
How to master Feynman's universal learning method, please remember these 4 steps

author:Handbook for the Post-80s Life Counterattack
How to master Feynman's universal learning method, please remember these 4 steps

Richard Feynman is considered one of the most amazing figures in the history of science.

As a 1965 Nobel Laureate, Dr. Feynman was a remarkable educator and great physicist.

Richard Feynman's genius is evident in his three-volume physics work, Lecture Notes on Feynman Physics, based on his lectures at the California Institute of Technology from 1961 to 1963.

As a teenager, his high school did not offer any calculus courses. As a high school teenager, he decided to teach himself calculus and read Practical Calculus.

Feynman always believed that if something could not be explained in simple terms, then it would not be understood.

Albert Einstein had a similar quote. Whether or not it originally came from Feynman, the idea is quite correct, in fact, it is the basis of Feynman's learning of the technology of things.

Feynman is often considered a great explainer because of his ability to explain complex concepts in science, especially physics, in an extremely simple and understandable way, in a way that people with a non-scientific background can understand.

He opened a new notebook. He wrote on the title page: "Record about things I don't know.

It was the first but not the last time he had reorganized his knowledge. He spent weeks breaking down each branch of physics, oiling parts, and then reassembling them together, always looking for primordial edges and inconsistencies. He tried to find the basic kernel of each topic.

How to master Feynman's universal learning method, please remember these 4 steps

Eventually he became a master of a generation, and was even regarded by many as a genius scientist.

What is a Feynman technique?

The Feynman learning method consists of four simple steps:

> Choose a topic you want to learn about and start learning

> pretend to teach the topic to classrooms or children or to people who are not familiar with it

Returns resource materials > stuck

> Simplify and organize

Step 1: Identify the topic and start learning

This technique is applicable to almost any discipline or any subject and concept, and although it speaks of the Feynman method of learning, it is not limited to mathematics or physics, but can also be applied to a wide range of fields.

The first step in using this method is to choose a topic and start researching it.

Now, learning doesn't just mean remembering the facts.

In fact, Feynman himself has always been opposed to rote memorization culture, and he has always believed that principles should be learned and understood, rather than memorizing facts or formulas by rote. Another great way to learn something is to write.

Writing on paper stimulates the hippocampus of the brain, a part that is primarily responsible for memory and learning.

Step 2: Try to teach other people what you've learned

If you want to master something, teach it. Teaching is a powerful tool for learning.

Explain these concepts in your own words and try to explain them to your child or someone who is completely unfamiliar with the topic. You can also pretend to explain it to the rubber duck on the table. The idea is to try to break things down in as simple and clear a language as possible.

Try to use simple terms and vocabulary and don't limit yourself to the facts you've learned. You can also include one or two examples to make things simpler, or create your own examples to make sure it correlates with the main idea. If you do this and help you make connections, it will be easier for you to understand things at a deeper level.

Step 3: Check the textbook again when stuck

How to master Feynman's universal learning method, please remember these 4 steps

This is a very critical step that allows you to understand your shortcomings.

When you explain or write something in simple terms, you're always going to come across certain areas where you find it difficult to explain or make connections or develop examples.

This is where you return to resource material, books, journals, or the internet, no matter what your primary reference material is, and fill in your knowledge gaps. You can identify your gaps with a few examples, such as not being able to explain or simplify certain things, forgetting some important points, and so on.

The idea is to come back and revise again. This helps you understand things better. In this step, you know the areas that need to be studied and focused on, and which areas are an important part of the learning process. Understanding your own limitations and then studying them to better understand them is the focus of this step, and it acts like magic.

Step 4: Simplify and organize the structure

Now you learn.

Once you've corrected your mistake and corrected your difficulty, you can simplify your explanation and make it better. You can always return to steps 2 and 3 until you have a clear understanding of the topic.

Your notes and examples are now presented in their simplest form, and you have a deeper understanding of the topic you are studying. You can follow this method over and over again until you feel like you've mastered the concept.

Once your final explanation is ready, you can communicate it to your colleagues or friends or professionals familiar with your area of expertise and reflect on your understanding of things. This "learn by testing" approach can work wonders. Feynman always believed that truth lies in simplicity, and that things are simple and elegant in order to be better understood.

It's much easier to complicate things, which often shows a lack of deep understanding. The idea is to make things simple enough for anyone to understand, and then use the tool to make yourself more deeply understood.

Feynman learning skills help you learn and understand things from different perspectives.

It can be used not only for academic purposes, but also for building businesses, creating startups, mental models, and much more. Feynman techniques are a great way to help you get a lot of information.

So what are you waiting for after reading this article? Why not give it a try!

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