
Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the flavor of Wen Zhengming

author:Calligraphy code

Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the taste of Wen Zhengming!

Peng Nian (1505-1566)

Good to learn the book, less friendly with Wen Zhengming

The title of his book is Yu Wenzhengming

Peng Nian Xiaokai", "Chibi Fu"

The detailed taste has the meaning of Wen Zhengming Xiaokai

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Zhao Mengfu calligraphy collection hardcover 2 volumes ¥198 purchase

High-definition large picture of "Chibi Fu"

Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the flavor of Wen Zhengming
Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the flavor of Wen Zhengming
Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the flavor of Wen Zhengming
Peng Nian Xiaokai's "Chibi Fu" has the flavor of Wen Zhengming

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