
What kind of insect pest is lettuce spotted bug, and when does this pest usually occur?

author:Xiao Nongyin

Lettuce is a very common vegetable in our lives, and it is very good to use to fry meat to eat, and the demand in the market is relatively large, so many people specially grow it to make money. In the process of growing lettuce, it is sometimes infested by spotted bugs, what kind of insect pest is this, and when does this pest generally occur? Friends who want to know can take a look at the following.

What kind of insect pest is lettuce spotted bug, and when does this pest usually occur?

Q: What kind of insect infestation is lettuce spotted bugs, and when does this pest usually occur?

Satisfactory answer:

1. The adult body of the lettuce spotted bug is 4.5 to 5.6 mm long and 3.3 to 3.8 mm wide, the head is black, the antennae are light yellowish brown, and there is no obvious stain at the end of the small shield on the back, the most obvious feature is that there are two small yellow-white smooth spots at the rejection. The thorax is covered with white, the abdomen is covered black, and the internodes are obvious. The eggs are about 0.7 mm wide, nearly round, pale yellow at the beginning, yellowish brown in the middle, and reddish brown near hatching. Lettuce spotted bugs use adults and nymphs to suck the sap of young leaves, young stems, fruits and ears, causing flowers to fall. After the stem and leaves are damaged, yellow-brown spots appear, and in severe cases, the leaves are curled and the young stems wither.

What kind of insect pest is lettuce spotted bug, and when does this pest usually occur?

2. Lettuce spotted bugs usually start to be active in early April, lay eggs in mid-April, hatch at the end of April and early May, feather in early June of the first generation of adults, and spawn in mid-June.

Q: How to control lettuce spotted bugs?

1, lettuce is affected by the harm of spotted bugs, first of all, it is necessary to carry out winter ploughing and cleaning the countryside in time, and completely remove weeds and leaves in the field before the adults emerge from the sting to eliminate some of the overwintering adults. Egg masses should be removed promptly.

What kind of insect pest is lettuce spotted bug, and when does this pest usually occur?

2. Spray 3000 times liquid of killing emulsion, or 2000 times liquid of synergistic cypermethrin emulsion, or 3000 times liquid of 20% cypermethrin emulsion, or 2.5% cypermethrin emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 2.5% kung fu permethrin emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 1.8% avermectin emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 2.5% killing emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 50% caprylic emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 20% methrin emulsion 3000 times liquid, or 90% 800 times the liquid of the enemy worm crystal.

(Material originated from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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