
Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate

author:Ping An Gao Prefecture

On August 11, Liang Shuang, vice mayor, secretary of the party committee and director of the Public Security Bureau, went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate and guide the work. Accompanied by the person in charge of the relevant town street.

Liang Shuang successively went to the three grass-roots police stations and economic crime investigation brigades in Shiban, Nantang, and Hexi, and inspected the functional areas, office areas, equipment rooms, and living areas of each unit in the field to learn more about the daily service operations, law enforcement cases, infrastructure construction, and internal management of the teams of each unit. In addition, various units organized and held forums to conduct in-depth research and exchanges with the town and street leaders and police auxiliary police attending the meeting on the social security situation, public security management, anti-fraud and anti-fraud, epidemic prevention and control, security and stability maintenance, and team building in the jurisdiction.

Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate
Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate

Liang Shuang pointed out

Grassroots units face the masses on the front line, the task is heavy, the pressure is great, the vast number of people's auxiliary police scrupulously fulfill their duties, give up their small homes, for everyone, and have made due contributions to maintaining the stability of one side and protecting the peace of the other side, and all public security work has achieved certain results, which is worthy of full recognition.

Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate
Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate
Liang Shuang went deep into the grass-roots front-line units of public security to investigate

Liang Shuang requested

First, it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building, strengthen the building of the contingent, and enhance the ability of the contingent itself; the leaders of the units should set an example by example, take the lead in setting an example, give play to a good leading role, resolutely guard the bottom line, be cautious and cautious, and be honest, honest, and clean.

The second is to effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, expand ideas and innovative methods, and actively promote the installation of the "National Anti-Fraud Center" app to the masses, improve the awareness rate of the masses, expand the coverage of installation and use, and improve the effectiveness of anti-fraud and anti-fraud. At the same time, we must unremittingly grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, give play to the role of public security functions, and effectively support accurate prevention and control.

The third is to strictly prevent and control hidden dangers in public security, strengthen the investigation and control of key personnel, effectively investigate all kinds of safety problems, and rectify hidden risks in place.

The fourth is to strengthen internal security precautions, sort out the existing security system, carry out internal safety hidden danger investigations, improve the internal security management system, improve safety prevention equipment and facilities, and ensure absolute internal safety.

Fifth, it is necessary to strengthen the crackdown on deterrence, maintain a high-pressure posture, severely crack down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts, suppress the police situation to ensure safety, and continuously improve the sense of security and satisfaction of the masses.

Sixth, it is necessary to take the initiative to report on the work, take the initiative to take action, actively strive for the support of the town (street) party committee and government, continue to strengthen investment in infrastructure construction, mass prevention and mass governance construction, and make every effort to improve the social governance capabilities of public security grass-roots units.

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