
If Fa Zheng does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms, who is Fa Zheng? How good is he?

author:Sichuan Yuan Zaiyu
If Fa Zheng does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms, who is Fa Zheng? How good is he?

Fa is Liu Bei's adviser during the Three Kingdoms period, who died in the position of the general of the defending army, as to why there is a saying that "if The law does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms", it comes from a sigh from Zhuge Liang after the Battle of Yiling in the Book of The Three Kingdoms Zhishu:

"If filial piety is present, it will be able to control the Lord and make it not go east; if it goes east, it will not fall into danger."

In the Battle of Yiling, Liu Bei, thinking that Guan Yu had taken revenge as a pretext, disregarded the tacit understanding with Eastern Wu to join hands with Cao Cao to defend cao, and obstinately launched a major war against Eastern Wu, resulting in a major defeat, more than 80,000 Shu Han troops were wiped out, the unstable Shu state was seriously injured, the Shu state flooded the Seventh Army from Guan Yu, completely annihilated the forbidden reinforcements, the trend of the Kuangfu Han Room that began to form in Weizhen Huaxia was completely stopped, and the situation of the three kingdoms of Shu Han, Eastern Wu, and Cao Wei began to gradually take shape.

In Zhuge Liang's words, if Fa Zheng were alive, he would have had the opportunity to stop Liu Bei's eastern crusade, and taking a step back, he could not stop it, nor would Liu Bei's legion be completely destroyed.

If Liu Bei's clique did not have a major defeat at the Battle of Yiling, Liu Bei, who had regained Guan Yu's lost land, took the opportunity to sweep away Liuhe, and the unification of Uchi was great.

In the hearts of the Fans of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang is a "military god" with clever calculations, and Zhuge Liang's exclamation of Fazheng basically acknowledges two facts.

The first fact is that Zhuge Liang admitted that Liu Bei's trust in Fazheng was higher than his, and he himself could not persuade Liu Bei, but he thought that Fazheng could.

The second fact is that Fa zheng's military ability is stronger than his, because in Zhuge Liang's mouth, if Fa Zheng follows the army, the Shu army will not be defeated. And Liu Bei's expedition without Zhuge Liang also proved from the side that in Liu Bei's heart, his military ability was superior to Zhuge Liang's.

Because it is to make a "god-level figure" Zhuge Liang ashamed of himself, the status of Fazheng has also been infinitely magnified in the mouths of netizens, so combined with the importance of the Battle of Yiling and its impact on the situation of the three kingdoms in the future, there is the sentence "If Fazheng does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms."

So how strong is this Fa Zheng who was set off by Zhuge Liang? Is there real material? Judging from the records of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, at least for the Liu Bei Group, Fa is the actual trader that this group can have a strong momentum.

Liu Bei was born to sell straw shoes, and at the beginning of the uprising, there was no fixed territory, and he had always been wandering among the major princes to survive, until the emergence of Fazheng changed this situation.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: ... Just as the decree was proclaimed, Yin offered advice to the former lord: "With the talent of the Ming general, take advantage of Liu Mu's cowardice; Zhang Song, the state's stock, in response to the inside; then the Yin wealth of Ziyi Prefecture, the danger of Feng Tianfu, in order to achieve karma, judas also." ”

After Fa Zheng decided to follow Liu Bei, he immediately offered a gift of greeting to help Liu Bei take Yizhou: Your Excellency's order of the world's talents, Liu Zhang's ability to not know the lord, with Zhang Song as the internal response, to seize Yizhou; taking the wealth of Yizhou as the foundation, relying on the dangers and obstacles of the kingdom of Heavenly Palace to achieve great things, it is as easy as a palm.

Fa Zheng first found Zhang Song, and then used the situation analysis of ten to nine to win, and persuaded Liu Bei to enter Yizhou.

If Fa Zheng does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms, who is Fa Zheng? How good is he?

When Liu Bei officially marched into Chengdu, the yizhou warlord Liu Zhang's men offered a plan to "jianbi qingye" and starved Liu Bei's army from afar. Liu Bei did not know how to be good after hearing this, and it was at this time that Fa Zheng appeared, and he relied on his knowledge of Liu Zhang to reassure Liu Bei to stabilize and continue to march.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms: ... The Lord hears evil before, and asks for righteousness. Zheng Yue: "In the end, it cannot be used, and there is nothing to worry about." Zhangguo, as he said, said: "I have heard of resisting the enemy to reassure the people, and I have not heard of moving the people to avoid the enemy." "So dethroned, no reckoning.

Fazheng's judgment was correct; although Liu Zhang was talentless, he was not a man of great treachery and evil, and he could not do anything about sacrificing the people in exchange for victory. In the end, Liu Zhang's troops, which had no jianbi qingye, were eliminated, and Yizhou was returned to Liu Bei.

Fa Zheng persuaded Liu Bei to enter Yizhou and helped Liu Bei take Yizhou, and Liu Bei changed from a rootless rogue "criminal" to a warlord of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er. In the subsequent rewards for meritorious deeds, Liu Bei gave Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu 500 catties of gold, 1,000 catties of silver, 50 million pieces of money, and 1,000 horses of gold as first-class rewards. Fa Zheng was able to level with Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei and was placed in Liu Bei's core team.

After Liu Bei sat firmly in Yizhou, Fa Zheng was thinking about the entire Liu Bei clique, and in the twenty-second year of Jian'an (217), after Fa Zheng saw Cao Cao take Hanzhong, he did not immediately go south to Ba Shu, realizing that this was a mistake by Cao Cao, and Liu Bei's group had the opportunity to overturn, so he strongly advised Liu Bei to go north to Hanzhong.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Twenty-two years later, it is said that the first lord said: "Cao Cao surrendered Zhang Lu in one fell swoop, Ding Hanzhong, and did not take Tuba and Shu because of this situation, but left Xiahou Yuan and Zhang Gaotun to guard, and returned to the north, this is not his wisdom and lack of strength, there will be worries within the ears." Now Ceyuan and Gao Cailuo, the generals of the invincible country, and the people who go to court will be keke. On the day of kezhi, the guangnong accumulates valleys, observes the quarrels and serves the gaps, the upper can overthrow the enemy, honor the royal family, can encroach on the yong and the cool, and expand the territory, and the lower can stick to the key points, as a lasting strategy. This covers the heavens with me, and the time must not be lost. "The Lord was good at his strategy, but he led the generals into the army, and he did the same."

Fa Zheng pointed out cao Cao's current military emptiness in Hanzhong, and at the same time gave Liu Bei three reasons why he must take Hanzhong:

The first reason: Hanzhong is the mouth of Yizhou to enter the Central Plains, and with it, the enemy will have no danger to defend during the Northern Expedition.

The second reason: Hanzhong Juyong and Liang are critical, so that it can cannibalize both the appeal.

The third reason: Hanzhong is the mouth out of the Central Plains, but also the mouth into Yizhou, and holding it can block the enemy's long drive straight in.

If Fa Zheng does not die, there will be no Three Kingdoms, who is Fa Zheng? How good is he?

At the same time, in addition to persuading him to go north, Fa Zheng personally went out as a military division with the army. In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), Liu Bei's army confronted Cao Cao's Xiahou Yuanbu and Zhang Guobu at Dingjun Mountain. In order to break the deadlock, at the suggestion of Fa Zheng, the Shu army attacked Zhang Guobu with a small part of its troops, but when attacking, it did not take all the troops at once, but divided into many teams to attack in turn, giving Zhang Gao the illusion that Liu Bei's main force was attacking.

After being attacked for many days, Zhang Gao was deceived and asked Xiahou Yuan for help, and Xiahou Yuan divided his troops to save him. As a result, Xiahou Yuan had just sent reinforcements, and Liu Bei's real main force killed Xiahou Yuan's troops. Fa Zheng attacked the east and west with one move, defeating Cao Cao's forces, and finally Liu Bei was able to enter Hanzhong. For Fazheng's brilliant plan, Cao Cao, as an opponent, affirmed The strength of Fazheng from the side.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": Cao Gong's Western Expedition, Wen Zheng's Strategy, I know: I know that Xuande does not do this, and will be taught by others.

"Huayang Guozhi Volume VI": Cao Cao: I have collected adultery and done everything, and I can't do the law and right and evil?

In the First Battle of Hanzhong, Fazheng helped Liu Bei to hold the gateway of Yizhou, making Yizhou a rear, and was able to exert the greatest resource advantage of his own tianfu country, which was the basis for Liu Bei's clique to gain a foothold at the end of the Han Dynasty and eventually create a situation in the Three Kingdoms. It can be seen that for Liu Bei Group, the Fa is an indispensable hero.

Unfortunately, Fa Zheng died young, and in the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220), Fa Zheng died at the age of forty-five.

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