
The movie "General Cloth" Wenden boots up! The protagonist is based on General Zhang Yuhua

author:Popular Daily

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On May 15, the movie "General Buyi" was launched in Wenden District, Weihai City. Created based on the life deeds of General Zhang Yuhua, former deputy political commissar of the Nanjing Military Region, "General Cloth" is produced by the Central Propaganda Film Satellite Program Production Center, and is one of the "Famous Generals of the Republic" series of films. After filming is completed, it will be broadcast on the CCTV Movie Channel (CCTV-6).

The movie "General Cloth" Wenden boots up! The protagonist is based on General Zhang Yuhua

General Zhang Yuhua was born in Zhangpi Village, Wendenying Town, and in 1937 he joined congrong, participated in the Tianfushan Uprising in the annals of history, and made many military achievements in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and was awarded the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Second Class, the Liberation Medal of the Second Class, and the Medal of Merit of the Red Star of the First Class. After retiring in 1986, General Zhang Yuhua donated more than 400,000 yuan to poor people and schools across the country. In 2012, he was named "Good Man of China". He has always cared about his hometown and returned to his hometown to visit many times, setting up the "Huahua Scholarship Fund" and "Zhenhua Scholarship Fund" to support the development of his hometown. After the death of General Zhang Yuhua in 2017, according to his will, his soul returned to his hometown and slept peacefully under Tianfu Mountain.

The movie "General Cloth" Wenden boots up! The protagonist is based on General Zhang Yuhua

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, more than 30,000 people joined the army and more than 130 Generals of Wenden nationality have grown up, making indelible contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution. General Zhang Yuhua is an outstanding representative of this, and the movie "General Buyi" reproduces his mission and purpose of practicing "serving the people" all his life, highlighting the spirit of the veteran general's loyalty to the party and the people.

(Reporting by Tao Xiangyin, client reporter of Dazhong Daily, correspondent Wang Haizheng)

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