
"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

author:Hujiang Korean
"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

"May's Youth" depicts the lovely melody of two young men and women against the backdrop of the Gwangju pro-democracy movement. It is a work that leaves a calm and deep afterglow for viewers.

"Youth in May," which depicts the mournful love story of two young men and women in the context of the Gwangju democratization movement, left a deep afterglow on the audience.

Kbs 2TV's walrus drama "May's Youth" (playwright Lee Kang, directing Song Min-yop, and production story hunter) is a retro human melodrama that tells the story of Hwang Hee-tae (Lee Do-hyun) and Kim Myung-hee (troubled poems) who fell into each other like destiny in the whirlwind of history in May 1980. In addition to Lee Do-hyun and Troubled City, several actors including KumSeok, Lee, Oman Suk, Kim Won-hae, Sim Young-young, and Kwon Young-chan expressed the pain and hurt of their respective characters in a sympathetic way. In the final episode (episode 12), the death of heroine Kim Myung-hee and the stories of those left behind 40 years later grimace at the tip of their noses.

The KBS2TV moonfire drama "Youth in May" (screenwriter Li Jiang, director Song Minye) is a retro love drama that tells the story of the mournful love story of Hwang Hee-tae (Lee To-hyun) and Kim Myung-hee (Ko Min-so) who were fatefully attracted to each other in the whirlpool of history in May 1980, in addition to Lee To-min and Ko Min-so, there are also Qin Celluloid, Lee Sang-er, Wu Man-seok, Kim Won-hae, Shen Lee-hyun, Kwon Young-chan and other actors, making people empathize with the pain of each role. The last episode (12 episodes) of the heroine's death and the story of the characters 40 years later made the audience's nose sour.

Lee Kang, author of "Youth in May," impressed viewers with his heartbreaking history and the stories of the youth who lived there. In a written interview with StarNews, he talked about the beginning and end of the work.

Heart-wrenching history, through the youth story in the historical whirlpool to give the audience a touch of "May's Youth" screenwriter Li Jiang, the following is an interview with Li Jiang about the beginning and end of the work.

"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

- What's your feeling about completing "May's Youth"?

- Reflections on the final screening of "Youth in May"

▶ Whenever we see the last episode and see the reactions of viewers that the sadness is not easy, we are grateful and happy that what we intended to do at the beginning of the work was well communicated.

▶ After watching the last episode, I felt like something happened to someone close to me, and I was very heartbroken, and every time I saw the audience's reaction that sadness had been lingering, it was actually the same as the content we planned before we started shooting, and I was very grateful and very happy.

- I wonder what inspired the writing of "May's Youth" and how I wrote this work.

- The timing of "Youth in May" and some thoughts when writing this work

▶ When I first started researching the material, I wanted to see the tragedy of 5.18 and those who left, but at one point I saw the "leftovers" behind the many texts. All the testimonies and materials I read felt like a record left in tears to remember the tragedy of the loss of a loved one by those who remained, and I began writing "Youth in May" with the idea that I wanted to write a story for those who remained.

▶ At the beginning of the data survey, I only wanted to see the tragedy of 5,18 and the people who died because of this tragedy, but suddenly in these materials, I saw "the rest of the people", in all the testimonies and materials I spent, the survivors lost their beloved him, and in order to commemorate this tragedy, with the idea of writing stories for the rest of the people, I began to write "Youth in May".

- It was set in the Gwangju pro-democracy movement, but unlike the existing drama, it was the story of the characters who set the "events" in the background. Was there any difficulty in solving this?

- Although it is set in the Gwangju Democratization Movement, unlike today's TV series, is there any difficulty in creating a character by telling a character's story against the background of an "event"?

▶ At first, I was very burdened with dealing with 5.18 materials, so I told the director of the center who proposed the plan that I shouldn't be a vessel to talk about. He encouraged me to say to my concerns, 'Then talk about a small, warm person who fits the bowl,' and I was able to start talking with courage. While our work focuses on the love and family stories of ordinary people rather than the great currents of history, when it comes to expressing the times that flow beneath them, we are determined not to have a single line of history.

▶ At the beginning, I felt very burdened to touch the subject of 5.18, and I also said to the center chief who proposed this project, I don't seem to have enough weight to talk about this story, for my concerns, the center chief said to me, "Then you write a story of ordinary and warm human feelings that is equal to your weight", which gave me a lot of courage and allowed my story to start, although our works are more focused on ordinary people's love and family stories than the historical wave, but in the context of this story, I am also enlightened. Not a single sentence of facts that have not existed in history can be written.

It's an era that I haven't experienced before, including me, and it's a transitional period from the 70s to the 80s, compared to the mid-to-late 80s, when there was relatively much data, and there were difficulties, large and small. They encouraged each other to share stories they had heard from their parents and neighbors, and tried to get to the times.

First of all, this is an era that the directors and the main actors, including me, have not experienced, compared with the middle and later of the 80s, which have relatively many materials, the background of the play is a transition period from the 70s to the 80s, there are relatively few materials to refer to, and there are many difficulties, looking for information that can be helpful to the work, such as previous movies or video materials, books, etc., to their parents or people around them after listening to the stories of that era and then sharing with each other, trying to get closer to that era.

"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

- The performances of the main characters of "May's Youth" also attracted attention. Was the actors satisfied with their appeal, or was there a secret to elevate their appeal?

- The acting skills of the actors of "May's Youth" have also attracted attention, are they satisfied with the charm of the actors, do they have the secret of charm divergence?

▶ From the first meeting, the four leading actors (Lee Do-hyun, Troubled City, Lee, and Kum-nok) all bear a lot of resemblance to each character. When someone asked me about our actors, I always said, 'Hermione four.' I admired the way I worked with a passion that didn't cool down, without a hard time on a hard schedule where even ten bodies were lacking. There are also many scenes in which directors and actors have re-created the scene based on the script, and throughout the broadcast, I, the writer, also felt like I was getting a gift. We sincerely thank and love the actors who brought a vivid breath to the characters.

▶ From the first meeting, I felt that the four leading actors (Lee to Hyun, Gao Minshao, Lee Sang-er, Qin Celluloid) and their respective roles have a lot of similarities, I feel very surprised, usually if anyone smells about me about the actors, I answered that they are "Miaoli Four", even if there are ten bodies can not digest the hard schedule, they did not show tiredness, the enthusiasm for the work is very high, let me be amazed every time, based on the script, There are many scenes that the directors and actors have interpreted more abundantly on the shooting scene, and when watching the broadcast, I feel that I am the one who writes the screenplay is instead a gift recipient, and I want to express my sincere gratitude to the actors who give the characters flesh and blood.

"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

- The ending was a salty sad ending. It seems to have been an ending to the people who remained (the Gwangju Pro-Democracy Movement). Was this ending scheduled?

- The ending is be, which seems to be to comfort the people left at that time (Gwangju Democratization Movement), is this ending set early in the morning?

▶ I think the most authentic way to comfort the grief of others is to deeply empathize with your grief. Drama is a medium that allows us to experience the lives of others indirectly, so we planned a sad ending from the beginning to want viewers to empathize with the sadness of The May as our work and to give those who remain a warm touch that they "don't know your grief."

▶ I think the most sincere way to comfort the pain of others is to understand each other's pain and deeply empathize, because the TV series is an indirect experience of the lives of others, and the audience feels the pain of May together through our works, hoping to understand the pain of the remaining people, extend warm hands to them, and plan from the beginning.

In relation to Myeong-hee's death, in fact, all but the people were on the brink of life and death, which was not strange to die for. Myeong-hee in our work is someone's daughter, sister, work colleague, boarding housemate, friend and lover. It was a death that resulted in a single death, but it produced many "remnants," so we decided to end with Myeong-hee's death from the stage of the work's conception.

About the death of Mingxi, in fact, in the play, except for the strange man, all the characters will not feel strange when they die, it is in such a boundary between life and death, in our works, Mingxi is someone's daughter, sister, colleague, roommate, friend, lover, although it is the death of a person, but for the "rest of the people" is actually the death penalty, from the composition stage of the work we decided that the ending is Mingxi's death.

- What if there are memorable episodes?

Is there an impressive behind-the-scenes story?

▶ Personally, in the fifth picture, Myeong-hee's reaction to hye-gun (Lee Kyu-sung) being delivered to the National Declaration of Discipline was most memorable. Even though it wasn't an element that was put in to cause tension, those who saw it were soggy until Hyun-chul tore up the Declaration of The City. It was a moment of great gratitude to the viewers for coming a step into our "May" response, which concerned me like a close friend who would be in danger.

▶ I personally feel that in the scene where Mingxi gives Xiulian's declaration to Hui Jian (Lee Kui-sung) in episode 5, the audience's reaction impressed me, although it is not a scene that wants to make the audience nervous, but the audience knows that before the declaration is torn off, they are very nervous, worried that Mingxi will be in danger, just like the reaction of the audience who is worried like their friends, feeling that the audience has approached "May" again, and feel very grateful.

"May's Youth" screenwriter interview: The ending is set long ago, and I am very grateful to the actors

- Was there a message that I wanted to convey to viewers through "May's Youth", or did the artist's intentions or message seem to be well communicated?

- Is there a message you want to convey to the audience through "May's Youth"? Did the screenwriter's idea get a good hold?

▶ I wanted to tell a story that was comforting to those who remained. Therefore, it seems that the most concerned part of the crew was to make sure that their hearts were not hurt by this story. If the work caused unnecessary controversy, he also thought that it could hurt the remaining people, so he aimed to finish the work as quietly as possible without any noise. I think the message that our work wants to convey is, after all, in the prayer of Myeong-hee, the letter of hee-tae. Another "hee-tae" who is still enduring a "life of tides" is not grieved, but cheers and prays with all his heart to continue to swim through life.

▶ I wanted to write a story that would be a comfort to the rest of the people, so in order not to let them get hurt by this story, everyone in the production team spent a lot of thought, if there was an unnecessary argument because of the work, it would bring unnecessary harm to the remaining people at that time, so there was no fork to complete the work perfectly, it was our goal, and the message we wanted to convey was the last Akira prayer, which was written into Kita's letter, wanting to give people who are now living a "high tide life", as well as other "happy wives" Be able to live actively.

- What do you want to say to the patrons (viewers) who have sent you support in the meantime?

- Did you want to say anything to the audience who supported you during that time?

▶ I believe that there is no heart for good as deeply sympathetic to the grief of others and shedding tears together. We sincerely hope that the good and warm hearts of our viewers, who wept with "May's Youth," will reach many of the people who live the reality of 2021 like a reply.

▶ There is nothing warmer than feeling the pain of others together and shedding tears together, and the warm hearts of the audience who shed tears with us in "May Youth" will surely give a boost to the many happy women living in 2021.

Key vocabulary

Whirlpool [名词] 漩涡

고충 [Noun] Bitter, difficult

과도기 [Noun] transition period

접근하다 [verb] close, close

잡음 [noun] murmur

Emphasis on grammar

- Every time

Add a meaning ending, indicating inclusion, equivalent to the Chinese word "every".

I exercise every day these days.

Recently exercised daily.

The train is every 30 minutes.

Trains run every 30 minutes.

- It's worth it

Explained as: valuable, meaningful, until now ok

1,有价值,意义:"Once -only"

Where can I visit once in Korea?

What is worth seeing in Korea?

The singer's songs are worth listening to these days.

The singer's recent song is worth listening to.

2. So far ok: 아직 -(으)ᄅ 만하다

It was made three days ago, but it's still worth eating.

Although it was made three days ago, I can still eat it.

This is a cassette I bought 10 years ago, but it doesn't break down very often and it's still worth writing about.

Although this is a tape recorder bought ten years ago, it does not often have glitches, and it can still be used.

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