
After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

People's Daily Health Client

2024-05-24 17:12Published on the official account of Beijing People's Daily Health Client

On May 21, at the door of the neonatal ward of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University (Hubei Provincial People's Hospital), Tongbao (pseudonym) was held in her arms by her mother and left a group photo with the doctors and nurses who took care of her. This "slap baby" who only stayed in the mother's belly for 181 days finally ushered in the day of discharge after 87 days of "breakthrough".

"Thank you for giving me and my child life!" On this day, Tongbao's mother sent pennants and flowers to the medical escort who took good care of the baby.

After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

Tong Bao's mother presented pennants and flowers to the medical escort who cared for the baby. Courtesy of the hospital

Tong Bao was born suddenly one night three months ago. When Tongbao's mother was "25+6" weeks pregnant, the uterine opening was opened due to cervical insufficiency, and she entered labor ahead of schedule. That night, the medical staff of the Neonatology Department of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University quickly rescued Tongbao, who weighed only 860 grams and was only 32 cm long, to the neonatal intensive care unit.

After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

Tongbao in the incubator. Courtesy of the hospital

The normal functioning of the human body requires the cooperation of various systems, and if the infant is not full-term, the immature system functions to make its survival face many challenges. Even if you overcome many difficulties to give birth to a baby, it is only the "beginning" for premature babies and parents.

Fang Chengzhi, director of the Department of Neonatology of Wuhan University People's Hospital, told the People's Daily health client reporter that Tongbao is the youngest gestational age among the ultra-premature infants successfully treated in the Neonatology Department of Wuhan University People's Hospital. In order to take care of this little life more carefully, the medical team has set up a special treatment and nursing team, 24-hour one-on-one care, closely monitoring vital signs and various indicators. In addition, in order to provide medicine and nutrition to Tongbao, the nursing team of the peripheral puncture central venous catheter successfully inserted a peripherally venous central venous catheter (PICC catheter) into the child's filamentous blood vessels.

After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

**Doctors and nurses are taking care of Tongbao. Courtesy of the hospital

"The treatment of ultra-premature infants should not only ensure the safety of life, but also pay attention to the quality of life in the future, which is the treatment principle of our team." Xie Lili, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics at the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, told the People's Daily health client reporter.

After her mother recovered well, she tried to start breastfeeding, and they decided to let Tung Bao breastfeed. However, due to the unstable condition of Tong Bao, breastfeeding needs to be strictly controlled. Virus testing, breast milk delivery, pasteurization, oral feeding...... From being able to eat only 1 ml to 3 ml at a time, Tongbao's recovery was accompanied by an increase in "appetite", and when he was discharged from the hospital, Tongbao was able to eat 60 ml of breast milk at a time, which made everyone feel relieved.

The medical staff instructed Tongbao's parents to carry out a "kangaroo hug", that is, the baby was attached to the chest upright, so that the baby could feel the heartbeat and breathing of his parents. The effect of this experiment was obvious: after a week, Tongbao's demand for oxygen dropped and he learned to feed on his own.

In Fang Chengzhi's view, the experience accumulated by the team together gave them confidence. Up to now, more than 100 ultra-preterm babies of gestational age of 28 weeks and below have recovered and been discharged from the hospital under their care, and follow-up shows that these "slap babies" are developing well.

On the 87th day of admission to the neonatology department, Tongbao, who weighed 2.91kg, recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and there were no major complications during the hospitalization, and her life ushered in infinite possibilities.

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  • After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged
  • After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged
  • After only 181 days in the mother's womb, the ultra-premature "slap baby" was discharged

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