
They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

Photographer Kamila Kalinska photographed a very interesting seal off the coast of Norfolk, England. This cute seal constantly changes its posture in front of the photographer's lens, like imitating a model taking pictures. Lying on the beach, it either puts its fins behind its head, or grins, or blocks its face to play peek-a-boo, which looks unbearable.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

This cute little golden raccoon loves to do a head massage. In the photo, when the owner massages it, it is a face of enjoyment, while also covering his eyes with his hands as if he is playing peekaboo, which is very cute.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

Archna Singh, a 44-year-old photographer in Delhi, India, photographed a heart-warming scene in Rentenbor National Park, two cute baby sloth bears playing hide-and-seek in the woods, one of them climbed up a branch and hid behind the treetops, and the one in charge of finding stood behind another tree to count, and the cute little guy leaned out his head while counting, the picture was very warm.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

In Suomsamy, Finland, photographer Ville Paakkonen caught two grizzly bears playing hide-and-seek in the woods, one of which apparently overestimated his "slim" stature and chose to hide himself behind a thin tree trunk, a funny scene captured by the photographer.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

At the Lower Sabie camp in Kruger National Park in South Africa, four early breakfast-eating giraffes roam the woods, and one of the playful giraffes who wanted to hide behind a tree to surprise his companions was exposed because he was too tall. The group of photos was taken by photographer Renata Ewald from Nelspruit.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

The eagle looks as if it's playing peek-a-boo! Sue Dougherty, an internist from Oregon, captured this interesting scene while traveling to Alberta, Canada. I saw the snow eagles struggling to fly together from a snow pile, tightening their wings as if they were hiding themselves behind their wings.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

Laukik Bajpai, an Indian amateur photographer working for a real estate company, photographs an interesting scene in Lake Rancharda near Ahmedabad, where a shy owl plants green onions upside down on a branch and plays peek-a-boo with the camera.

They also love hide-and-seek! The scene of taking stock of animal fancy peek-a-boo is also too cute

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