
Xie Jueya's way of health

author:Zhe said TCM
Xie Jueya's way of health

Xie Jueya, a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, together with Dong Biwu, Lin Boqu, Xu Teli, and Wu Yuzhang, was called the "Five Elders of Yan'an." Born in 1884 and died in 1971 at the age of 87, Xie Jueya practiced and summarized many valuable experiences in health care.

Diet is principled

Xie Jueya summed up a set of dietary principles that suited him. First, the amount of food, eating should be moderate, neither too much nor too little, that is, the so-called "overeating should be cautious, and it is not appropriate to force small snacks." The second is the method of eating, eating things to pay attention to chewing slowly, can not swallow dates, that is, "must be very chewy and then swallowed." The third is the frequency and frequency of meals, to achieve three meals a day, regular and quantitative, do not do whatever you want, eat and drink. Fourth, nutritional collocation, first of all, you should choose nutrient-rich foods; secondly, the intake of fat should be as restrained as possible, not too much; finally, the snack side food should be strictly controlled, eat at most once a day. Fifth, eating habits, so that after meals do not use the brain, do not go to bed, do not drink cold water.

Exercise is often adhered to

Xie Jueya believes that no matter how busy and nervous a person is every day at work and study, he should take time to exercise and let his body get moderate exercise. As for the specific sports, it varies from person to person, or playing football, or climbing mountains, or walking, or boxing... You can choose the way that suits you according to your personal preferences. For those who really do not have the time or conditions to participate in sports, it can also be replaced by walking. Xie Jueya used to go outdoors every morning to exercise, or play tai chi, or practice five birds, both breathing fresh air and exercising.

Life is regular

Xie Jueya believes that daily life should follow certain rules. Even if it is a very inconspicuous nuance, it must be treated with caution and must not be sloppy.

In terms of living, it is necessary to do regular fixed points, go to bed early and get up early, do not stay up late, and do not rely on bed; in terms of hygiene habits, we must often maintain indoor air circulation and orderly items; when taking a bath, we must ensure that the difference between body temperature and water temperature is not much different, so as not to cause irritation to the skin; dressing should also be clean and tidy, wash and change frequently, clothes as loose and fit as possible, can not be too tight, and often exposed to sterilization in the sun; once a day, be sure to develop habits.

Xie Jueya advocates the combination of work and leisure, and the tension is moderate. For example, reading and labor are interspersed, writing and fitness alternate, reasonable time arrangement, reading before noon, and doing things in the afternoon.

Spirit is precious

Xie Jueya's wonderful exposition of the way of health maintenance is also his spiritual propositions and insights. "When you are diligent and tired, it is advisable to become a habit; do not rush to success, and do not make noise; your heart is always satisfied, do not have unfair thoughts." Although there are not many words, they are concise and concise, and the sentences are to the point.

Throughout Xie Jueya's life, whether in the revolutionary years or in the years of peace, he always led by example, was honest and honest in performing official duties, and never cared about his own false name and selfish interests.

He was very strict with his children and never allowed them to use the bus at will; he had a sincere heart for the people, and often traveled all over the country to solve the practical difficulties of the masses at the grass-roots level. Throughout his life, Xie Jueya was loyal to the party, single-mindedly serving the people, and bowing to the best of his ability. On his sixtieth birthday, a comrade wrote a birthday message for him: "Sacrifice yourself for the party and always draw for it, and seek more diligently with the people." This is also an accurate summary of his noble life.

Xie Jueya's way of health

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