
Our city held a meeting of leading cadres to announce that Li Mei was appointed secretary of the municipal party committee

Our city held a meeting of leading cadres to announce that Li Mei was appointed secretary of the municipal party committee

On the afternoon of September 29, the city held a meeting of leading cadres. The meeting announced the decision of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee on the readjustment of the posts of the principal responsible comrades of the Mengzi Municipal CPC Committee, and Li Mei was appointed secretary of the Mengzi Municipal CPC Committee. Ding Hang, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting.

Ying Haizong, member of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture CPC Committee and director of the Organization Department of the Prefecture CPC Committee, announced at the meeting the decision of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee on the adjustment of the posts of the principal responsible comrades of the Mengzi Municipal CPC Committee: Li Mei was appointed secretary of the Mengzi Municipal CPC Committee. He introduced the consideration of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee for the readjustment of the posts of the main responsible comrades of the Mengzi Municipal CPC Committee this time, and put forward hopes and requirements for the development and construction of the leading body in our city in the coming period.

At the request of Haizong, it is necessary to unify thinking and action with the decisions of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee, resolutely implement the spirit of the Ninth Party Congress of the prefecture, make greater breakthroughs in economic development, make greater achievements in leading the construction of the central city of southern Yunnan, take greater strides in the course of reform and opening up, lead The high-quality leapfrog development of Mongolia with high-quality party building, strive to create a new situation in the economic and social development of the Mongolian Self-Government, and make positive contributions to promoting the high-quality leapfrog development of the Red River.

Li Mei expressed her heartfelt thanks and resolute support for the decision of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee, expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of Comrade Haizong, and expressed gratitude for the strong support, understanding and tolerance of the four sets of municipal teams and the cadres of the whole city.

Our city held a meeting of leading cadres to announce that Li Mei was appointed secretary of the municipal party committee

Li Mei, member of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture CPC Committee, secretary of the municipal party committee, and mayor of the city, said: "In my future work, I will certainly keep firmly in mind my mission and duties, give full play to the role of the municipal party committee as the core of leadership in taking charge of the overall situation and coordinating all parties, resolutely put the party's political building in the first place, resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, take the lead in implementing the democratic centralism system, fulfill well the 'first responsibility' of party building and the development of the 'first priority,' and strive to be able to make good decisions and take a clear stand in the direction; I can do good job in good governance and do a good job in implementation; I can recruit good battles and stoop to do a good job Can recognize good responsibilities, really grasp the real management and lead the team. With unity and cohesion, we will fully support the work of the people's congress, the government, and the CPPCC, mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized, closely rely on cadres and the masses, live up to their mission and trust, and strive to walk in the forefront and lead by example in the construction of the 'three demonstration zones'. ”

In his statement on behalf of the four sets of municipal teams, Ding Hang pointed out that he would resolutely obey the decision of the provincial party committee and the prefecture party committee, unite around the municipal party committee with Comrade Li Mei as the squad leader, deeply study and implement the spirit of the Ninth Party Congress of the prefecture, and make every effort to promote the high-quality leapfrog development of Mongolia and Self-

The city's municipal leaders at home and the main responsible comrades of various townships (streets) and departments attended the meeting.

Reporters Hu Wen and Zhang Lisong

Editor-in-charge Li Tang

Reviewed by Ho Ming Xin

Editor-in-Chief Yang Xueliang

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