
Seeking: The pursuit of happiness


One sentence of the day: Great happiness will be easy, and great gifts will be simple. (Etiquette: Music)

  In the end, I boarded the green-skinned train to Siyun Mountain alone, and it must be a lie to say that I didn't have any feelings of anxiety in my heart. But for me, the more exciting things are, the more I feel like I can pass the time.

  Now the conditions are better, every trip is a plane, the feeling of this green-skinned train, suddenly brought me back to the past, but it is really nostalgic.

  Recently I've been thinking about a problem, maybe because of years of running around, I don't seem to have really looked at things around me, even people. But I also don't want to be led by fate before I have enough ability, and I have to say that age sometimes limits many things.

  But everything has a price, so many years in order to get a stable and happy love, I have paid too much time and effort, but in the end it is just a mirror flower, all of which is my self-righteousness.

  Suddenly, a phone rang, and it seemed that I couldn't hide from it, and I had to finish what I had to do.

  "Hey, is there anything wrong with me?" Didn't I say I'd take a few days off"?

  My tone was impatient, after all, I was also a free person, and I didn't like to be disturbed when I was on vacation, but it was many years later that I understood that work always appeared inexplicably, and we had to choose to be forced to accept it.

  "Old A, this task can only be completed by you, if you always push three or four things like this, let our personnel department is also very difficult, not to mention that I am just a hit worker, many things must listen to the above."

  "Be well, send the task details to my mailbox, I am tired of hearing your words, if it is not to repay others and make money, I will not pay attention to you." But recently the school always remembers me as absent from class, have you not taken a leave of absence for me, this is too unspeakable."

  "Oh, I'll look back, probably not, and let you perform a security job, why do you say it like a killer every time?" But you still have to pay attention to safety, don't let yourself get hurt."

  Before she could finish speaking, I hung up the phone, and I was really a nagging big sister, annoyed to death.

  Now I have a little bit of tiredness, but I can't sleep, my eyes are constantly flowing with tears, and I am sour. And the more I rubbed it, the more uncomfortable my eyes became, and as time went on, I didn't feel it.

  It quickly darkened outside, I took out my phone and looked at the time, it was already about eight o'clock in the evening, I talked to her for a while on the phone, afraid that the phone storage power was not enough, and she told me not to recognize the wrong person. Joke, I have the ability to never forget, how can I admit mistakes?

  It was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night after arriving at the station, and after leaving the train station, we quickly found each other, and at this time I was not alert, seeing that her dress did not match her identity background at all, but I was now confused.

  "Didn't expect you to look better than in the pictures".

  "Why are you still standing silly in the same place, do you want me to take the initiative as a girl first?" Come, give you soda."

  "Let's go, let's go to the hotel"?

  The girl nodded shyly, and after taking the soda, we headed for the hotel, which was not the first time anyway, but unfortunately I should have been more vigilant.

  In these three days, we climbed Siyun Mountain together, went to the ancient temple to ask for marriage, and I also went to the night market for the first time. After a toss,I can't say I'm unhappy, but it's far less pleasant than I thought, and I always feel that she is extremely good at disguise, so I casually found an excuse to take the train back.

  Sitting on the train, I went through all the details of these days, maybe because I was too tired, and before I could think of one, I went to sleep without hesitation.

  In my dream, I seemed to have walked a road to the palace, only to see that it was narrow and long, and on both sides were high walls. At the end of the road was a palace gate, and there was no one behind me, presumably I was also a courtier with great power.

  But before I could reach the end, I was woken up by a series of mobile phone ringing. I was quite careless, but when I answered the phone, it shocked me.

  "Ichiro! fast! Get off the train, your phone is hit by a virus, all the information about the organization has been stolen, and your location has been located, first find a place to wait for my instructions."

  In fact, I didn't listen to her at all, I didn't expect to be careless in the end, if I let the woman know all about me, it would be equivalent to exposing all my secrets. My brain is starting to run fast, and now is not the time to blame myself, I just hope that this matter does not affect others.

  "Ichiro! Ichiro! Are you still listening"?

  "I'm in, this time it was my negligence, is there any way to fix it"?

  "Now that the Intelligence Section has prevented the intrusion, but some phone numbers have been leaked, which means that part of your privacy is gone, you first find a way to change your mobile phone number, find a place to get off by the way, they should be tracking you all the time."

  Fortunately, I bought a hard seat this time, and there were many people nearby, so in the end I bought an old mobile phone and mobile phone number of a big brother for a high price of five hundred yuan, and got off the train at the border of nearby Huxi Province.

  The first thing after getting off the train is to smash the mobile phone first, then break the mobile phone card into several lobes, and then find a place to rest for one night, and then take a plane back to Beijing tomorrow.

  In the taxi, I looked at the unfamiliar environment around me, and my heart was somewhat uncomfortable, I should have seen that she was not an ordinary person, and sometimes the smoother it was, the more hidden the conspiracy, and I thought she really liked me.

  After three days, I had adjusted myself, and although my mother had some opinions about my uninvited coming, she never lost her temper with me, but kept urging me to go back to school quickly. I have to say that it is still warm at home, after all, my bed is more comfortable.

  In the next few days, she also contacted me once or twice, everyone was just their own master, not counting who was more despicable, it seems that some mistakes can not be made in the end, this time is a good lesson.

  "I've been very happy with you for three days, at least this is true, but don't believe others casually in the future, beautiful women are very good at lying." 」

  In fact, why shouldn't I, forget it, every scene is just for pleasure again and again, just let it go with the wind.

  After hurriedly returning to Hiroshiro, I was bored with everything in front of me, and this dilapidated dormitory, and I understood that if I wanted to start a new life, I first had to find a secluded place to live.

  Later, after some negotiation with me, the instructor, although reluctant, arranged a new dormitory for me. The fifth floor, although a little higher, but the victory in clean and clean, sure enough, I still like to live alone, instantly feel that life is full of life.

  Recently, I have become obsessed with Kubota Toshinobu again, and I don't know if I was influenced by Xi Yuri, but this raindrop of love still failed to evoke my fate with Hoshino, and we can only say that we are lovers.

  Time flies, and it's August, and I've passed the exam and become the youngest in my class. It is actually very good to live like this, at least there are more beautiful women in the class, and they are all graduates of the modeling class. Two words, eye-catching.

  But soon I was given a new assignment, and this time it was still the big sister of the personnel department who contacted me, and it was reasonable to say that the less contact between us, the better, and since the last incident, the organization has become more and more distrustful of me.

  Without further ado, today I was still in a fully black suit, and after packing my gear, I took a coach and set off, and the place where she asked me to meet was not very far, only a few short hours of driving.

  At this time, I have already replaced with Apple's smart phone, although it is very expensive, but it looks fresh, and sure enough, I am not exempt from it, I hope that this time there is no need to physically destroy the mobile phone.

  By the time I reached my destination, I was the only one left in the car, and it was already midnight.

  I hadn't slept all night, and when I came out of the hotel, I found that it was a very remote place again, and I really didn't know what she wanted to do.

  "Alas, what a pity, if you could have arrived early last night, I could have invited you to dinner."

  This person is really familiar with himself, and he talked like this the first time they met, as if it was still my fault for coming late.

  "What are you doing looking at me, is the clothes dirty?" I already knew that I wouldn't wear a white shirt to come over, and then it was really hot here, and it looked so formal to see you wearing it, wasn't it hot?"

  "Is there anything wrong with calling me over"?

  She should be a lot older than me, in the best years of a girl, and exudes the charm of the workplace elite everywhere.

  "There was nothing important about it, but it was just a holiday, and I heard that the food here was very delicious, so I came over." But a man is bored and wants to ask you to accompany me."

  "Do you want me to accompany you like this"?

  I took her hand and, without giving her any chance to resist, kissed her on the lips. Two minutes later, all I got was a slap in the face. Now I have gone crazy, and since I have the Black Dragon Jade Pendant, I have begun to become more and more deviant.

  "You let go of me, I really misread you."

  "If you don't have a good feeling for me, why don't you stay in the capital, where you have everything?"

  "Even if you have a good feeling, you can't do this to me!"

  Her words sounded less like condemnation to me, but more like a spoiler. Now I not only have to travel with her, but also invite her to dinner, in fact, I hate climbing the mountain the most, but now I can only consider myself unlucky.

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