
In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

author:Literature and history
In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Mao Zedong Zhu De

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="2" > preface</h1>

Zhu De and Mao Zedong were both outstanding peasant sons, and both had a peasant complex, and there was an inseparable Zhu Mao on Jinggang Mountain.

At that time, many people thought that Zhu Mao was a person. In fact, there are still differences between the two people. Chairman Mao had keen observation and intuition, while Zhu De, although he had good views on politics, was more like an activist and a military organizer.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="4" > friendship</h1>

At the end of June 1976, in a ward of Beijing Hospital, an old man on a sickbed was suffering from a disease, and he was Zhu De, who was already ninety years old. Just a few days ago, he was admitted to the hospital for a cold, and complications caused by the cold made his condition more and more serious.

At this time, in Chairman Mao's residence in Zhongnanhai, doctors in white coats were also busy, and At that time, Mao Zedong was also in a coma due to a heart attack, and everyone present at that time was hanging on to a heart, waiting for Chairman Mao's news...

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Mao Zedong

When Zhu De, who was lying on the hospital bed, learned of Chairman Mao's condition, he was very anxious, and he kept telling the doctors in the medical group that he must hurry to Chairman Mao's side and cure him.

And in this year, the ruthless god of death struck these two leaders who had made significant contributions to the new China. Their lives have entered the countdown...

I still remember the scene where Zhu De and Chairman Mao first met on Jinggang Mountain 48 years ago.

In April 1928, Zhu De and Chairman Mao led their respective troops to meet at the foot of Jinggang Mountain, and the two powerful hands were tightly held together, and in this way, their fate began.

After that meeting, the first armed force of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the Fourth Army of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, was established at Jinggangshan, and after the establishment of the troops, Zhu De was the commander of the army and Chairman Mao was the representative of the party.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

In the summer of 1937, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Smedley were together

In the early days of the founding of the Red Army, there was a profound discussion within our army on how to build a new type of proletarian army, and on this issue, Chairman Mao and Zhu De both had their own unique views.

In the course of later practice, the generals of the Red Army profoundly felt that the Red Fourth Army was inseparable from Zhu De and even more inseparable from Chairman Mao, and that the two were indispensable.

Later, at the meeting of the representatives of the Red Fourth Army, Luo Ronghuan proposed that Mao Zedong return to the army, and Zhu De, who was the first to agree to this proposal, said:

"Everyone says that Zhu Mao is a Red Army, Zhu can't do without Mao, and Zhu can't survive the winter without Mao."

In the subsequent revolutionary process, Zhu Mao became the consensus of revolutionaries and a symbol of unity, and no one could separate the friendship between the two.

During the Long March of the Red Army, Chairman Mao resolutely led the Red Army northward, and in the face of Zhang Guotao's attempted split, Zhu De resolutely sided with Chairman Mao and made it clear:

"Zhu Mao, Zhu Mao, everyone regards Zhu Mao as a person, how can Zhu Mao oppose Mao?" You can split me in half, but cut my relationship with Mao Zedong. ”

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Mao Zedong and Zhu De

Later, Chairman Mao was very touched when he learned of this incident, and spoke highly of Zhu De: "The belly is as big as the sea, and the will is as strong as steel." ”

On December 21, 1973, the Central Military Commission meeting was held at Chairman Mao's residence, and on this day Zhu De came to the meeting wearing a dark Zhongshan suit, and in this way, the two giants who had been separated for many days once again held each other's hands tightly.

Zhu De slowly walked into Chairman Mao's room, saw an old comrade-in-arms whom he had not seen for a long time, and sat down next to him. Chairman Mao said emotionally: "Red Commander, are you okay?" ”

Jude also replied happily: "Very good, very good." In the process of speaking, the hands of the two men held tightly and never let go.

At this time, Chairman Mao casually picked up a cigar from the coffee table, lit a cigarette with a match, took a sip, and thoughtfully said to Zhu De: "Some people say that you are the black commander, and I am not happy." I said red commander, red commander. ”

When he said the words "Red Commander," Chairman Mao deliberately accentuated his voice. Then, he smiled and said, "There is no Zhu, where there is Mao, Zhu Mao, Zhu is first." ”

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Mao Zedong and Zhu De at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Hearing Chairman Mao's words, Zhu De was moved to tears. Chairman Mao has always had great respect and love for Zhu De.

On the occasion of Zhu De's 60th birthday, Chairman Mao, in order to boost morale and also to show his love for the commander-in-chief, proposed that the whole party, the whole army, and various strategic regions hold a grand birthday celebration for Zhu De.

And Zhu De often said that he, the commander-in-chief, was built up by the party and Chairman Mao.

Two people with common ideals have forged a deep friendship in the historical process of the Chinese revolution, and this friendship is not only manifested in work, but also in daily life.

During the Liberation War, the leaders of the Party Central Committee often worked all night for this purpose, and Zhu De was the oldest among the leaders at this time.

So in order to take care of his health, Chairman Mao proposed that Zhu De be free to participate in the meeting in the middle of the night, and this proposal was later unanimously approved by several leaders at the time.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

In 1963, Mao Zedong Zhu De was with Yu opera actors

In 1976, Zhu De died, and when Hua Guofeng came to Chairman Mao's sickbed to inform him of the news, Chairman Mao fell into a state of extreme pain, and he gasped slightly and asked in a low voice: "What illness did President Zhu get, and how did he die so quickly..."

Subsequently, he repeatedly instructed Hua Guofeng to take care of Zhu De's aftermath.

In 1976, the saddest year for the Chinese people, three important political figures passed away one after another, Zhou Enlai died on January 8, Zhu De died on July 6, and Chairman Mao, the supreme leader of New China, died on September 9, and the whole of China fell into great sorrow.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="11" > Zhu De's last words</h1>

On June 21, 1976, Jude's condition suddenly deteriorated, but at that time he had already made arrangements to meet with foreign guests. The comrades around him were advising him to rest and invite the other heads of the Central Committee to meet him.

However, despite his serious illness at the time, Jude decided to finish his job. He thought that this was a job arranged by the party, so how could he not go at will because he was not in good health? Later, after Zhu De took the medicine, he still went to meet the foreign guests according to the original arrangement.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor


On June 25, after the doctor's consultation, they immediately decided to ask Zhu De to be hospitalized, however, just the next day, in Zhu De's work arrangement, there was another task of meeting with foreign guests, but Zhu De still silently insisted, laughing and telling everyone that it would not be too late to go to the hospital after receiving foreign guests tomorrow.

However, before it was time to meet with foreign guests, Zhu De's condition deteriorated again, and he finally had to agree to go to the hospital for treatment.

On July 1, Jude's condition deteriorated again, and in addition to pneumonia, gastroenteritis and kidney disease were added. At the same time, the fever does not go away. At that time, the surrounding doctors and relatives were very worried about Zhu De's condition, but Zhu De was lying on his sickbed, thinking that today was the birthday of the party, so he asked his secretary to read the editorial in the newspaper to him.

That night, after taking sleeping needles, Zhu De slept soundly, and Kang Keqing, who had been guarding the door, saw That Zhu De was asleep before he relaxed his heart.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Zhu De and Kang Keqing

In these decades, she and Zhu De have been with her all her life, she knows Zhu De best, and in the past, Zhu De often couldn't sleep, most of the reasons were considering the major affairs of the party and the country. Today, lying on his sickbed, he still remembers the party and the country, has not forgotten the party's birthday, and asks the secretary to read him an editorial.

Yes, since the Jinggangshan period, Zhu De and Chairman Mao have worked hand in hand, experienced so many tribulations, endured so much suffering, and finally ushered in the founding of New China, but after the founding of the Country, he did not slack off half a point, often worried about the major affairs of the party and the country, and he was busy with work and never stopped to take a break.

Although he was now admitted to the hospital, but he had more rest time than before, Kang Keqing looked at Jude's blurred face through the window and calmed down, and he could finally rest well.

One day in July, Vice Premier Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De and had one last conversation with him.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Li Xiannian

That day, Zhu De was lying on the bed resting with his eyes closed, when he heard Li Xiannian's voice, he immediately sat up from the bed and held hands with Li Xiannian tightly. He especially told himself the most reassuring thing, he said: "Production must be grasped, and if production is not grasped, it will not be able to be controlled in the future." ”

Then he continued: "Why can't production be grasped, and where is the reason why socialism does not grasp production?" So, be sure to do a good job. ”

Zhu De's condition in the hospital has not improved, but the condition is getting more and more serious, just on July 2, Zhu De's favorite granddaughter came to the hospital to visit him, that day's Zhu De spirit began to improve somewhat, the granddaughter sat next to him, Zhu De tried to tease his granddaughter, trying to make himself look more relaxed.

He said, "Our college students are coming... to be proletarians..." The last few words did not have the strength to say. And the last sentence that Zhu De did not finish was to ask his granddaughter to be the successor of the proletarian revolutionary cause, and this is also Zhu De's legacy to future generations.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Jude was with his family

On July 4, Jude realized that he could not hold on for long, so he called his daughter to the front, looked at her, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something.

Zhu Min leaned down to comfort his old father: "Daddy, you don't need to say anything, I understand what you mean, always listen to the party, serve the people wholeheartedly, and revolutionize to the end." Rest assured. ”

Hearing Zhu Min's words, Zhu De smiled heartily. That's what Jude wants to tell his children, but the good thing is that his children know what their father is thinking.

At 3:01 p.m. on July 6, 1976, Jude slept peacefully, forever. Throughout his life, Zhu De was loyal to the party and the state and worked day and night for the construction of new China.

Before his death, he also mentioned to his descendants many times that you are the descendants of the revolution, you must love the cause of the older generation, you should not pay attention to the property of the older generation, you are the successor of the revolutionary cause, not the heir to the property.

When talking about his inheritance, Zhu De also made it clear that he had no property, everything about himself, even his own life, belonged to the party and the people, and from the moment he joined the party, he gave all his life to the party, so without the party, there would be no everything for him, let alone you later.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

When talking about what he could inherit after his death, Zhu De said that the house and furniture were also public, and everything he used had to be handed over to the state. And the only thing you can take away is the portrait of Chairman Mao hanging in my most precious room. He bought the books himself, and you can take them and study them.

In addition, Jude also made a plan for his own savings. Before his death, Zhu De saved money and food, and saved 20,000 yuan in savings.

In fact, in 1955, after Zhu De was awarded the first marshal of the republic, he always insisted that his salary could not exceed chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, so in these 21 years, Zhu De never received the salary of the marshal.

You know, Zhu De's salary not only has to pay for the children's living expenses and tuition fees, but also has to cope with the family's so many people to eat, the cost is large and miscellaneous, so he can only cut down on food and clothing, and repeatedly reduce his living standards.

Later, Zhu Min recalled his family life as a child:

"This hard-won savings was bought by Daddy in a way that was similar to 'abusing' himself."

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Judd and Smedley

In fact, Judd also had a huge amount of money in Germany, when the famous American female writer Smedley interviewed Jude, and then wrote Jude's life into a book called "The Great Road - Jude's Life and Era".

Once this book was issued, it caused a huge response at home and abroad, so Smedley also received a large amount of money.

However, Smedley did not claim it, she knew that she was only a recorder, so she thought that the fee should be Judd,So in 1950 Smedley left a will before his death and transferred all the fees to Jude.

In February 1958, the Chinese Embassy in the Democratic Republic of Germany sent a request to Zhu De, who had 95,008.30 marks in the museum for two years.

Subsequently, Zhu De replied: "Buy a new book on natural metallurgy science, and send a new book on chemistry back." ”

In this way, Zhu De exchanged his own fee for scientific chemistry books, and such a batch of scientific and technological books was finally distributed to libraries and scientific research units in various places, and this batch of new books also brought great help to the motherland under construction.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

In 1955, Zhu De was on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square

Later, before his death, Zhu De also made the following arrangements for his own 20,000 yuan, he said that this money should not be distributed to the children, nor should it be used, and asked Kang Keqing to hand it over to the organization as his own party fee.

After Zhu De's death, Kang Keqing also handed over the deposit to the organization according to his instructions.

Today, Zhu De's 20,000 yuan savings saved over more than 20 years are displayed in the Chinese Revolutionary Military Museum.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="20" > the great savior of the poor</h1>

Zhu Derong spent his life fighting on the battlefield, and before the founding of New China, Zhu De also did many touching things in the process of marching.

It was one day in the summer of 1928, when Zhu De led the Red 28 Regiment to Bizhou Village, far from the Jinggangshan revolutionary base area.

After the troops set up camp in the village, Commander Zhu planned to come to the village to investigate the lives of the villagers. But on the way, he suddenly noticed that there were slow fireworks coming out of the opposite mountain, so he asked the villagers next to him.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

Later, it was learned from the mouths of the compatriots that because the Kuomintang reactionaries had imposed military encirclement and suppression and economic blockade on the Jinggangshan base area, the common people were miserable, and in order to survive, they had to flee to the mountains to set up tents to live, and the smoke they had just seen was that they were burning charcoal.

Early the next morning, Zhu De took the guards to the opposite high hill and followed the smoke to a thatched hut, and Commander Zhu tried to knock on the door, but no one inside responded. Then Commander Zhu said, "Don't be afraid, fellow villagers, we are the Red Army."

No sooner had the words fallen than a sound came from the thatched hut, and after a while the door of the hut slowly opened, and an old man on crutches came out and asked warily, "Are you really the Red Army?" Commander Zhu replied kindly: "Yes, we are really the Red Army." ”

Hearing Zhu De say this, the old man fell to the ground with a thud, and Zhu De quickly stepped forward to help the old man up, only to see that the old man's face was sallow and yellow, and the whole person was somewhat malnourished. So, Zhu De asked the old man if he was sick?

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

But the old man shook his head and said that he was not sick, but that he did not have any energy in his body. It turned out that after the Kuomintang reactionaries entered the village, every household in the village could not open the pot, so the villagers had to hide in the mountains.

However, there was no way to hide in the mountains, and the Kuomintang blockaded them to prevent them from transporting salt, and anyone who went to buy salt would be arrested. However, it is not good not to eat salt, and the old man said that he has not eaten salt for more than six months.

After Commander Zhu learned of the old man's experience, his heart was both sad and distressed, and he immediately ordered the guards to go down the mountain and go to the quartermaster office to get some salt and come back.

The old man saw that the Red Army gave such precious salt to himself, and hurriedly waved his hand, at that time, every family was short of salt, but the Red Army needed to fight, and there was no strength in not eating salt, how to fight?

Commander Zhu said comfortingly: The Red Army itself will boil salt and eat salt, as long as it makes some soil from the base soil of the old house and the soil in the pot stove and soaks it with water. Then filter the water out and boil it in a pot to boil the salt. Such salt may be a little bitter, but it is also stronger than nothing.

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

After a while, the guards ran back with salt, and Commander Zhu took the salt and gave it to the old man to store pus, as long as he got the salt in the battle, he would send some more to the old man.

The old man held the salt in his hand, excitedly not knowing what to say, and the whole person was in tears. Zhu Jun'an Anton made a simple farewell and stood up and prepared to leave.

The old man trembled as he watched Zhu De descend the mountain, and at this moment the old man's whole heart was ignited by the Red Army, and the whole person was warm.

A few days later, Commander Zhu's guards once again came to this hut to send salt, and the old man took this bag of salt, and he was surprised and happy, and he was very moved. But he was very confused, because he heard the guards saying that Commander Zhu sent him to send it? So how did this Zhu Jun commander know himself?

The guard explained, "It was Commander Zhu who took me to see you that day. The old man suddenly realized that the kind Red Army that day was Commander Zhu, why didn't he tell him earlier, so that they could take a good look at the great savior of the poor.

The old man said emotionally, "Commander Zhu, you have so many soldiers, you are in charge of such a big thing, and you still have in mind the small matter of an old man's lack of salt." You are really connected to the hearts of the poor people in the world! ”

In 1976, Li Xiannian came to the hospital to visit Zhu De, and Zhu De was not at ease with special advice: In the future, it is impossible to clean up the foreword Zhu Mao friendship Zhu De passed away and left a great savior for the poor

In November 1946, Zhu De was with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai

Throughout his life, Zhu Derong always put the masses of the people first; he served the country and the party all his life, never half-selfish, and no matter how difficult life was at home, he was always diligent and thrifty and "withheld" himself again and again.

He used most of his life to save twenty thousand yuan, but he did not forget to hand over his last inheritance to the party at the last moment of his life. The last words left behind before his death are "revolution to the end"

On July 6, 1976, Zhu De's heart stopped beating forever, and this "superstar" who was loved and respected by the whole party, the whole army, and the people of the whole country left the embrace of the motherland. His last words, there is no inheritance, there is no selfishness, only to dedicate all of him to the country he loves deeply.

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