
Social Science Popularization Micro-Classroom | 100 People 100 Lectures celebrating the Centenary Series: The Creation Story of Xian Xinghai

author:Qilu one point

"The wind is roaring, the horses are calling, the Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring...", whenever we hear or sing this "Yellow River Chorus", we can always make our hearts flutter, as if we see the picture of the heroic struggle of the anti-Japanese martyrs. It was created at the critical moment of the survival of the Chinese nation's War of Resistance, stirring the strongest sound of the past era, and the immortal melody also surged with Xian Xinghai's lifelong passion.

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Social Science Popularization Micro-Classroom | 100 People 100 Lectures celebrating the Centenary Series: The Creation Story of Xian Xinghai

In this edition of the social science popularization micro-class, teacher Guan Yuchuan will tell you the story of Xian Xinghai's creation of "immortal melody and eternal strong tone".

Zeng Zhaoming, curator of Xian Xinghai Memorial Hall, once said, "Although the background of life is completely different, the spiritual inspiration played by this work for our Chinese nation is still there. It is as if a founding father who has made many achievements in battle continues to gallop on the music scene at home and abroad, and this work has become the proud artistic wealth of our Chinese nation. ”

Today, let us follow Guan Yuchuan's story and re-feel the "Yellow River Chorus" that shocked the hearts of the people.

Focusing on policy focus and people's livelihood hotspots, social science popularization micro-classrooms take graphics and videos as the main forms of communication, and mobile Internet as the main communication channels, build "micro-platforms", condense "micro-social sciences", guide "micro-public opinion", and disseminate "micro-culture". The content of the class will be disseminated through multiple channels on Shandong Social Science Network, Shandong Provincial Federation of Social Sciences WeChat public account, Qilu Evening News Qilu Onepoint official platform, major head Internet platforms, and audio and video platforms.

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