
#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzle from @Tongdao Uncle has been received! Leo Shuang sister @ Guan Xiaotong@Chloe Liang Shuang atmosphere is bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ don't take the fruit

author:TV series twenty is not confused

#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzles from @Uncle Tongdao have been received! Leo Shuangjie @ Guan Xiaotong @Chloe Liang Shuang Atmospheric and bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ Don't take the fruit improper dry food Tough and tenacious, Sagittarius Dabao @ Dong Siyi @ Dabao Girl Frank and direct, Pisces @ Xu Mengjie @ XuanXuan Today's material Is there gentle and romantic, 4 kinds of constellations 4 characteristics, come and see who you are most like? [Give you caution]

#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzle from @Tongdao Uncle has been received! Leo Shuang sister @ Guan Xiaotong@Chloe Liang Shuang atmosphere is bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ don't take the fruit
#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzle from @Tongdao Uncle has been received! Leo Shuang sister @ Guan Xiaotong@Chloe Liang Shuang atmosphere is bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ don't take the fruit
#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzle from @Tongdao Uncle has been received! Leo Shuang sister @ Guan Xiaotong@Chloe Liang Shuang atmosphere is bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ don't take the fruit
#Twenty Don't Confuse 2# Illustration Puzzle from @Tongdao Uncle has been received! Leo Shuang sister @ Guan Xiaotong@Chloe Liang Shuang atmosphere is bold, Libra small fruit @ Bu Guanjin @ don't take the fruit

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