
Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

author:The style of western Anhui

-- Documentary of labor practice education in the "Labor Practice Month" of Foziling Town Central School

Under the background of "double reduction", five educations are carried out simultaneously, and labor comes first. The Central School of Foziling Town, Huoshan County, focused on the Labor Education Publicity Week and carried out the Labor Practice Month with the theme of "The Most Glorious Practice of Labor Promotes Growth". Lide cultivates people, so that students can practice, sweat, accept exercise, sharpen their will, and cultivate correct labor values and good qualities.

During the activity, the school gave full play to the role of the main position of campus publicity and education, actively used propaganda columns, electronic display screens, theme class meetings, class WeChat groups, school official accounts, etc. to carry out extensive publicity, and carried out labor education practice activities through the form of "eight ones".

Carry out a speech under the national flag and open the prelude to labor. On April 29, with the theme of "The Most Glorious Practice of Labor to Promote Growth", the school carried out a speech under the national flag, led by the Department of Political and Educational Affairs, with the participation of all teachers and students, delivered an inspiring mobilization speech, and announced the official launch of the "Foziling Town Central School's 'Most Glorious Labor Practice to Promote Growth' Labor Education Practice Month".

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Hold a labor education theme class meeting to create a labor atmosphere. On April 30, each class of the school held a class meeting with the theme of "Labor is the Most Glorious Practice to Promote Growth" in combination with the safety education of students leaving school during the May Day holiday, and arranged the labor tasks during the May Day holiday by grade level, and encouraged students to do what they can under the leadership of their parents, such as stir-frying, washing dishes, mopping the floor, packing up schoolbags, tidying up rooms, planting flowers and plants, etc., so as to stimulate students' enthusiasm for labor and cultivate students' correct labor values.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Hold a model worker story presentation. On May 6, the school made the relevant information of the winners of the 2024 National May Day Labor Medal into multimedia courseware, and organized all classes to watch it, so that students can understand the advanced deeds of model workers, understand the life philosophy of labor to create a wonderful life, and sow the seeds of labor glory and greatness in the hearts of each student, so that they can strive to become practitioners of the spirit of model workers, promoters of labor spirit, and new people of the era who take on the great task of national rejuvenation.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Organize a group labor practice activity. On May 7, the school organized seventh and eighth grade students to participate in collective labor practice activities in the labor education practice base, weeding and fertilizing the plantation. On May 13, the school organized ninth-grade students to carry out a big pot stove activity in the labor education practice base, allowing students to participate in the cooking process, giving full play to the role of labor education resources within the school.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Organize and carry out a concentrated propaganda campaign to carry forward the main theme of labor. The school concentrates on publicizing labor education through multiple channels, maintains close contact with students' parents, requires and guides parents to follow the school's plan, and requires students to participate in appropriate labor at home in a planned and purposeful manner, so as to promote the common concern of the whole society for labor education.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth
Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Carry out a labor education recording activity. After carrying out the activities, the school guided the students to write labor diaries with uniform customized exquisite paper, record the labor process, share labor experience, collect the wonderful moments of students' labor, and leave detailed process information.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Hold an exhibition of the fruits of labor. On May 15, the school held a public exhibition on the handicrafts, labor poems, labor diaries, food menus, labor photography, etc., produced during the Labor Practice Publicity Month, which attracted a large number of viewers and rave reviews.

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

Make a summary commendation. On May 20, the school used the national flag speech to summarize the series of activities carried out in the labor practice month, and commended the selected "most beautiful workers" photographic works, "most beautiful labor micro video" and "campus labor star".

Labor is the most glorious and practice promotes growth

The school's labor practice month activities guide and encourage students to engage in labor within their ability, so that children can experience the meaning and value of labor, and help children gradually develop a positive attitude of loving labor and life.

Zhao Fuqiong, secretary of the branch and president of the school, said: "In the future, we will, as always, implement the concept of simultaneous development of five educations, and earnestly guide the majority of students to establish the concept of 'the most glorious, the most noble, the greatest, and the most beautiful work', actively explore new models of labor education, incorporate labor education into the whole process of talent training, give full play to the comprehensive educational role of labor education, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor." (Chu Zhaolu)