
The savior's name is Lu Jing! Liaocheng who did not want to show up to save people "heroine" found it

author:Bright Net

[The lifesaver's name is Lu Jing!] High school students are stuck in the throat by food, and between life and death, a kind lady successfully saves people with textbook first aid! The name of the "heroine" is Lu Jing, 34 years old this year, and she is now a trainer at the Liaocheng Sunshine Big Sister Training School. Lu Jing introduced that on the morning of October 23, Lu Jing chatted with friends in the Yang Guofu spicy hot shop located near the south gate of the Jinzhu University Town Community in Liaocheng. "In fact, I wasn't hungry at the time, but I felt sorry to use people's places to chat, so I ordered food." When we finished eating and talking, a boy squatted on the ground, vomiting all the time, and was stuck in the throat by a foreign body, when I came to him to observe first, then I said loudly, let him stand up, and then immediately took first aid measures. Lu Jing said. Every day positive energy will be like a special reward for positive energy awarded to the heroine, praising the life-saving righteous deeds! Girl 1 minute first aid foreign body stuck throat boy

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Source: Everyday Positive Energy

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