
The Conscious Needs of Different Eras: The Overall Cognition of Jung's Eight-Dimensional Function

The Conscious Needs of Different Eras: The Overall Cognition of Jung's Eight-Dimensional Function

Probably in the first half of 2019, John Beebe, an integrator of Jung's eight-dimensional consciousness function and archetypal theory, came to China to give a speech and made what I think is very important. In this case, presumably, a mother mentioned that she couldn't tell if her child was ESFP or ENFJ. I think the mother should be S-dominant or N-dominant but not long after she has been exposed to the psychological type, because she can only tell the child what each conscious function represents, and then let the child judge which conscious function she prefers to use. Of course, the main purpose of this article is not to talk about how to judge the type, but recently many users have been entangled in eight kinds of consciousness functions, I want to borrow a point of view from Beebe to broaden everyone's horizons, so as to integrate the eight-dimensional function more far-sightedly.

In one case, for children in the 21st century, Beebe shared her thoughts on herself. This is also the source of motivation for me to start understanding the function of eight-dimensional consciousness.

"A lot of terrible things happened in 1939-1945 about World War II, and after World War II in 1945 more and more people began to seek psychotherapy. There was a very great need and call at that time, which was the unprecedented desire to become conscious, which was also an important turning point in beebe's decision to become a psychiatrist in response to the needs of the times. By 2000, humanity had entered an era of renewal. In the 21st century, mankind is facing greater challenges, he said for example, nuclear bombs, climate, etc. are unprecedented challenges, the world we live in is more dangerous, so children in the 21st century must become more conscious, must be more able to use all the different consciousness functions, in order to better adapt to the development of the times, to face the predecessors have never faced the serious challenges. ”

That's right. "Children now and in the future are more psychological than those of us in our 80s and 90s, just as we are more psychological than our elders in our 60s and 70s and they are more psychological than those in the 17th and 19th centuries." Beebe's meaning is straightforward and clear, "The new generation of children must fully use different functions, that is, consciousness becomes more important to them." "In this way, they can provide more sustainable resources such as safe environments, water and food for their time." The problems faced by their times were unprecedented, so the environment did not allow their inferior functions to develop at a very slow pace, and it was increasingly impossible to cope with a lot of work and life with only the first and second functions that we were best at, like our parents.

Therefore, for the eight conscious functions, we need to have a more global view of them.



One of the most instructive values of the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is that it points out our strengths and accessibility features, which are the areas where the first and second gifts take place. This also makes up for the functional order of the main and auxiliary that Jung himself did not realize; the second value is that the eight-dimensional function is simplified, which is easy for people to remember and use, but the disadvantage is that the MBTI mainly emphasizes the talent field where the 1 and 2 functions are suitable and ignores the development of other shortcomings (3 and 4 functions and shadow functions). It is equivalent to saying that THE MBTI only extracts a part (1 and 2) of the eight-dimensional conscious functional system, and ignores the analysis and application of the system (1-8 functions).


Eight-dimensional conscious function

The eight functions of consciousness refer to the fact that each person has four functions of consciousness, two perceptual functions (sense S and intuition N) and two functions of judgment (rational T and emotion F), and each person uses these four functions externally (external world E) and internally (spiritual world I). Thus there are eight functional attitudes of consciousness. Abbreviated as eight dimensions. For the eight dimensions, one of its greatest practical values compared to THE MBTI is to show us what characteristics each process of consciousness have, based on which we can derive the types of MBTI for ourselves and others. Or after understanding the eight-dimensional psychological characteristics, you can evaluate which function should be used in the current scene, and evaluate how to use a function correctly, use it in place, and then smoothly carry out various activities. However, the difficulty of using eight dimensions is that many people find it difficult to accurately understand the true connotation of each function, and can only be evaluated through ambiguous feature descriptions, resulting in difficult and inaccurate evaluation.


Types and prototypes

Going back to the topic of consciousness at the beginning, my users are mainly distributed in the 26-35-year-old group, that is, the group in the late 80s and early 90s, and most of them live and work in first-tier cities. It is conceivable that most people face more competitive pressure and greater pressure on life with more abundant human resources, so they tend to have a higher level of consciousness. Of course, it is also forced to need a higher degree of awareness to adapt to the survival and development of first-tier cities.

Based on this, it is more difficult to judge your own MBTI type, or to judge your own strengths and weaknesses. In particular, engaging in high-frequency communication with people, such as consulting, education, headhunting, and long-term engagement in short-board fields, including the original family of the advantages of the function since childhood by the parents of people will be more hindered.

For example, one of the common situations is that some people use the third and fourth functions for so long because of their actual needs that they give themselves the evaluation that my type is difficult to define, and even the opposite answer appears: I am both Ni-led (Se disadvantage) and Se-led (Ni disadvantage). It's hard for them to tell what type they are, but it just feels like the daily work is particularly draining. Especially for this type of people who are more fully developed, that is, people with a higher degree of "consciousness", it is difficult for them to determine their accurate type through the MBTI test, and it is difficult to judge the first and second functions by comparing the eight-dimensional conscious function on themselves.

This is the problem that types and prototypes can solve more deeply and fundamentally, helping us to understand, understand and finally determine our own MBTI or functional ordering through the complex behind the prototype. To be precise, through the prototype behind each position, diagnose the location of each function in your own consciousness structure. For example, the parental archetype carries the second function, and we can more accurately judge whether it is our own or other people's second function by judging that we are best at using it to take care of other people's behavioral characteristics like parents take care of children; and the extreme reciprocation between the expectation of incomparable beauty and stagnation is usually the third function, and its prototype is often the inner eternal child.


Higher awareness

What we often call a higher-order personality, a more fully developed personality, refers to the state of continuous self-development (first to fourth function) and continuous integration of the shadow of the self (fifth to eighth function) and continuous acquisition of a higher level of consciousness.

This is also the purpose of this article: to systematically integrate MBTI, octavian and prototypes, so as to help themselves not only to clarify their position in their own minds and find core competitiveness in the different functions that need to be launched every day; but also to clarify which functions they are prone to always fall, hinder or stress; of course, they can also clearly know how to organically cooperate with each function and play a stronger integrated competitiveness.

In this way, continuing to push yourself to a higher level of consciousness will be a game-like and extremely mysterious process of constantly knowing and expanding yourself. Putting yourself in the midst of the rough seas is the most worthwhile ultimate pursuit in the journey of life.

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