
Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?


December 26, 1964, was a particularly special day for Wang Jinxi, when Chairman Mao invited him to a dinner party. But after the banquet, he said that he had not eaten enough, so what happened at the banquet? What are the legends of our "Iron Man" Wang Jinxi? Today we will take a look at the life of Wang Jinxi, who blends with oil, water and milk.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Wang Jinxi sculpture

On April 8, 1923, in Chijinbao, Yumen City, Gansu Province, a loud baby cry came out of a dilapidated room, and this baby was our protagonist today, Wang Jinxi.

When Wang Jinxi was just born, he and the box said that it was just 10 pounds, and his father Wang Jintang gave him a nickname "ten pounds". Since Wang Jintang was old and had children, he hoped that his children would grow stronger in the future, pick up the beams of his own family, and honor his ancestors. However, due to the poor living conditions at that time, the nutrition needed by Wang Jinxi's body could not be replenished for a long time, resulting in his short stature and dark skin, so that others once thought that he would be in danger of dying, fortunately, Wang Jinxi grew up peacefully.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Wang Jinxi old house

In 1929, the Gansu region suffered a once-in-a-century drought, and successive droughts made Gansu, which was already short of water, a barren land, a major reduction in grain production, and finally led to the outbreak of large-scale famine. At this time, Wang Jinxi, who was only six years old, had to take his blind father to wander and beg, and they went all the way south, begging all the way, until the famine passed, and he took his father back to his hometown. But back home, life is still very difficult.

In 1932, the warlord Ma Bufang took control of the northwest region, amassed wealth, built factories, and forced every citizen in the northwest region to serve in the factory. Because his father was blind, his father's work also fell on Wang Jinxi. At this time, Wang Jinxi was only nine years old. In order to survive, the young Wang Jinxi panned for gold in the mountains, dug oil in the wilderness, and worked long-term work for landlords. The hard life of his childhood made Wang Jinxi full of hatred for the old society, but it also created his character of being able to bend and stretch and struggle hard.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Wang Jinxi

On September 25, 1949, Yumen was liberated, and Wang Jinxi finally waited for the new life he had hoped for. This year, Wang Jinxi was 25 years old.

In 1950, Wang Jinxi passed the exam to enter the Yumen Oilfield and became an oil worker and one of the first oil workers in China. Because of his gratitude to the Communist Party, Wang Jinxi worked very actively, and told his co-workers: "Now is different from before, it is no longer the time when we were driven to work by the whip, we must be more active when we work for ourselves." ”

On April 29, 1956, Wang Jinxi gloriously became a member of the Communist Party and was appointed captain of the 1205 drilling team. It is said that "new officials take office with three fires", and after Wang Jinxi took office, he actively mobilized his depressed workers in the face of the squad that had always been at the end, saying: "In this case, none of us can complain, we can only blame ourselves for not fighting." He also said: "We must have the courage not to be afraid of anything, and we can't lie down when we encounter a difficulty." His words made the workers scrappy, and then under his leadership, a team of people worked hard and finally completed the task successfully. After that, the squad was like a dark horse, not only completed the monthly tasks on time, but also broke the national record in the "high-quality rapid drilling" competition organized by the Ministry of Petroleum Industry and drilled a 5009.3-meter deep well.

In 1958, Yu Qiuli, minister of petroleum, met with Wang Jinxi and listened to Wang Jinxi's work report, Yu Qiuli was very happy, and said to other oilfield leaders around him: "This is a good seedling, we can fully support him, let him show his fists." ”

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Yu Qiuli

In 1959, Wang Jinxi led his squad to break the record they held for the highest drilling, was elected as the model worker of Gansu Province that year, and also went to Beijing to participate in the National Labor Model Conference and the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. When watching the ceremony in Beijing, when he learned that China could only use gas as fuel for cars because of the lack of oil, Wang Jinxi, who had always been strong, actually wiped his tears on the street.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Wang Jinxi participated in the ceremony

In the same year, a large oil field was discovered in the northeast, and because it happened to be the year of Daqing for the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the oil field was named "Daqing". On March 25, 1960, Wang Jinxi and his co-workers rushed to Daqing non-stop to participate in the Oil Battle. But after they arrived in Daqing, the drilling rig had not yet arrived. Wang Jinxi was very anxious in his heart, and he wanted to dig up the land with his own hands and find the oil buried under the ground to alleviate the urgent needs of the motherland.

On April 2, Wang Jinxi's long-cherished drilling rig finally arrived. But how does the rig get unloaded from the train? There were no cranes and tractors, not even cars. But in order to save time and start drilling as soon as possible, Wang Jinxi decided to lead the drilling team to use sticks to pry and rope to pull and shoulder to install the drilling rig in place as soon as possible. In order to inspire people, Wang Jinxi said a sentence that is still very popular: "If there are conditions to go up, there are no conditions to create conditions to go up!" He led everyone to work while shouting trumpets to boost morale, and it took only four days for Wang Jinxi and the workers to install the drilling rig. After the installation, it was officially drilled, and after the drilling, Wang Jinxi ate and lived on the well, nibbled on the cold steamed bun when he was hungry, and slept on the floor for a while when he was sleepy, never shouting bitterly and tired.

On April 20, Wang Jinxi led everyone to dig a well as usual, but when the well was 700 meters deep, a blowout suddenly occurred. Blowout is the sudden eruption of water, crude oil, natural gas, etc. deep underground under high pressure, if not treated in time, it will face the consequences of well destruction.

At this time, everyone was very panicked, and Wang Jinxi stabilized his mind and led everyone to rescue. Because there was no barite powder to mix mud for the blowout on the field, cement was used instead. But when everyone poured bags of cement into the mud pool, because the cement was sinking at the bottom of the pool, it didn't play a role at all. In this case, Wang Jinxi broke out with amazing strength, he jumped up, jumped into the mud pool, used his body as a mixer, infected by him, more and more workers also jumped down, stroked their arms, and stirred the mud with their bodies. At this time the temperature in the mud is minus 40 degrees. After three hours of fighting, Wang Jinxi and his co-workers finally subdued the blowout.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

But Wang Jinxi, because he entered the mud early and soaked for a long time, his whole body was burned by the alkaline mud, and after everyone pulled him up, he braced himself and said: "Leave me alone!" Hurry up and dispose of the mud! Don't let the cement solidify! When he finished, he fell to the ground.

The people who saw this scene were very touched, and everyone said, "This is really iron man!" ”

Yu Qiuli learned of this incident, held a special meeting to praise him, and called on everyone to "learn iron man and be an iron man", he said: "Wang Jinxi led the workers to create conditions under such difficult conditions, and he had to manually get the drilling rig weighing more than 60 tons up, stand up, and successfully drill a well." We want to learn from his fearless spirit of hard struggle and his heroism that overwhelms all difficulties! ”

In February 1961, the Ministry of Petroleum appointed Wang Jinxi as the leader of the second production team of the drilling headquarters and led 12 drilling teams. But he was not proud of it, but worked harder.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

In December 1964, Wang Jinxi went to Beijing as a deputy to the Third People's Congress. After the meeting, he was left behind along with Dong Jiageng, Xing Yanzi and Chen Yonggui. After a while, they were taken to a banquet hall behind the rostrum, where there were also leaders such as Premier Zhou, Chen Yi, He Long, and Dong Biwu. When Wang Jinxi knew that Chairman Mao was going to invite them to dinner, he was very excited and nervous in his heart. As a worker, being able to have a meal at the same table as the chairman is a supreme honor in Wang Jinxi's heart.

After the people were gathered, Chairman Mao warmly invited them to sit down and greeted them one by one. The chairman said: "This is not a birthday party, but I use my own writing fees to invite everyone to come together." I also want to sit down and talk to everyone, talk about the heart, today my children are not allowed to participate, because they are not qualified for this. "During the banquet, the chairman had a good chat with everyone, because the chairman was very approachable, so everyone was very relaxed.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Premier Zhou talked with Wang Jinxi (middle) and others

When asked about Wang Jinxi, Chairman Mao said: "You and your workers have built a Daqing oil field to come out, which is very good." You are very good and have set an example for our Chinese. Who says we can't dig up oil without the help of others. If there are a few more people like you, our oil can be completely self-sufficient and exportable. Hearing the chairman's words, Wang Jinxi was very happy in his heart and smiled so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Chairman Mao also praised all the model workers present, saying: We must not our tails when we have made achievements. Cocking our tails is not good, we still have to roll up our sleeves and work hard to create a better new society. ”

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

A meal came to an end in a very cheerful atmosphere. But later, when people asked Wang Jinxi how he felt at the banquet, he actually said that he had not eaten enough, which made everyone can't help but laugh. Although this banquet was attended by Chairman Mao at the behest of Chairman Mao, each of the 12 courses was very generous, but because Wang Jinxi attended the banquet for the first time, he still had dinner with Chairman Mao, and his mood was too excited, and his heart and eyes were on Chairman Mao, he listened to Chairman Mao's speech all the time, and firmly remembered every sentence of Chairman Mao's teachings.

After the banquet, Chairman Mao gave each person a large apple before leaving. But Wang Jinxi was not willing to eat it, and he wanted to bring this apple back to his hometown and share this glory with his old father.

On January 9, 1965, Chairman Mao met with the American journalist Snow, who asked him: "Do you have anything to say to the world about the current situation of joint pressure exerted by Western countries?" ”

Chairman Mao replied: "Wang Jinxi said, 'When the oil workers roar, the earth will tremble three times,' but it is not good that our words Chinese have weight." ”

In April 1965, the Daqing Battle Work Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed Wang Jinxi as a member of the Standing Committee of the Drilling Party Committee and deputy commander-in-chief of the Drilling Command. After he took office, he firmly said: "One day, China's oil industry will stand at the top of the world!" "Then I started working in my new position.

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

On May 3, 1966, Premier Zhou inspected Daqing, and Wang Jinxi personally performed a series of operations for him to dig a well, and after the demonstration, he told Premier Zhou that he would definitely break 50,000 meters this year. Premier Zhou was very happy after hearing this, and said to him: "Good, good, good, if both teams are finished, be sure to tell me." ”

In September of that year, the 1202 and 1205 teams led by Wang Jinxi both scored 70,000 meters.

In February 1969, the core group of the Daqing Party of the Communist Party of China was established, and Wang Jinxi was elected as the deputy leader. In April 1969, Wang Jinxi went to Beijing to attend the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, at which he was elected a member of the Central Committee. During the meeting, Wang Jinxi saw Chairman Mao again, and Chairman Mao shook his hand and said, "Wang Jinxi, I know that you are a representative of the working class, and you are very strong, like an iron man!"

Because he often worked around the clock, Wang Jinxi's physical condition was not as good as a day. In April 1970, when Wang Jinxi went to Yumen to attend the National Petroleum Work Conference, his stomach disease struck again, the pain was unbearable, and he had to go to Beijing for examination. The test results turned out to be advanced stomach cancer!

Chairman Mao invited Wang Jinxi to dinner, and 12 dishes were set on the table, but why didn't he eat enough?

Wang Jinxi and his family

After the National Day in 1970, Wang Jinxi's condition deteriorated rapidly and he remained groggy. By the beginning of November, Wang Jinxi's condition was more serious, he often fell into a coma, in the coma only talked about the Daqing oil field, after waking up, he said to the people around him: "Send me back to Daqing, I want to go back to see, and then look at my comrades and Daqing oil field." ”

On the evening of November 15, 1970, Wang Jinxi died of illness at the age of 47.

Today, it has been 51 years since Wang Jinxi's death, but his iron spirit will never be indelible. It is precisely because there are countless people like Wang Jinxi who have the spirit of iron man that we have a motherland like steel. And this is the pride of our nation!

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