
What is the ending of the character's realistic archetype in "Sweeping The Black Storm"? Sun Xing, Ma Shuai, Gao Mingyuan
What is the ending of the character's realistic archetype in "Sweeping The Black Storm"? Sun Xing, Ma Shuai, Gao Mingyuan

The most popular TV series this summer is the "Sweeping Black Storm" that swept the whole network. At present, the number of plays has exceeded 2 billion, and 147,000 people have reached a rating of 7.8 points, which dominates the hot search list of the screen all year round. "Who is the inner ghost" has become a hot topic of conversation among the audience after dinner.

Several of the cases in the show are adapted from real people. What is the ending of the prototypes of Sun Xing, Ma Shuai, and Gao Mingyuan in reality?

Sun Xing - Sun Xing in the play is a bad person who does no evil, a rapist originally named "Gao He" was bailed out by the "relationship network" and renamed "Sun Xing", this role audience when watching the play is hated by itchy teeth.

The character's prototype, Sun Xiaoguo, was first sentenced to three years in prison for rape. During the handling of the case, he was released on guarantee pending further investigation for medical parole. Sun Xiaoguo, who was not imprisoned, was even more unscrupulous, and once again held two 17-year-old girls hostage in public with his accomplices, violently injuring and humiliating them, causing serious injuries to one of the victims. This time, he was sentenced to death by the Kunming Intermediate People's Court in the first instance for rape, forced humiliation of women, intentional injury and other crimes, and immediately executed. But what is strange is that 12 years later, in 2010, Sun Xiaoguo actually became the owner of many nightclubs.

Originally, after Sun Xiaoguo was sentenced to death in the first instance in 1998, he was sentenced to death by the Yunnan Provincial High People's Court in the second instance in 1999. In 2007, a retrial was initiated and the death sentence was commuted to 20 years in prison. During this period, Sun Xiaoguo was repeatedly commuted, and he was released from prison after actually serving 12 years and 5 months. It turned out that Sun Xiaoguo's mother, Sun Heyu, and his stepfather Li Qiaozhong painstakingly woven a "network of relationships".

Of course, justice and impartiality will not be absent in the end, and Sun Xiaoguo was eventually executed.

Gao Mingyuan - In the play, Gao Mingyuan, chairman of Changteng Capital, secretly "ruled" Green Vine for many years, pulled too many protective umbrellas, and even paved the way for public officials to be promoted. Not only driving a luxury car, but also changing the co-driver to a rockery tea seat, drinking tea while driving, the more usual the more arrogant.

Gao Mingyuan's prototype is the "cash king" Wen Liehong. In 2002, this character prototype began to open casinos in major hotels in Changsha and organize others to participate in gambling and profit from them. At the same time, he also issued usurious loans to others and recruited many people to collect their violent debts.

Borrowing is easy to pay off. Wen Liehong set up a variety of repayment rules, and even adopted the means of "routine loans", so that borrowers fell into the trap of usury that was difficult to pay off. Unable to repay the money, Wen Liehong gathered many people armed to collect debts.

In order to seek protection, Wen Liehong paid bribes to a number of public officials and sought "protective umbrellas". In January 2019, Wen Liehong was sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscated all personal property for 15 crimes, including organizing and leading a mafia-type organization, bribery, and forced trading.

Ma Shuai - In the play, the character of Ma Shuai killed someone and buried it on the spot, based on the "playground burial case"

What is the ending of the character's realistic archetype in "Sweeping The Black Storm"? Sun Xing, Ma Shuai, Gao Mingyuan

The prototype of Ma Shuai is du Shaoping. In December 2001, Du Shaoping contracted the civil engineering of the 400-meter playground of XinhuangYi Middle School. During the construction process, Du Shaoping had a conflict with Deng Shiping, the teacher in charge of supervision, due to problems such as the quality of the project, and he held a grudge in his heart. Later, Du Shaoping killed Deng Shiping in the office of the engineering headquarters, buried the body in a dirt pit in the playground, and directed the forklift to fill in the pit the next day. After the incident, Huang Bingsong, the principal of Xinhuang No. 1 Middle School, found his student, Yang Jun, then political commissar of the Xinhuang County Public Security Bureau, in order to exonerate his nephew Du Shaoping, and took advantage of his position to deliberately conceal evidence and refuse to file a case, and a murder case was characterized as missing.

In the following 16 years, Deng Shiping's family, relatives and friends wrote one report letter after another, hoping to investigate the case, but there was no result. Until 2019, the 16th Supervision Group of the Central Anti-Mafia Eradication Group entered Hunan, and Deng Ling, the daughter of Deng Shiping, who has grown up, wrote a whistle-blowing letter to the Central Supervision Group.

On May 31, 2019, after two full days of excavation by the police in Huaihua, Hunan Province, the police found almost a whole person's skeleton under the playground, and the truth that had been sealed for 16 years was revealed. On January 20, 2020, Du Shaoping was executed in accordance with law. The "protective umbrella" behind the "playground burial case" was also all dug up, and 19 dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty were dealt with in accordance with discipline and law.

Facts have proved that "sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil" and "safeguarding social fairness and justice" are the main themes of our times.

Synthesized from CCTV News, Changsha County People's Court, etc

Image source: Douban Movie

Editor: Wang Licheng

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