
Chongqing Red Story 50 Tells the Thirty-second Episode | for the Revolution Without Fear of Hardships and Difficulties - Zhang Yifan

author:Chongqing Evening News Slow News

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In 1922, in order to force the school authorities to resign some mediocre teachers who entered the school through relationships and use some people who really had the ability to teach, the progressive students of Fuling middle schools set off a vigorous "teacher selection" movement. One of the organizers of this movement was Zhang Yifan.

Chongqing Red Story 50 Tells the Thirty-second Episode | for the Revolution Without Fear of Hardships and Difficulties - Zhang Yifan

Zhang Yifan was born in 1904 in Matjiang, Chongqing. In 1922, he was admitted to the National Beijing University of Technology, and because he was influenced by Marxism-Leninism, he actively participated in revolutionary activities. In 1924, Zhang Yifan joined the Communist Party of China.

During his college years, Zhang Yifan and his classmates founded the progressive journal Fuling Monthly to publicize progressive ideas and spread revolutionary beliefs. Zhang Yifan had his own ideas about revolution, and he believed that in order to change the decay of society at that time, it was impossible to rely only on "reconciliation" and "reform", but revolution was necessary.

With a mission and a strong faith. Zhang Yifan, who has always persisted in the revolutionary struggle, not only worked hard to study Marxist theory himself, but also organized his classmates to study together. In 1926, Zhang Yifan was targeted by the reactionary authorities for participating in the street petition of the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, and was forced to drop out of school and leave Beijing, and was arranged by the organization to work in Wuhan.

Coming to Yichang, Wuhan, Zhang Yifan's revolutionary enthusiasm was even higher. Not only did they go deep into Yichang's schools, factories, and extensively mobilize the masses to participate in the revolution, but they also risked great dangers and ran everywhere to do their utmost to rectify and restore the party organizations in Hubei and western Hubei. With the rupture of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, the reactionary military and police began to arrest and massacre revolutionary volunteers, and Zhang Yifan and his comrades were in an even more dangerous situation and could only go underground. No matter under what circumstances, Zhang Yifan will always be a fighter for revolution. In a moment of extreme darkness and terror in the political environment, he resolutely persevered in the struggle. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, Zhang Yifan did not hesitate to accept the organizational arrangements and went to the harsh western Hubei with other comrades to secretly develop the party organization and prepare for an armed uprising.

In 1927, Zhang Yifan organized the "Wacang Rebellion", firing the first shot of the armed rebellion in Yichang. After that, Zhang Yifan continued to go deep into the countryside to develop party organizations and train revolutionary armed forces. Although a series of armed insurrections that began with the "Wacang Rebellion" failed due to the brutal suppression of the enemy, Zhang Yifan and his comrades awakened the people's minds and sowed the seeds of the revolution with their tenacious fighting spirit and indomitable spirit.

After the revolution turned to a low tide, Zhang Yifan also quickly adapted to the situation and changed the way of struggle. Using his identity as a rickshaw puller as a cover, Zhang Yifan passed on a lot of important information to the party organization.

In June 1928, the Kuomintang reactionaries wantonly searched for revolutionary comrades in Yichang and arranged for everyone to be safely transferred in order to protect the comrades. Regardless of his own danger, Zhang Yifan disguised himself as an aide-de-camp of the enemy army, went deep into the tiger's den, and bravely broke into the tiger's mouth. And after the comrades have escaped from danger safely, they will continue to lurk among the enemy and do counter-offensive work. In September 1928, Zhang Yifan was arrested for betrayal by traitors. Although he was tortured in various ways, Zhang Yifan always adhered to the revolutionary integrity and preferred to die unyieldingly, and was eventually killed on the banks of the Qingjiang River outside yidu city, at the age of 24.

Zhang Yifan is good at opening up the work situation in hardships and hardships. We must learn from his spirit of not being afraid of hardships and dangers, facing difficulties, and make contributions to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Source: Upstream News

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