
The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Reporter Li Huailei Liu Hao Correspondent Jiang Lujun

Liaocheng "Love Woman" Lu Jing has a new honor, in order to further promote positive energy, in the city's society to further create a social trend of advocating seeing righteousness and courage as the spirit, caring for and seeing righteousness and courage as a hero, on December 10, Liaocheng City Women's Federation and Liaocheng City Seeing Righteous Courage Foundation jointly held a ceremony to award Lu Jing the honorary title of "Messenger of Love" and Municipal March 8th Red Banner Bearer. Xu Xia, chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, and Guo Xinhua, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, presented Lu Jing with honorary certificates on the spot, and Fu Qiang, chairman of the Foundation, presided over the ceremony.

The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor

In her speech, Xu Xia, chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, once again "praised" Lu Jing's courageous behavior, and expressed gratitude to all sectors of society and relevant departments for their concern for women and children and their support for the work of the Women's Federation. She said that the recent mortal righteous deeds that have taken place in our Liaocheng city have continued to emerge, including many women, who have used their own practical actions to protect the peace and happiness of families, composed a song of righteousness, and contributed to the construction of a safe family and a safe Liaocheng.

The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor
The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor

"I have done such a small thing, our municipal political and legal committee, the municipal women's federation, the see the righteous courage foundation and other government departments, organizational bodies and all walks of life have given so much praise, affirmation and honor, in the face of these honors, I am in awe and grateful." Lu Jing said that because her actions have also attracted the attention of many people in the society to first aid knowledge, which makes her very pleased, in the future, she will do her job at the same time, more involved in public welfare actions, for the city for nearly 20 years to contribute to their own small strength.

The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor

At the event site, Du Yuehuan and Lu Jing, general managers of Liaocheng Sunshine Big Sister Training School, also donated 15,000 yuan to the Liaocheng City SeeIng Righteous Courage Fund to support Liaocheng To see the righteous courage for the development of the cause.

The most beautiful Liaocheng people | Liaocheng "love woman" Lu Jing won a new honor

On October 3 this year, at a restaurant in Liaocheng, a high school student was stuck in the throat by food, and between life and death, Lu Jing's textbook first aid method successfully saved people. After rescuing people, she "disappeared" in a low profile, and finally found her after many days of searching by the rescued parents and the media. Later, in the face of praise from all walks of life, Lu Jing said that she just did what she could do. In the face of the 7,000 yuan of condolence money jointly sent to her by the Qilu Evening News and Alibaba, the Political and Legal Committee of the Liaocheng City Committee and the Liaocheng City Volunteer Courage Foundation, she donated all of them and was praised as the most beautiful savior in Liaocheng.

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