
Checks and balances on Russia? U.S. Defense Secretary Austin visits three Black Sea countries, French media: Aiming to consolidate alliances with these three countries that are "under Russian pressure."

Source: Global Times

According to Agence France-Presse reported on the 17th, US Defense Secretary Austin set off for the Black Sea region on the same day to visit Georgia, Romania and Ukraine. Russia has always opposed NATO expansion, and all three countries are in "NATO orbit," with Romania as a full nato member and the other two as NATO partners. Austin's visit aims to cement its alliance with the three "Russian-pressured" countries and to thank them for their contributions to the war in Afghanistan.

Checks and balances on Russia? U.S. Defense Secretary Austin visits three Black Sea countries, French media: Aiming to consolidate alliances with these three countries that are "under Russian pressure."

U.S. Defense Secretary Austin Infographic

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