin of the man, but with no result at all.

Later, I learned that Xiao Guo's detective office also accepted this commission, and Hassan's reward was very high. According to Xiao Guo, around the world, his peers have received the same commission, more than three thousand!

When he went to see Boss Bai again for the fifth time, there was a "bet" incident.

When Hassan said this, the people who listened to it were very nervous. The result of that bet was known to everyone, but no one knew what had happened – including hassan!

I gave Hassan another glass of wine, and Hassan took a sip of it and cleared his throat: "Boss Bai made a bet with me to find me out on the boat, and I immediately thought of the container, although before, I had only rested there for seven days at most, but the man said that it was okay to stay in it for as long as it was, and it would not be a problem to come for eighty days... My next move, you all know? ”

Bai Su and I just nodded, because his next behavior was all known because of the captain's offer, and the captain was bribed to provide it, which was not a very honorable thing.

Hassan tilted his head sideways and thought for a moment: "I left the deck and went into the steam room, only the captain knew my whereabouts, and when I entered the container, no one saw me." Since I had had many times of 'rest' experience, I didn't think it was funny, but I thought that after eighty days, I suddenly appeared when Boss Bai looked frightened, and I thought it was funny, and I believed that eighty days of long rest must be of great benefit to my health. ”

When Hassan said this, he paused again, licked his lips, and I took the opportunity to ask, "Did you do something wrong?" ”

Hassan's expression was horrified, he had obviously done something wrong, because when the container was opened by us, he was not in it, and only later appeared, he had disappeared!

After a while, Hassan said, "I can't remember exactly, eighty days, to press that button eighty times, I have to count very carefully, not more at once, not less at once, in that process, I most likely pressed the nearby button by mistake - you have all seen that those buttons are very densely arranged, after all, I am old, my fingers are not so... flexible! ”

Everyone held their breath, and Hassan's explanation was very acceptable. Hassan does not deliberately press other buttons, naturally only the possibility of accidentally touching other buttons.

I waved my hand vigorously, signaling that he didn't have to say the process, what mattered was what happened after he pressed the wrong button!

Several people have raised the issue. Hassan looked confused and reached out to stroke his face: "For me, nothing happened, as usual, I entered a state of stillness in a very comfortable situation, and then woke up again... When I woke up, I saw you guys... It was the most surprising moment of my life! ”

The Gobi Desert cried out in unison, "But when we opened the container, you weren't inside!" Seeing you suddenly appear is also the most surprising moment of our lives! ”

Hassan shook his head, "I don't know where I've been, where can I go in that sealed container?" Gone, how can you suddenly come back? ”

The Gobi Desert's expression was very serious: "There is an idea, a device, that can decompose people into molecules and launch them, and then restore them in another device." ”

Hassan laughed in horror: "This little friend, don't scare me! ”

Desert shook his head, "This is unlikely, if he had ever dissolved into a molecule and gathered together, then he should know where he was launched!" ”

Gobi retorted: "If he had been decomposed in a state of stillness, he would not have been aware at all, and he would not have known where he had been." ”

Desert shook his head, "I'd rather assume that after he pressed the wrong button, something in this container made him invisible, so when we opened the container, we couldn't see him!" ”

It was interesting to listen to the Gobi Desert debates, because their imagination was very rich and they had enough knowledge. As soon as I heard desert say this, I couldn't help but let out an "ah" whisper.

Because when the container was first opened, we only saw that there was no one inside, and did not reach out to grope, if Hassan was an invisible person at that time, of course, it is also very likely.

Hassan was a little amused: "The two children don't think of me too magically, I just don't know what went wrong, I don't know... What happened, I see... Don't pursue it! ”

Although he had seen the world, he was discussing a strange thing related to him at this time, and he himself did not know what had happened, so naturally he was not very happy.

I comforted him: "Mr. Hassan, you are safe now, at most don't touch that thing in the future, there will be no more trouble." ”

Hassan showed a very reluctant look, I naturally knew. Tell him not to touch that thing, that's impossible!

For a moment, everyone was quiet, and the Gobi paced back and forth a few steps: "The man said, this thing... The buttons have many roles, so much so that you don't have time to finish learning? ”

Hassan nodded, "He said that, but I wasn't convinced, how could I not live to be one hundred and twenty years old?" ”

The Gobi rubbed his hands and looked at the desert, both of them had an itchy look, and they asked Hassan again: "Both of us are interested in all the novel designs, and we are also very experienced, can we give that thing to study?" ”

Hassan didn't wait for them to finish speaking, and then he cried out: "Of course not, that thing is not mine, people are only temporarily putting it here with me, how can I make up my own mind?" ”

Hassan used this reason to refuse, naturally no matter how good it was, Gobi tentatively asked: "Can you study with us?" ”

Desert said busily: "Studying with us, for you, there is no disadvantage!" ”

At this point, I was already full of curiosity about the thing, so I said, "We can study it together, and it's in this factory, because it can provide all the equipment we need!" If it weren't for here, it wouldn't have been possible to open the container. ”

The Gobi Desert stared directly at Hassan: "If we hadn't opened the container, you might never know where to float, not only would you never come back, but you would have scattered into hundreds of billions of pieces forever... ”

When Gobi said this, he not only insisted on his "molecular decomposition" theory, but also looked very gloomy, so that Hassan was shocked. Bai Su also interjected at this time: "Not only can it provide good research conditions here, but also a very comfortable living environment, but unfortunately I can't participate!" ”

I said busily: "You—Bai Su smiled: "I have to leave at least, Daddy has no phone there, and I need to tell him personally, because of the accident, so he seems to have lost the bet, but in fact not-"

When Hassan heard this, he shouted, "No, he didn't find me out in eighty days!" Bai Su smiled: "In the seventy days, we have found this container, if you are inside, you will lose!" You are not in the container at all, nor on the ship, and you have committed the right to bet! ”

At this point, she paused for a moment before slowly saying, "Usually, if you break the rules, you should lose!" ”

Hassan still wanted to refute it, but for a moment, he didn't know how to say it, and his eyes rolled over in a hurry.

I said, "Mr. Hassan didn't mean to foul!" ”

It seemed that I was doing Hassan a favor, speaking for him, excusing him, but my words were very sinister, and if Hassan did not notice for a while, he would have to be deceived.

Sure enough, although Hassan has a wealth of experience in life, in this situation, it is inevitable that "Dan Lao will eat" (caught in the treacherous scheme, or the meaning of Dao'er), he immediately said: "Yes, I did not deliberately foul!" ”

How compatible was the tacit understanding between Bai Su and me, and she immediately said, "Intentional or unintentional, it is always a foul, isn't it?" ”

Asking Bai Su such a question, Hassan suddenly realized that I was not helping him to excuse himself, but to say the word foul through his own mouth!

He glared at me fiercely, and I laughed and said, "Mr. Hassan, you can talk and drink with us at this time, I think it is very much related to the opening of the container door, if it were not for such a change, you do not know what kind of situation you are in, it is more terrible than death!" ”

How has Hassan said to many of us, he waved his hand sadly: "Good! Good! Right here, research together! ”

As soon as Hassan agreed, everyone was extremely happy, and the Gobi Desert was simply overjoyed, shouting and jumping high.

Bai Su said, "There is one thing that Mr. Hassan must do immediately - call back quickly and see if that person has ever appeared!" It's been more than three months! ”

Hassan was reminded by Bai Su's words, and quickly asked for a phone call, calling back to the villa, the answer of the general manager was disappointing, the person not only did not appear, nor did he contact in any way!

Hassan instructed him to contact the man as soon as he had information, and it seemed that Hassan was ready to stay in the factory for a long time.

Bai Su added, "It's not that I poured cold water, the source of this container is very strange, your research may not have any results at all, but I'm afraid I still have to wait for that person to appear!" ”

The two gobi desert people were very dissatisfied: "Even if it is an alien thing, we can still study a famous one!" ”

As the two of them said this, they looked at Hassan again, and Hassan knew what they meant: "That man... It doesn't look like an alien at all! ”

I was very supportive of Bai Su's opinion, but at this time, everyone was elated and clapped their hands, and I was naturally inconvenient to pour cold water, so I didn't say anything.

Bai Su said to go away, this is going to say goodbye, the factory director was busy ordering the preparation of the car, I accompanied her to the door to wait for the car, Bai Su said in a deep voice: "No matter how the research work is carried out, don't press any buttons of the container, really anything can happen, that... It is a big magic box, I don't know who owns it, don't be rash! ”

Bai Su said very seriously, and I kissed her lightly: "You are talking more and more like a poet!" ”

Bai Su smiled a little, and a factory employee drove a very high-performance sports car to Bai Su to get into the car, waving at me while whistling away.

When the car was out of sight, I turned around, and saw that everyone was pouring out, and I knew that they were anxious to go back to the garage, so I first repeated what Bai Su had just said before leaving.

Gobi smiled and said, "Of course, if you press the button randomly, all of a sudden your body will be half gone, which would be very bad." ”

Desert shrank his shoulders, "It's not just very bad, it's just terrible!" ”

I laughed: "Then it also depends on how there is only half left, whether it is only the upper half, or the lower half, the left half, or the right half!" ”

A few words made everyone laugh in horror, and the mechanic foreman lost his voice: "If only half of the people are left, what is it?" ”

For a while, everyone was quiet for about a few seconds, thinking that everyone had a chilling feeling about this unpredictable situation -- this is naturally also the reason why no one dared to press the button in all aspects of the research work later, until later, when the white boss appeared, it was broken - that is the last word, first expressed.

Before they reached the factory building, everyone had already discussed the steps of the study and decided that the first step was to find out the energy source and nature of this thing. This is very important, and if you understand this, you can have a certain understanding of the ins and outs of this thing.

After unfolding the work, the detailed process, of course, does not have to be detailed, there are many procedures, even I do not understand very well, so I just sit by, and spend more time looking at all the internal devices of the container, especially the many buttons, and the patterns on it.

I know that each of those patterned symbols must have a unique meaning, but I can't know its true meaning, just like seeing a text that I don't know, and I can't guess it.

Three days later, the first research project failed.

Because I exhausted the methods, I could not find the energy source of this container - I knew that it must be in this container, but I could not take the container apart, and it was naturally not easy to find.

Gobi speculated: "It may be a very small and efficient nuclear kinetic energy device, and it is very well protected, so it cannot be detected." ”

Hassan listened and grunted in Shanghainese: "Talking is equivalent to talking in a hurry!" (To speak is to not to speak).

In the past three days, everyone has not rested much, and everyone's eyebrows are knotted, until then the Gobi announced that it was abandoned, I made a more dramatic proposal, I pointed to the seat: "At least three buttons can be moved, after moving, there will be no bad results, people will be twenty-four hours, as if asleep, and after waking up, refreshed!" ”

Hassan nodded, "I've tried many times, and it's true. ”

I pointed to the tip of my nose and said, "Let me try it out – put two CCTV in and see what I look like in my still state, whether it's possible to become invisible, or disappear!" ”

My proposal was immediately agreed by everyone, and the Gobi Desert repeatedly hit his head, saying how he had not thought of it, and obviously they also wanted to try the taste of "stillness".

I smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, it seems that what we have is time, each person can take a turn for a day, and everyone will not be disappointed." ”

Soon CCTV cameras were found and connected to a large color screen, and Hassan repeatedly pointed out to me the three buttons and the order in which they were pressed.

I sat down in the seat, pressed the three buttons, and as Hassan said, lit up with a soft light, and the door closed automatically. I also wanted to lean over and push the door to see if I could push it open, but my body didn't move at all (I was sure to watch the video afterwards), and in an instant, I just felt that my body was numb and comfortable, and a lazy feeling hit my heart, and my eyes were closed (the process of watching the video, only three seconds), and I was already asleep.

This sleep was very beautiful, and when I woke up, I naturally stretched out a lazy waist, and the door opened, and I jumped down and saw that everyone was there, but their looks were all sullen.

Hassan Daizo yawned: "Twenty-four hours, you haven't even moved, like a dead man!" ”

As he spoke, he pointed to the color screen of the TV video, and I naturally knew the reason why everyone was not excited! Twenty-four hours looking at a person who is asleep, naturally sullen!

Then, the Gobi Desert had to be tried, and two days later, after entering the container of the people in the Gobi Desert, the door was closed, and I saw the situation on the screen, as if they were all asleep.

A total of five days have passed, and the study of the container can be said to have made no progress at all. On that day, the desert "woke up" and said loudly: "Sleep is really comfortable, I really don't know where the world is, I have never slept so soundly in my life, it is very comfortable!" ”

The people in the factory listened and wanted to try, just at this moment, a heroic "hehe" laughter came over, and looked at it, the white boss with white hair and white eyebrows and white whiskers was in front, and Bai Su was in the back, and walked together.

As soon as Boss Bai came in, Hassan greeted him. The two men each held out their hands and pointed at each other. Boss Bai spoke first: "Hassan, no one has lost, no one has won - don't be angry!" ”

When Hassan heard this, his heart was happy, and his face looked much better: "There is an accident, and no one is responsible." ”

Boss Bai glanced at the Gobi Desert—Bai Su had obviously told him in detail about the people here, so he already knew the identities of each of them, and then he looked at the two of them at once.

As soon as the Gobi Desert saw such a mighty battle as Boss Bai, naturally he did not need to be introduced at all, he knew where he was sacred, and immediately stood very respectfully, and Boss Bai smiled: "What is the result?" ”

I rushed to answer: "There was no result, but the three of us took turns to try the taste of 'jing', it was a very good sleep, do you want to try it?" ”

Boss Bai agreed, "Good! ”

He seemed to be very familiar with the container, and as he spoke, he strode forward and stepped out.

At this time, I really want to admire Bai Su, one, she is exquisite, two, or she knows the personality of the boss best, the white boss only took two steps forward, she caught up from behind, and pulled the white boss: "Daddy, I know what you want to do!" ”

Boss Bai froze for a moment and didn't make a sound, in this regard, my reaction was relatively slow, I said: "What else can I do, naturally it is the special feeling of trying to rest completely!" ”

Bai Su glared at me fiercely: "No! I know what he wants to do! After he wants to go in, he messes up those twists! ”

I was shocked, everyone was shocked, but The white boss laughed loudly: "You can really know my heart!" ”

Bai Su screamed urgently, "Daddy, it will be troublesome!" ”

Boss Bai was arrogant and dry: "What a disaster! The big deal is that I disappear, die, you are afraid of death, do not dare to try, I am not afraid, I will try! ”

Bai Su dun foot: "I'm just afraid that I won't die or live, and half of the people will be lost!" ”

Boss Bai froze for a moment, looking extremely strange, thinking that it was a terrible situation after people lost half of them.

But then, he insisted: "Always try, I don't think there will be any big deal, otherwise, as soon as the man returns, it seems that we are incompetent, and Hassan once pressed the wrong button, is not a hair or a hair?" ”

Everybody was silent, and to be honest, everybody felt they could try it, but because what would happen was completely unpredictable, no one dared to say yes.

I knew that Boss Bai was going to target me, so he turned his head, but he still called out my name: "You should agree with my approach, in fact, I thought you did it earlier!" ”

I immediately said, "My wife told me not to do that, so I didn't do it!" ”

This answer was very clever, and the white boss laughed: "Well, fortunately, I don't have this kind of interpersonal relationship, I don't have to obey!" ”

Next, the surprise of his movements was truly unexpected, completely unexpected, and his movements were extremely fast, so he had to let his actions succeed!

He was talking decently, suddenly lifting his legs and kicking out, but he kicked at Bai Su!

The speed of that kick showed that Boss Bai's achievements in martial arts, old and strong, Bai Su issued a scream, his body flashed backwards, and Boss Bai's kick still did not kick her, but she also withdrew several steps due to the rapid flash of her body.

This was the purpose of Boss Bai, as soon as he forced away Bai Su, he immediately shrugged his body, and had already retreated to the container, as long as he turned around, he could enter the container!

This change was so abrupt that it shocked everyone. Everyone knows that Boss White is ready to risk his life, regardless of all the consequences, to press those buttons to see what will happen, and everyone knows that it is very dangerous to do so, because we don't know anything about this container!

When Bai Su stopped her father from acting, everyone thought that even if Boss Bai didn't want to, there could always be a period of discussion, who knew that Boss Bai said that he would do it, and it was launched so quickly!

At this time, only I was closest to the white boss, if I immediately launched, I believe I can block a block, but I hesitated, because I know that as soon as I shoot, I will inevitably fight with the white boss who has enough momentum, and I will not really fight with the white boss!

At such a time, the ginger is old and spicy, and Hassan suddenly shouted in Shanghainese: "There are some things I didn't tell them, you must listen!" ”

As soon as Hassan shouted, Boss Bai was scared—Boss Bai thought he already knew everything at Bai Su, and Hassan's words just hit him in the heart, so he was scared, and what Hassan wanted to fight for was this moment. Bai Su was already standing still after retreating, at this time, she suddenly stepped forward again and pounced.

He did not pounce on the white boss, but pounced on me, and I immediately knew her intentions--she was far away from the white boss and couldn't pounce on me at once, so she pounced on me first, and I reached out with both hands, and when she came to me, my hands were at her waist, and one turned around, borrowing the force to send her to the white boss, this time, the castration was faster, the white su figure fluttered, and fell up, and it was already between the white boss and the container, falling down, preventing the white boss from entering the container.

Boss Bai knew that he would have to go through a lot of trouble again, and he didn't even look back at Bai Su, but just stared at Hassan and drank: "What did you not say to anyone?" ”

Hassan's throat made a "grid" sound and pointed to the container: "The person who came out of that container is a Shanghainese!" ”

The people who heard Hassan's words were all laughing and strange, and the white boss snorted, and Hassan was anxious to distinguish: "He speaks Shanghainese, a Shanghainese!" ”

Bai Su blocked between the container and the white boss, and he had already exerted his strength several times, trying to push the white boss away a little, but the body of the white boss Wei An did not move at all, and at this time, I was already close to the container, and the white boss wanted to take risks by making a brute force, so naturally it was not so easy.

I shook my head: "He speaks Shanghainese, it doesn't mean he's a Shanghainese, he may have learned Shanghainese through a language interpreter, in your place!" ”

Hassan hurriedly stopped: "He is a Shanghainese, his name is Liu Gensheng, he is a knife club!" ”

Hassan called three sentences, the first two sentences are not surprising, the last sentence, others can not understand, I, the white boss and bai su, naturally know. The Knife Society was a gang organization in the late Qing Dynasty, with a very large force, and there was an action to occupy the Shanghai area, which was also called "uprising". This period of history, quite unpopular, is not interested in the modern history of Shanghai, most of them do not know.

A member (or leader) of a knife society will come out of such a container, and this container, in the minds of our modern people, is considered not to belong to the earth, but comes from an alien planet!

Moreover, how could a member of the Knife Club, someone more than a hundred years ago, know how to manipulate such a complex button?

Boss Bai was the first to attack, and he drank: "Don't gag! ”

Hassan shouted: "Really, he kept talking to me in Shanghainese, and finally he said it several times: these buttons, you can't touch them!" ”

Hassan also used Shanghainese again, repeating "not touching a touch" twice!

Some of the pronunciations in Shanghainese are very special, the "touch" character of "one touch can not be touched", and the Shanghainese pronunciation of the word "friend" sounds particularly eye-catching and impressive.

Hassan's expression was very nervous, and when he spoke, his facial features were moving together, and he took a few breaths before he said, "He said, never touch!" If you touch it, it doesn't matter if you harm yourself, what do others say? ”

After he finished speaking, he stared at the white boss and approached step by step. Boss Bai said coldly, "Are you done talking?" Even if you don't take this risk, like you, what progress will human beings make? ”

Bai Su said softly behind Boss Bai, "Daddy, don't be stubborn, don't mess around with things you don't understand." ”

Boss Bai frowned, his face was very ugly, and for a moment, everyone was silent, waiting for his decision. After a while, he said, "Then what can we do?" Waiting for that knife club member to come back? Ha ha! ”

He laughed a few times and pointed at Hassan: "He may have gone back to Shanghai, the knife will be active at sea that year, he robbed a lot of treasures, and then occupied Shanghai for more than a year, there may be a big treasure, waiting for him to take it, you wait slowly, he will come back!" ”

Boss Bai said, waved his hand vigorously, put on a posture of "never pay any more attention to you", and strode out, Bai Su hurriedly followed, and gave me a look.

I also went out, and when I got outside, the white boss turned around and was very annoyed: "Why stop me!" ”

Bai Su replied very calmly, "Because I don't know what will happen!" ”

Elder Bai shrugged his eyebrows: "Hassan Old Man pressed the wrong button, it's not that there is nothing!" ”

Bai Su was anxious: "But for nearly a hundred days, he didn't know where he was, nor did he know if he was dead or alive!" ”

Boss Bai looked at Bai Su and looked at me again, "Hum" a loud voice: "You are young, you don't understand, people at my age, there is nothing terrible at all!" ”

Bai Su also expressed her very strong dissatisfaction: "You are not the only one in the world! ”

Boss Bai asked, "That thing will explode?" ”

Bai Su said in a deep voice: "I don't know, it's because I don't know, so I can't act rashly!" ”

White Boss showed the stubbornness of an old man (like a child), very angry, issued a muffled hum of extreme dissatisfaction, just at this time, Hassan came out, White Boss seemed to feel that we were not qualified enough to be the object of his temper, as soon as he saw Hassan, he immediately broke out, he pointed at Hassan and scolded: "Being friends with people like you, it is really seventeen or eighteen generations of mold, and it is not quiet to get such a rare thing, half a fart has not been spared!" I see this thing left for you as a coffin, it couldn't be better! ”

I rarely see Boss Bai in such an "unreasonable" situation, frowning while naturally not daring to say anything.

Hassan's expression was distressed, obviously he was also a little self-aware, he said: "I also have no way, people have told me thousands of times, what can I do?" ”

Boss Bai yelled, "Do you want friends?" ”

Hassan Fury: "Don't don't, who will mess with you anymore?" ”

Boss Bai rushed to the front of Hassan at once, reached out, and used his finger to hit Hassan's forehead, Hassan actually did not escape, I was surprised, wanted to pull Boss Bai away, Bai Su made a gesture to me to stop me.

Boss Bai's voice was very loud: "Think about it, when you hid in it, you pressed those buttons!" ”

Hassan cried out, "I pressed it by mistake, how can I remember it?" ”

Boss Bai drank, "Think! ”

Hassan swallowed, "But I'm not sure, if I remember correctly—"

Boss Bai was arrogant and laughed loudly: "It's a big deal to make the wrong hand again, I don't think there will be any big deal consequences!" ”

Speaking of which, he still had to go into the vessel, and he would never rest according to the buttons that were known to give people a rest, and he would at least spend eight or ninety days in it like Hassan!

After some time, I discussed with Bai Su, and I felt that the main reason why Boss Bai insisted on this was to win the spirit of victory - Hassan had that kind of experience, and he had to have it too!

Psychologists often say that the psychology of the elderly, rejuvenation, and children's psychology are similar, which seems to make some sense.

Bai Su knew that there was no way, so he had to sigh lowly, Hassan was thinking seriously, his fingers were also moving, and after a few minutes, he looked up, nodded, turned and walked towards the factory again, and we all followed in again.

The people in the factory were all turning heads and ears, and as soon as we entered, they all calmed down.

Boss White strode to the container, on top of the chair, sat down, waved to Hassan, and Hassan walked over, on those buttons, pointing, and said expectantly.

Bai Su stood next to me, looking extremely nervous, and I whispered, "He's right, at his age, there's nothing to be afraid of!" ”

Bai Su glared at me fiercely, my thoughts were also very disordered, there was nothing to say, and Boss Bai beckoned the chief engineer to go and check the two TV camcorders.

Factory personnel are active, adjusting the TV fluorescent screen, preparing the white boss button, carefully examining what will change.

Hassan and Boss White talked for a few minutes, then took two steps back, and Boss White turned his head, smiled at the people who were looking at him, and then reached for the button, and he pressed two, and the oval door closed first, and then, on the outer floor, the rectangular door also closed.

At this time, it is impossible to see the white boss directly, only on two fluorescent screens, his expression is very serene, still constantly pressing on the button! It seemed that he was pressing according to Hassan's memory, and after a while, he saw that on the nine silver screens in the "cabin", there were irregular lines flashing, and Boss Bai was watching intently, but he obviously did not understand what it meant, because he was confused.

When he stopped pressing those buttons, the lines on the silver screen disappeared. I think, everyone is staring at the fluorescent screen, thinking about what has changed in the container of the white boss, so no one pays attention to other things, if it were not for Hassan beside me, suddenly made a very emotional voice, I would never look back at him (I don't even know when Hassan came to my side), I looked back, saw Hassan's face was pale, sweating, and murmuring in his mouth: "Don't press, thank you Nong, don't press!" Bye-bye Nong! Bless me if I remember correctly! ”

I also have a sense of convulsion due to nervousness, the old man of the white boss, the extreme willfulness, after he received the buttons that Hassan remembered to have taken, if he felt that he was not addicted, and then pressed a few more randomly, what disaster would break out, no one could predict!

Boss Bai stopped his hand, and suddenly, his eyes widened, and he showed a look of great surprise, but it was only for a very short time, and then he closed his eyes, looked very peaceful, and fell asleep--entering a "rest state".

As soon as I entered the "rest state", he looked exactly like each of us who entered this state, and after about five minutes, I first broke the silence and screamed, "We will wake up in twenty-four hours, will he wake up in eighty days, or more!" ”

As I spoke, I looked at Hassan, who was wiping sweat and wet, and he took a breath: "It should be like this!" ”

I looked at Bai Su again, and Bai Su didn't even look at me, just stared at the fluorescent screen, and his expression was extremely concerned!

Conscience of heaven and earth, I am not unconcerned about the white boss, but if I want to face the white boss who does not move for eighty days, it is really boring, and I would rather tell the story of eighty days to Hassan!

But at this time, I couldn't find any prevarication words, so I had to pace around.

After two hours, I couldn't bear it anymore, and I proposed to the factory director: "Can you transfer the TV screen to the TV set in our residence?" There, at least the environment is more comfortable! ”

The factory director said in a continuous voice: "Of course, it is too simple." ”

Switching to the TV is naturally a very simple thing, but sitting on a soft and comfortable sofa, facing the motionless white boss, the kind of sullen method can also be imagined. By midnight that night, I was already sighing and fidgeting, and Bai Su sighed: "Daddy is in that container for more than eighty days, and there can be accidents at any time, and I must look at him as much as possible!" ”

I said euphemistically: "Factory side, Hassan, they are all watching!" ”

Bai Su said an irrefutable reason: "I am his daughter!" ”

I threw up my tongue, unable to say anything, and, without any further reasoning to retreat, I advised Bai Su to rest, and we took turns watching what would happen to Boss Bai.

After three days in a row, nothing happened.

In the "rest state", the body's metabolism is so slow that it is almost stopped, as if it does not need to breathe at all, which is strange and inexplicable.

On the fourth day, Hassan came to me with his backhand crossed his waist, and I looked at him for half a moment, and he said busily: "I am not unwilling to say, but things are very strange, say it, you will accept, those people in the factory, must be when I am neurotic!" He lowered his voice and smiled bitterly: "That person said that his name is Liu Gensheng, the nephew of Liu Lichuan, the leader of the Knife Society, and has a very high status in the Knife Society, not an ordinary person!" ”

At this time, Bai Su asked a very crucial question: "When he left, did he say anything to explain?" ”

Hassan smiled bitterly: "He only said that he would come back as soon as things were done, but he didn't say anything at all, where to do it, and when to come back!" ”

I was so annoyed that I split one sentence in half and said only the next half: "Won't you ask him?" ”

Hassan lowered his head: "I asked, he laughed, tapped my head with the handle of a knife, and said I wouldn't believe it, no matter what he said, I wouldn't believe it!" He's young and strong, what can I do to stop him, please let me know! ”

Bai Su and I looked at each other, and we also felt that we couldn't be too harsh on Hassan.

However, if this Liu Gensheng never appeared again, this mystery would not be solved!

Ten days or so have passed, and it is really stuffy to the extreme, and it is worth comforting that it seems that the situation of the white boss is very good.

I remembered that in Nepal, many years ago, Bai Su had been waiting for six years, waiting for me to return from the planet where humans had originally inhabited, and I was impatient and had to wait.

Later, Bai Su saw my intentions, and she said instead: "Your personality is impatient and impatient, so let me be here alone." ”

I didn't make a sound, I just shrugged my shoulders, and as a result, after another seven or eight days, that night, Hassan came again, and he said, "I'm going to leave for a few days tomorrow, and I'll go back again, something." ”

As soon as I listened, I showed a look of envy, but looking at Hassan's appearance, I kept looking at the white boss who looked very serene in the fluorescent screen, but he was a little reluctant, it seemed that he did not want to leave very much, and he very much wanted to find out where he had disappeared for a while and where he had gone.

At this time, my heart was beating wildly, and I thought of a thought, but I did not dare to bring it up, and the expression on my face was only afraid of being extremely strange.

At this moment, Bai Su smiled a little: "Mr. Hassan, if you don't want to leave, if there is anything, leave it to Wesley to do it, I think he can get rid of the sea of suffering, and he will certainly do his best!" ”

I was overjoyed, it was exactly the idea I thought of but did not dare to put forward, Bai Su was really the most important thing to know the husband and wife!

I rubbed my hands in excitement and looked at Hassan, who was really a treacherous businessman, and he actually brought it up and put up five fingers: "I owe five stories!" ”

I let out a muffled roar and barely opened my mouth to take his five fingers and bite it down! It must have been very fierce in my expression, and Hassan involuntarily took a step back, one by one, retracting his fingers, but when there was still one finger left, he said that he would not take it back!

I stared at him for half a moment, only to give in: "I, owe you a story, what are you going to do when you are ready to leave?" ”

Hassan said: "Have a few important business meetings, the report has been prepared for a long time, you read it, it will definitely be approved by the board of directors, it is very easy, you can live in my villa, I will arrange it!" ”

He turned and walked out, I was behind Bai Su, gently wrapped my arms around Bai Su, Bai Su patted the back of my hand, laughing: "Tell you to suffocate here again, I am afraid that I will smother you into a vegetative person!" ”

I lifted my feet: "Really, every day, I am afraid that under my feet, I will give birth to roots!" ”

The next morning, a luxury motorhome drove to the factory gate, and Hassan's secretary and driver came to pick me up, and I had the right to be the representative of the billionaire.

The meeting for a day was also very dull, but it was better than being in that factory. In the evening, I returned to my villa in Hassan when something happened!

(A clever friend must have thought that something must have happened, otherwise, if Wesley's life course was so dull, he would really become a vegetative person!) )

I walked into the hall, and the servants lined up to greet me—this was probably the rule that Hassan had set, and I accepted everything as ordered, and when a servant took the coat in his hand, he heard the alarm bells go off!

The villa in Hashan has a garden that is not much and small, of course, there is a very complete anti-theft system, as soon as the alarm bell sounds, less than ten minutes, I heard the barking of a group of wolf dogs, and the shouts of the guards.

I also rushed out of the hall at once, and saw that under the garden wall, a man facing four wolf dogs, without fear, punching and kicking, was using traditional Chinese martial arts to deal with the four trained wolf dogs, and the four wolf dogs were actually close to him.

As soon as I saw that the man was so skilled, I liked it, when the guards rushed over and raised their guns at each other, and the man shouted a word in a very angry voice.

Of course, I am the only one who can understand this sentence, because he calls it in very standard Shanghainese.

He first scolded a Shanghainese foul language, without detailing, and then said: "Hassan Di this red guy to Leyari answer?" He was naturally angry when he was treated like this, so he called Hassan "Dieth this red guy" (that means "this bad guy"). )

(A few years ago, a famous actress in Hong Kong committed suicide, and fans blamed her husband, and when she came out of the funeral, there was a shanglian of "Die this red guy harms people", which is very quintessential in Shanghainese.) )

As soon as he opened his mouth, in an instant, I was ecstatic, and I immediately knew who he was!

He is the Liu Gensheng who claims to be an important figure in the Knife Club! I raised my hands high, screamed sharply, and startled the servants around me, I shouted in Shanghainese for the guards to retreat, and after calling three or four times, I changed to French, fortunately I woke up early, otherwise, one of the guards who was anxious was ready to shoot!

The guard left with the wolfhound, and the man strode toward me, and the clothes on his body, which Hassan described, were heroic, and came to stand still in front of me, looking suspicious, I hugged him, and he immediately surrendered his hand, and I said, "Hassan told me what happened!" ”

As soon as he heard it, two thick eyebrows were raised: "How can it be?" ”

I said busily: "There is something special about the situation, and he did not announce it to the whole world, but only to a few people involved." ”

He was still staring at me, and I introduced my own name—a name that, to him, didn't react at all, was perfectly normal.

I made a gesture to invite him in, and kept him in hassan's study, and as soon as he saw the wine, he opened it, took two sips of the bottle, and muttered, "It tastes bad!" ”

I laughed: "Of course, where there are mung beans burned!" ”

"Mung bean roast" is a kind of local wine in Shanghai, the alcohol content is extremely high, a bite down, can burn people to jump their feet, this kind of spirits, the most popular among the heroes of the jianghu.

After he listened, he looked at me: "You are a bit interesting, my name is Liu Gensheng, alas, mung bean roast, Shanghai is gone!" ”

I stayed for a while before I came over and said in horror, "You... Been to Shanghai? ”

He stayed for a long time, and after a few sips of wine, I picked up a bottle of vodka on the wine cart and gave it to him, and sure enough, it was more to his liking.

One of the reasons I was shocked was that Boss Bai had joked that this man might go back to Shanghai to find the treasure of the Knife Club, and he couldn't imagine that he had actually been to Shanghai in these days!

He took a few big sips of wine, reached out and wiped it on the side of his mouth, glared at me again, and Huo Ran stood up: "What about that thing?" ”

Of course I knew what he was asking, "that thing" was in the factory now, and the white boss was still in that thing, and since he had left, too many things had happened, and there were so many things that for a while, I didn't know where to start, and naturally I didn't answer immediately.

Just like that delay, Liu Gensheng's face changed dramatically. He cried out, "What's wrong?" What did you do? ”

I said busily: "Don't be nervous, until now, nothing has happened, an old friend of ours is there... In the container, experience some bizarre experiences, there is also an old friend ... There have been very strange encounters..."

I stuttered a little, and he was obviously very impatient to listen, and as soon as he turned around, he walked out, and I said busily: "This thing is no longer in the cellar!" ”

He turned around and was even more surprised: "What have you done, you are going to run into great trouble!" ”

Seeing his nervous look, I felt funny, and I was somewhat disgusted, so I laughed a little: "I heard that Your Excellency was an important figure in the knife society at that time, and the knife club once rebelled, what is more troublesome than rebellion?" ”

Liu Gensheng roared angrily and pointed at me: "What do you know! ”

I spread my hands: "It's because I don't understand, that's why I have to ask for advice!" ”

I wanted to ask him questions, I don't know how many, were stuffed in the throat, but I actually asked a very important one: "What is that container?" ”

Liu Gensheng quickly took a few turns before he said, "Where is that thing, take me quickly—I can't answer your question." Because I don't know what to call that thing! ”

I refused to let go: "You at least know what that thing does, what is its use?" ”

Liu Gensheng seemed to be very impatient, and said angrily: "There are too many uses, how can I introduce them to you one by one?" ”

He said, suddenly flipped his wrist, very quickly pulled a knife in his hand, the knife knew the sharpness at a glance, he took the knife, very beautiful and dashing in his hand a few times, crystalline, I looked at him coldly, he raised the knife: "What is the use of this knife, you can't - list, take me quickly." ”

I sighed, "Well, everyone is waiting for you to show up, I think, that container can at least be called a 'time transfer machine'?" ”

Liu Gensheng snorted, "One of the roles!" ”

My heart couldn't help but beat faster: "Where can you transfer people, no, no, when can you transfer people?" ”

Liu Gensheng said, "Anywhere, any time—"

He suddenly got angry again: "Why do you have so many questions, and there is no end?" ”

When he was angry, he looked very fierce, but of course I would not be afraid of him, and I hit a "haha": "I still have thirty-six thousand questions to ask you, like a ghost haunted, endlessly!" How did you end up with this container? Where have you been all these years? How could this container float at sea, and you leave as soon as it appears, what exactly are you going to do? You—"

I asked questions at a very fast speed, in one breath, if I had to ask, I don't know how many questions I could ask, but I only asked three or five, Liu Gensheng raised his hand, the crystal knife in his hand, the distance between the tip of the knife and the tip of my nose was less than one centimeter.

I knew he would do it, so just as he raised his hand and approached, I kicked out, that kick, was on his lower abdomen, he obviously did not expect that I, a modern person, would also have such a rapid reaction in traditional Chinese martial arts, and I was kicked backwards and fell straight out, he roared, the cold light shone, and the sharp knife shot out at my face door!

I couldn't help but be shocked and angry, his flying knife skill, so powerful, if it is an ordinary person, you must die under his knife, this guy really has the fierceness to kill people without blinking!

As soon as I saw the knife arrive, my body turned, avoiding the coming of the flying knife, I saw it really, I reached out, I had already grabbed the handle of the knife, and then turned away, Liu Gensheng was looking for a sword, only to stand firm, his eyes staring at the knife in my hand, the look was strange to the extreme.

I grabbed the knife. Only then did I feel that it was unexpectedly heavy, maybe the entire handle of the sword was made of gold, and I looked at him coldly: "If I didn't have two shots, I would have died under the flying knife!" ”

Liu Gensheng's attitude turned: "If you kick this kick on someone else, you will not be able to get up for several months." ”

I sneered again and swept the knife in my hand: "I heard that the people of the knife club have been given a knife, so they use this knife to insert blood as an alliance, and from then on, this knife will be with people for life, the knife is in the person, the knife is dead, the knife is dead?" ”

When I said this, Liu Gensheng's face was blue and red, extremely ugly, and I didn't know how to say it.

I refused to let him go easily: "If this knife actually falls into the hands of others, then what?" When Liu Gensheng heard me say this, he shouted and pounced on me.

Looking at this style, if two people are fighting, they may fight for three hundred rounds, and they still win or lose, and they cannot convince him, and they must not fight quickly. So as soon as I saw him pounce, I yelled and pounced on him at the same momentum speed!

The two men were also charged forward, and originally bumped into each other at most, and neither of them could take much advantage, but when I rushed forward, I held up the knife, and it looked like a fierce god! The knife was originally born of Liu Gensheng, and he naturally knew how sharp it was, and of course he didn't dare to touch me hard. This guy's body is extremely tall, and when he looks at this situation, he knows that if two people meet hard, he will suffer a big loss, so when the opportunity arises, it is a strange cry, and the body is suddenly on one side, and the oblique stab is straight out.

I had expected him to take this risk—no matter what he did, it was always much easier to take the lead. So I also turned to one side, and the knife in my hand flew out at a rapid speed--this throwing knife, I exposed a hand of real kung fu that only an expert can see, but the strength of the luck in my hand was just right, and the knife body was flattened and shot forward. The knife was on the top of Liu Gensheng's head, clinging to his scalp, skimming over, cutting off a piece of his hair, still fast, one step ahead of him, "snapping" and nailing to the wall in front of him.

Liu Gensheng's reaction was fast, in such a situation, I was afraid that no one would inevitably stay for a while, but he did not stop for half a moment, and as soon as he reached out, he pulled out his sword and immediately turned around.

The knife was in his hand again, and even if the two were similar in kung fu, it was he who had the upper hand again.

Of course, the moment he held the knife in his hand, of course he had the idea of attacking me, but he immediately changed his mind. Because he knew that the flying knife I had just made was absolutely merciless, and if I had aimed at the back of his head and flew out of the knife, then the knife would have been nailed into his head.

Moreover, he also saw the hair that had been cut off, knew that the knife was flying flat towards him, he was a person who had played with knives all his life, and naturally knew that it required extremely strong and ingenious hand strength.

In other words, I am an extremely difficult opponent, and if he attacks me and is given the upper hand by me, he will not be so lucky.

In a few moments, he weighed the situation, immediately turned over his hand, put the knife away, the action was beautiful and neat, and at the same time reached out to the scalp on his head, where his hair was cut off, and shouted: "Good technique!" "At this time, I naturally know the rules of the jianghu: if you get cheap, don't sell well, especially don't covet to take advantage of your tongue, otherwise, if you can't get off the stage in a sentence and a half, the other party will struggle."

So I waved my hand casually: "Coincidence! ”

Liu Gensheng smiled "Haha": "Coincidence? If it's three inches lower, then wouldn't I—"

I didn't wait for him to finish, so I picked it up: "That's like the result of my flying knife that I just couldn't catch!" Liu Gensheng glanced at me and hit another "haha": "Take me to see the container, you don't understand it, you will run into a big disaster!" He spoke very politely, and in a very sincere tone, and I knew that I was admiring him for his actions, which is why he did so.

I made a gesture to him for him to follow me, but as I walked forward, he strode up and walked alongside me. Before boarding the car, I said, "It's about three hours' drive, and during that time you have to tell me everything about you." ”

I think that things always have to be "bargained", just plan to bargain all over the place, land on the ground to pay back, he will not tell me everything about him, at least half of it, or half of it, that is also good.

This man was so mysterious that he had obviously skipped at least a hundred years in time, and, somehow, from whom he had obtained the strange vessel, he hurried back to Shanghai, and what was he going to do?

I'm sure there must be a very weird story in him, and of course I want to know, and the more I know, the better.

However, as soon as my words were uttered, he said in a categorical, non-negotiable tone, "No! I won't tell you anything about me! I won't say a word. ”

I was shocked and angry: "You... Don't say? You were a hundred years ago... A kind of person, and modern life is completely out of touch, you have no one to help, how to live in modern society? ”

Liu Gensheng listened, as if he had heard the funniest joke, and laughed loudly: "Modern society? Are you living in modern society now? Yes, it is indeed a modern society, sorry, I am not going to live here, thank you for your concern. ”

I froze for a moment, not understanding what he meant by that, but from his expression, I could see that he seemed to come from a more advanced environment!

I naturally thought of the container, the container with many buttons, and anyone who saw it would have the feeling that it was not a product of the earth, that nature was the crystallization of a highly scientific civilization--did Liu Gensheng come from a place with a highly scientific civilization, and this place was on the earth?

I stared at him, involuntarily, swallowing saliva, at this time, my situation, must be very "polar shaped" (monkey urgent), Liu Gensheng but leisurely: "Don't look at me, I won't say, you don't have to think, want to flatten your head, there will be nothing to think out!" When he moved me like this, he also held out his finger and pointed at my head, so hateful that I almost wanted to open my mouth and bite his finger down.

At this time, I had come to the side of the car, and I said coldly, "If I don't take you, you will find it yourself, but I am afraid that I will never find the container again." ”

He frowned, looked up, and thought for a moment, and I was at this moment, paying attention to his reaction.

To my great puzzlement, he wasn't very tight, as if it didn't matter if he could see the container again. I couldn't help but cry out in my heart: If he didn't care, then there was nothing I could do. After a while, he sighed: "You don't understand, that thing is of little use to me, I'm just afraid that if I leave it in your hands, I'll get into trouble, so I have something to do." If you want to help me tell you about me, you are miscalculating. "He spoke resolutely, I was itchy, I thought about it, and decided to use soft kung fu, not hard, because I saw that he was very tough, this kind of character, will not give in before any coercive means, if you make friends with him, maybe he will be willing to tell his story."

At this time, I had already thought that if I could get a good "mung bean roast", it would be of great help to things.

I didn't say anything more, but looked at him with a very much wish to know the inside story, and he seemed a little soft-hearted, turned his head, and didn't look at me.

When he got into the car and traveled for half an hour, he opened his mouth, and what he said was very interesting, he said: "With your skill, you should have already mixed up a little bit of fame, right?" ”

I laughed and said, "A little bit of fame, not nothing." ”

He suddenly sighed: "Alas, the times are different!" ”

I took the opportunity to ask him, "What era do you consider yourself?" ”

His expression was greatly confused, and after a long time, he sighed: "Don't know." (I don't know.) )

After he said this, he glanced at me again, "Don't try to put something out of my mouth, I won't tell you!" ”

After he said it, he saw that I didn't have any special reaction, and added: "You don't have to use your brain to think about it, you can't think of it again." ”

I said coldly, "Not necessarily, I have a pair of good friends, they have the ability to come and go freely in time, and travel at will." ”

Liu Gensheng froze for a moment, and then I said, "I guess you also broke through the time limit by some kind of chance, went to the future, and returned to the present." ”

Liu Gensheng laughed: "Imagination is also good." ”

When he said this, of course, it meant that I did not guess correctly, and my imagination, the comment he gave was only "good", which was not too deceptive. I went one step further: "The big deal is that you met aliens and were taken away by aliens--one, you don't know, in Chinese history, all the so-called 'encounters with immortals' records can be regarded as encountering aliens, seven days in the mountains, the world has been dry for many years, I myself have had such an experience." ”

Liu Gensheng was silent, his look was a little uncertain, and I couldn't tell in his reaction whether I was expected or not.

I said, "That container, of course, is not something from Earth, but the aliens put you back for?" They put you in it and threw you into the sea from a high altitude, so when you are found, you will float on the surface of the sea? ”

Liu Gensheng's reaction to my reasoning this time was to yawn a lot: "Your ability to tell stories is very big, you can go and be Mr. Storyteller." ”

In the past, Shanghainese liked to hear and hear about books, Mr. Storyteller, is a person who specializes in telling stories, and after I listened to it, I couldn't help but laugh a little.

I was convinced: "Isn't it? ”

He asked, "Could it be?" ”

I also enumerated several hypotheses, including that he was not Liu Gensheng at all, but that there was a small knife called Liu Gensheng who entered his body—this kind of thing happened, and I recorded it in the story of "Summoning Souls".

After he listened, he was shocked, and his comment to me was much better: "You are simply a super storyteller." ”

I have made so many assumptions myself, and to some extent, I have satisfied my curiosity, I expect that his encounter will not be beyond the scope of my assumptions, he does not want to admit it, and this is the case, so I am not so eager to know what happened to him. On the contrary, he made assumptions about me, which were actually all my past experiences, and he was very interested and kept asking. I also told him in his human way, but I didn't tell him very happily, but I didn't say a little, and the purpose was to hang his appetite. But as soon as he arrived at me, he smiled and didn't ask any more questions, but he thought about it for a while and then he showed a look of sudden enlightenment, so after a few times, I really couldn't help it, and drank: "Don't pretend to be mysterious, you can't guess the result of my experiences." ”

He looked at me with a challenged look, the strange thing I was talking about was that human limbs could be moved separately under the influence of some kind of equipment, and he also talked about the situation of an alien I had encountered in an ancient temple in Egypt—the whole thing. It is written in the story of the "Fragmented Man".

Liu Gensheng looked at me a few times, and I told the story of this alien's encounter on Earth and the final result.

I tried him again, and told him that there was a metal cylinder, and that as soon as a person approached it, he could foresee the future, and he thought for a moment and sighed: "Knowing that the future is very terrible, it is better to throw that thing into the sea." "That's exactly how I dealt with this cylinder.

I asked him in a deep voice, "You seem to know everything?" ”

He replied something that was really not his time, and who was the leader of a knife club: "There is nothing new under the sun!" "I looked at him for half a moment, knowing that in this hundred years, or nearly a hundred years, he must have a very strange encounter, but it seems that he will not say anything, and naturally I can't do anything." As I approached my destination, I said, "If not all of the speculations I made, there are always local situations that are the same as your strange encounters." ”

Liu Gensheng thought about it very seriously: "Of course, for example, if you repeatedly say what I have encountered, of course I have encountered something." He didn't show his mouth at all, and I sneered: "Maybe all of them are expected of me, you are embarrassed to admit it!" ”

Liu Gensheng laughed , looking unconcerned , thinking about what I would say.

I took him into the factory, and as soon as I met Hassan, Liu Gensheng, who had said that "there is nothing new under the sun," broke out a series of vulgar sayings that were absolutely inappropriate to declare words, and grabbed the collar of the billionaire, lifted him up, and drank: "You promised me that you would never mention me to anyone." ”

Hassan screamed, "I almost disappeared into this container, and I don't even know where I went." ”

Liu Gensheng had heard me mention the situation of Hassan, so he understood what Hassan was saying, and he put Hassan down again: "Count your forehead horns high!" (Count yourself lucky!) )

Hassan asked, "What else would happen?" ”

Liu Gensheng has walked to the TV fluorescent screen, looked at the picture, and the white boss in the picture is still resting. He snorted, and Bai Su was very concerned: "Does it matter if he is an old man?" ”

Liu Gensheng snorted again and pointed at Hasan: "You pressed the wrong one button, your whole person has been transformed into hundreds of millions of molecules, if you press another one, you will never recover!" Of course you don't know where you've been, because at that time, you were in a state of rest, and if you were awake and humming, you would feel yourself —" He said, and he stopped abruptly. He spoke in Shanghainese, and all the foreigners present naturally did not understand, but the Gobi Desert could understand it, and the two asked in shock: "Will you feel that you have incarnated into a billion?" ”

Liu Gensheng glanced at them, did not answer, and strode toward the container, only to look at the door, and then he cried out: "You have destroyed the door." ”

Gobi was very angry: "Nothing remarkable, as soon as you get it, it will open." ”

Liu Gensheng's movements were extremely fast, he suddenly opened the door outside, and then he reached out, and the oval door also opened, and Bai Su and I were surprised, and swept forward, and saw him on the two rows of buttons, pressing several times, and The white boss suddenly opened his eyes and looked confused.

Liu Gensheng did not pay attention to the white boss, reached out, on the top of the container, pressed a round lid, turned around, turned out a cylindrical thing, I did not see what it was, he put the thing into the clothes, and then, without a word, he walked outward.

He moved very quickly, and Bai Su and I were busy going to see the white boss who had just woken up, and when we were sure that the white boss was okay, Liu Gensheng had disappeared without anyone stopping him.

When Boss Bai heard that Liu Gensheng had come and gone, he was extremely angry, and he reached out and slapped it the arm of the chair, touching at least sixty buttons: for a moment, everyone was shocked, and even he himself stayed for a while. However, nothing happened, and in the midst of everyone's confusion, the desert had cried out: "He has taken away the power energy of this device!" ”

One sentence reminds everyone that without power energy, even if the device has ten thousand functions, it means that there is no effect.

The story is over.

Wait, it seems that it is not over, what is liu gensheng doing? The story of Liu Gensheng is another story, this story is about Hassan's wrong hand pressing the twist of the device, which has been decomposed into hundreds of millions of molecules, of course, it is over.

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