
From Ma Xiwu to Teng Qigang, the feeling of justice for the people has never changed

author:Xinhua News Agency client

Beijing, 26 Oct (Xinhua) -- On 26 October, the Xinhua Daily Telegraph published a report entitled "From Ma Xiwu to Teng Qigang, the feelings of justice for the people have never changed."

In 1943, Chairman Mao wrote an inscription for Ma Xiwu, the "red judge" of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, "Not a moment can be separated from the masses"; in the winter of 2021, Teng Qigang, who was known as a "judge of the 'Ma Xi five'" style, had a name like a warm current warming the people of Liaoshen Land – more than half a century has passed, the times are constantly changing, and the people's judges' feelings for the people's justice and the concept of fairness and justice have never changed.

"The family lives on the side of the Yellow River in northern Shaanxi, and commissioner Ma came from the Yellow River, and commissioner Ma came to the horse commissioner, asked han and asked about warm and homely things, and commissioner Ma and us are inseparable, and we are inseparable." This is the lyrics in the theme song of the TV series "Cangtian", and Commissioner Ma is Ma Xiwu, who served as the president of the Longdong Branch of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border District High Court during the Yan'an period. He often went to the countryside with case files, went deep among the masses, tried on circuit, handled cases on the spot, practiced a combination of trial and mediation, adhered to legal principles, was loyal to the truth of the facts, enforced the law fairly and strictly, and was affectionately called "Ma Qingtian" by the masses, and his trial method was called "Ma Xi's five trial methods," which set up a banner for the judicial work of the people in various liberated areas.

From Ma Xiwu to Teng Qigang, the feeling of justice for the people has never changed

In January 2021, Teng Qigang made a message to the new judges as a representative of the veteran judges at the oath-taking ceremony of the new post judges of the Qianshan District People's Court. (Courtesy of Anshan Intermediate People's Court)

Teng Qigang, president of the Administrative Trial Division of the Qianshan District People's Court in Anshan City, died of illness on June 4, 2021. He has been rooted in the grassroots for 30 years, mingled with the people here, and formed a deep affection, and his "Teng's Mediation Law" has convinced the people, and the most common sentence on the lips of the masses here is "We still have to judge Teng". Teng Qigang's deeds caused a strong response after being published by this newspaper, and the Xinhua News Agency's client page views exceeded 1.5 million on the same day, and the full text of the WeChat public account of the Supreme People's Court was forwarded, and the media in The Liaoshen area also forwarded it on important pages. Many netizens have left messages and likes: "The people call for Ma Xi's five-style judges", "The judiciary is passed down from generation to generation for the people", "Teng Qigang is an evergreen tree rooted in the people, tall and straight"...

Ma Xiwu and Teng Qigang are in two eras, with different conditions, different environments, and different situations, but one thing they have the same thing is that they have the people in their hearts and embody the people's nature in specific judicial practice.

Ma Xiwu has tried many cases, the most famous of which is Longdong's "Marriage Appeal Case between Feng Bao'er and Zhang Bai'er", which was later adapted into a commentary drama "Liu Qiao'er". Ma Xiwu personally tried this case of "one daughter and three marriages". He personally went to the village to conduct in-depth investigation and understanding, inquired about the local people's views on this matter, learned that the masses were dissatisfied with the previous judgment, and after finding out the whole truth, Ma Xiwu conducted a mass public trial at the local township office, invited the villagers to participate in the trial of the case, let everyone express their opinions, and finally made a final judgment after finding out the opinions of the masses.

The trial of this case not only fulfilled the wishes of a pair of young people who opposed the feudal marriage system and fought for marital autonomy, but also enabled the masses to be educated while fully expressing their opinions while participating in the trial of the case.

During his tenure as the president of the Qianshan Court, Teng Qigang often went deep into the countryside, sat on the kangtou of the villagers' homes, carried out litigation mediation work in the form of heart-to-heart talks, and patiently and meticulously repeatedly carried out legal popularization and explanation, so that the people could feel his sincerity and patience, and at the same time be impressed by his superb knowledge of legal practice. In the service of legal documents, as the president of the court, he has always personally worked to ensure that the parties receive the legal documents in a timely manner; if the parties have doubts, he will answer them clearly on the spot. In order to facilitate mass litigation, he has formulated a number of business manuals to make litigation practice procedures simple.

Teng Qigang's people-friendly justice is also reflected in every specific detail. Chinese New Year's Eve, on a stormy night, when everyone was in the warm home to welcome the Spring Festival, he was worried that the water pipe in the courtroom would be frozen and cracked to affect the people's complaints after the festival, so he braved the snow to burn the boiler in the courtroom, and against the cold wind, he added coal blocks to the boiler over and over again in front of the coal pile.

During the interview, the reporter learned that Teng Qigang wrote the judgment and never let others ghostwrite it, but he wore reading glasses and typed it word by word, because the judgment he wrote not only talked about legal reasoning, but also about reason and social understanding.

The local public security department and the police who dealt with the court said: "Under normal circumstances, after we take back the court's judgment, we only look at the conclusion, and do not read anything else, the judgment he wrote we have to carefully see from the beginning to the end, and then everyone discusses it together, feeling reasonable and convincing, especially the judgment reflects the feelings for the people." ”

Teng Qigang has said many times: "The earnest demands and expectations of the people are the initial motivation that motivates me to keep moving forward, and the understanding and support of the people for my work is the deep foundation for me to continue to work hard." ”

From Ma Xiwu to Teng Qigang, the feeling of justice for the people has never changed

The 8x magnifier that Teng Qigang used before his death. Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporter Yu Li photographed

From the "Ma Xi Five Trial Method" to the "Teng's Mediation Law", the names of the two are different, and the people-centered nature has not changed. Although Teng Qigang, who inherited the judicial spirit of Ma Xiwu, is gone, his feelings for the administration of justice for the people have forever remained in the land of Qianshan and in the hearts of the younger generation of judges.

Zhao Hengqi, who was once influenced by Teng Qigang to give up his legal profession and aspire to become a Teng Qigang-style judge, has now become the vice president of the Qianshan Court, and his office hangs a number of pennants sent by the masses.

Zhao Hengqi wrote in his reminiscence article: "The first sight of President Teng is as clear as what happened yesterday, and the departure of President Teng has not made me lose the goal of catching up, but has made me firm in my original intention, and I will definitely become a good judge like him." ”

Zhang Di, who graduated from university this year and was admitted to the Anshan Intermediate People's Court, said: "Teng Qigang's deeds taught me a vivid and unforgettable first lesson on entry, especially his deep feelings for the party and the people deeply touched me, and let me know how to do a good job in the future to be a judge who can reassure the party and satisfy the people." ”