
She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

author:Professional girl

Zhang Lin, who is 1.58 meters tall, is a heavy truck driver, and it is difficult to imagine why a post-95 girl should drive a truck, but her story is far more exciting than driving a truck.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Zhang Lin was born in a small mountain village in Yunnan, and the word "poor" has been deeply understood since she can remember. If that's all, it's a little hard at most, and in such a poor day, most of the parents' love is given to his brother, because he is a male doll in the family.

Zhang Lin said that when she was a child, everything delicious in the family was eaten by her brother first, and she could only sit in her father's arms and watch her brother eat, and she couldn't eat a little in her heart.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Perhaps in her parents' concept, male dolls are still more important, so when she was a teenager, a matchmaker came to the door to propose to her, and her parents agreed, because the other party gave her a dowry of six thousand yuan. In this way, for six thousand yuan, her parents "sold" her to another family.

When she came to this strange family, her life did not improve, and she still had to get up at five o'clock every day to work, and she only ate white water and rice. Zhang Lin thought that life would be like this no matter how hard it was, who knew, "husband" would still beat her.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

When the "husband" first did something to her, she was scared, and ran back to her mother's house with fear and help, who knew that her brother did not help her, but only sent her back to her in-laws' house.

She had no choice but to stay at her in-laws' house, but the "husband" did not restrain himself, and later he did something to her, and she ran back to her mother's house again, this time with the same result as the first time, and her brother did not stand up for her. She was beaten the hardest, lying in bed for half a month without getting out of bed.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

The experience of returning to her mother's home for help twice made Zhang Lin understand that no one can help herself, only herself. So she decided to run away from the home.

Finding the right time, she left her hometown with 500 yuan. She said that the moment she got in the car, she really felt a sense of relief.

The outside world is big and wonderful, but it is also full of unknown challenges for a little girl, who brushes dishes, does chores, goes into workshops, and later decides to drive a truck for a long distance.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

When I first went out to look for work, people didn't believe that a little girl as young as she could drive a truck, and they doubted whether her certificate was bought. I looked for several companies to find a boss who was willing to let her try.

In the past few years of wandering outside, she also met the second more important person in her life, Chen Xun, who also drove a truck.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

The two met in March, got a marriage license in May, her wedding car is different from someone else's wedding car, she is a bride in a truck.

The two can also be regarded as "naked marriage". After marriage, the two still drove trucks outside, ran long distances, and could only meet once a week. Unlike other couples, they drive a truck by themselves, which makes more money.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Later, after the efforts of the two people, they also bought an Audi car, and when looking at the car, Zhang Lin said, "I didn't expect that I could still drive a car with four circles." After picking up the car, the two drove to the beach for a spin, and their eyes were full of yearning for the future.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

If it were not for the experience of returning to their hometown later, perhaps the two could have lived such a beautiful life forever.

Zhang Lin, who has been away for many years, decided to take her husband Chen Xun back to her hometown for a trip, after all, she had not returned for a long time, and her parents had never seen this husband.

After arriving at my hometown, I looked at my elderly parents and suddenly had no resentment in my heart.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Zhang Lin said that there is no resentment in her heart, and sometimes she really can't think straight, so she marries herself out for a few thousand yuan. But now when I see my parents again, I only hope they can live a little better.

Zhang Lin took her parents to the street to buy clothes, intimately selected clothes for them, tried on clothes, as if the things that had happened in her heart had really disappeared long ago, but there was a son who could not be dispersed.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Zhang Lin didn't get anything in her last marriage, but left a son. She asked her current husband Chen Xun if he wanted to go with her to see his son, chen Xun was reluctant to go, and told Zhang Lin that she should not go either.

Chen Xun could not go, but Zhang Lin could not not go, after all, this was his own son.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

She came to her son's elementary school, stood outside his classroom door, and couldn't help but cry. The son looked at the strange mother in front of him, overwhelmed.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Later, Zhang Lin took her son to buy a lot of things and spent a little money. Chen Xun knew that after Zhang Lin went to see her son, she was very angry and asked her why she still wanted to see her son, had not she already broken off her relationship with them, and why she had to spend money for him.

Zhang Lin felt that she was very wronged, did she just spend 200 yuan to buy something for her son? The two had a big fight over it.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Does Chen Xun really care about the 200 yuan? In fact, not only money, but also Zhang Lin's constant past, because of the existence of this son, Zhang Lin, as a mother, cannot watch her son in front of her eyes without seeing each other.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Chen Xun said that he didn't care about Zhang Lin's past, he cared about Zhang Lin's future, but he didn't want the future of the two to be mixed with those things in the past. In fact, I still can't accept the existence of this child. Although Zhang Lin had already told him that he had a child before he got married, hearing and seeing were two different things, and when he heard it, he felt nothing, and now that he really saw it, he found that he could not accept it.

Three months later, the two decided to divorce.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Zhang Lin said that she always felt that her child's existence was a shame for her, but now she doesn't think so.

The child's childhood did not accompany him, did not fulfill the responsibility of motherhood, in the future she will try to earn money, let her son study well, do her best to raise her son, but also hope to rely on her own parents to pick up.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

Now Zhang Lin still drives a truck, she said that she will be sleepy when she drives at night, eat peppers when she is sleepy, and use that very spicy pepper and then dip it with chili noodles to eat together.

Zhang Lin said that women still have to achieve economic independence, relying on no one, she has to rely on her own house to buy a car, live the life she wants to live.

She was "sold" by her parents for 6,000 yuan, suffered domestic violence, abandoned her husband twice, and drove a truck at the age of 25 to fight back:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > concluding remarks:</h1>

Zhang Lin is just a microcosm of thousands of female drivers of heavy trucks, they do not let their eyebrows be shaved, open heavy trucks, run at night, eat and live in the car, and use their own sweat to prove that these things girls can also do.

In addition, in some slightly more biased places, there will still be old ideas, thinking that male dolls are the treasures of the family. In fact, when I saw Zhang Lin's documentary, I didn't understand why Zhang Lin would forgive her parents in the end, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there is no way to forgive, in the end, it is still their parents, and the elderly they can calculate what they can calculate?

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