
Can a teacher be turned into a civil servant?

author:Hongdong County official Su San

#头条创作挑战赛#对于大学毕业生来说, many people will take employment within the system as their own direction of efforts, or prepare for the civil service examination and become a public official after entering the job, or prepare for the preparation examination of public institutions, and become a professional and technical staff after entering the job, but because of the different difficulty of the exam, some candidates have the idea of saving the country with a curve, so can teachers be turned into civil servants?

Can a teacher be turned into a civil servant?

First of all, judging by the current situation, it is difficult for teachers to turn into civil servants

Generally speaking, the specific work undertaken by teachers and civil servants in the system is very different, teachers are mainly engaged in educational work, responsible for dealing with some things that arise in the teaching process, while civil servants are mainly engaged in comprehensive management work, dealing with the problems that arise in the official documents of administrative organs and social management, therefore, there are not many similarities between the two, and at the same time, according to the current management regulations and requirements for civil servants and teachers, it is difficult for primary and secondary school teachers to become civil servants under normal circumstances, and basically there is no opportunity.

Can a teacher be turned into a civil servant?

Secondly, from the perspective of cadre growth and local development, high-level teachers still have certain opportunities to become civil servants

In the process of local social and economic development, the demand for talents in different periods is not the same, therefore, in consideration of the needs of social development, generally all localities will develop a mechanism for the exchange of local and university talents, the main purpose of this mechanism is to select and transfer suitable talents from universities or enterprises to help local development, from this policy point of view, teachers still have the opportunity to become civil servants, and will directly assume leadership positions after being transferred to civil servants, however, such transfers are not easy, on the one hand, Transferred teachers must reach the title of associate senior or above, basically senior professors, and at the same time, they must have certain achievements in their main research fields; On the other hand, there must be appropriate opportunities and recommendations from school leaders, which is also the core element of teachers turning into civil servants.

Can a teacher be turned into a civil servant?

Finally, for teachers in grassroots schools, if they want to have the opportunity to become civil servants, they should pay attention to these aspects

Although it is difficult for grassroots teachers to become civil servants, it is not completely without opportunities, and it is generally possible to achieve their goals in this way. After the individual's working environment is stable, he or she is seeking to be promoted and held a leading position at the deputy section level of a public institution, and then he can become a deputy section-level leader of a grassroots township and township through the election of the people's congress of the grassroots government and complete the registration of civil servants. This kind of method is very difficult, first, it is difficult to transfer from a school to the education management department, second, it is even more difficult to promote the post of a career editor, because the township itself does not have many posts, and third, it is even more difficult to participate in the election of the grassroots people's congress, because there will not be too many such places in a county.