
In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

author:Adou is not stupid

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > introduction:</h1>

On December 6, 1949, just two months after the birth of New China, Chairman Mao stepped on a train to visit the Soviet Union. This visit can be described as a heavy responsibility, and the newly born new China is in ruins and urgently needs to obtain funds and technical assistance.

The Soviet Union and China are both socialist countries, and in order to seek assistance, they have this adventurous visit?

Why risky? This is because just half a month before the visit, the public security department intercepted a secret telegram sent to Taiwan by domestic agents.

The telegram reads: Chairman Mao is about to visit the Soviet Union by train.

Yang Qiqing, vice minister of public security who received the secret report, immediately reported the situation to Premier Zhou, and Premier Zhou, who had learned of the news, out of concern for Chairman Mao's safety, suggested that Chairman Mao postpone his visit.

Who would have thought that Chairman Mao, who heard the news, although he was furious, still decided to go to the Soviet Union as scheduled and insist on visiting, and the only demand was: Before I return from the Soviet Union, I must suppress this counter-revolution!

After confessing to finding this spy and suppressing the counter-revolution, Chairman Mao issued three orders the day before the visit.

First: The visit is a covert operation, and it must not be publicized to the outside world, nor can it bring reporters;

Second: Local party, government, and military leaders can be allowed to visit the car in various places along the way, and no one else is allowed to come;

Third: You are not allowed to get off the bus along the way in China, nor are you allowed to ask for things from the local area.

These three orders embody Chairman Mao's meticulous mind and painstaking efforts not to disturb the people and make the localities laborious.

So, what is the follow-up to this spy leak?

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Chairman Mao around 1949)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="127" >: early morning arrest. </h1>

At 7:35 a.m. on February 26, 1950, a jeep with a picture of the Beijing public security in Beijing drove into the No. 7 Courtyard of Nancha Nancha of the Nanchizi Magnet Library.

Upon arrival at their destination, police officers acted quickly and arrested a 20-year-old boy who had recently moved here.

At that time, he was sleepy with his wife, and he was awakened with a confused face, and his first reaction was to put on his pajamas and run outside.

Is this undoubtedly a thief with a weak heart?

However, before the people got up, they were controlled by the public security personnel, and the little daughter-in-law who was hiding on the side also stayed on the spot.

After the young man was arrested, he kept shouting: What are you doing? Let go of me, let go of me!

When the public security personnel saw that they were not honest, they immediately took out the arrest warrant and shouted at him: Ji Zhaoxiang, be honest, you have been arrested!

This man was Ji Zhaoxiang, a counter-revolutionary who was lurking on the mainland of the motherland, searching everywhere for uneasy and kind-hearted counter-revolutionaries.

Upon hearing that the name was exposed, Ji Zhaoxiang slowly calmed down from the panic, and the secret agent training course told him what to do at this time.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Secret Agent Stills)

Only to see him say to the public security personnel with a flattering face: Comrade, is there any misunderstanding? I'm a good person and haven't done anything illegal.

How could the old police believe such nonsense, they escorted the two men to the courtyard, and then began to search.

But the strange thing is that the search came and went, and the places that should be found were found, and there was no evidence of this guy's guilt.

At this time, the leading public security officer, after looking around the room, fixed his eyes on the wall to hang a painting, and then signaled the people who followed him to check where to investigate.

Sure enough, behind this painting, there is a deep hole.

When the deep hole is pulled open, it is another hole.

Radio stations, codebooks, revolvers, and telegram manuscripts are all available, as if they were standard in an intelligence station.

The staff moved these objects to the courtyard one by one, watching this thing being found, Ji Zhaoxiang was scared, he couldn't say anything, his face showed endless fear, and her wife also began to cry and scold her husband.

In doing so, there will be hidden feelings when done.

At the same time that the Beijing public security personnel launched the arrest, the tianjin public security personnel also attacked in tandem and arrested Ji Zhaoxiang's accomplices, Including Ji Zhimei, Ji Cainan, Shen Deqian, and Meng Guangxin.

After the interrogation, the group confessed to their crimes in the face of ironclad evidence.

In this regard, this major case, which is known as the first counter-espionage case in New China, was solved, and the main criminal, Ji Zhaoxiang, was arrested.

So the question is, what kind of character is this Ji Zhaoxiang, and how did he expose his whereabouts?

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Communication equipment exposed)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="128" > two: Ji Zhaoxiang codename "0409". </h1>

After the defeat and retreat of the Chiang Kai-shek government on the mainland, for the so-called obsession of counterattacking the mainland, before the defeat, a large number of secret agents were installed, lurking in various parts of the mainland of the motherland, waiting for the opportunity to carry out assassination and sabotage operations, causing a lot of chaos and losses of personnel and property.

Among them, Ji Zhaoxiang is one of the lurkers who stayed in Beijing.

As an authentic Beijinger, he not only lurked on his own, but also mobilized his sister and brother-in-law to cooperate with him.

On the eve of the peaceful liberation of Peiping, at the behest of Chen Gongshu, commander of the Kuomintang Appeasement Corps, Ji Zhaoxiang disguised himself as the captain of the Suijing Beiping Branch and was ordered to lurk in Beiping and engage in espionage activities.

After the Kuomintang defeated and retreated to Taiwan, the intelligence apparatus was reorganized, and the espionage organization to which Ji Zhaoxiang belonged was under the command of the Secrecy Bureau under the supervision of Mao Renfeng.

Mao Renfeng, director of the Secrecy Bureau, became Ji Zhaoxiang's biggest superior leader, but whenever there was any information, Ji Zhaoxiang reported it to Mao Renfeng through the radio.

In order to disguise his identity, the clever Ji Zhaoxiang often made remarks against the Kuomintang, disguised himself as a patriotic youth, and deceived many people.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Founding Ceremony)

On October 1, 1949, at the founding ceremony, Chairman Mao said in a majestic voice that the people of Chinese have since stood up.

However, at that time, the situation in the land of China was not very good, the industry was depressed, the industry was withering away, and Chiang Kai-shek's wanton plunder at the moment of defeat and retreat made it difficult for the economy to recover and develop.

Seeing this, Chairman Mao decided to personally go to the Soviet Union to seek help from the Soviet Union, the first big brother to recognize the legal status of New China, and realize the rapid recovery and development of the national economy.

Who would have thought that this important information was actually learned by ji Zhaoxiang, who was lurking, and after relaying it to Mao Renfeng, the overjoyed Mao Renfeng immediately called to praise Ji Zhaoxiang for his ability to handle things and told him to continue to work hard to inquire about relevant information.

Chiang Kai-shek, who learned of the news, also told the Americans the intelligence, and the calculation was to make the Americans jealous of New China, and then help him counterattack the mainland.

Chiang Kai-shek, who was unwilling to defeat And retreat from Taiwan, also ordered Mao Renfeng to study the assassination plan.

In this series of covert operations, the intelligence sources are Ji Zhaoxiang, who is lurking in Beijing.

But Skynet was restored, neglected but not leaked, and it was inevitable that more telegrams would be sent.

In mid-November 1949, the Beijing Public Security Bureau detected a secret radio signal.

After further tracking and deciphering by the technicians, it was found that this was actually a secret telegram, and the content of the secret telegram was the intelligence that Chairman Mao would take a special train to visit the Soviet Union, and the payment was 0409.

0409, 0409, this person who dropped the money, as well as the content in the telegram, so that the technical personnel did not dare to slacken off, immediately reported to the Ministry of Public Security.

Luo Ruiqing, who was in charge of the Ministry of Public Security at the time, was recuperating from illness, and finally the news came to Vice Minister Yang Qiqing.

Looking at this information, Vice Minister Yang Qiqing reported it to Premier Zhou.

After receiving the news, Premier Zhou, who was strict in handling affairs, asked Chairman Mao to postpone his visit to the Soviet Union on the one hand, and on the other hand, ordered the Ministry of Public Security to continue to track the source of the band signal.

In the follow-up, as I said before, Chairman Mao was not intimidated by danger and visited the Soviet Union as scheduled for the sake of the construction of new China.

When Premier Zhou saw this, he asked Vice Minister Yang Qiqing to strengthen the security along the way during the visit, and also appointed him as the head of the special case team to be responsible for solving the case.

While ensuring safety, do not forget to find this lurking spy, and then, the Pingjin area staged a wonderful reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Counterintelligence Operation)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="129" > three: Task force in action. </h1>

Yang Qiqing, vice minister of public security who received the appointment, immediately set up a special case team with Li Guangxiang, director of the Research Department of the Ministry of Public Security, Su Yuhan, deputy director of the Department, and Feng Jiping, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, who personally led the team to investigate the case.

Unaware of Ji Zhaoxiang, he did not raise his guard, but continued to exchange intelligence with Mao Renfeng.

This unscrupulous act gave the public security department the opportunity to quickly solve the case.

After a round of round of round testing, the telecommunications reconnaissance department of my Ministry of Public Security cracked the radio code.

In the following days, the members of the task force continued to analyze the incoming and outgoing telegrams, and although they did not really understand who the 0409 agent was, the "Miss Ji" that kept appearing in the cables attracted the attention of the members of the task force.

With a surname, there was a breakthrough, and then Yang Qiqing commanded Cao Chunzhi to search the city for all the people with the surname of "Ji" and who were acting suspiciously.

After a round of drag-net investigation, there is still no clue, and the case has fallen into a blind spot.

Seeing that the day of the chairman's departure was getting closer and closer, Yang Qiqing, who was impatient, also applied to let Chairman Mao postpone the visit.

However, the plan to visit the Soviet Union, which had been delayed again and again, was to be delayed again this time, and Chairman Mao did not agree.

On the evening of December 6, 1949, Chairman Mao embarked on a special train to Moscow as scheduled, and Yang Qiqing followed him in charge of security.

Before leaving, Chairman Mao said: Before I return, I must suppress this counter-revolution.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="130" >4: Li Kenong is out of the horse. </h1>

Chairman Mao has spoken, who can shoulder this heavy responsibility?

At that time, Luo Ruiqing, minister of public security, was still raising troops, vice minister Yang Qiqing was accompanied by his entourage to protect Chairman Mao, and the chief and vice ministers were not there, and finally this task was entrusted to Li Kenong, the king of secret agents and then minister of social affairs.

Comrade Li Kenong is a well-known red spy network, who has been responsible for underground intelligence work for many years, has rich experience, has a full range of espionage skills, and of course has a good anti-espionage skill.

After taking office, he immediately reviewed the information for nearly a month to find loopholes in the enemy.

Who would have thought that after reading it, they were still confused.

Li Kenong judged that since the enemy had been lurking in Beijing for a long time, he was bound to have financial exchanges with the Taiwan side.

Agents also ask for money, especially Kuomintang agents.

Immediately, Li Kenong asked people to check the bank business names in Beijing to find problematic past funds in and out.

However, after more than a month of strict investigation, there is still no clue, and many people have pessimistic feelings, only the experienced Li Kenong is still full of confidence.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Li Kenong)

He told everyone: I know that the case has not progressed so far, and there will definitely be comrades who will have a depressed mood, but comrades, we must not lose confidence, and the final victory must belong to us!

With the encouragement of Li Kenong, the special task force was once again full of enthusiasm.

Subsequently, Li Kenong once again ordered the scope of the search to be expanded, and also notified the public security departments of several sister cities around Beijing to assist in handling the case.

Expanding the search scope has had an immediate effect.

The Tianjin public security department obtained important clues when investigating the bank's past funds in and out.

A copy of the 1,500 Hong Kong dollars from Hong Kong Jincheng Bank to Tianjin Jincheng Bank on October 21, and then to Beijing Jincheng Bank, attracted the attention of the task force.

If there is no other reason, why does the remitter not directly remit to Beijing Jincheng Bank, but instead transfer a hand to Tianjin Jincheng Bank?

There must be a demon when things go wrong, and years of experience have told Li Kenong that there must be something wrong with this.

What makes the task force even happier is that the name of the payee on this remittance slip is: Ji Ailin.

Miss Ji and Erin Ji, where is such a coincidence?

Subsequently, Li Kenong followed the vine to touch the melon, and the soldiers divided into two roads.

A group of people rushed to Tianjin to continue to investigate the relevant capital transactions, while the other people in Beijing investigated the situation of the payee Ji Erin.

The person responsible for investigating Ji Irene in Beijing was Cao Chunzhi (chief of the investigation section of the Ministry of Public Security), who came to Beijing Xinqiao Trading Corporation according to the address on the remittance slip, and after visiting and investigating, it was found that although Ji Irene was a shareholder of the company, she never went to work.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Hanging jobs are very suspicious)

In order to further find out the news, Cao Chunzhi did not act with great fanfare, but instead sent the investigator Zhang Lie to infiltrate the company and disguise himself as an employee to obtain further intelligence.

A few days later, Zhang Lie, disguised as an employee, gained the trust of the boss of the division and many employees, and knocked on the side until the true identity of Eileen.

It turned out that this Ji Eileen's real name was Ji Cainan, and her family lived in No. 7, Hepingmen Liang Homestead East Courtyard A.

The specific address is there, Cao Chunzhi still has no action, adhering to the long-term fishing for big fish, he sent someone to secretly investigate the family and find out the family situation.

The owner of the house is called Shen Deqian, the wife is called Ji Zhimei, Ji Cainan is the owner's sister-in-law, in addition, there is a niece Ji Xueling and three children.

After many days of stalking, Cao Chunzhi felt that this family of seven looked like an ordinary family, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

So he asked Li Kenong to prepare to evacuate the personnel and continue to look for a breakthrough point.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(This person is not right after all)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="131" >5: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue monitoring. </h1>

Looking at Cao Chunzhi's request for instructions, Li Kenong pondered and asked Cao Chunzhi to continue to monitor, and years of espionage experience told him that there must be something wrong with this family.

Sure enough, after the investigators continued to monitor, they finally found the problem.

A husband and wife quarrel that exposes them.

This Shen Deqian was a not very successful businessman, because the capital turnover was not good, he secretly took the money turnover of his sister-in-law Ji Cainan.

This move was discovered by his wife Ji Zhimei, and she immediately did not stick to it.

That night, the two quarreled at home, and while they were excited, Shen Deqian said:

Don't think I don't know where your money comes from, get me in a hurry, poke you out, no one should think about it!

After hearing the news, Li Kenong was even more determined in his judgment, and this Ji Cainan was Miss Ji.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

(Brother and sister)

After clarifying the information, Li Kenong immediately ordered the arrest and interrogation of Shen Deqian, and during the interrogation, he learned of Ji Cainan's younger brother Ji Zhaoxiang.

Hearing this name, the investigator Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, seemingly thoughtful!

Cao Chunzhi, who sensed something was wrong, asked: Xiao Wang, why are you stunned?

Xiao Wang hurriedly said: Ji Zhaoxiang's name seems to have heard from somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

After Cao Chunzhi listened, he said eagerly:

Don't worry, you think about it, you must think about it, where have you heard it?

After a while, Xiao Wang said loudly: I remembered that after the liberation of Peiping, I once arrested a Kuomintang agent in action, and he confessed to an accomplice named Ji Zhaoxiang, but later when we went to arrest him, he ran away.

Finally, the Emperor did not pay off, and the big fish was finally found.

The day after the interrogation, it relied on the information obtained from Shen Deqian and the source of the enemy's Signal from the public security department.

The personnel of the Ministry of Public Security acted separately, carried out arrest work in Pingjin and Tianjin, and after collecting the nets together, they finally netted the Kuomintang agent Ji Zhaoxiang and more than a dozen people who cooperated with him.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="132" > epilogue:</h1>

On March 4, 1950, Chairman Mao and his party ended their months-long trip to the Soviet Union and arrived safely in Beijing.

The day after the chairman's return, with the approval of the Central Military Commission, Li Kenong, who had been ordered to crack the case, sent a telegram with the captured Ji Zhaoxiang and the secret radio station to Mao Renfeng, who was far away in Taiwan, with the same power and channel.

The telegram said this:

The Mao bandits Feng, Er, and others absconded to Taiwan, did not know how to reflect, still harbored illusions, and all the spies sent today were arrested, confessed to the crimes committed, and had accepted the people's trial.

After receiving this telegram, I don't know how Mao Renfeng, director of the Secrecy Bureau, felt, perhaps gritting his teeth, perhaps being unwilling, and perhaps thinking of the non-people he trusted.

However, in how to think, it is also in vain, because the trend of the times is irreversible!

Any lurking youngster is nothing more than a clown jumping beam in front of the Chinese Communist Party for the well-being of the people.

In 1949, the news of the visit to the Soviet Union leaked, Chairman Mao: Before I returned from my visit to the Soviet Union, I suppressed this counter-revolution Introduction: First: Arrest early in the morning. Second: Ji Zhaoxiang code name "0409". Three: The task force is in action. Four: Li Kenong is out of the horse. Five: Li Kenong's instructions, don't rush to continue to monitor. End:

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