
The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?

author:Bright Net

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The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?

As the countdown to the resumption of classes begins, another "battle" is about to begin...

On April 20, the city's junior high school students resumed classes; for more than 70 days, it was the college entrance examination.

This time it is the opening of the school that affects the families; this is a big test that comes ahead of schedule; this is another severe "battle".

Relevant departments such as transportation, market supervision, public security, health and health, and education have done a good job in ensuring adequate epidemic prevention and control. But the protagonist on the battlefield is 148592 junior high school and senior high school graduates in the city.

Seeing that classes were about to resume, a senior high school graduating class student suddenly sent a WeChat message to the class teacher who had not been seen for a long time, and the class teacher hurried to the student's home in the night...

College entrance examination reform + new crown epidemic + super long holiday + online class + postponement of the opening of the school + postponement of the college entrance examination... Tianjin's 2020 senior high school graduating class faces many superimposed "unprecedented precedents".

Will it all go well? What should I do this senior year?

There were 10 days left before the resumption of classes, and the teacher actually received such a WeChat message

On April 10, the countdown to the resumption of classes is 10 days.

Ms. Xu Ying, 41, ended the day's online class and had just finished dinner when her phone suddenly rang — a student in the class sent a WeChat message: "I can't stop learning." ”

Xu Ying is a chinese teacher in the third grade of Tianjin Middle School, the class teacher of the third grade of the third grade, and the mother of two children.

Xu Ying's heart sank, and she immediately called back to the student, but the other party had already shut down. Xu Ying's heart suddenly surged with all kinds of ominous speculations, she quickly called to contact the parents of the children who were far away, and then dialed the phone of the grade director Teacher Zhong. The two teachers rushed to the student's house in the dark of night.

The parents of the student who sent WeChat were working in other places, and during the epidemic period, they could not return to Tianjin due to the quarantine policy, and during such a special period, the child could only live alone at home. During the epidemic period, Teacher Xu has sent food and rolls to students, and knows which community the students live in... Holding the specific address provided by the parents of the students, Xu Ying and Teacher Zhong exchanged information about the child's situation along the way, and the teacher must be responsible for the special period.

The door finally opened, and Xu Ying and Teacher Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that her students were very depressed, Xu Ying's heart was full of mixed feelings, but on the surface she could only pretend to be relaxed and as usual, and asked with a big grin what had happened.

"I can't digest the content of the teacher's speech, when watching the live broadcast, I can't react to it and can't keep up with the rhythm, there is a feeling in the clouds and fog, I don't like to ask, and as a result, when I do the question, I won't have it, and there is a deep sense of frustration."

The answer given by the student shocked Xu Ying, and she suddenly recalled that in the process of the entire 2 months of online classes, some students once mentioned that "the learning effect is not ideal" and "it is always difficult to concentrate".

The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?

The Tianjin Radio reporter interviewed Teacher Xu Ying

Why is that? It all started 2 months ago.

Since February 10, in order to implement the unified requirements of the Ministry of Education, all primary and secondary school students in Tianjin have opened the "home class" mode. Each class of Tianjin Middle School adopts the method of DingTalk software live lessons, and the teaching plan remains unchanged, which can ensure the seamless connection of knowledge points after the on-site resumption of classes.

Xu Ying had tried a lot of live broadcast software before, and a week before the online class began, she began to train teachers in the third grade online. The oldest of these teachers is in their 50s and the youngest is in their 20s, and in order to teach each lesson to the maximum, everyone is doing their best to master this new skill.

A few days after the online class began, a senior teacher in the grade called Xu Ying and said that after teaching for so many years, she had never been so bottomless as now. "When the teacher knows, usually in the classroom lectures, the students will or not, I can see it at a glance from the expression! No, just slow down. But I can't see the students in the online classes, and I don't know if they have mastered it or not. ”

"In the third year of high school, the teacher and the student need to twist into a rope, and the teacher has to pull the students forward. But if I don't meet, I can't move. Xu Ying said that unified practice and examination are the only feasible means to test whether students have knowledge under the epidemic, but she feels that there are also problems in this way: "There will definitely be students looking up answers online." Most of the test results are: if they master it very well, it will cause the teacher to speak faster and faster. ”

In fact, this is a common problem during the national online class, after all, it is the first time, teachers and students are more or less facing discomfort. However, some students slowly adapted and improved their grades, but some students had some difficulties, and Xu Ying knew in her heart that all this was normal.

Sitting in the home of this student with a somewhat complicated mood, the child said a lot of words with Xu Ying, in addition to the troubles in learning, there are parents who do not understand, parents who are far away can only call to emphasize that "there is no requirement for children", "what the test can be", what the child does not know is that parents say these words is a kind of comfort, but what parents do not know is that these words are pale and powerless for children.

The student looked up and asked Xu Ying, "Teacher, do you have any requirements for me?" Xu Ying couldn't help but raise the tone: "Of course, there are requirements, you are a key university indicator in my hands!" This is Xu Ying's heart, this child definitely has strength. Looking at the child's broken nose and laughing, Xu Ying's heart was immediately solid, and Shunshi told the child about the teaching plan after the start of school: "It will soon start, and everything will be back on track!" ”

Another student's father called anxiously to tell him that his son's results in the monthly exam at the end of March had dropped a little badly: "The child is a bit upset. "This student is a class leader of the second class of the third year of high school, with an active mind, personality, and has long been at the top of the grade, but this monthly examination has seen a significant regression."

"The child is very smart, his problem is too impetuous, no one stares at him during online classes, he is not self-disciplined, and he often plays games at home." In response to this student's question, Xu Ying proposed to take him as the core, set up a language "temporary emergency" team in the class, the students who are willing to register in the class can participate, Xu Ying will take everyone every night to "lian mai" brush questions, but the student's answer makes Xu Ying "head": "He said I can participate, but every night from 8 pm to 10 o'clock is my time to play the game, I need to relax." ”

As a class teacher for many years, she is well aware of the characteristics of children of this age: "We must moderately protect his personality, and we cannot be hard!" Adjust slowly as school starts! She estimated that the homework of other registered students should basically be written until 10 o'clock: "My eldest junior graduated from junior high school, I can't take care of it; the second is 4 years old, sleeps after 10 o'clock, no one mixes." ”

Therefore, starting at 10 p.m. every night, Xu Ying started additional online classes.

Who understands the anxiety of parents

During the online class, Xu Ying could not touch the bottom of the students' learning, but also the bottom of their psychology. Seventeen or eighteen years old is gradually moving towards adulthood, many times they want to choose to carry themselves, but after all, they are still children, and some people will explode in silence. As a class teacher, Xu Ying has to chat with students alone every few days.

Bi Wanqiao could not find the rhythm of learning at the beginning of the online class, coupled with the fact that the domestic epidemic was still breaking out at that time, the time of the college entrance examination and the time of resuming school were unknown, she suddenly felt that there was no hope, and she quietly hid in the house and cried. Sometimes simply withdrawing from the class interface and listening to a few piano songs without lyrics, in an attempt to stabilize her mind first, she must adjust herself to at least normal state.

Listening to music, the child's parents occasionally pushed the door in and found it a few times, the first two times did not squeak, but the third time, the father could no longer contain the thunder: "This is half-heartedness!" You go and inquire, who listens to music to learn?! That night, the family ended hastily amid quarrels and cries.

The next day, Bi Wanqiao dialed Xu Ying's phone, and after talking to the teacher about the whole thing, her emotions had already gone down for a long time: "Teacher Xu told me that her daughter had heard music like me before, and she and her husband had also been angry with their children, and she said that fathers were all so temperamental that good communication can resolve conflicts." After listening to it, I felt that I was not alone, haha, everyone's father is like this. ”

The child's mother also quietly dialed Xu Ying's phone. To tell the truth, her anxiety is not less than Bi Wanqiao, from the child's third year of high school, she has withdrawn from her own business to completely transform into a full-time mother, the change in identity has made her somewhat difficult to accept, coupled with the epidemic, college entrance examination, can not go out, worry about the child's long-term staring at the screen to affect the vision and other factors of the accumulation, adults' emotions have also reached the peak several times, for the child's "last hump", she tried her best to restrain her "violent temper" every time, this time to calm herself down. "Teacher Xu is the most responsible and understanding teacher of my child since my child went to school for 12 years, so our first reaction to anything is to find her," the child's mother said, and Teacher Xu firmly stated her attitude on the phone: "She said that she supported Bi Wanqiao's way of self-regulation, and many children did this, and the method was effective." Later, when I thought about it, I was willing to listen to music quietly when I was in a bad mood. ”

Under the guidance of Xu Ying, the family of three opened the conversation, and Bi Wanqiao, who had calmed down, sorted out the reasons for her anxiety and irritability, and removed or diverted attention one by one: for example, first find her own advantages to memorize and find a little self-confidence; or invite her mother to come to the room to read together and create a learning atmosphere at home; she also deleted the entertainment APP in her mobile phone except WeChat and DingTalk one by one, and walked attentively according to the rhythm of the teacher.

Bi Wanqiao also slowly discovered the benefits of online classes, that is, the review function. If the teacher talks quickly and has something he does not understand, Bi Wanqiao will first write down the time node, and then quickly follow the teacher to continue to go down, and then look at the replay carefully after the end: "Teacher Xu will look for me once in a while, what is the learning plan, emphasize that today's problems must be solved today, and play out their own problems in the screen for the teacher to answer." ”

In the past monthly examination, Bi Wanqiao improved by 50 places in the final exam of the last semester, especially the weak subjects have improved compared with before, which is her most gratifying thing: "In these 2 months of online classes, myself, parents, and teachers, these three aspects are very important, and I must use all the ways to solve my psychological problems." ”

The Bi family has prepared disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, masks, thermometers and 2 household garbage bags. This is a requirement made by the school, and after the school starts, each student must bring such a hygiene bag. The masks that can be seen on the market were bought by Bi Wanqiao's father, and after trying them on one by one, Bi Wanqiao finally picked out a mask that best fits his face, and began to do adaptation training early under the advice of the teacher - that is, to extend the time of wearing the mask a little bit during the online class at home every day: "The nervousness about the epidemic has passed, and now it has developed the habit of washing hands and disinfecting frequently." After the beginning of the school, we must treat every day as the day before the college entrance examination, just like Teacher Xu said, do not expect to be a dark horse, but do your best. ”

I told the students two stories about me and SARS

On April 13, the countdown to the resumption of classes is 7 days.

At 8:30 a.m., all the cadres and workers of Tianjin Middle School officially went to work. This moment, the teachers have been looking forward to for a long time.

The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?

During the big class on this day, Xu Ying walked into the school with her mobile phone and told the students what the current campus looks like in a live broadcast, so that everyone could know in advance. It was also on this day that Teacher Xu, who usually loves to talk about "paragraphs", changed his normal state and told two somewhat heavy stories to everyone.

In 2003, Xu Ying's second year of work, when she was the second grade class teacher; in August of that year, Xu Ying had to get a certificate to register, and the marriage room was prepared early. But one day in March, at 4 p.m., the relevant departments in Nankai District called and asked all students and teachers in the second grade not to leave school, because they tracked down a student who had rubbed shoulders with a SARS patient in a central hospital and was a close contact! And this classmate has cross-contact with students and teachers in school! The tense air spread rapidly, and the teachers called the students' homes one by one to inform the parents that the school was expected to be an hour late on the same day, and notified all the students in each class to study by themselves; the epidemic prevention personnel wearing protective clothing took the student away and notified the students to leave school when allowed.

That night, Xu Ying isolated herself in the empty marriage room, refusing the visiting requests of her parents and fiancé: "I can't sleep all night, I think wildly, if I am infected, what will my parents do, I am not married... Stayed up until the next morning when I received a message saying: The alarm was lifted and the child was fine. ”

Twelve years later, in 2015, Xu Ying found that a girl in her class wore high-necked clothes in both winter and summer, and was more mature than her peers. One day, the girl finally pulled open her neck to the teacher, and a scar was shocking. "She said, 'Teacher, I used to be a SARS patient, I lived in Xiaotangshan in 2003, I had a ventilator, I was someone who had seen death, and after experiencing that incident, I understood that there is nothing more important than being alive.'" ”

The story silenced the students.

At the end of the online class, Xu Ying said: "Telling such a story is to let you know, first, you must understand the necessity of prevention, do not regret things; second, you are lucky, not the victims of the epidemic, you must know how to cherish; third, the college entrance examination in the long river of human growth is only a moment, impermanence is the norm in life, after experiencing this epidemic, we will look at things differently." ”

The school is no longer what it used to be

On April 15, the countdown to the resumption of classes is 5 days.

Zhao Junjie, vice principal of Tianjin Middle School, walked into the school door in the morning, imitating the situation of students returning to school, walking in the school over and over again, checking what other hidden dangers and flaws may occur: "We have been formulating all the epidemic prevention guidelines since the fifth and sixth days of the first grade, and now the version I am holding in my hand has been revised more than a dozen times, and the details must be revised before the start of the school." ”

Tianjin Middle School junior high school will implement staggered peak school, the third year of high school every day began to enter the school at 7 o'clock, the third grade of the third day of 7:45 a.m. to enter the school; the original 1 class will be divided into 2 classes, each class will not exceed 25 people.

The school's "meter line" starts at the school gate and winds and winds to the temperature measurement channel on campus, the floors, the front of each class, the dormitory corridor, the canteen, the toilet, and the green lawn on the playground.

Students entering the teaching building, dormitory, and canteen will pass through the infrared temperature measurement door, and after entering the teaching building, they will follow the arrows of different classes to reach their classrooms. At first glance, the middle school is a bit like a kindergarten.

The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?
The record | encountered "unprecedented", what should I do in Tianjin this senior year?

Parent representatives visited the campus in advance, and everyone stood in front of the "meter line"

In the last few days of the countdown to the resumption of classes, all the staff in the school, including classroom teachers, canteens, properties, logistics, libraries, laboratories, etc., must undergo multiple trainings, and the school epidemic prevention process should be memorized with open mouths, such as: how many times a day to ventilate, and how much is the scientific ratio of disinfectant, just like giving students a surprise exam.

After the resumption of classes, it is also a big thing for children to eat. Seven staff members of the tianjin middle school canteen began to enter the school from March 1, and could not come and go freely until the end of the first-level response, and even the procurement staff could only go to the school gate to pick up the ingredients sent on the same day.

Bi Wanqiao saw the campus prevention and control measures on the school's WeChat public account, and what she saw earlier was still to go to the canteen to eat, and the dining table was also placed on the isolation board; but then, the school changed the plan, in addition to 58 boarders eating in the canteen morning and evening, the lunch was uniformly packed by the canteen and distributed directly to the classroom in a disposable lunch box, and the meal was not enough to queue up to add to the corridor, and no more than 3 people went out each time. This arrangement put her at ease: "The gathering of people is prevented to the greatest extent. ”

"The results are estimated to be very poor, but I am not worried"

On April 18, the countdown to the resumption of classes is 2 days.

Xu Ying began to be busy with another thing - recording lessons. After the resumption of classes, due to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, each class was divided into two AB classes, and the school originally planned that when the teacher was in class A, class B would watch the live broadcast synchronously through the classroom all-in-one machine, which would not affect the teaching progress and effectively use time. But Xu Ying felt that it could be improved: "After I recorded the lesson, the AB class watched the video at the same time, I went back and forth between the two classes, I wanted to see everyone take notes in the classroom to implement the situation, but also to give them questions, so that if they have inattention, the implementation is not in place, I can control the situation at the first time, remind students to pay attention to the course content again!" If anyone is loose, I will 'knock and knock'! ”

Before the start of the third year of high school, Xu Ying took over the 2nd class of the third year of high school, when the total score of the class was at the bottom of the whole grade, after the efforts of all the teachers, parents and students, the total score of the class at the end of the last semester has been mentioned as the first grade, and after this monthly examination, the total score of the whole class temporarily fell to the third grade, and the teachers and parents are very anxious.

"The first week, it seems to be a calm and calm resumption of classes, but it is the most nervous time for the teacher." Xu Ying and the teachers in the grade group have made a plan to do two "bottom-ups" in the first week, to find out what the students' real learning situation is and what the students' psychological state is.

Before May Day, the children will have to take the district-wide model exam, "I estimate that the results of the model may not be too ideal, and my language subject is estimated to fall by about 10 points." This is the estimate in Xu Ying's heart, but she is not particularly anxious, after all, the whole country is in online classes, the whole country is the same, and it is normal for all kinds of performance fluctuations: "Fortunately, the college entrance examination has been postponed, which is good for every student." ”

"Observe, do not apply pressure, do not rush to 'prescribe prescriptions and grasp medicine'. The results come out, the praise that we should praise, the encouragement that should be encouraged, and this momentum can be compared. ”

Xu Ying's eldest daughter is about to take the middle school entrance examination, and her words to her daughter are also words to students: "After the start of school, you may see that some people suddenly 'overtake in curves', at this time, don't look at the rhythm of others, look at your feet, there are differences between people and people, but they can become hard people!" You just have to manage yourself and perfect the teacher's prescribed actions at the specified time, and that's it. ”

This year is the first year of the new college entrance examination in Tianjin, the examination and recruitment methods are the first time in the history of the college entrance examination, in order to let the candidates understand the admission policy in advance, these two days, the Tianjin Municipal Education Enrollment Examination Institute launched the new college entrance examination volunteer auxiliary system, organizing the senior high school graduation students to fill in the simulation in advance.

Bi Wanqiao and his parents lay down in front of the screen to study, adding the most favorite East China Normal University to the first column of the auxiliary system, and some classmates added a string of medical majors, and some people chose bridge building, pharmacy, machinery, etc.

After experiencing this epidemic, many students seem to understand at once what kind of life they want to live in the future.

Reporter | Zhao Zheng

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