
This is what digital village development does

author:City Finance Newspaper

This newspaper comprehensively reported on the construction of digital villages, and six departments issued documents.

  In order to further implement the digital village development action, recently, the Secretariat of the Cyberspace Administration of the People's Republic of China, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the General Department of the National Data Administration jointly issued the "Digital Rural Construction Guide 2.0" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide 2.0").

  So, what is the background of the introduction of Guide 2.0? What are the important aspects involved?

This is what digital village development does

Why the Guide 2.0

  Digital village is a modernization process that accompanies the application of networking, informatization and digitalization in the economic and social development of agriculture and rural areas. This process is not only the strategic direction of rural revitalization, but also an important part of the construction of digital China. Digital villages mainly focus on the digital development of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, covering the digitalization of rural ideological party building, rural social governance, rural industrial economy, and rural public services.

  In a nutshell, digital village is a new economic form that relies on the development of the digital economy, takes modern information network as an important carrier, and digital technology innovation as the core driving force of rural revitalization, realizes the digitalization of rural production, governance and life, continuously improves the digital and intelligent level of traditional industries, and accelerates the reconstruction of economic development and rural governance model.

  As a new form of rural social development, digital village is the continuous expansion of the industrial Internet ecosystem of the fourth industrial revolution.

  In 2018, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy put forward the concept of "digital village" for the first time.

  In 2019, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Digital Rural Development Strategy Justification" (hereinafter referred to as the "Justification"). The "Outline" points out that digital villages are endogenous agricultural and rural modernization development and transformation processes accompanied by the application of networking, informatization and digitalization in agricultural and rural economic and social development, as well as the improvement of farmers' modern information skills.

  In July 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) and other seven departments jointly issued the Guidelines for the Construction of Digital Villages 1.0 (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines 1.0) to guide all localities to actively explore and innovate, create a number of application scenarios and typical cases with replication and promotion value, and promote the construction of digital villages to achieve positive results.

  According to statistics, as of 2023, the number of rural broadband access users will exceed 190 million, the 5G network will basically achieve full coverage of areas above the township level and qualified administrative villages, the informatization rate of agricultural production will reach 26.5%, and the online retail sales of agricultural products will exceed 580 billion yuan.

  Comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the construction of an agricultural power is a strategic deployment made by the CPC Central Committee with a view to building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Digital village is the strategic direction of rural revitalization and the only way to build an agricultural power.

  However, from the practice of several years, the construction of digital villages in China is still in the critical stage of in-depth exploration, and it is still facing problems such as the data integration and sharing mechanism still needs to be improved, the endogenous development momentum still needs to be strengthened, and the sustainable development model still needs to be explored. In addition, the in-depth development of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation represented by information technology has put forward new and higher requirements for the construction of digital villages under the new situation.

  In order to guide all localities to better cope with the new problems and challenges encountered in the practice of digital village construction, the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other departments organized relevant units to compile the "Guide 2.0", so that all localities and departments can more accurately grasp the key tasks and target directions of digital village construction under the new situation.

  From a technical point of view, new technologies such as "Internet +", big data, 5G, and AI recognition have outstanding advantages in improving the grid, refinement, and informatization of rural governance. Improving information network infrastructure, promoting the deep integration of digital technology and rural governance, and creating a number of intensive, efficient, and accurate digital application scenarios are an important part of the construction of digital villages.

What are the important aspects involved

  The Guidelines 2.0 clarifies the goal of the work: by the end of 2024, substantial progress will be made in the construction of digital villages. Digital technology has become more effective in ensuring national food security and consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation. The number of rural broadband access users has exceeded 200 million, the Internet penetration rate in rural areas has increased by 2 percentage points, the online retail sales of agricultural product e-commerce have exceeded 630 billion yuan, and the informatization rate of agricultural production has been further improved.

  The relevant responsible comrades of the Cyberspace Administration of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that the "Guide 2.0" mainly optimizes and improves the "Guide 1.0" in five aspects:

  The first is to incorporate the content of the original "public support platform" into the "agriculture-related data resources", emphasizing the better play of the value of data elements. The second is to make "smart agriculture" a separate chapter from the "rural digital economy" to better guide the development of smart agriculture in various places. The third is to integrate and optimize the "construction development model" and "construction process management" into "construction methods" to further highlight the operability of the guide. Fourth, refine safeguard measures, supplement work tasks at the municipal level, and clarify the division of tasks at the provincial, municipal, and county levels. Fifth, we have improved typical cases, combined with the achievements of innovation and practice in recent years, optimized and improved the cases to improve the reference of the guide.

  The "Guide 2.0" proposes that in terms of rural digital infrastructure, the first is to accelerate the extension and expansion of rural information infrastructure, make up for the shortcomings of rural network infrastructure, and build strong rural radio and television infrastructure; The second is to promote the digital upgrading of traditional infrastructure, promote the digitalization of rural roads, promote the digitalization of rural water conservancy, promote the digitalization of farmland construction, promote the digitalization of rural power grids, promote the digitalization of cold chain logistics of agricultural products, and promote the digitalization of traceability of agricultural products in production areas.

  In terms of agriculture-related data resources, the first is to strengthen data aggregation and governance, and use aerospace remote sensing equipment, surveying and mapping drones, agricultural Internet of Things, etc. to promote the integrated automatic collection of agriculture-related data resources; the second is to promote the open sharing of data; The third is to strengthen the development and utilization of data.

  In terms of rural digital enrichment industries, the first is to promote the high-quality development of rural e-commerce, continuously expand the coverage of rural e-commerce, promote the digital upgrading of the agricultural product supply chain, promote the upgrading of the rural e-commerce support service system, and accelerate the digital transformation of traditional rural commercial and trade circulation enterprises; The second is to cultivate and expand new forms of rural tourism, carry out digital promotion actions for rural tourism, use webcasts, apps, small programs, etc., to achieve information release, online booking, product sales, create and promote tourism brands, and explore the use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and other technologies to carry out immersive tourism; The third is to vigorously develop digital inclusive finance in rural areas, continue to improve the rural payment service environment, promote the digitalization of agriculture-related credit services, and promote the digital transformation of agricultural insurance.

  In addition, the Guidelines 2.0 also put forward various specific measures on smart agriculture, rural digital governance, rural digital culture, and smart and beautiful villages.

  In terms of rural digital services for the benefit of the people, the first is to establish and improve the rural information service system, promote the joint construction and sharing of rural information service sites in an orderly manner, make overall plans to make good use of various rural information service facilities, and give full play to the efficiency of online service platforms; The second is to expand the content of rural information services, continue to promote the digitalization of rural education, continue to promote the healthy development of rural digital health, accelerate the exploration of smart pension and disability assistance models, and continuously deepen agricultural production information services; The third is to improve the digital literacy of rural talents, strengthen the informatization training of grassroots cadres, improve the digital skills of new agricultural business entities, and improve the digital literacy of farmers.